18 - The Bomb

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"Hm?" Atsushi's cell phone rang. He pulled out his phone, and pressed a button. "We finally heard from Rampo." He said, standing up. We all stood up. Atsushi called Rampo. "Yo." Rampo picked up the call, and set his phone on the table. "So, you've figured out where the bomb is?" I asked. "And here I was, hoping to sightsee and eat now that I've solved my case..." Rampo said. "You all dissapoint me... You can't conduct a single investigation without me." He said again. "We only have until sundown, please tell us the location." Dazai said. "The fishing tackle store." He said. "Huh?!" Me and Atsushi said. "The bomb was set in a fishing tackle store in Negishi." Rampo said. "I see... You're amazing Rampo." Dazai said, hanging up.


"Oooooh..." I said, looking out the car window. Kunikida was driving us all somewhere. Hey, at least I didn't have to sit in the middle. "Why the fishing tackle store?" Atsushi asked. Do we have a map?" Dazai asked. "Behind the seat." Kunikida said, as I checked, and got the map. I handed the map to Dazai. "The terrorists target is the petrochemical complex." Dazai said. "Oh... I can't see why I didn't realize it before." Kunikida said. "Yokohama is one of Japan's major port towns. Here, there are many large facilities that store combustible materials such as oil and gas." Dazai said. "If an explosion were to occur close enough to ignite the storage tanks... The whole port will be engulfed in flames." Dazai said. "However, infiltrating a facility of that nature will require getting past pretty good security. The easiest approach would be to put a bomb in a car, and leave it near one of the facilities." Dazai said. "So, considering the effective range of a bomb that can be loaded into a car... That fishing tackle store is the one place that checks all the boxes..." Kunikida said. "Bingo." I smirked. "Yep." Dazai smiled. "Oh?" Dazai looked at his phone. "The military police's bomb disposal squad has found the bomb, but it can't be moved due to the timer." Dazai said. "They say it'll be difficult to disarm it by sundown." He said again. "We're having the residents that live nearby evacuate, right?" I asked. "Yes, but we aren't sure that there will be enough time." Dazai said. "However, the bomb is set to deactivate if something, or someone can transmit a stop signal." Dazai said. "We have to do something..." Kunikida said. "...!" Kunikida suddenly slammed the brakes, and we stopped, blocking the whole road. "OUCH!" I said, rubbing my shoulder. "W-what's going on?!" Atsushi shouted. "A phone call." Kunikida said. "Come again?" Atsushi said. "Hello?" Kunikida said. "Rokuzou? What is it?" He said again. We heard cars honking at us. "I feel like we're causing a traffic jam..." Atsushi said. "That's because we are." I laughed. Atsushi and Dazai's cell phones rang. They both answered the calls. "Uh...?" I looked at all of them. 'Aaaawkwaaaard...' I thought, staying quiet. "Got it." They all said, hanging up. Kunikida started to drive again. "I got a call from Rokuzou. Someone recently ordered a transmitter and some equipment to be delivered to a former defense force facility." Kunikida said. "Rampo reached a similar conclusion." Atsushi said. "That settles it then." Kunikida said. "My call was from the president. He was informed by the military police that the cab driver has died." Dazai said. "He's dead?" Kunikida and I asked. "But I thought he was in the military police's isolation ward for protection." Atsushi replied. "He died after suddenly collapsing in pain in his cell. The cause of death is unknown, but the numbers '00' were marked on his hand." Dazai said. "Numbers on his palm?" Kunikida asked.

At the bomb site...

We finally arrived at the facility. "KUNIKIDA!" Dazai shouted, as we saw grenades. "AH!" The grenades exploded, causing the car to wobble and bounce. Kunikida slammed the brakes, causing the car to squeal to a stop. "Oh... My god." I said, shocked that the car managed to remain upright. We heard and saw gunfire as we got out of the car. We then ducked behind it. "Doppo poet; flash bang!" Kunikida said, tossing the same grenade from before. "We're at the right place. Atsushi, Dazai, go upstairs. Find the transmitter and send the stop signal!" Kunikida said. "Right." They nodded, running towards the stairs. Kunikida cocked his pistol, and I created some flames in my hands as we ran out of cover. "Huh?" We both stopped running, and felt something odd. "What the...?" Kunikida said, as the floor started to glow in a circle of numbers. "Give me your numbers." We heard a voice. "How've you two been?" The voice said, as the circle dissapeared. "You're both looking great." We saw a guy with a hood over his head standing on one of the big crates. "You two probably have great numbers!" He said. Our right hands started to glow. We looked at them, and they were marked with numbers. "40...?" I said. Kunikida's number was 39. "You guys sniffed out this place just like your reputation predicted. The Armed Detective Agency's impressive." The guy said. "What the hell?! It won't come off!" I said, rapidly waving my right arm around. "That's useless. The numbers won't go away." The guy smiled. Kunikida pointed his pistol at the guy, but the gun was thrown out of his hand by the guy. "What's your number now?" The man asked. "Number?" Kunikida asked, looking at his hand... The numbers read 21. I looked at my hand, and my number was still 40. "Your turn!" He smirked, and with a wave of a hand, he sent me flying into the wall with a loud bang. "Haruka!" Kunikida yelled. "I'm Fine..." I said, spitting some blood. "What's your number now, miss?" The man asked. I looked at my hand, and the number decreased to 19?! "My ability can't be evaded, you see." The man said, as Kunikida was thrown against the opposite wall. "I can send people who have numbers in any direction I want." The man said, crossing his arms, causing me and Kunikida to be thrown opposite ways, landing on the floor with a slide. "Even if they're on the other side of the earth." The man continued, tossing us up, then slamming us down onto the ground. "And once their numbers reach zero, they'll die in agony." He laughed. "No one can escape that fate." He said, standing up, and pulling his hood down. "No one, no one, no one..." He said. "Tch..." I growled. Kunikida pushed himself off the ground and onto his knees, then standing up. "Are you this groups leader?" Kunikida asked, helping me up. "Thanks.." I mumbled, glaring at the man across from us. "Your group poses a greater obstacle than the Mafia, to be sure. But the Armed Detective Agency is now finished." The man replied. "Huh?" Kunikida and I said. "Here's the key. It's the release key to stop the bomb from detonating. Without it, you can't stop the bomb." The man said, holding a key. "Want it? Of course you do." He smirked. "If you want it... Here." He said, breaking it in half, and tossing it aside. "Now, there is no hope." The man laughed. "It's finished. It's over, isn't it?" The man said. "You idiot!" Kunikida growled, charging at the man, but got tossed back. "...!" Kunikida and I looked up at the glass room that had the transmitter in it, and Dazai was slammed against the glass, cracking it. "Kunikida!" We heard him yell. "I know!" Kunikida yelled back. "Doppo Poet; Wire gun!" He shouted, as a piece of paper turned into what he had asked for. Kunikida shot the wire behind the man, which swing him in the air. "Don't think you can pull the same trick twice." The man said, watching Kunikida as he slammed me into the ground twice. The man propelled Kunikida away from him. "Dazai!" Kunikida yelled, shooting the wire gun through the glass, and Dazai jumped down to where I was. "You okay, Haru?" Dazai asked. "...I... Think so..." I said, just barely managing to stand up. "Will you be the next one to give me a number?" The man asked. "The glowing circle on the ground appeared, then disappeared. "Impossible... Why has no number marked you?!" The man said. I looked at my hand, and my number wasn't there anymore. I was in an enormous amount of excruciating pain all over. To be honest, I don't even know how I'm standing up. "Unfortunately, your ability will no longer have any effect." Dazai said, walking up to the man, and punching him in the face. The man fell forwards, defeated. "Okay, now then." Dazai walked over to me. "Sorry." I fell forwards, into his arms. "It's alright, you did your best.... But how are you even conscious right now?" He asked. "Don't ask me, I have no idea..." I said, my vision fading as I fell asleep. "Fine fine..." Dazai sighed, picking me up, and carrying me piggy back style. "Let's go guys!" Dazai called up to Atsushi and Kunikida, who ran back downstairs after deactivating the bomb. "AH! Haruka!?" Atsushi said, panicked. "It's fine. She can take waaaay more of a beating than you'd think. She's just asleep right now." Dazai smiled. "Thank goodness there weren't any casualties..." He sighed in relief. "But, the downside is when she is beat up like this." Dazai said. "Why's that?" Atsushi asked. "Because she falls asleep right after." Dazai smiled.


Next chapter will be posted momentarily!!!

See ya!~

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