23 - Captured

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"If you try to save someone you can't save, you'll both end up sinking..."

I was sitting in a chair in the infirmary, next to Haruka, who was still asleep. What I said to Atsushi lingered in my head for a while. I looked over at her. She was sleeping peacefully, unaware that she's trapped in a deep sleep without the ability to wake up. "We'll both end up sinking... Huh?" I said to myself, getting up, and exiting the infirmary to resume work. "Guys, Atsushi has been abducted!" Junichiro said, as he walked into the office. "The brat?" I asked. "Now, of all times?" I mumbled to myself. "Yes." Junichiro said. "The Agency is in a total uproar due to a recent staff escort job. We don't have enough hands on deck to look for him. Do we know where he is?" I asked. "Oh, yes. Based on eyewitness statements, he was attacked on the street in broad daylight and shoved into a truck. Their destinations are unknown." Junichiro replied. "That's not good." I said. "They have many dedicated smuggling routes. Transporting a lone individual without anyone laying eyes on him would be a piece of cake for them." I said. "We must help him somehow, or he'll..." Junichiro said. "Help him? Why?" Rampo asked, eating some ice cream. "He was abducted because he's a were tiger and they want the reward, right?" He said. "So, it's personal. We aren't his foster home. He didn't join us so we'd protect him, either." He said. "But Atsushi is one of ours." Junichiro said. "No. Rampo is right." I said. "We shouldn't be the ones to take action." I finished. "Kunikida." Junichiro said. Naomi stood up. "Shouldn't we inform the police?" Rampo asked. "Atsushi is wanted as a designated major threat. If his status with us becomes known, the Agency will take a hit." I said. "Um... It sounded like you wouldn't make a decision in a million years if you kept going with the shoulds and coulds you all seem to love, so I called him!" Naomi said, as the president entered the room. "President!" We all said, surprised. "I'm sorry. As soon as our work is done, I'll gather information with Junichiro and...", "That won't be necessary." The president interrupted me. "Listen up, all of you." The president demanded. "Our newest member has been abducted. Everyone work on finding him. I order the current task suspended until he has safely returned to us." He said. "Suspended?" Rampo asked. "But there is the escort job..." I said. "I'll contact the client. Don't worry, they owe me enough that I can afford to let a minor official wait." The president said. "President, are you sure about this?" Rampo asked. "About what, Rampo?" The president replied. "Well, if you think about the rationale behind it--", "One of our own is in danger. We must help him." The president said. "What greater rationale do we need in this world?" He asked. "Kunikida." The president said. "Sir." I replied. "Bring him back to us in three hours." He said, turning around, and heading back down the hall to his office. "Understood." I said. "Scan through all the security camera footage in the city! Everything from the past six hours!" I said over the phone. "Oh, Right!" I said. "Where's the Chamber of Commerce and Industry ledger?" I asked Kenji. "Here." He handed me a binder. "Oh, this is no good. This doesn't have any comic strips." Rampo said, reading the newspaper. "Kenji." Rampo said. "Yes?" He replied. "Can you look into whether there are any good homicide cases nearby?" He asked. "Sure, but the president won't be happy with you later." Kenji replied. "Nevermind then..." Rampo said. "Here!" I said, holding up a picture.


"This photo was provided by one of the tourists who witnessed the abduction." I said, taping the photo to the white board in the meeting room. "You can find trucks like that anywhere." The President said. "Yes." I responded. "The license plate was fake, as well. But there are only a handful of places in Yokohama that can do this kind of vehicle work." I said. "After Kenji went around to all the repair shops we could think of, they were more than happy to tell us more." I continued. "The truck is owned by Karma Transit." Kenji said. "They're the mules who started off In the smuggling business." I said. "So they can tell us where he was taken." The president said. "Yes. They're the only ones outside of the Port Mafia who might know everything about the abduction." I replied. "Junichiro is on standby at the site. He can go in at any time." I said, calling Junichiro. "Hey, what's the matter?" I said into the phone. "They're all... Dead?" I asked, eyes wide. "It's Akutagawa." I said. "What are we gonna do? Our only lead just went poof." Yosano said. The president stood up, and walked over to Rampo. "Rampo... It's your turn." The president said, setting the pictures and evidence on the desk. "Do I have to?" He whined. "Rampo. Please, just this time." I pleaded. "Rampo, if you manage to bring the rookie back safe and sound...", "Will I get a special bonus? A promotion? There's no need, after all..." Rampo complained. "I'll give you praise." The president said. "W-well, if your going that far, I guess I don't have a choice!" Rampo said, sitting up, and getting to work. He put on his glasses, and started analyzing our info. "Hm... I see." Rampo said. "Atsushi's location is... Here." He pointed to the map. "The vessel's traveling at 20 knots toward the open sea. He's still alive... At least for now." Rampo said. "The sea..." I said. "They're shipping him overseas, then." The president said. "That's not good... Once he's out of the country, we can't touch him." I said. "Kunikida... Use this." The president said, tossing me a key. "It's the Agency's high-speed vessel docked at port. Bring him back, no matter what." The president said. "Understood." I said, gripping the key, and running out of the building to the boat.


Lmao anyways, fret not my friends, Haruka will be in the next chapter...


Heh! See you then! Bye!

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