29 - Mimic

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Haruka's POV:
The next day...

"Hey there pyro." I heard a familiar voice. "I don't have time for a chat, I'm on my way to help Dazai with something." I said. "Ew." He huffed. "Hey, he isn't that bad." I said, putting my hands on my hips. "To me he is." He said. "So? Need something, pinky?" I asked. Me and Chuuya were the kind of friends who picked on each other a lot. I called him pinky, because of his reddish pink hair. "I told you not to call me that." He said, crossing his arms. "Hey, Haru--... Ew." Dazai stopped mid-sentence as he saw Chuuya. "Alright, let's go." Dazai grabbed my arm, and pulled me away. "Not cool..." Chuuya rolled his eyes. "I can't see why you like to talk to him..." Dazai groaned. "Hey. He's nice." I pouted. "End of conversation." Dazai said. I sighed. "Fine, fine..." I mumbled.


"Ooooooh!!!" Me and Dazai arrived at the site. Dazai was playing a videogame while we walked to the site, as I watched him. "Good morning, everyone!" Dazai said, as we arrived at the specified location. "Hang on just one second... I'm about to clear this difficult level..." Dazai said. "GET HIM!" I cheered, as Dazai mashed buttons. "Oh, Crap! He's ahead! Take this attack!" Dazai said. "Damn! He dodged it!!!" Dazai shouted. "Dazai, Haruka, thank you for taking the time to come out here. Our armory guards were killed." Hirotsu said. Hirotsu(I call him Gramps) is the leader of one of the squads of the Port Mafia's Black Lizard gang. "It's been a while since we last had anyone reckless enough to target a Port Mafia armory." I smiled. "Each died on the spot after being hit with between ten and twenty 9mm rounds. Firearms were taken from the armory."  Hirotsu said, patiently waiting for Dazai. "Then I'll go take a look." Dazai said. "Haru, could you take care of this?" He asked, handing me his game. "Yep!" I said. Dazai hopped down to where the bodies were, and crouched down to look at them. "This many rounds that went clean through the bodies... That means that... Uh... I forgot it's name, but a gun was used at close range." Dazai said. "The assailants were pretty skilled. I'm getting my hopes up." He said. "Aw yeah! Dazai, S-class!" I said, hopping down to him and showing him his game after I cleared the level with ease. "WHOA!!" He said. "Damn..." He looked down. "What?" I asked. "I haven't gotten that as a rank, and you get it on the hard level when it's your first time ever playing that game..." He sighed. "Pffft..." I tried not to laugh. "Haru, take a look at their bodies, will you?" Dazai asked, taking his game and putting it in his cloak's pocket. "Hm... Looks like whoever had the gun went to town on these poor guys." I frowned. "Any ideas on the gun Haru?" Dazai asked. "Sub-Machine." I said. "Aha! That's what it was. Well done!" Dazai smiled. "We have any surveillance footage of the warehouse?" Dazai asked. "Yes." One of Hirotsu's men said, handing Dazai some pictures. "Ooh... They look like either homeless people, or smugglers. Probably smugglers." I joked. "Yeah, but they must be pretty good soldiers after seeing these bodies." Dazai said. "They're careful about covering each other's blind spots." Dazai said to himself. "Still, why take on this appearance?" Dazai asked. "Hirotsu, do you recognize this gun?" Dazai asked, showing him a picture. "Hm... It's an old model, older than me. I think it's a Graugeist. An old European pistol." Hirotsu said. "We saw this gun last night... That means they attacked me and Haruka right before they hit the armory." Dazai said. "It must've been some kind of wacky distraction." I said. "This is interesting." Dazai laughed. "They're a far more interesting bunch than I thought." Dazai smiled. "Hirotsu, they hit one of the Port Mafia's best storage units. They used the official passcode to get in. It's only known to members who are sub-executives and higher." Dazai said. "Could it mean that we have a traitor? Don't we know who's behind these attacks?" Hirotsu asked. "Dazai told me and some of his subordinates to torture a hostage to talk, but he bit down on a suicide pill hidden in his back tooth, killing himself. It's really quite clever...!" I said, smiling. "But, we did learn one thing... Their organization's name is Mimic." Dazai said. "One thing we should make sure to do is to remove the pills from the hostages before they eat it!~" I laughed. "It was a big pain." I said.


"Hey Dazai?" I asked. "What is it?" He replied. "How many boats do you think are in Yokohama?" I asked, as we watched one go by. "A lot." He replied. We were sitting where we were before. "Hm?" He said, as I heard his phone buzz. "Hello?" He answered the phone, putting it on speaker so I could hear as well. "Dazai?" It was Odasaku. "Heya Odasaku!" I said cheerfully. "Hello." He replied. "Talk about a rare occurrence, getting a call from you." Dazai said. "I was targeted by a sniper. In Ango's room. I'm going after the sniper right now." Odasaku said. "Ooooh..." I said. "He's firing from a building across the Secondhand Books Avenue." He said. "So you want us to cut his escape route off?" Dazai asked, standing up. I stood up as well. "I have the Silver Oracle on hand. If you two need me to, I'll...", "Oh, there's no need." Dazai cut him off. "Don't push yourself too hard until we get there." Dazai said. "Hang in there Odasaku!" I said, as Dazai hung up. "Let's go." Dazai said, running off. "Okay!" I said, following him.

In an alley somewhere...

We finally found Odasaku, and we brought some gunmen, too. "Odasaku, duck!" Dazai yelled, as I threw a light grenade that blinded the two enemies. "Can I kill them this time? Please?" I asked. "Sorry, you can be a little too risky sometimes." Dazai said, as Dazai's men fired their machine guns, then stopping, causing the Mimic agents to fall forwards, holes scattered across the front of their bodies. They hit the ground with a thud. "Can I kill them next time?" I pleaded. "We'll see." Dazai smiled. "Anyways. You're quite the troublemaker, Odasaku." Dazai said, holding out his hand for Odasaku to grab. "You could've easily killed those guys in an instant, if you wanted to." Dazai said, helping Odasaku up. "You killed them?" He asked. "Not like we would've gotten any information if we'd taken them hostage." Dazai replied. "After all, they love the taste of their poison pills." He said. "I know. That's not why you asked. But they are trained combat professionals. Even you would've been unable to avoid killing them." Dazai said. "Yeah, I would've been dead if you hadn't come." Odasaku said. "Oda Sakunosuke. A curious Port Mafia member who refuses to kill anyone, no matter what the circumstance." Dazai mumbled. "Sadly, because of that creed, you're being used as an errand runner by the organization despite you're amazing capabilities." I said, leaning against the wall of the alleyway. "I've heard that complaint a million times." Odasaku said. "More importantly, about this attack. Who are they?" Odasaku said, changing the subject, and approaching one of the bodies. "Look at his waist. He's slinging an old pistol, see? It's called a Graugeist." Dazai said. "Given that it's an old European pistol, it has a very low accuracy, and a very low rate of fire. So it'd only serve to fire warning shots in a narrow alley like this. So it's basically their version of flares." I said. "It probably serves as their emblem of some sort to indicate who they are." Dazai said. "And who are they?" Odasaku asked. "Mimic." Dazai said. "Mimic?" He asked. "I'm still investigating the specifics. But maybe we'll find something out from the fact that they had a sniper watching Ango's room." Dazai said. "Maybe the sniper was a creep?" I joked, laughing. "They wanted to retrieve this safe." Odasaku said, holding up a safe. "A safe?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "It was in Ango's room." He replied. "But there wasn't a key, and I can't open it." He said. "Oh, that?" Dazai asked. "Let's see..." Dazai said, pulling out a small metal wire, and bent it up, making a lockpick. "Let me try." He said, as Odasaku handed him the safe. "Hm..." Dazai said, as we heard a click. "Opened it." He smiled. Dazai opened the box, and Odasaku's eyes went wide. "Hey. Why? You said this gun was their emblem, right? A sign of who they are..." Odasaku asked, as I peeked over Dazai's shoulder to see. "That my friends, is most definitely the Graugeist." I said. "If Ango has one, it means..." Odasaku said. "This alone is inconclusive. He may have taken this gun from them, or they may have planted this to implicate him." Dazai said, closing the case. "You're right." Odasaku said. "But, Odasaku. I'll tell you one thing I've noticed. Yesterday, when the four of us were at the bar, Ango said he was on his way back from a deal, remember?" Dazai said. "That's probably a lie." I said, crossing my arms. "What?" Odasaku responded. "You saw his bag, right? From top to bottom, it had cigarettes, a folding umbrella, a camera, and his prize, the antique watch. The umbrella had been used, and it was wrapped in cloth. And his work trip was to Tokyo, where it had rained." Dazai said. "So his umbrella was wet because it was raining where he went. What's odd about that?" Odasaku asked. "Ango supposedly went there in his car. When did he use the umbrella, then? It wasn't before the deal, because the umbrella was on top of the watch. And it wasn't after the deal, either." Dazai said. "What makes you say that?" Odasaku asked. "The umbrella was wet enough that it wasn't used for a mere two or three minutes. It must've been used in the rain for a good thirty minutes or so. But despite supposedly being in the rain for so long, his shoes and pants were dry. If his deal was at eight and we met at the bar at ten, Two hours weren't enough for his shoes and pants to dry." Dazai said. "Maybe he changed clothes." Odasaku said. "He drove Haru and I home in his car, but I didn't see any change of clothes or shoes. I don't think that he went to a deal. He met someone in the rain, spoke to them for about thirty minutes, and then killed some time before coming back." Dazai said. "Intelligence officers like Ango sometimes choose a rainy road for their secret meetings. It's surprisingly more secure than an indoor space for a talk about classified info." I said. "Ango is the Port Mafia's classified intelligence officer. Of course he'd have one or two meetings he couldn't tell anyone about!" Odasaku said. "Then he could've just said that he couldn't tell us." Dazai said. "If he had, both you and I wouldn't have asked any further. Don't you agree?" Dazai said. "And yet, he even made up an alibi." Dazai said. "What was the reason that he had to go to such lengths to hide that meeting?" Dazai asked. "Dazai." I said, pointing behind him. "Well, you have commendable spirit." Dazai said. One of the Mimic people stood up off the ground, pointing his Graugeist at Dazai. "To tell you the truth, I hold you all in awe. No other organization has managed to face the port Mafia head-on." Dazai said, walking up to the man's gun. "Dazai! Don't!" Odasaku went to grab Dazai's cloak, but didn't catch it in time. "I hope you can see the joy in my eyes. With just a slight press of your finger, you can give me what I desire most. My only fear is that you'll miss your target. But you won't. You're a sniper, aren't you?" Dazai said. "Dazai!" Odasaku said. "Either way, you'll be killed. At least try to kill one of the enemy executives before you go." Dazai said. "...Huh?" I had fallen asleep, against the alley wall. "Stop it, Dazai." Odasaku said. "Please, take me with you. Wake me from this oxidizing world of a dream..." Dazai said. "Dazai!" Odasaku yelled, shooting the Mimic agent, causing Dazai's gunmen to shoot him more, which then caused him to fall into the ground for a second time. "Sorry to shock you--", "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! YOU DUMBASS!!" I yelled. "It was great acting, wasn't it?" He smirked. "Eh?" I said, tilting my head to the side, confused. "Acting?" Odasaku asked. "I knew he'd miss." Dazai said. "His left cheek had the imprint from the sniper's rifle. In other words, he is left-handed." Dazai said. "He was using his non-dominant right hand, and he was so unsteady that he could barely stand. And with that old pistol?" Dazai said, as his bandaged eye started to bleed. "He wouldn't have succeeded unless he had the gun pressed up right against my forehead." He said. "Dazai, your eye..." I said. "I know, I know..." He yawned. "I knew that you'd do something if I bought enough time with talk to tire his arm out." Dazai said. "Just stop, Dazai. That's enough." Odasaku said, turning away from us. "Odasaku..." Dazai said. He stopped walking, as me and Dazai turned to face the opposite way. "Please find Ango." Dazai said. "Yeah, I know." Odasaku said.



Heya guys! Hehehe


Ya BOI Chuuya lmao.

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

Oh yeah.

There is something between Chuuya and Haruka 0w0

You are a god if you can figure it out

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