47 - Demons

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"She's... Gone. She asked me to give her regards to You and Kunikida."

"...I see."

"She's... Gone?"

"Yeah, she's... She's Dead, Kunikida."

"... She's... She's... A DUMBASS!"

"Kunikida, calm down. I warned her to never use this move."

"Oh yeah, Dazai? And what would that be?!"

"A self-destruct sequence."


"She sacrificed her live to save Yokohama... So... She didn't die in vain."

"But still, Kyouka.

"She has a point."

"Shut up, Atsushi."

"Kunikida. I'm just as saddened as you are. I practically raised her, for crying out loud."

"Shut up."




I saw myself floating in some imaginary space.

I then saw a bright light, that I began to reach for...


"...?" I opened my eyes slowly, and saw familiar faces. "G-guys....?" I mumbled, feeling someone holding me close. I realized that it was Kunikida. I smiled, noticing how tightly he held me. "Oh! She's alive!" Atsushi said, clearly surprised, and happy. "What?!" Dazai and Kunikida shouted. "Uuugh... I feel like a punching bag..." I groaned. Kunikida loosened his hold around my back, and looked at me. "Bleh...." I whined. "HARUKA!" He shouted, squeezing me. "I appreciate the hug... But... I can't... Breathe..." I said, as he let go of me again. "I thought you had died." Dazai said. "I thought I did too... I heard faint voices while I was still unconscious, and I saw a light, and I'm not dead." I said. I realized that we we're on a cement port dock. I saw the president, Akutagawa, who was fainted on the ground for some reason, Atsushi hugging Kyouka, Dazai standing next to where I was being squeezed by Kunikida. "One more thing..." I asked. "What is it?" Dazai replied. "How didn't I die?" I asked. "I remember the Port Mafia's Boss saying something about there always being a microscopic chance of surviving a self destruct." Dazai said. "There's no way I could be that lucky..." I laughed. "I don't care. You had no idea how worried I was." Kunikida mumbled, still hugging me. "I thought I said to not worry about me." I said, blushing slightly as I hugged him back. "I can't not worry about you." He said, as I smiled. "I CALLED IT!" Dazai shouted. "Someone smack him!" I growled, as Kunikida let go of me. "Okay." Kyouka said, smacking Dazai. "Hahahaha! That was great!" I laughed. I looked to my right, and saw a sunset. "Whooooaaaa!!!" I said, pointing. "You have the attention span of a fly..." Kunikida sighed.

The Next Day...

"Hehehehe! She's gonna love it!" I giggled. "Shh!!" Kunikida shushed, leading to me sticking my tongue out at him, and crossing my arms. We were having a surprise party for Kyouka joining the agency, and we were waiting for them to walk inside. When they opened the door, and walked inside, and we all popped those weird party popper things that shot confetti. "OH I WANT ALL OF THIS!" I said, popping a bunch of them. "You're childish." Kunikida huffed. "WHO CARES ITS TIME TA PARTY!!!!" I said, grinning. "Kyouka stood at the doorway, surprised, and staring in awe. "Ready, and..." Rampo said. "Congratulations on joining the agency, Kyouka!" Everyone said at the same time. "Cheers!" We all said, raising our glasses, and the party started. "It's so good...!" I said, eating some of the food, then grabbing more. "Don't eat all of it, idiot." Kunikida said. "Stop bein' such a party pooper." I frowned. "Atsushi." Kunikida said, walking over to him and Kyouka. I followed him. "How are your injuries?" He asked. "I'm all better now." Atsushi smiled. "Your actions combined with Haruka's, and Kyouka's, have saved the city from destruction. I thought I should say something, as your senior here at the agency." Kunikida said. "YOURE MAKING US SOUND OLD!" I yelled. "Ahem, I'll say what I have to say first!" I said. "You've grown stronger since you first arrived here, and I'm really proud of you!" I said, ruffling his hair. "And you too, Kyouka!" I said, patting her head, to receive a shy smile as a reply from the two of them. "Oh yeah, warning... Loud shouting." I whispered. "My turn. Be mindful of the fact that you are a member of the Detective Agency, and act in a way that none would be ashamed of--", "No kidding, Kunikida." I said, poking his arm, which made him stop. "Anyways, you did well, both of you." Kunikida said, as I laughed. "OOOOOOH!" I said, grabbing Kunikida's hand and pulling him along to where I saw wine. "Heheh..." I smirked, pouring myself a glass. "Want some?" I asked. "I'd rather not drink." Kunikida mumbled. "Why not?" I asked, taking a sip. "Because I don't want to. And speaking of wine, you sort of smell like it." He said. "Heh, it's probably my jacket, I said, pointing to the jacket Chuuya gave me. "Why?" He asked. "An old friend of mine gave it to me, and he loves wine, haha." I smiled, drinking the rest of the wine I had poured myself. "Can i talk to you for a second?" Kunikida asked. "Uh... Sure." I said, a bit curious. We both walked out of the agency, and upstairs, reaching the roof of the four story building. "Well?" What did you want to tell me?" I asked. "Uh..." He said, looking away. "OH! OH! OOH  I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GONNA SAY!!! LET ME GUESS!!!!!" I said. "I'm getting a bad feeling that you're drunk." Kunikida sighed. "Dude. One glass of wine won't make you tipsy." I said, crossing my arms. "I seriously know what you're gonna say." I smiled. "Really? Then what?" He asked. "Look at me." I said. "Alright." He said, turning to face me. I kissed him. "Was I right?" I winked. He stayed silent for a moment, adjusting his glasses. "Hm?" I said. He rolled his eyes, and nodded. "YES! IM AWESOME!" I said. "I'm sure Dazai wouldn't approve, though." He said. "Who needs his opinion? We're talking about my dad. Who, got high off mushrooms, and tried to drown himself in a river... Twice." I laughed. "Fine... It'll be a secret!" I said. "Fair enough." He said, smiling slightly, as we both walked back to the agency.

Hey Mom, you were right.

I should listen to my heart.

It led me to this amazing life.

Thank you.

<The End-- or, is it?!~>

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