34. Good

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That morning, they were deemed free to go; Eddie turned down a few people who suggested her get another MRI, but he insisted that he was feeling fine. Rory knew the real reason, but she held her tongue, having agreed that Venom had earned his place here, although she was still far from pleased that his host would remain Eddie. 

Anne had been kind to send some clothes for the both of them, with a note saying that she wished them the best, and that insurance companies, lawyers and journalists would be flocking to them the moment word got out, and to brace themselves. Rory slipped into comfortable leggings and a sweater dress with long sleeves. It was grey, and Rory was surprised that it suited her.

"You ready?" Eddie asked her, gesturing towards the door. They knew that outside their hospital room had started gaining quite the flock of reporters. 

"I hate reporters," she said playfully, nudging Eddie. 

He grinned, grabbing her hand as she went for the door. His gentle touch made her stop, turn back towards him and smile. 

"Just one more minute alone," Eddie said, pulling her closer and wrapping her into his arms. She let his warmth wrap around her and soaked him in.

"Where are we going to go?"

"Well, insurance should place us in a hotel for a bit. We should get some privacy there." Eddie had his arms around her still, rocking side to side. He rubbed her back and sighed into her hair. 

"I could use some privacy," Rory replied playfully, looking up at him. She placed her hand on his cheek, feeling the stubble that was turning into the essence of a beard now. 

They finally left the hospital room, bombarded with questions, of which Eddie answered most of. None of them seemed to know who Rory was, and she was okay with that; even though it didn't matter anymore, she spent the last two years making herself invisible and completely untraceable. The fact that no reporter knew who she was said she did a good job, and she held onto that. 

Eddie was happy to answer questions, he had to skirt around some of them, though. He couldn't explain what happened with the rocket, with Venom. No, the general consensus was that Carlton Drake lost his mind and launched the rocket on his own, before safety protocols were completed; some considered it a suicide, in his attempt to hide from the horrors he conducted in the Life  Foundation; as if guilt would consume a man like that enough to take his life.

Rory had to roll her eyes, and Eddie clearly sensed her discomfort. He helped get them through the horde of people, the nurses were now ushering people away, angry that they thought it acceptable to clog the hospital hallways when peoples lives depended on clear hallways. 

Outside was worse, Eddie and Rory noticed before they even stepped outside of the hospital. So they took a back exit, slipping out through the ambulance parkade and walking out onto the street like normal civilians. 

"So, what do you want to do first?" Eddie asked. 

"I honestly don't know if you're talking to me or him," Rory replied as they made it to a regular street filled with shopfronts. "But I could go for a coffee."

Eddie flashed a smile at her, understanding her words; this was how all this started, with a friendly cup of coffee when Eddie had locked himself out of his apartment. Looking back, things were so much simpler then, but things would be better from now on. Eddie would surely be able to get a job, plus the insurance claim he would get out of this would be massive. She wondered if he would even take it; there was a good chance that he would be approached by what was left of the Life Foundation to tell him to keep things quiet, but they were already out there. Every last newspaper and network had the information now.

"A coffee sounds amazing," Eddie agreed. They stopped at the first cafe they found, Eddie held the door open for her and she grinned. They sat down after ordering, like a normal couple who went for coffee at eight AM. Rory didn't even know what day it was, she didn't care; she was alive, Drake was dead, Eddie was alive, the Life Foundation would crumble. Eddie would get a job, Rory could pursue her dreams without the worry that her name would bring in unwanted attention. 

Things were finally good again.

"You haven't developed... a hero complex or anything, have you?" Rory asked as she sipped her sugary latte.

"What are you talking about? I've always had one."

She snorted. "Please, just... don't get yourself killed. I know you'll have to... erm... feed him, and stuff."

"I don't think I can die with him," Eddie admitted. "Unless he gets mad at me, or something."

"If Venom decides to kill you, I will make sure he burns to ash. Do you hear me, Ven?" Rory felt ridiculous speaking to it, to him, especially in public, but they had to make things very clear. "If Eddie looks sick, MRI. If Eddie starts feeling unwell, or strange pains in the kidney area, you burn."

Eddie's eyes flashed back for a second, and then he came back. Eddie made a face. "He says 'yes ma'am'."

"Good," Rory leaned back in her seat. "I'm certain Anne would side with me too."

"I don't doubt it," Eddie said, then he spoke to Venom. "I'm certain they would find a way to kill you if you killed me. What is the saying? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Yeah."

Rory smirked. "Something like that."

"So I'm thinking something with ocean view," Eddie said, leaning over the table slightly and reaching for Rory's hands. "What do you think?"

"Quite the step up."

"I almost died, I should be able to sit next to my girlfriend, drinking coffee, watching the water."

Rory couldn't stop the smile that burst onto her lips, the gentle laugh that followed. She wanted it, too, more than anything. 


Ugh I hate wrapping things up. I usually kill off my MC's, and it's so much easier to just have everyone sad and depressed than... sorting things out and being cute.

I'll be posting one more follow up chapter, let me know if there is anything you want to see before tomorrow morning!

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