35. Beautiful

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Six Months Later

Rory ran her fingers through her hair, which was growing in quickly. It reached just below her shoulder blades now, she was growing it out again. The warm summer night was winding down, people left the gallery, some with her paintings wrapped in that delicious smelling paper wrap, others left with nothing. But her business was growing, her and her partner started their own gallery, and it was booming. 

Her paintings were darker as of late, even though that dark period of her life was over; she noticed a seeping blackness in her work, as though Venom was in her head. Abstract blacks and greys warped together, in the centre of the swirl were eyes, white and a perfect contrast. Of course, she gained a different kind of clientele, and she kept up her older art, but there was a need for something different in the flick of her wrist, the stroke of a brush. 

She closed down the shop and stepped out into the warm air, looking up at the smoggy city-sky. The roar of a bike cut through the traffic, and Rory smiled as Eddie pulled over onto the side of the street. He took off his helmet and hung it on the handlebars, leaning the bike over. He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close; she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, kissing him deeply, hands on either side of his face.

She felt like a teenager with her first love with Eddie, even a year later. 

"So, where to?" Eddie asked, hands on her ass, keeping her up around his waist. 

She could feel his excitement, and she grinned. "Well I think we need to deal with... this."

He grinned cheekily. "Home, then?"

"Home," she replied breathlessly; the thought of having a home, one with Eddie, it always stunned her. How she went from cowering in fear for years after what Carlton did to her, to living the best life with her best self; it surprised her every morning. 

She got on the back of the bike, slipping on her black helmet -Eddie offered her a white one once, but she preferred the darker colours. She rested her head on his back as they swerved through the traffic, making good time when the bigger vehicles had to sit and wait, honking their horns, missing out on valuable time at home with their loved ones. She loved the swiftness of the bike, and had even gotten her bike license, but she preferred to ride with Eddie than she did by herself. There was something so comfortable about being so close to him, relying on him to get her home safely. 

Plus, she knew if an accident ever occurred, Venom would be in there to protect them. 

It took her ages to get over the fact he was in there, like a pet who stayed in the room when things got intimate. The strangeness eventually faded as she couldn't resist Eddie any longer, and she figured it was probably stranger for Eddie to have him in his head while they had sex. 

Arriving at their apartment, Eddie parked the bike and they went inside. The functional elevator brought them up to their floor, and by the time it got them there, their lips were tired and their hair was a mess. They fumbled with the keys, managing to get in and kick the door closed as they kept it up. Nothing could stop them, nothing could get in their way; Rory pressed Eddie against the wall beside the bedroom door, then lifted her legs around his waist again. He carried her to the bedroom, peeling her jacket and shirt off as he did. Clothing littered the floor within a few minutes, and they fell to the bed; behind it was a massive window that overlooked the ocean.

"You know, it's a good thing the place is pretty soundproof," Eddie said afterwards, arm wrapped around Rory. Their bodies stuck together blissfully. 

"You think maybe that's why Ziggy always played his music so loud?" Rory chuckled at the thought. She hoped Mike could hear them back then, she hoped he grew angry with jealousy that Eddie -a through and through nice guy who respected women- won the girl. She voiced these thoughts.

Eddie blanched slightly. 

"What?" Rory asked, looking up and propping her head up on her hand. 

"Venom uh... He..."

"I thought we agreed not to talk about him within an hour on either side of sex."

Eddie's face contorted and then Rory knew. She gasped, "Really?!"


"Venom ate Mike?"


Rory grinned, straddling Eddie again. She leaned down and let her lips hover over Eddie's. "Thank you, Venom."

"Don't encourage him," Eddie said, shifting his hips under Rory. "Not within an hour of sex."

He ran his hands up her back and tangled his fingers in her hair, pulling her down so he could kiss her. He flipped her over and brought her leg up around his hip, running his hand down her smooth calf muscle, then he moved downwards.

Rory leaned back, letting Eddie do what he did best. 

She slept well, as she always did. Their bodies tangled together, the never-ending sense of security being in their own place, no creeps lingering in the hallways, no overhanging shadow or sense of being haunted or hunted by Carlton Drake. That part of her life was over, as though she packed it all up and placed it in a burn barrel, doused it with gasoline and struck a match. And from the carnage caused by the fire, something else bloomed.

Something beautiful. 


Me: writes a happy ending but doesn't know what to do.

Me: writes a sex scene.

Safe, healthy relationships are great, embrace them! 

Anyways, this is it, that's a wrap. I actually enjoyed writing this chapter, even though I've been feeling like I've been dragging on the book for too long! You guys have just been so amazing, I can't even explain how great you've been! 60K! I never thought this story would get there, but it is and every day new readers are coming.

Everyone who has voted, commented, messaged, added this story to a reading list, thank you. Even thank you, silent readers, we wouldn't have hit 60K without you too. 

Now, I'm going to shamelessly promote my other crap.

I noticed a few of you reading this made your way to my Bane story, thank you! It's similar to this story in the sense that the chapters aren't very long, but I really did enjoy writing that one. 

My Winter Soldier series is my favourite fanfic; Leave Me Bleeding, Leave Me Broken, Reminisce: Dear O, and Ophelia (in that order).

I also wrote a pretty badass Mad Max book (V8! V8! V8! I'm gonna die historic on the fury road), because it's my favourite movie of all time (I have two Mad Max tattoos).

But otherwise, yeah, I hope to see you guys around, you've all been so, so, so awesome <3

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