Chapter 1: Entrance Exam

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Raise Hell by Dorothy

Izuku Midoriya gif

Chapter 1: Entrance Exam

GETTING OFF THE train, I walk in the direction of UA, the number one academy for potential pro heroes. Many students apply for the hero course, but only a selective few get chosen. Well, not chosen at random, that's why all them, like me, are here today. Because today is the day for the entrance exam, an exam to solidify our place in that hero course.

Almost everyone, who has a quirk, wants to be a pro hero and I'm right there with them.

However, due to my bitter personality and dark wardrobe choices, people often mistake me as a villain. I'm only bitter because I don't trust anyone, and I don't trust anyone because... Well, that has to do with my experiences in growing up.

Scoffing, I stuff my hands into the pockets of my jacket. The idea of not trusting anyone sounds pretty lonely, but it allows me to see everything. People's personality, their habits, their motives, the way they hold themselves up. It allows me to see in different perspectives and from there I can assess the situations. I can assess people.

The cool February weather was nice, I always had a personal liking to the cold. Though, I did despise winter. Ice and snow were never my forte. Summer and heat, well, I disliked everything about it, too. Walking between the two isles of lined bare trees, I walk towards the Academy.

Though, as I walk, I notice several people around me. My whiskey colored eyes scan them up and down quickly, assessing everything about them. Their postures, their behavior - whether they're confident or nervous - and their bodies. You can tell if they train or not. The obvious tics, the tells, very easy to read despite them trying to hide it.

Looking further ahead, I can spot as a tall, spiky, ash blond, haired boy intimidates a shorter, onyx - maybe green haired boy. The former is confident, radiates hostility, but confident nonetheless. The latter, he's visibly nervous, shaking at the sight of the blond, maybe scared. Very opposite, arrogance and fear. seems that they know each other, I observe, narrowing my eyes.

I may seem cold and mean, but I don't tolerate bullies, no matter who they are. Keeping my eyes on the blond, I frown. He's an obvious bully. I watch as he leaves the ravenett alone, the latter stopping in place. Though, as I continue walking, I watch as a girl stops him from tripping. She uses her quirk to float him.

Interesting. Well, at least she's nice and caring, I muse to myself as I pass them.

Keeping my eyes in front of me, I ignore everyone as I eventually make it to the auditorium. By then, I'm given a card with selective info about myself, and something about a site. Sighing, I glance around the auditorium and scour for the area that holds the other participants of my school. With the simple observation, I can tell that an array of schools are present. 

It takes a moment, but my brown eyes spot an empty seat them - a single few - in the middle rows. Without hesitation, I move forward and walk towards it. Maneuvering between rows, I make sure not to bump into the seated examinees. As I reach my mentally reserved spot, I glance to my right and notice the boy besides me, and decide to look at him.

He's tall. His posture is straight, tense and stiff. His navy hair is cleanly swept to the side, his middle school uniform is pristine, pressed. He has glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, I quickly assess. Hmm, he's sophisticated, probably well mannered, too.

With an exhale through my nose, I decide to put my focus on the proctor at the front as they explain the rules for the written exam. With stiff boredom, I roll my eyes and flip through the testing packet as I pretend to follow along. The same rules for every test. Follow the steps, read the question, answer the question, and repeat until the given time is over. Easy.

Once we were given the go to begin, I focused and flied through the questions. Eventually, and with ease because my middle school was required to give mock tests to those who applied to UA, I finally finished. Then, as soon as I was done, time went by even quicker. Person after person were soon turning in their completed tests.

So, to kill time, I glance around me, noticing the different people and their behavior. Watching them, I decide to take guesses on their quirks. Noticing a pink toned girl, I assume that she has a fun kind of quirk - like stretching or blowing bubbles similar to gum. My amusement quickly dies when I see the lights in the auditorium suddenly dimming. The stage lights up, gaining my immediate attention.

"Welcome, one and all to my live show! Everybody say heeeyy," the announcer, Present Mic, exclaims.

I, along with everyone else in the crowd, stare in a dumbfound silence.

"I got shivers down my spine, too, listeners! Alright, examinees, I'm gonna give you the low-down on how this will go down! Are you ready," he exclaims, once again.

Again.... there's nothing, but deafening silence.

"Now pay close attention, listeners! We'll be testing your mettle by running a ten-minute practice run at our replica city-district! You can take whatever you like! Everybody gather at the designated meeting area after the presentation, ya dig," Present Mic tells, informing us of all the needed information.

Though, as none of us react to what he's saying, my ears perk up at the sound of constant muttering. However, I do narrow my eyes in suspicion. Quickly glancing to my right, I read the boy's card and see that we have different sited areas. As I look away, and at my own card, I also acknowledge that we have different serial numbers.

It seems that they're separating us. Their intention is not to test us together, that's pretty clever. If we're diverted in small groups at different sites, they'll have more visual on our abilities, I quickly muse with a mental smirk.

"We'll be sprinkling large number of 'villains' over the battlefield. And they'll appear in three different varieties, with point values scaled according to difficulty. Using each of your quirks, dispatch as many 'villains' as you can, your goal, listeners, is to rack up a high score! And don't think about directly attacking any other competitors or any of that nasty anti-hero stuff, because that's against the rules, capisce," he announces, giving us a sharp look.

Raising a brow, I think, who in their right mind will attack other competitors? Though, I do understand the need to sabotage your competition.

Suddenly, the boy on my right stands up, raising his hand. "Excuse me, may I ask a question," he announces, gaining everyone's attention. "On the handout, there are clearly four types of villains listed! Such an error would be the height of embarrassment for a top-tier national academy of UA's caliber! The reason why we are seated here today is because we seek guidance on the path to becoming model heroes!" He exclaims sternly, pointing at the handout that was placed for all of us in the desks. "Moreover, what's up with you? Yeah, you the curly-haired kid! Can't you sit still... you're distracting," he says as he turns to the back rows, glaring in that direction.

As the auditorium fills with the examinees snickers of laughter, I raise both my brows, smirking at the boy besides me. And, here I thought, I was the bitter one! Though, he seems more like a stickler for the rules rather than bitter.

"Okay, okaaay! Thanks for the segue, much appreciated, Examinee 7111! The fourth kind of villain you'll encounter is worth zero-points. Let's call them 'arena traps'," Present Mic informs before claiming the similarities with a videogame.

The spectacled teen speaks up. "Thank you, very much! I apologize for being rude," he bows in respect before resuming to his seat.

"Well, that's enough from me! I'll leave you all with a presentation on the 'school precepts' of this academy of mine! As a certain 'hero' by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte once said, 'a true hero never stops overcoming the misfortunes of life'! Now, let's move to the main event! Plus Ultra!!! And may you suffer gladly the trials to come," the blond announcer exclaims with a happy beat.

I smirk, I'm ready! It's time!

+ + + + +

DRESSED IN MY athletic clothes, I start a series of stretches, preparing the muscles in my arms and legs. Around me, I'm waiting with my selected crowd of examinees outside a giant wall. Inside, I'm assuming is the test site of the faux city-district.

While waiting, I can hear my heartbeat race with adrenaline as I create several strategies. On the outside, I may look like a bored, stoic person, but on the inside, I'm practically grinning so hard that my metaphorical cheeks are becoming numb. Even if I'm ecstatic, I remain calm.

Be fast, quick on your feet and in mind. Attack the robotic villains with precision, don't hesitate. Save anyone who's in danger, if there's any. But most importantly, keep calm, I tell myself whist steeling my nerves.

Though, as I drop my stretches, the air is suddenly cut with Present Mic's voice. "And start," he announces with a boom.

As the walls start to open, I take heed of his word and rush forward as everyone continues to contemplate the situation. Running forward, I skillfully lean down and touch the asphalt with my hand. Smirking, I don't need to see to know that I'm absorbing the matter as my body becomes like the black road itself.

Grinning, I leap forward and manipulate the asphalt beneath me, and surf towards the city. With a run, the road propels me forward with every step. I'm practically ice skating on the road.

With a steady heart, I watch as a one-pointer robot suddenly shows itself. Narrowing my eyes, I will myself to run faster. Though, as I pass several cars, a strategy suddenly hits me. Closing the distance, I quickly touch one of the cars on my sides.

Simultaneously, I turn to steel and propel myself forwards. Spinning in midair, I become a body sized weapon and cut through the robot, slicing its body to shreds. For this practice run, we're only given ten minutes to destroy as many villains as we can, and earning the said points. Though, just as it seems that I destroyed the first, several robots start to appear in every direction.

Smirking, I quickly think and dive into battle. Jumping up, I immediately turn the tips of my fingers sharp and slash at the two-pointer. My attack cuts it through the middle like a knife to butter.

Three points.

Touching at the asphalt again, I move quickly and use the speed to my advantage. That's before I propel my stone fist into the next robot, ripping through it's metallic chest.

Five points.

The others, by now, are killing their own robots and gaining their points. The ones who are really earning my interest are the blond from the entrance, who's currently exploding the robots, left and right with fiery blasts. The other one is a ravenett who seems to have the quirk of hardening himself. Very similar to mine, but not quite.

Hmm, fire. Never tried that before, let's do it, I smirk, running in his direction.

As I reach the blond's side, I quickly swipe down at one of his active explosions and touch the fiery matter. Yes, fire is a matter, specifically it's a gas, but nonetheless, it takes up space. Instantly, my body becomes one of fire as a wave of heat runs through me. Immediately, I find it too hot for my liking. I can practically feel my veins exploding at the heat, but I push through it. Finding two two-pointers ahead, I run in a slide-like motion towards them and leave a trail of scorched asphalt behind me.

Too hot! How can one manage this heat, I mentally proclaim, wincing at the high temperature.

"Hey, nice quirk! I hope you don't mind me borrowing it," I smirk at the spiky blond.

Literally moving like a wild fire, I manipulate the fire to push me upwards into the air. Then, as before, I turn my body in midair and slice at the metal with my flame-like limbs. I then, quickly surf behind the second villain and slice at their 'legs' before impaling its chest, melting the metal around it.

Nine points.

As soon as I touch asphalt, I turn back into my normal self and continue with the exam. Running forward, I turn a corner and immediately spot a three-pointer. These are bigger than the other two, but still beatable. Huffing, I ignore the sweat on my skin and push forward.

I never used my quirk to this extent, and it's really starting to wear me down. Plus, I switched between matters too quickly. Asphalt, metal, fire, and I'm basically running in a continuous manner, I reflect to myself.

"But it's barely been five minutes. Though, I still have five more, and I'm not giving up now," I voice, trying to find some motivation.

Reaching down to the ground, I absorb the black asphalt once again. Not hesitating, I run forward and manipulate a wave of the street to surf on. Racing past the other examinees, I rush forwards with high speeds and direct a suckerpuch to the robot's face. With the built up momentum, I urge myself to crash into the metallic being, crushing it with my fist. On impact, I fall forwards and destroy their head into scrap metal.

Twelve points.

Deciding to push myself over my limits, the time flies by fast. One after the other, I'm right there, obliterating any robot in my path. In my sight! I manage to surf my way past others and sometimes, when I see him, I borrow his explosive fire and destroy a few while he obliterates the others. A few times, I save a small amount of the competitors when they're caught off guard. That's before I check to see if they're alright.

However, before I know it, the exam comes to an end. "The test is over," Present Mic announces with a booming voice.

Huffing with exhaustion, my skin turns back to my tanned flesh which makes me sigh in relief. Though, as I walk, I feel the usual weakness settle into my bones. The slight breeze makes my body cringe since it's one of my side effects to gain sensitive skin if I overwork myself. I hate the effects, they make me weak. 

Glancing around, I find some examinees smiling with confidence, like the spiky blond. He's definitely content with how much villains he obliterated. He's definitely a chaotic personality. The ravenett grins, obviously proud of himself. Other guys are smiling and boasting about their takedowns. Me, just like all of them, am completely content! Though, I'm still crossing my fingers to get accepted into the hero course.

One never knows.

Hopefully, I say, actually crossing my fingers.

+ + + + +

IT'S BEEN A WEEK since the exams, and every second of it, I was pacing and anticipating. Checking the mail like a madwoman, zoning out at random, reassessing my actions of the exam. I was doing everything that relates to restless panic. I became the epitome of overstressed.

As I walk around the house, my younger siblings make it their mission to follow me. They yap and tease to annoy me, but I know they're doing it to distract me. They're both younger, my brother, Urata, he has a quirk of paralyzing anyone with a touch, he can either shock or stun them into momentary statues. He wears gloves to avoid paralyzing everyone, though he enjoys using it on me. That little devil. My sister, Umeko, the youngest of the family, she had the quirk of giving energy, like healing. She aspires to become a nurse, which I commend.

Urata, he has the same exact quirk as our father, while Umeko got our mother's. It's only me, who's quirk evolved into its own. I don't know what started my desire to become a hero, maybe it was watching my father work with the police and assisting heroes by stopping crime. It could have been when I watched my mother heal others that were injured, and that started my thrive to protect those who couldn't fight. Maybe it was because I wanted to become a role model for my siblings, like the pro heroes are role models for me. I want it to be for the reasons I stated, but a part of me wants to do it just to show my bullies that I can become a hero.

"Nee-chan, stop it! Stop pacing! It's making me dizzy," my sister suddenly cries with annoyance.

Rushing towards her location at the kitchen table, I grip at the sides and instantly my skin absorbs the wooden matter. "I can't stop! If I stop, I might explode," I exclaim, not at her, but just in general to emphasize my impatience. "Who knew waiting for a letter can be so hard!?"

Letting go and turning on my heel, I continue to pace as I bite on my lip. However, before I can make a lap around the kitchen, my brother suddenly touches me. Yelping at the sudden shock that jolts my body, my skin returns back to normal. Sharply turning on my heel to glare at Urata in annoyance, he quickly touches me again, freezing my body into paralysis. It's like I was suddenly paused, not making a single movement.

With lips parted and teeth clenched, I yell at my brother. Though, most of my words are utter nonsense and the rest are muffled. Umeko laughs at me while Urata smirks in some sort of victory.

I hate him, I mentally groan.

Anyways, before anything else happens, my mother's voice suddenly calls out.

"Tadaima," she yells, announcing her presence.

"Okaerinasai," my siblings call back, welcoming her back from work.

"Urusa, the mail is here! It's here, you received a letter from UA," she exclaims, and instantly my heart leaps at the news.

As she walks into the kitchen, her smile instantly changes into a deadpan. She doesn't even bother to reprimand my brother for my situation since this is a normal occasion, me being frozen to place.

"Urata, unfreeze your sister, and let her open the letter! Come on, sweety, let's see if you got in," my mother smiles.

As soon as he touches me to free my movements, I quickly dash towards my mother and take the letter. Mesmerized with the red wax seal, and its insignia, I carefully rip the white envelope and open it. My hands are quick to recognize the plastic square. A hologramic device to display announcements... or whatever it does.

Biting my lip, I bounce my knees underneath the table. This is it! This can either break me or make me! Ahhhh! Fingers crossed, I mentally yell.

"I am here, on your screen," All Might suddenly appears with his greeting.

"It's All Might," my siblings both yell in glee.

Yeah, they're fans, I smirk.

Ignoring their yells, I smile at the sight of the number one hero - anticipating. 

"Urusa Uchihara, the judges were impressed with your skills during the exam! You showed excellent skill and mobility with your quirk, a show of complete control. Plus, they weren't just looking at the points for smashing enemies, but they were looking for those who were doing the right thing! It's in the job description to save people and make sure they're alright! So taking your villain points and rescue points, they saw another foundational hero in you!!! Thirty-eight villain points, and thirty-two rescue points! Meaning, you passed with an amazing total of seventy points!!!," He informs with his cheerful signature grin.

I scream, jumping up and celebrating. My mother is quick to hug me and I practically cry with happiness.

"I got in! I got in! I got in! Yeah! Whoo," I yell with jubilant glee.

"You got in! Nee-Chan, got in! Yay! She's going to UA," Umeko and Urata cheer in a singsongy voice, jumping up and down.

My eyes widen. "Oh! That reminds me, I need to design my hero costume and send it," I proclaim, grabbing the remaining papers in the envelope.

It's gonna look so cool, I smile, ideas running rapid in my head.


Well! That's all I have right now, but thanks for reading, I hoped you enjoyed it. I know I enjoyed writing it!

Okay, to rereaders, I obviously went back and corrected my mistake of having Todoroki in the entrance exam along with other details, lolol. My bad :D

Anyways, don't forget to...






(  E D I T E D  )

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