Chapter 2: First Day Cuts

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Katsuki Bakugou gif

Natural by Imagine Dragons

Chapter 2: First Day Cuts

SINCE FEBRUARY'S CONFIRMATION, the days seemed to go by really fast. My costume design was something I worked on all night when I recieved the great news. The morning after, I sent in the mail where a designer can fabricate my ideas into reality. I specifically noted that I wanted my costume to absorb the matter like my skin when I use my quirk.

The last winter days melted into the blossoms of spring, only reminding me that my first day to UA was approaching, and it was approaching fast. The set date was practically dancing along the horizon, and everyday I was becoming a jittery mess. Only instead of nerves, I was ecstatic.

Though, I didn't spend all my time lounging in my bedroom, well I did, but not lazily. I refreshed my mind with studies, and fighting tactics. I read up on several strategies, going online and doing research on all the pro heroes; Learning how they fight, defend, and apply their quirks to real life situations. In the mornings, I worked on my stamina and endurance by going on daily runs. I also pushed my limits to a newfound level by changing into different kinds of matter, and in that state, I trained my body by working out. I definitely needed to diverse my repertoire on matters.

Eventually, the day of April came along for me to attend the school of my dreams. Dressed in my new school uniform, I pack some athletic clothes into my backpack, along with some sneakers - one can never be sure. Placing my wallet in a pocket, just in case we need to pay for lunch, I then stuff my books and my pencil case.

"Urusa, did you pack your things," my mother says after knocking on my door.

"Yes, I'm about done. Thanks, for mentioning it though. I got some spare clothes, just in case, an extra pair of shoes, my books, pencils, and money," I inform, raising a finger for every item. "I'm all ready."

"Oh! I'm so proud of you, sweetheart! Give it your best today! Make sure to make some friends," she smiles at me.

"Kaa-san, I don't need friend-"

"Everybody needs a friend, Urusa. Just because kids in your previous schools were mean, doesn't mean that everyone is. You're a nice girl, I'm sure people will like you, but just make sure to smile. You always have a mean look on your face, that probably intimidates the others," she reasons with me.

"Yeah, mom, I'll make sure to smile," I state with a slight smile.

"Great! Now, hurry, I don't want you to be late," she ushers me out the room, towards the front door.

"Okay, okay! I'll see you later then! Bye Urata, Umeko," I give them a farewell as I quickly rush past them, only stopping to ruffle their curly locks.

With that, I'm out of the house and running towards the train station. However, as I run, my mother's words stick themselves into my mind.

'Make sure to make some friends'.

Friends. That's a foreign concept to me since I never once had a friend. I don't know why that was, instead I was picked on and bullied. Was it because my personality was always distant and quiet? Was it because my quirk bloomed a bit later than the rest? Whatever it was, I had kids calling me names and push me around. In between classes they always made sure to drop my books, making me pick them up every time.

By the time I reached middle school, the bullies were stronger. Though, I already had a few years with my quirk, and that led me to always fight back. The fights became too much and eventually I got expelled. Moving to another school, that's when I built my steely persona and didn't trust anyone anymore. I kept to myself and closed everyone out my life, well not my family. Coming off as mean, nobody cares to speak to me which only made me lonelier.

I'll try, but I'm not sure if they'll like me, I mentally answer toward my mother's statement.

+ + + + +

WALKING THE HALLS of UA, I'm completely in awe as the reality finally sets in. I'm a student here! A sense of pride fills my heart and my walk bounces with a certain kind of confidence. I don't full on smile on the outside, I just wear a genuinely, happy, smirk, but on the inside, I'm grinning. I am happy. Appreciative! 

Walking in the halls, I think statistics. Every year, less than one in three-hundred examinees make it in. This year, only 36 kids passed into the hero course. Eighteen kids to a class, so I only assume that there's two classes for the hero course. And, of course, there's the ones who get nominated.

Interesting, I muse, smirking.

Reaching the class, I notice that it's propped open by another student. My eyes widen at the familiarity, he's the kid that the blond intimidated at the entrance. As he walks in, I hurry to the door and push it open for myself.

Stepping into the classroom, I notice that it's already pretty full. Though, my brown eyes immediately dart to the two talking loudly. The spiky haired blond and the tall kid with glasses. The latter is clearly upset by the former's actions of his legs being propped up on the desk. The tall kid quickly notices me, and the green haired kid next to me.

"Hello, I'm Iida Tenya from Soumei," he introduces with an outstretched hand.

Soumei, and by his genuine actions, I can tell he's well mannered, I assess, adding to February's former observation.

"Oh, yeah, haha, I overheard. Uhh...I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida," the curly haired kid introduces.

Their gazes land on me which makes me flush at the acknowledgement. Clearing my throat, I push it away and remain calm. "Hello, I'm Uchihara Urusa. Nice to meet you both. Though, I sat next to you in the entrance exam, Iida, but nice nonetheless," I introduce, and quickly shake his hand as a gesture of respect.

He nods and returns to look at Midoriya. Sensing that my presence is not needed for this, I walk away and towards an empty seat. Reaching one at the end, I notice a boy with peculiar hair, split right down the middle between red and white, on my left.

However, before I build up the courage to greet him, a voice cuts through the room.

"If you're gonna be hunting for buddies, do it elsewhere. This is the department of heroics," they announce.

Looking over the heads of my fellow classmates, I find a man at the foot of the door, on the ground and inside a yellow sleeping bag. Though, as he stands up, he starts to unzip it and walks into the classroom.

"Hmm, took you eight seconds to quiet down," he clarifies in a bored manner. "Life is short kids, you're all lacking in common sense."

"So he must be a pro hero, too, huh," Midoriya mumbles, loud enough for me to catch it.

I take the time to assess the older man. He's all dressed in black, all for the white scarf around his neck. His hair is long, black, and curly, though, it's unkempt. He has a fair amount of facial hair, his expression is blank, and his posture is tired, but his eyes are sharp.

He may seem like a laid back person, but he's always watching us, I observe. But obviously a pro hero. Eraser Head, to not know of him would only be a disappointment to myself since part of my costume was inspired by him. 

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta, pleasure meeting you," he greets us by walking further into the room, and behind his desk. Well, that's before he pulls out identical blue uniforms. "Wear these immediately. And then shove off to the P.E. grounds."

I narrow my eyes, dressing up and wearing uniforms, we're obviously not going to make it to the orientation ceremony. So, I'm assuming that he's going to test our abilities, maybe.

Sighing, I look at the blue uniforms, well, there's nothing I can do now.

+ + + + +

DRESSED IN MATCHING blue, athletic, clothes, we all stand outside at the mentioned spot. Even though the sleeves stop above my elbow, I still feel exposed at the sight of my uncovered forearms. It's become a habit to cover almost every inch of my skin. Maybe it's because I'm subconsciously protecting it whenever it becomes sensitive from overusing my quirk. Secondhand nature I guess.

"A quirk apprehension test," Midoriya questions, quite stunned.

Right, I forgot to mention that Aizawa sensei IS testing our abilities, after all. Basically a bolt out of the blue. Right now we're standing between a pitching court and a running track. I'm not that surprised that he's actually testing us, I mean, this is the top hero school. He needs to evaluate our quirks and see how well we're skilled.

"What about the ceremony!? And the guidance counselor meeting," the nice girl, whom I learned is named Ochaco Uraraka, exclaims.

Our teacher sighs. "If you want to be heroes, we don't have time for frilly niceties. You all know this school's reputation for freedom on campus. Well, that 'freedom' goes for us senseis, too," he informs towards everyone.

I roll my eyes, I'm pretty sure that he just doesn't want to attend those meetings. I don't blame him. I would rather do this, than sit and listen to the adults talk about rules and expectations.

"Softball pitch. Standing long jump. Fifty-meter dash. Endurance running. Grip strength test. Sustained sideways jump. Upper body exercises. Seated toe-touch. These are all activities you know from middle school, naturally. Physical tests where you were barred from using your quirks. The country still hasn't gotten around to standardizing those sorts of records or keeping track of average performance levels. Well, that's negligence on the part of mext. Bakugou, how far could you pitch a softball in middle school," the sole adult explains today's events, informing us on a bit of common knowledge before asking the blond.

"Sixty-seven meters," he answers with a huff.

"Try using your quirk this time around. As long as you don't exit the circle, anything you do is fine," Aizawa tells him, and to us seeing as we'll be doing this soon. "Don't hold back."

Bakugou smirks. "You got it," he states confidently.

Stretching his arm, I watch as he walks towards the designated circle. At the entrance exam, I saw that he uses explosions, and right now I'm pretty interested to see how he'll incorporate that into this exercise. I got to admit, his quirk is affective, I mean, I did absorb it after all. From here, it looks like he's concentrating on his right arm, well, that's until he finally launches the ball.

"Die," he yells, using the explosive power to propel the object up towards the sky.

The blast wave is instantaneously, slapping the other students and I with hot, rushing, air. I openly gape at the sight, damn ...but did he say die?

"Before anything else, one must know what they're capable of. This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your 'hero foundation'," our sensei informs before showing us Bakugou's score of 705.2 meters.

As I said, affective.

"Awesome! That looks so fun!"

"705 meters?! Unreal!"

"We can really use our quirks now? That's the department of heroics for you!"

I mentally slap myself at their antics. They see this as fun. Yeah, I understand the excitement to use our quirks, but he's scoring us for a reason. It could be simple evaluation, but there could be more, I cross my arms, narrowing my gaze at our teacher.

"It looks fun, you say," Aizawa sensei questions, his tone changing into something more ominous. "So you were planning to spend your three years here having a good ol' time what happened to becoming heroes? All right then. In that case, new rule; The student who ranks last in total points will be judged 'hopeless' and instantly expelled," he scrutinizes, giving everyone a sharp look.

I keep a level head, not effected by this at all. I was always going to give it my best. This is the top academy for future heroes, just getting here took a lot of work, and I'm not going to stop now. I came here to be the best. To become a hero. To give it my all.

"Our 'freedom' means we get to dispense with students as we please! Welcome, to this, the department of heroics," Aizawa announces with a maniacal grin, enjoying the emotional stress he created.

The students around me gasp in shock, most of them stunned. All of them releasing outcries. Besides me, there are a few, who are quite level headed. Calm and reserved with their emotions. There's that girl with the black, spiky, hair. The boy with red and white hair. Also, Iida. They're all calm.

"The kid who ranks last...gets expelled?!"

"It's our first day here! And even if it weren't, that's just too unreasonable," Ochaco exclaims, basically voicing the students' thoughts.

"Natural disasters. Massive accident. Ego-mad villians. All kinds of calamities can happen when we least expect them. Japan's now positively drenched in 'unreasonable'. And it's our jobs as heroes to reserve it all, and restore reason. If you were counting on a friendly chat at the local resturaunt after school, that's too sad. From now on, for the next three years, all you can expect from your life at UA is one hardship after the next. This is 'plus ultra' I expect you to overcome these trials and climb to the top. Now then, that was the demonstration. Time to step up to the plate," Aizawa sensei informs, giving us all sorts of examples without sugarcoating it.

The trials begin immediately, and we start with the fifty-meter dash. Iida is up first with another, a girl named Asui Tsuyu. They finish quickly, Iida leading with lightning record of 3.04 seconds, with the help of his quirk, Engine, and the latter follows with a time of 5.58 seconds. Ochaco and a blond haired boy, with a tail, are next. The girl uses her quirk, Zero-Gravity, to lighten her clothes and shoes, and finishes with a time of 7.15 seconds. Next, is a another blond boy by the name of Aoyama Yuuga, and a pink haired, and skinned, girl. He stands backwards and lets his quirk, Naval-Beam, to shoot him towards the finish line and scores a quick 5.51 seconds.

"5.51 seconds! If I keep shooting for more than one second, my tum tum will collapse, you know," the blond explains with a French accent.

Well, that's information I will be storing, I mentally muse.

The pairs go on and on until I'm being called up with Todoroki - the red and white haired boy. Getting in our places, I decide to start in a runner's position, easier access to the ground beneath me. Red synthetic rubber to be exact. With the bang starting our race, my sun kissed fingers immediately absorb the track material, and I push to surf myself forwards despite my body feeling tense. Besides me, Todoroki shoots forwards with a familiar technique, only he uses his ice to help him glide flawlessly. He finishes with a two seconds, almost three. I stop right on his heels with a speedy three seconds. 

3.47, the machine beeps my time.

Todoroki, he's definitely a fast one, the one to beat that's for sure. Iida and Yaoyorozu, too. All the calm ones, I assess with narrowed eyes as my normal skin returns.  

Lastly, it's Midoriya and Bakugou, the one's whom already have a tense relationship. The spiky blond uses his quirk, Explosions, to propel him forward, like Nos in a street car race. He finishes with a speedy time of 4.13 seconds. Midoriya completes it in a fair 7.02 seconds.

The second trial is the Grip Strength Test, the name basically states what we were doing. Each of us were given a gripping handle. Seeing as this trial didn't take that much explanation, the students dived in and tested themselves.

As everyone states their scores, I quietly listen while absorbing the yellow metal of the grip. The lowest to far is Midoriya with a his score of 56 kilos(123 pounds). Then, the highest is from a tall, white haired, student who has several arms, or the ability to make several arms - Shoji, anyways, he managed a score of 540 kilos(1190 pounds).

Taking my chance, I grit my teeth and focus all my strength into making a fist, squeezing the grip with full metallic force. With a final yell, which buys me attention, I finally release my hold and sigh in relief. Hearing the machine beep with my results, I look at it before stating it out loud.

"402 kilos(886 pounds)," I inform towards our teacher.

With a nod, he writes it down on his clipboard. Closing my eyes, I smile towards my classmates.

"Well, that wasn't so hard, was it," I question, but as I open my eyes, I notice that the majority of them paled.

Right...I probably intimidated them with my strength, I state, releasing myself of the yellow metal. Oh well.

Moving on to the third trial, we're now at the Standing Long Jump area. It's like a section of track flooring before breaking off with a large sand box. With this trial, I repeat my actions of the first test.

Absorbing the red synthetic flooring, I surf all the way to the end. Though, before I reach the sand, I propel myself forward with my added momentum, and jump forwards. Well, to be specific, it's more like a launch, shooting forward like a bullet. I jump over the whole sanded area without touching a single golden grain. As I land, I make sure to bend my knees and roll forward, just to be safe and not break any of my bones.

Aoyama is quick to follow, allowing his quirk to do all work for him as it beams him forward. Iida uses his Engine quirk to propel himself with the momentum. Bakugou uses his Explosions to jump across as well. Yaoyorozu creates a metallic gauge stick to aid her over.

The fourth trial was the Sustained Sideways Jump, which tests our endurance and balance. This is a test that I don't really need the use of my quirk. So, taking this time to relax and not overuse my abilities, I just take it normally. Because if I were to over exert myself, my skin will become raw with sensitivity, I'll grow weak, and nauseas seeing as I forego different states of matter.

This one was over really quick, but the timeout was much appreciated for my quirk.

The fifth trial was the Pitch, and let's just say that I suck at throwing. I got a measly score of fifty-one meters. It wasn't horrible, but it also wasn't great, just in the middle. Though, if we were being tested on punching or kicking, I would surpass. Especially if I were to absorb into a metal.

However, Ochaco surprised us all by scoring the highest in pitching. She managed to receive an infinity. Plus, seeing as her ball never came back down, she rightfully earned her deserved score.

"Infinity?! Holy cow! She got an infinity!" A classmate yells in awestruck.

Up next was Midoriya.

"Midoriya's not doing too well, is he," Iida questions besidess me, crossing his arms.

I sigh. "No, he's not. I've been noticing that he's scoring low on every trial," I inform with my gathered observations.

"Of course not!! He's a quirkless fucking guppy," Bakugou yells.

I narrow my eyes at him for the insulting terms, but also perk up at the mention of lack thereof. If he was quirkless, then why is he here?

"'Quirkless?' Didn't you see what he did at the entrance exam," Iida states, reminding him.


"No, we don't. Remember, Iida, we were placed in different city-districts. While you were with Midoriya, Bakugou and I were at another site," I explain, answering for the blond and reeling back to the aforementioned day.

"Right!" He raises a finger. "The thought completely passed over my head, I apologize."

"No apologies needed," I wave off with a smile.

Turning towards the curly haired boy, I watch as he throws the ball with all his strength. As it lands, I quickly notice his shocked face. Narrowing my eyes, I assess his full out posture, his surprise, and the ball's distance.

Was he expecting something else? He was expecting more, I'm sure of that. He was going to use his quirk, whatever it is. So, what happened, I look at Midoriya before looking around.

"Forty-six meters," Aizawa reads.

"Wha...huh? I tried using it for sure just now," Midoriya mumbles loud enough for us to hear.

Looking at our sensei, I notice that his hair rising up and defying the laws of physics. My mind instantly clicks at the acknowledgement.

Of course! Aizawa sensei used his own quirk to dispel Midoriya's, I yell in my head.

"I erased your quirk," our teacher informs. "It defies reason. How did somebody like you manage to enter this academy?"

Although, instead of the harsh words given to him, Midoriya only exclaims at the realization of our sensei's identity. "You erased it?! And those goggles! Oh my god! The erasing hero, Eraser Head," he yells, practically fanboying. I roll my eyes, how did he not notice earlier?

"'Eraser' who? Never heard of him," a classmate speaks up.

"I've just heard the name! He's a really underground hero," another states.

I sigh. "He's a hero who sticks to the shadows and uses surprise attacks. Not all heroes are all big and flashy, some aren't really keen on the media attention. Aizawa sensei is a perfect example," I state, adding my two cents.

Media can be annoying. I mean, look at All Might and Aizawa. One can move freely in the public while the other is always bombarded by the cameras, I gather, comparing the two heroes.

"From what I observed, you cant rein in your quirk's full power. Meaning you can't use it efficiently at all. Did you believe someone would come save you after you crippled yourself again," our sensei scolds Midoriya.

"N-no, I didn't, I ju-" He tries to explain, but is cut off by Aizawa's white, bandage like, scarf.

As it wraps around him, the adult speaks up, continuing his speech. "Whatever hopes you may have nursed of your imminent rescue as you can see, nobody is in a position to come to your aid. There's a certain insufferable hero who made a name for himself rescuing over a thousand innocents from a disaster all by himself. You've his brute courage, but all you'll manage to do is run around like a blockhead who needs saving himself.  Face it, your 'power' won't help you become a hero, Izuku Midoriya," he chastises before releasing a heavy sigh.

Blinking, his hair falls back down and his red eyes turn back to black. "I gave you back your quirk...try the ball pitch a second time. Let's get this over with," he finishes, letting the boy preform his trial.

Watching as Izuku turns back to the pitch, fellow classmates start to talk, voicing their thoughts.

"Are you worried for him? I, for one, don't care," Aoyama tells Ochaco, his accent smooth as ever.

"Looks like he's had some coaching before, but..." Iida states, cutting himself off.

"He's gonna get expelled for sure," Bakugou huffs.

"I really don't care, this is taking too long. Though, you do say he's quirkless, but Aizawa sensei obviously stopped his quirk for sure. Doesn't that make you curious," I boredly muse.

Aizawa stopped his quirk. Bakugou says he's quirkless. Then, there's Iida, who says that Midorya, does indeed, have a quirk. Hmm, interesting, it's like an unending jigsaw puzzle, I smirk with fascination.

With clear anticipation, we all stand and watch as Izuku draws back his right arm, and concentrating his strength. Though, that's when it happens. That's when he finally throws it. And unlike the first try, this one is completely different.

"Now," Midoriya yells, throwing the softball.

This time it soars through the sky, flying up at high speeds. Even the air at the beginning pulsed in a shockwave ripple. Though, as I'm amazed, I look towards the boy and see his exhausted posture. Following his throwing arm, I finally reach his hand.

His index finger, it's severely bruised. Did he break his finger just to throw that far? Is his quirk, strength?

"705.3 meters," Aizawa reads off the score.

"Sensei!" Midoriya yells, looking at our teacher with a teary eyed smile. "I-I can still move!"

Ochaco immediately cheers. "Yay! You finally got a record suitable for a hero," she yells with a grin.

"Your finger's swollen. Reminds me of the entrance exam incident. What an odd quirk," Iida points out.

"It's not stylish enough," Aoyama quips with a nonchalant smile.

"It looks like it hurts," I blankly comment. "One hell of a drawback if you end up injured every time you use it. Explains perfectly to why you didn't use it for the other trials."

Besides me, Bakugou suddenly yells with rage. "What is this, Deku!? Explain now, shitrag," he seethes, running forward and preparing to hit the aforementioned with an explosive.

Narrowing my eyes, I listen how Izuku yells in a panic, but fortunately for him, our teacher steps in. Well, he doesn't literally step in, but he halts the blond's actions by restraining him with his scarf. Noticing that his Explosions extinguish, I assume Aizawa sensei is using his own quirk.

"Gugh!? Shit's this cloth?! I can't.." Bakugou questions, struggling to few himself.

"It's my special 'capturing weapon', a steel alloy woven with carbon nonofibers! Jeez, don't make me use my quirk so much, I've got dry eye, damn it," the older man explains.

The scarf I got inspired from to customize my own scarf after. Though, mine isn't much of a weapon, but more as a steel supply for quick absorption... and an extension, I acknowledge whilst nodding.

"We're wasting time, prepare for the next trial," Aizawa announces, dropping the use of his quirk.

"Is your finger alright," Ochako asks the curly haired boy as we all walk to the next trial area. Though, I linger behind them, just listening and watching like I always do.

"Ah...yeah," Izuku mutters his assurance.

"Hey, Midoriya," I call out, walking towards the shorter duo. "Nice work on the pitch. Color me, impressed! You too, Uraraka. Great infinity score!" I smile at them.

"Thanks," they state in synch. "You did great at the running trials, impressive speed." Ochaco smiles.

"Y-yeah, also on the grip strength test," Izuku marvels.

"Thanks. Though, it's mostly with the help of my quirk, Absorption Control," I profess, quite awkwardly.

Talking to people is so weird. It's so much more different than glaring at them, I muse the comparisons.

"So, you're saying that you can absorb anything and manipulate it," the short girl asks.

"Well...basically. Though, some are more convenient and easier. Like asphalt, or the polyurethane on the track, or dirt, anything that's from the ground, I can use those easily and surf with them. With other matter I can't surf with them, though they're still easy to absorb. With metal, or anything similar, I can sharpen my limbs as use them as weapons, or just to strengthen myself," I say, trying to explain. "Basically anything I touch I can absorb."

"Whoa," they gape. "That's amazing," Ochako exclaims.

Huh, maybe making friends is easier if I'm nice about it, I say to myself before scoffing. Who knows, I don't have any experience.

+ + + + +

AFTER FINISHING THE last trials, we're all rounded up, in a crowd, as Aizawa sensei stands in front of us. Crossing my arms, I await the incoming moments. This is where we find out our rankings, our evaluations, our scores. I'm still confident that he's not actually going to expel the last ranked student.

I'm calling his bluff, I frown, narrowing my eyes.

"Time to present the results. The total is simply the aggregate sum of each of your scores. If I recited all your scores it'd take a million years, so I'll disclose them all at once. Oh yeah, that 'expulsion' thing was a lie," he states, bringing the rule up at the last second.

I burst out laughing, knowing that I was right all along. Well, also because he shrugged it off with a serious face, and the baffled looks of my classmates. To add it all up, it's hilarious.

"It was a logical ruse to pull put your best performances," Aizawa explains.

"What," the majority of the class yells, making me laugh again.

"Come on, guys! Use your brains, it was just a ruse," the girl with black, spiky hair says.

Clearing my throat, I join the conversation. "It was obvious. Since you guys started commenting on how much fun it would be to use your quirk, you guys would have probably seen these trials as a game. So, to push us to take this more seriously, he created the ruse of expelling the lowest ranking student. It worked, didn't it? You all used your quirks to the best of your abilities," I explain my theory.

"And...right. Yep, with that, it's over. Your curriculum sheets are back in the classroom so give them a once-over. And Midoriya! Go to Recovery Girl and get yourself patched up. Since your eyeballs will doubtless pop out of their sockets at tomorrow's absurd ordeal," Aizawa sensei tells us, reminding Izuku, and all before leaving.

Looking up at the screen, I read the rankings.

Number One - Yaoyorozi Momo.
Number Two - Todoroki Shoto.
Number Three - Bakugou Katsuki.

Number Four - Uchihara Urusa.

My eyes widen at the rankings. Iida was so close to taking fourth, but I beat him by a few handful of points. Smiling in content, I feel pride bloom inside my heart. Though, I'm also feeling the ambition to climb up the ranks.

I will be the best! I'll work my way towards the top ranking, that is my goal, I mentally yell, making a fist with my right hand.

Anyways, as I change out of my fitness clothes and back into my uniform, I hurry out of the school and towards the station. However, as I'm running, I spot Ochaco, Tenya, and Izuku standing together.

'Make sure to make some friends'.

Forcing a gentle smile, I run towards them. "Hey! Are you guys going to the station, too!?" I ask as I reach them.

"Hey, it's you, um... Uchihara Urusa, right," Ochako greets with unsureness.

"Yes, that's correct. You're Uraraka Ochaco, Iida Tenya, and Midoriya Izuku! Pleasure to make acquaintance," I awkwardly smile, raising my hand as a wave.

From then on, we converse with each other as we walk towards the station. Although, I'm awkward with conversations and mostly stick to listening, I can feel myself softening around my usual sharp edges. Just being in the presence of potential friends makes me lighter.

Is this what friendship feels like?









(  E D I T E D  )

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