Chapter 3: Brains vs. Brawns

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Shoto Todoroki gif

Pray For Me by The Weeknd Ft. Kendrick Lamar

Chapter 3: Brains vs. Brawns

THE NEXT DAY, school was pretty normal as we attended all of our classes. It was expected seeing as this was still an academy, even if it was UA. Learning fundamentals was a necessary need to pass the given finals at the end of the terms.

Sitting in a classroom for the English curriculum, I pay attention to our teacher, Present Mic, as he reads off several sentences that are full of errors. Well, they weren't all full of errors, but he was reading them out loud so we can pinpoint which sentence was incorrect. A sentence with the wrong punctuality.

"Who knows the answer? Everybody hands up and raise them," he questions, looking around the classroom.

Since no one raises their hand, I sigh, raising mine. "The answer is C. It's using the incorrect 'there'. When it needs to be their. T. H. E. I. R. Plus, the comma needs to be before but, not after," I explain.

Raising his own arm, Present Mic points in my direction with a grin. "Correct," he exclaims.

I deadpan, it was pretty simple, nothing too difficult.

Eventually, lunch came around at noon, and everyone hustled to the cafeteria. Buying a cheap lunch made of a first-rate cuisine, I sat next to Iida, Izuku, and Ochaco. We conversed about the classes and how everything was going well for us, nothing too difficult to comprehend. Though, we entered a topic about today's class of heroic studies, and what to expect.

"Aizawa sensei, did mention the word 'absurd' yesterday before he left. Though, I wonder what he meant by that," I remind nonchalantly whilst checking my purple coated nails.

Narrowing my eyes in thought, I ignore the rest as they voice their guesses. My mind reels through many possibilities as I keep the word absurd in thought. From yesterday's events, I use that as a starting base, and imagine something much more bizarre.

I frown when I can't think of anything plausible, nothing solid. Curiosity is killing me, scratching at the depths of my mind, and that alone is making me impatient. With the word 'absurd' I opened a metaphorical can of worms, ideas bamboozling back and forward like pinball in its machine. In this situation, the machine is my mind.

With nothing to stop my mental madness, I glare at my empty tray of food, burning holes into the blue plastic. It seems that my hostility literally oozes out of my pores which makes the other three scoot away from me - which causes me to snap back to reality.

"Sorry. My hostility isn't directed at you three, it's directed at my lack of a tangible idea for today's class," I apologize, sheepishly.

"I-it's okay! It's just that you reminded me of Kacchan," Izuku comments, mentioning the spiky blond.

My eyes narrow. "Don't compare me to that bully," I growl, hating the idea of being similar to that boy.

The only response I get from them is that they pale. Great.

Soon, as lunch comes to an end, we head towards our heroic studies class. Calming down, I walk behind them with crossed arms. Walking through the hallways, I'm already anticipating today's lesson.

Once we arrive to our homeroom class, we all scatter into our seats. Reaching the last row, I take my seat at the front and direct a blank stare to the chalkboard. To not revive my lunch mania, I think of nothing. Just keeping a concentrated stare at the green colored chalk board.

I ignore everything else, the sights in my peripheral vision, the sounds of my classmates discussing, and even ignoring the concept of breathing. I don't need my quirk to know that I resemble a statue. Heck, with the help of my brother's daily assaults, I'm a pro at being completely still.

But as seconds tick away from the clock, my anticipation grows stronger. If my patience were in a bag, it'd be ripping at the seams by now, ready to explode. And the more that Aizawa sensei doesn't arrive, it just adds fuel to the already made explosion.

Suddenly, the door opens and I breathe. However, it seemed too soon because instead of the sight of yesterday's sensei, we're met with a new face. A widely known and famous face.

"It's me! Through the door, like a normal person," All Might announces, leaping into our classroom.

I smile at the sight of the number one hero, definitely not expecting him.

"You're here," Izuku grins.

"I can't believe it! All Might's really going to be teaching us?!"

"That design's so silver age!"

"That art style clashes so much it's giving me goosebumps!"

"Foundational hero studies! For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials! You'll get tons of credit for it! Let's jump right in with this," All Might exclaims, presenting a card that reads Battle. "The trial of battle!"

"The trial..."

"Of battle."

Bakugou and Midoriya both complete a sentence. One sounds eager and I don't need to see to know who it was. Assuming correctly, I know Izuku was the one who sounded completely worried.

"And to go with your first battle," All Might announces, pressing a button on a remote before continuing. "We've prepared the gear we had you send in requests for to match your quirks."

Yeeeeaaahh! My suit! I get to wear it, I yell in my head, grinning with excitement.

"Our battle gear!?"


I nod as the majority of the class cheers.

"Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone gather at Grounds B! The garb you bring into the battlefield is virtually important, boys and girls! And don't forget! From here on out, you're all officially heroes," All Might, the number one hero, announces with his signature grin.

This is just the beginning, I smile.

+ + + + +

DRESSED IN MY dark purple, black, white and silver suit, I stand with the rest of my newly dressed classmates. On each hand, I have fingerless white gloves that reach my elbows, the forearm of the item is a plated sliver. They help me manipulate, and strengthen, the matter into my specific needs. The same goes for my white and silver plated boots. Around my waist is a belt that has a compartment to hold any necessary items.

Around my neck, is a black scarf that covers the lower part of my face. The material is made with woven steel alloy and carbon nanofibers. Unlike Aizawa's, my scarf isn't a weapon, it's only a source of steel that I can absorb whenever I need to, plus an extension to touch material further away from my arm's reach. Though, if I'm in desperate need of a weapon, maybe I could use it as one. Then, on my face, covering my eyes and eyebrows, is a black mask. The use of it isn't as important as much as it is decorative - I might get rid of it depending if it hinders me or not.

However, as I look at my classmates, and at their costumes, I find myself liking Ochaco's and Tsuyu's. They didn't go for the obvious, scandalous route that female pro heroes go for, unlike Yaoyorozu - though with the knowledge of her Creation quirk, I completely understand why she's exposing so much skin, being covered in clothes will only be a major hinderance for her. Nonetheless, it still makes me shudder. I can never be as confident as her. With the males, I like how Iida's resembles the one of Ingenium. Bakugou's suit is made really well for his explosive quirk, especially with the guantlets on his arms. With Todoroki, his suit interests me as well. The left half of his body is encased in ice while the right side is clad in white, matching the hair.

"Hey! Wait for me," I suddenly hear Midoriya's voice yell out.

Glancing in the directed location, I find him running towards us. He's clad in a green and white suit. A face mask over his suit's cowlet. A red utility belt, red elbow protectors, and red knee pads. On his hands, he's wearing white gloves. Then, to finish it off, his bright red sneakers.

"All right! Let's see what you're made of, you embryos," All Might determines with a yell. "It's time for the Trial of Battle!"

"Ah, Deku! Cool costume! It looks really practical," Ochaco compliments him.

"Uraraka...Whoa," Izuku comments, his voice slightly raising.

I smirk, does he? He does! He has a crush on her! Oh, how sweet! I smile behind my scarf. Well, they do look really cute together.

"I wish I'd drawn my request sketch a little better. My costume came out a bit puffy, it's embarrassing," she says with a flustered face.

"Heroics is the greatest," a short, I mean, really short boy suddenly comments.

"Don't mind them," I say, stepping forward. "Your suit looks nice, it really compliments the gravity effect." I assure with a smile.

"Thanks, Uchihara," she smiles up at me.

"I'm liking everyone's styles! Very cool," All Might suddenly yells, complimenting everyone. Though, I do notice that he lingers on Midoriya's costume. Interesting.

"Sensei!" Iida calls out, raising his hand. "Regarding the performance ground we'll be using, is it the mock-city from the entrance exam?"

Hmm, that is a good question. The cities do have a large enough space for this specific trial, I nod, crossing my arms.

"You'll see, in fact take two steps and you'll be there! This will be an indoor battle trial! Villain cleanup is usually seen out in the open, but statistically, the better part of it is an indoor job. Most acts of villainy are committed indoors," the number one hero informs.

That is true. It's not like villains spend their time planning their schemes in the open, for everyone to see. Otherwise they would be easier to stop, I assess from gathered online information.

"Imprisonment. House arrest. The black market. In this hero saturated city. Why any villain with intelligence is lurking in the shadows! In this test, you'll separate into 'villain' and 'hero' groups! For a two on two battle," he says, informing us.

I nod, accepting his words. However, Tsuyu takes her chance to interrupt.

"What about foundational training," she asks.

"This is foundational training," the pro hero grins. "Only this time, there won't be any robots, it'd be okay to just destroy!"

Though, that answer only buys him more questions.

"So, how do we determine who wins and loses," Yaoyorozu asks.

"Is it okay if we just blow them away," Bakugou questions with a huff.

"Is there a threat of expulsion like with Aizawa sensei's exercise," Ochaco counters, bringing up yesterday's events.

"If we're separating into teams, what would be the best way to do so," Iida speaks up, raising his hand.

"Doesn't this cape look killer on me," Aoyama ask, lifting up the purple, sparkly, cloth.

"Hnnn! I can't hear you if you all speak at once!" All Might yells with a smile. "For this training, we'll have some 'villains' guard the nuclear weapon they intend on deploying. The heroes must stop them and their nefarious scheme before it's too late! Your teammates and opponents will be drawn by lottery!"

"Is that how we'll really do it," Iida questions, ushering towards the lottery.

Izuku is the one who answers him. "Well, pros are often forced to make impromptu team-ups with other heroes they might not know very well, so this is probably testing that," he explains with his profound knowledge. Damn, he clearly knows what's up. 

"I see! Always with our eyes on the future, are we? I apologize," Iida states, now understanding the concept of the lottery.

"Anyway! Let's start this!" All Might cheers.
"Pair A, Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka Ochaco!
Pair B, Todoroki Shoto and Shoji Mezo!
Pair C, Yaoyorozu Momo and Minoru Mineta!
Pair D, Bakugou Katsuki and Iida Tenya!
Pair E, Mina Ashido and Aoyama Yuga!
Pair F, Koda Koji and Sato Rikido!
Pair G, Jiro Kyoka and Kaminari Denki!
Pair H, Asui Tsuyu and Tokoyami Fumikage!
Pair I, Uchihara Urusa and Ojiro Mashirao!
And Pair J, Kirishima Eijiro and Sero Hanta!"

As I hear my team, I quickly glance at my selected partner. Meeting his gaze, I give the blond a nod of mutual respect.

"Wow! We must be linked, or something! Pleased to have you," Ochaco says to Izuku, who looks away, probably flustered. I smirk, definitely flustured.

Ah, young love, I muse, enjoying their interactions.

"And the first two pairs to do the combat will be the following! Pair A will be heroes! Pair D will be villains," All Might calls out, announcing the two pairs.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "It just had to be those two," I mutter, softly groaning at the irony.

With the two pairs of duos selected, the rest of us, we're suddenly moved into a room with cameras. Surveying the cameras, I quickly place the pieces together and figure out that it's showing the others' location. One camera has the live footage of the room with the 'nuclear weapon' along with both Iida and Bakugou.

Suddenly, All Might returns to our side to watch the impending fight. "Now watch and hatch strategies of your own," he informs, turning towards the screens.

Nodding, I look at the screens and watch how Izuku and Ochaco enter the building through the window. On the other, I notice that Iida is protecting the weapon all by himself. Then, I see how Bakugou is roaming the halls by himself.

Hmm, Pair A is using stealth and working together! While Pair D separated to cover more ground, that's a good idea! Though, if Pair A somehow manages to evade Bakugou's scouting, Iida will have the disadvantage of facing two opponents, I narrow my eyes as I rub at my chin, assessing the situations.

"A sudden ambush," Mineta - the shortest of us all - suddenly yells.

However, he's right because Bakugou appears on the screen, reaching Pair A's location. Surveying the battle, I notice that they'll be fighting in enclosed spaces and that may give the blond the advantage. His explosions, he can make them big and destructive which will hinder the duo's ability to run.

Then, just as I thought, Bakugou releases an explosion as soon as he spots the hero team. Caught between the walls, the duo choose to dive towards the floor. Well, it's more like Izuku took action first by pulling Ochaco down, away from the blast.

"That Bakugou's a cheater! An ambush is so unmanly," Kirishima exclaims.

"Ambushes are good strategy! They are in the heat of the battle, after all," All Might informs.

I nod, agreeing with the pro hero's words. "Plus, Bakugou is playing the role of a villain, and villains don't play by the rules. Then, with the enclosed spaces, ambushes are quite the advantage when there isn't enough space to run or cover yourself," I point out by raising a finger.

"Midoriya actually ducked away from it pretty well," Ashido comments, impressed.

"Yes, he did. But for how long can he dodge Bakugou's attacks when the latter seems persistent to land an attack? Plus, whenever Midoriya uses his quirk, there always seems to be a backlash which injures him in some way. That doesn't seem to help in this situation when Bakugou is all explosions, plus that temper of his, it only adds to the fuel to keep up the constant attacks. Then, there's Ochaco, who uses Zero Gravity, against him she isn't much help unless she actually manages to touch him. Then, there's the fact that they're being timed, and if Bakugou keeps this up, the heroes won't be able to reach the weapon," I spew out an assessment with the gathered data of their behavior and abilities.

"Did she seriously just say that?! It's like she figured out the whole battle," Kirishima yells, pointing at me, quite baffled.

"Oh, sorry! Did I say that out loud," I apologize, laughing awkardly.

But as I continue watching, I witness as my theory goes out the window for Midoriya dodging. He quickly reaches Bakugou's outstretched hand and manages to flip him over. With the flip, Izuku managed to separate himself from Ochaco's side, leaving Bakugou in between them.

"What is he saying? There's no sound through the surveillance footage," Kirishima questions towards the adult.

"Teammates can communicate through wireless transceivers! And they all have a rough sketch of the building," All Might explains to why we can't hear anything. "And then, there's this capture tape! The second someone's wrapped this around their opponent, that's the sign they're captured! The time limit is fifteen minutes and the heroes don't know where the core is being held, right?"

"Yes," a few classmates answer, exclaiming.

"The hero side is at a pretty heavy disadvantage in this scenario," Ashido comments.

"Well, that's how it is in some real life situations. When there's a crime, heroes don't fully know what's happening or what the villains are planning," I say, informing the pink girl.

"Didn't Aizawa teach you kids our motto? Say it with me now," All Might urges.

"Plus Ultra!" Everyone, or the majority, screams. I just mutter it, like usual.

"Ah, monsieur Bakugou," Aoyama quips, gaining our attention.

We turn to the screens and notice that Midoriya and Bakugou entered a fight. Ochaco is running, and I'm assuming that Izuku told her to find the weapon without him. He then tries to capture Bakugou with the tape, but the latter directs an explosion at him. We watch as Izuku quickly dodges the assault by diving to the floor, once again.

Nevermind, it's just like I theorized, Izuku is dodging his attacks, but for how long can he keep that up, I narrow my eyes at the screen, watching them.

"Look at him go! He hasn't used his quirk once, but he's still going toe-to-toe," someone exclaims. Turning, I see that it came from the one who's wearing complete yellow.

"With the kid who got first place in the entrance exam," the one in a helmet, Sero, I think, comments.

Ignoring them, I continue to watch the fight. Midoriya seems to be buying himself time by running away from Bakugou. That, or he's trying to come up with a plan. I mean, he is ridiculously smart when it comes to heroes, so he's probably scouring his mind for a strategy that will work against the blond.Though, as Izuku continues to run, Bakugou gets angrier by the second. Eventually, his hands light up with explosion, mirroring his emotions.

That's the other thing, one must always remain calm and keep a leveled head, I remind myself, scrutinizing his actions.

I then switch my sights to another screen, focusing on Ochaco and Iida. The latter seems to be doing his part really well by protecting the weapon. Ochaco barely arrived to the said room, but soon, she loses her composure by laughing at what, I assume, Iida said. That immediately gets her caught, and I shake my head at her.

Even if this isn't a real life situation, a hero should never lose their composure because the villains might take advantage of that, I mentally chastise.

Although, Iida is a villain,he's definitely playing his part perfectly because he made sure to take Ochaco's quirk under consideration. He cleansed the room absolutely spotless, free of any lingering objects. It's completely empty, besides the nuclear weapon.

"Bakugou, my boy, stop this," All Might suddenly yells. Looking to the other screen, I notice that Midoriya and the mentioned are back to facing each other. Though, the blond is looking quite ominous. "You'll kill him!"

My brown eyes widen, is he really letting his anger get the best of him?! I know that he and Izuku have a tense past, but this is too much!

It seems that Bakugou ignores All Might's warning because the screen suddenly lights up with an explosion. And not his small, itty, fist sized ones, but an epically large, fire consuming, explosion.

"This is supposed to be a lesson," Kirishima yells, shocked.

"It is! Bakugou is just letting his emotions get in the way, and it's clearly effecting his mission. It's like he's gone rogue," I groan.

I know he's playing as a villain, but he's becoming too much of a villain right now, I profess, clenching my jaw.

With another explosion, movement on the screen captures my attention. Turning, I watch as Ochaco uses the explosion distraction to her advantage, and runs forward. Almost reaching Iida, she suddenly touches her suit and jumps up, floating in the air. My eyes widen with surprise at her ability to make herself float, impressive.However, Iida predicts her motives as she suddenly releases herself from the zero-gravity. Using his own quirk, the appointed villian rushes to the weapon before speeding to the other end of the room. At this, Ochako is left to fall on the ground. He's really showing his strategic side in this match.

"Sensei, please put a stop to this! That Bakugou kid's gone mental, at this rate, he'll kill him," Kirishima protests by exclaiming.

"No," All Might declines. "Bakugou, my boy, if you shoot another blast like that, I'll end this exercise forcibly, and you will lose. Launching an attack with such an extensive damage radius while indoors defeats the purpose of protecting your stronghold! It doesn't matter if you're a hero or a villain, that was just foolish! Once more and you'll earn yourself a massive demerits." The pro hero tells the trigger-happy blond.

And like that, Bakugou switches to smaller explosives and fierce punches. If it's a close range battle, he has the upper hand against Midoriya. Throwing a punch, the former quickly produces a small blast at the latter before jumping, and flipping, behind Izuku. Once he lands, he takes siege on his opponent's back, blasting him forward.

"He deliberately misled his opponent and used his explosion ability to redirect his midair trajectory to his advantage. You wouldn't think him the clever type, but those were some subtle motor skills," Todoroki comments after assessing the fight.

"At the entrance exam, he showed similar skills by leading several robots in his direction. If you looked at yesterday's lesson, you could tell that Bakugou has great control over his quirk. That's a part to why he's so confident. Because he knows his limits," I inform, nodding at him, from my gathered observations.

"Exactly. He landed a telling blow while resisting inertia at the same time which means he must be able to adjust his explosion very finely," Yaoyorozu adds with a nod of her head.

"Can't say I like him, but if the kid's got talent, the kid's got talent," Kaminari states with a shrug.

Watching, we see Bakugou deliver blow, after blow, at Midoriya, not giving the latter the opportunity to rest. The continuous onslaughts remind me of the fights that I used to get in with my own bullies. This showcase is making me involuntarily wince at the sight. I never enjoyed exploiting my anger.

"This is nothing more than naked bullying! If you rewind the tape it's beyond clear he'd already been captured!"

"This is not the behavior of a hero in the making!"

"I thought Midoriya actually hit above his weight, but... There's no denying it, when it comes to 'battle sense', Bakugou's a beast."

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. "He can hit above his weight, but remember, every time he uses his quirk he always risks major blowback. At the pitch yesterday, remember how he severely damaged his finger by throwing the ball," I question, reminding them.

It's not my fault that I'm overly observational, I muse.

"He's running away," Ashido notices.

"Not very manly, but I'd do the same. Though, something's a bit off," Kirishima comments.

"Man, Bakugou really won't let it go, huh?"

On the screen, we watch as both, Midoriya and Bakugou rush towards each other, their fists raised. This is is the ending climax of the battle. The change of tides. The all or nothing moment.

"Sensei! Enough's enough already," Kirishima yells.

"Attention both teams, the match is suspe-"

All Might cuts himself off when Midoriya suddenly directs his punch upwards. Simultaneously, on the other screen, Ochaco grabs on to the pillar next to her. Narrowing my eyes, I watch with internal surprise as the punching blast rips through the ceiling of Midoriya's floor, through Ochaco's room, and beyond upwards.

Quickly, with the obvious distraction, Ochaco grabs her broken pillar and swings it. She hits the cement shards like a bat to a baseball. The large cement chunks all fly towards Iida with high speeds, to which he raises his armored arms to block. With him distracted, the former quickly repeats her earlier tactic by using zero-gravity on herself. Jumping over Iida, she obtains the weapon by hugging it.

"The hero team wins," All Might announces, determining the first battle. "The losing team is fairly uninjured, the winning team is collapsed. In other words, they lost the scuffle, but won the match."

"This was only ever just training though," Tsuyu reminds.

Well, that was an epic battle. Brash, but epic, I muse, crossing my arms.

+ + + + +

AFTER A WHILE of waiting, All Might returns with Bakugou, Iida, and Ochaco. Midoriya, who collapsed, was taken to the nurse's office. Now, as we stand in the monitor room, we're finally going to assess the first battle. This is the time we evaluate their actions.

"Hmm, I'd say. The best in this match was young Iida," the number one hero informs, making me nod in agreement.

"Wha! How," the said boy exclaims, completely shocked.

"But weren't the winners Ochaco and Midoriya," Tsuyu asks.

"I wonder why I could possibly think so? Who knows why," All Might questions is, yelling with a grin.

Raising my hand to answer, Yaoyorozu cuts me off before I speak. She goes on and on about how Bakugou's actions were driven by a personal grudge and how his destructive power was idiotic in such a closed off space, I nod, agreeing with her. She also says that Midoriya's actions were the same, which I also agree with. She then tells us how Ochaco lost her composure in the middle of the fight and how her last attack was purely reckless, and I nod with a smile on my face. She then answers, saying that Iida was the only one who adapted to the situation, taking heed of his opponent's power as he devised a solid strategy against them, and even if he was slow against the last attack he still prepared to fight while protecting the weapon, and I absolutely agree.

Okay, where has she been my whole life, and when can I marry her, I question with complete fascination.

"I, uh, was going to say something, too, but she took the words right out my mouth. I must say, Yaoyorozu, I find your observation skills very commendable. It clearly shows your level of intellect," I say, stumbling at first, but steady when I praise the girl. "Very impressive," I smirk.

She smiles, pleased with the compliment.

"W-well, young Iida might also have been a bit too stiff, but correct answer," All Might commends, laughing.

"We should always start our studies with what's familiar! And if we don't cheer each other on wholeheartedly, then we'll never become top heroes," Yaoyorozu announces, placing her hands on her hips.

Man, her mind is so beautiful, I muse, completely awestruck.

+ + + + +

TIME WAS SHORT before the second match commenced. In a new site, I stand next to my teammate inside the weapon room. With yesterday's events in mind, I quickly take note that Ojiro is more in synch with a 'hands on' approach - meaning that he has the skill for close combat. Nodding, I decide to throw ideas for our strategy.

"So, do you want to work together, or do you want to split the work - one of us staying behind to protect the weapon and the other tries to distract the hero team," I question since we only have a five minute head-start. 

"Well, from what I noticed of our quirks, it seems that we're both close contact fighters," Ojiro comments. 

"Are you suggesting we keep a strong front and fight them together, because that can either make us win or lose. However, we'd have each other's backs." I tell him, weighing the option.

"That's right. Working together we definitely have a strong barricade between us. Shoji we can handle, though it's Todoroki who I'm more concerned about," he calmly states. 

I nod, agreeing. "Yeah, for sure. He's fast, obviously smart and strategic with the comments he made earlier, and he can clearly utilize his quirk for his advantage. A one man army, but armies still have weak points, we just need to know where to hit," I explain. 

Todoroki, he's certainly an impressive one. Definitely good looking, if I swung that way, however it's his intellect and skill that sticks out to me. With the right moves, Ojiro and I can ensure a victory - like a game of Shogi. Interesting for sure, I muse whilst rubbing my chin.

"Alright! This is what we do, and you can disagree if have something else in mind, I can take Todoroki since I can change into different matters. If he uses ice, which I'm sure of, I can turn to ice and not get affected, or into steel and break through it. You, you can take Shoji out of the equation which I'm confident that you can do. Are you down with it," I suggest a strategy. 

"No, no, no. I actually like that idea, let's do that," he concurs. 

"Okay, I'm going out there then. If I can stall Todoroki since he's basically the main factor of this battle, then maybe we can have a chance at winning. Are you all right if I leave you here with the weapon," I ask as I prepare to leave the room.

"Yeah, I got it covered," he assures, waving me off. 

I nod, and walk out. I quickly stride through the halls, but at each intersection, I make sure to check that none of the hero team are creeping up. Eventually, I make it to the lower level and stop. I backtrack a few steps when I hear them conversing, strategizing their plan of attack. I know that the match already started, but I can't take them both on. 

Stay silent! From yesterday's assessment and with today's time in the classroom, I know that Shoji can form ears at the end of his arms and listen!

"One of them's on the north side of the fourth floor. The other one, I can't tell where they are, which could mean that they separated to cover more ground, The girl, is she planning to ambush us," Shoji informs his teammate with his reconnaissance skills.

Damn! Well, they obviously thought of counter attacks since they saw through my strategy, I proclaim as my eyes widen. 

"This'll get hairy, so go outside. If they intend to make this a defensive game, then this won't be much for me," Todoroki comments. 

I narrow my eyes at his words. Clearly he underestimates both Ojiro and I for our lack of flashy quirks. I get it, I do, he has the ability to produce and form ice at his will whilst the two of us are more controlled - as you can say. Though, as I focus I can hear footsteps departing as they grow further away. 

What's up with that? Why did he send Shoji outside?

However, my question is quickly answered when I soon see my breaths persperate in front of me. My whiskey gaze widens when I spot Todoroki's ice creeping up and everywhere along the walls. So, that's how he's going to play it? By freezing us in place, hell no. 

Stepping back, I turn around and silently run into another hall. That's before I communicate into the coms-link. 

"Ojiro, Shoji's a no-go. He did some surveillance to locate us before Todoroki told him to step outside! It's only Todoroki right now, and he's already making a move to freeze the whole building. He's planning to freeze us in place to get an easy victory. So, I don't know about you, but I'm definitely not going down without a fight," I hastily inform my teammate in a whispered yell. 

Turning once again on my heel, I witness as the ice encases every inch of the corridors. huffing, I don't hesitate to touch the blue crystalline matter of the freezing nature. Immediately, my body runs cold, my nerves clench with a solid stiffness, and my skin is experiencing a constant freezer burn - a shivering coolness yet a numbing heat all together. Basically, it's like having ice cubes shoved down my shirt, only everywhere.

With mechanical movements, I step in Todoroki's path and stand in a wide stance - smirking.

"Is this the best you can do, Todoroki? Your ice is nothing against me," I taunt. It may be stupid trying to antagonize one of the strongest students in our class, but this match is only for ten minutes. I need to kill time by playing the decoy, distracting him. "And you thought this would too easy, huh. Apparently, we're not too much for you."

"So you heard us. I'm impressed, you managed to avoid Shoji's detection, not everyone can do that," he tells me, stoic as ever. "Plus, it seems that you can hold yourself against my quirk."

"Yeah, well, I'm not like everybody else. So, hit me with your best shot," I smirk before entering a running position - preparing to glide. 

I can tell that he doesn't bode well with my declaration to fight since his expression narrows into a frown. Stepping forward with his right leg, he raises his arm and shoots a wave of ice towards me. Without hesitation, I move forwards and speedily surf to the walls, up and upside down on the ceiling, similar to a barrel roll. Swiftly, I land and come to a stop behind him and Immediately change my skin into the steel alloy of my scarf. 

Pushing myself towards his unguarded back, I direct a punch. However, he anticipates my actions and quickly turns his right side. It's a collision as we meet in the the middle. He used a block of ice to protect himself, though my fist easily obliterated it, but it was enough to slow down my momentum and make him grab my hand without damaging himself. Narrowing my eyes, I jut my right leg out and try to deliver a kick to his own legs. 

Unfortunately, I hit ice yet again as he uses it to shield himself. 

I growl. "You rely too much on your quirk, Todoroki! It only proves that you lack the skills for close combat," I grit out. 

Spinning on my heel, I maneuver my body closer to his and quickly take a hold of his wrist. Gripping his arm, I ground myself firmly before I execute a precise over the shoulder throw with his body. I smirk when I watch Todoroki drop to the floor in front of me, wincing at the sudden pain. Wanting to be consistent with my moves, I leave no openings when I raise my right fist before bringing it down in a punch. Though, just as I'm about to make contact again, he hastily rolls to the side, dodging my attack - yet again! The flooring beneath my fist is practically shattered in shards, my hand caven in through the ice and lineium like a spider web. 

Though, just as I'm about to make my next move, Todoroki beats me to it as he takes a hold of my forearm. 

"You put up a great fight, but like I said before, it's not much. We're simply on different levels, Uchihara, and the space between us is too big," he informs before encasing my whole body in ice. 

Even with my steeled skin, I'm frozen in place as I'm stuck inside what resembles an ice berg. 

Fuck! Screw this! Screw him! Screw everything! Fucking damn it, I mentally yell when I watch him walk away, disappearing. We're totally screwed!

It's not long before All Might determines Todoroki, the hero team, the winner of this match. 

I sigh in defeat, he definitely wiped the floor with us. That's how much of a competition we are

+ + + + +

AFTER EVERY MATCH, we were all rounded up again as All Might stands in front of us. Some of my fellow classmates are worn out and tired. Too exhausted after the use their quirks. I mean, for some of them, this is their first time using it during a fight, well, against other quirks.

"Good work everyone! Apart from young Midoriya, there were no big injuries! Nevertheless, no holds were barred! For your first full training exercise, you all did wonderfully," All Might commends each and everyone of us with his signature grin.

"Such an honest lesson right on the heels of Aizawa sensei's, kinda anticlimactic if you ask me," someone from the crowd states, I don't know, I don't care enough to look up and acknowledge them.

"Honest lessons also fall in line with our 'freedom' here on campus! Now then, I'm going to share that critique from earlier with young Midoriya! Change clothes and return to the classroom," our current sensei explains before dismissing us and running off.

"Wow, is he in a hurry? All Might's pretty cool," the short kid, Mineta, comments.

Eventually, we all head back to the locker rooms to change before entering our classroom. Back in my classic school uniform, I sit in my designated seat and start my homework. The others preoccupy themselves by talking about their battles and complimenting each other's skills. By the time I finish my English assignment, someone directs a question at me.

"Uchihara, we saw you turn to different things, but what exactly is your quirk," Kirishima asks, and as I look up, most of our classmates are listening.

I cringe at the attention, but answer nonetheless. "Well, I call it Asorption Control. The name is pretty self explanatory, but it basically allows me to absorb any matter I touch and manipulate it. Like this," I explain before touching the wood on my desk.

As I turn into the said matter, they lean in, interested.

"Like with my hands, I can manipulate the tips of my fingers to sharpen like a blade which will allow me to slash and cut at things," I say, showcasing the example before turning back to my normal self.

"Hey! It's almost the same as mine, but yours is so much more! I bet you were really popular when you younger," Kirishima exclaims with a grin after hardening his arm to show me.

I fake a smile. "Yeah," I lie, not wanting to indulge in my past.

I know Kirishima means well, but I don't know him, or anyone here, well enough to share my past of a bullied childhood. I should feel proud of myself because the bullying made me stronger. It drove me to become a hero even more, but I'm not. The feeling of being weak, I always despised it.

Though, with the redhead, I feel like we can be friends. I mean, he is outspoken and acts first, but he's genuine. The same goes for Todoroki, but he's more like his icy quirk, cold. Nevertheless, cold as he may be, we definitely have some chemistry - more like rivarly with our battle's events. Then, there's Yaoyorozu, her intelligence is something I want to counter with my own. If we get to know each other, I feel like we'll be great friends.

Though, for that to happen, I need to stop being bitter and avoidant, I remind myself.


Well, that's all I have for today! Total word count, 6,789! I know I misspelled some names and for some details wrong in the last chapters, but I will edit them....if I'm not too lazy!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!

So far, what do you like about Urusa? Or hate?

And yes, I replaced Hagakure. I always found it pointless to have an invisible character, especially one that doesn't get much of a spotlight.

Anyways, don't forget to






(  E D I T E D  )

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