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"You did good this time. 62%."

My eyes widened at her words as a mild relief washed over me.

Me? 62%?

"Oh my g-god.. really?" Unable to hold my happiness in, I blurted out as I pushed my shaky hands up to capture the sheet of paper.

I looked down at it, the marks in the corner highlighted with a red marker.


"I knew you could do good. Realise your potential and work hard." For the first time, I saw a smile on my strict teacher's face as she patted me on my shoulder.

I nodded, feeling a new ignition of confidence inside me.

I did good this time.

I passed.

Mom and dad would be happy.

Clutching the sheet of paper in my hands, I turned around facing the rest of the class with a shocked expression.

I'm feeling so happy...

After a long time...

I did it...maybe unknowingly but I did.

A few students smiled at me tenderly while the others didn't even care to look. Maybe they were in shock?

But I don't care. I know my parents would feel a bit proud of me atleast.

After the classes got over, I picked up my bag, pushing the short skirt down which was riding up to my thighs.

I really hate these skirts.

Walking swiftly across the corridor, I quickly made my way out without them noticing me.

Phew. Atleast they didn't notice me this time.

Sighing in relief, I took a step towards the road leading to my house but I abruptly stopped when I realised...

I thought of visiting the therapist today.

Tapping my foot on the concrete footpath in confusion, I fell in a dilemma as I wondered if I should go or not.

But I'm feeling happy after that incident.

Maybe I should visit some other day?

I hummed, looking here and there as I huffed out a breathy sigh.

I decided to go today. So I'll have to go.

What if I don't get another chance?

Finally coming up with this decision, I started walking, tightly clutching the straps of my bag as I made my way to the end of the road, looking for a cab.

After a while, a cab stopped in front of me with the driver poking his head out of the window.

"Where do you want to go?"

I gulped, feeling anxious as I looked at the ground.

Shit. I forgot the name of the place.

"Uh.. I..."

He looked at me confusedly, as I blinked, trying to remember.

"Uh, yeah...Insadong."

"Okay." He gestured his hand at the back as I pulled the door, hopping inside and seating myself on the leather seat.

He started the engine as I quickly checked my bag, in case I have enough money or not.

"Uh, how much do I pay?" I peeped through the seat as he looked in the rear-view mirror, examining my odd expressions.

"3000 Won." He replied as I checked my bag again.

I have enough money.

That's good.

Sighing with relief, I looked out of the glass window, admiring the astonishing view of the large and shiny buildings on my way.

Wow. So beautiful.

I miss going out with my family.

I glanced back at the driver, "uhm, sir... can I open this window?"

He looked back at me, his lips twitching up with a slight smile.

"Of course."

I smiled back as I lowered the window, now the fresh breeze hitting my face as my hair started blowing away and I squinted my eyes, the warm rays of sunlight warming up my entire face.


This is amazing.

I feel...happy.

And free.

For the first time traveling alone without my parents, I felt scared...of course.

But I felt joyful. Independent. Free.

As the cab stopped in front of a large building, I paid him and got out, glancing around the large crowd. Busy people rushing on the streets. Everyone seems in a hurry.

I looked around, finding any sign for the doctor's clinic.

"Uh, excuse me, do you know that famous therapist here?" I asked a lady and she nodded, pointing at the back.

"Yeah, that's his clinic."

I turned my heels around, glancing at the large building in front of me, with a colourful nameplate hanging on the gate.

I'm here.


I reached here.

"Dr. Jung Hoseok."

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