Falling Early

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All Beacon students were on high alert, out trying to combat the Zombie menace that had invaded Beacon. Most were... unable to stop them as they had no knowledge of how to kill one.

The members of team CJVY that were at Beacon helped fend them off, Coco telling them whaf to destroy to kill the Zombies. Looking around Velvet pierced a Zombie's head with a copy of Weiss' rapier, worried.

Coco: Velvet! Pay attention

Velvet: What aboug Y/N? I can find him anywhere!

Yatsuhashi: It is worrying, but we need to-

A group of Zombies where above them, the tall man looked up to see them before pausing which made the other two follow his gaze. They quickly dropped and bared their fangs before a green shield appeared around the three.

The Zombies stopped as a purple aura surrounded them, all being crushed into the ground as Ozpin stood behind the three, being the reason for the shield. It faded as they looked to see Ozpin and Glynda.

Ozpin: Mr. Joestar is missing? This is concerning...

Velvet: Please, i need to go after him

Ozpin: I am sorry, Ms. Scarlatina, but i need all of you to help those who can't help themselves

She hung her head and nodded, understanding why she needed to do that. Looking back to Glynda she nodded before leading the students towards the airship bay while the headmaster looked to the Zombie's dissolving corpses.

He went up to his office and opened the secret compartment to see the Stand Arrow and Stone Mask was missing which made him sigh, not knowing their power but knowing it was bad to let them go.

Back with Y/N he clung to the wall as he made his way through the warehouse's connecting underground tunnels, outside stood a large tree surrounded by flowers, marking Dino's grave.

He coughed and held his chest in pain, blood running from a wound as he hoveled slowly. The coughing continued which made him fall to one knee as blood built up in his mouth causing the teen to spit it out.

Jonathan: Don't use Hamon, it'll-

Y/N: Spread the TB to the rest of my organs through my blood, i know...

Getting back onto his feet Y/N eventually made his way to a dark room with what looked like a coffin. The teen approached it before summining his Stand and destroying it, the Stone Mask and Stand Arrow falling out the wreckage.

Upon seeing it his eyes widened. Going to destroy it he was stopped when the room shook, he looked up as above ground the warehouses were carpet bombed after being cleared of people.

It took a moment before he grabbed the Mask and Arrow, doing his best to quickly get out of the tunnels and above ground before they collapsed on him. Vampire's screeched in pain as they were seared by the flames while Ozpin ran over to the window.

Seeing the buildings being bombed in the distance by Atlas ships he pulled out his scroll and called Ironwood only to hear the sound of a scroll ringing behind him, he turned to see the General standing there, hanging up.

Ozpin: James, what are you doing!?

Ironwood: It's been evacuated

Ozpin: That doesn't matter, people work there, supplies are stored there! We needed those supplies for those affected afterwards

Ironwood: If there was another choice then i'd take it. But there's around a few hundred Huntsmen left here, and thousands of them multiplying. I had to shoot my own men!

Ozpin: Beacon, it's... evacuate the academy and get them on the airships. I'll get Amber

Ruby: What!?

Turning to her teammate Ruby looked to her in shock as Weiss saw the evacuation warning on her scroll. They heard a yell before turning as a Grimm lept towards the heiress only to be saved by Oobleck.

Oobleck: It seems there's been an emergency at Beacon... no. Beacon has fell

Their expressions dropped, the ruined city of Mt. Glenn towered above them while the remaining two members came over, hearing Ruby shout. Before asking they checked their scrolls and saw the same message Weiss got.

Yang: It... no way, this can't be true!


?: Is he awake?

?: I don't thin- ah, wait! His eyes are opening

Slowly Y/N woke up, seeing what looked like the roof of a tent. Beside him was someone who looked kind of like a doctor and a woman with long black hair and red eyes.

He sat up slowly but felt chains around his ankles and wrists making him look to them before at the two in front of him. The doctor backed up leaving the woman who crossed her arms.

?: You should be-

Y/N: Raven?

Raven: How'd you know my name...?

Y/N: Yang wanted to go looking for you years ago and i tagged along

She stared at the teen before he began coughing slightly. Clearing his throat Y/N pat his chest and spat the blood out his mouth and onto the ground, letting out a breath.

Raven: Why's he spitting out blood?

Doctor: I don't know, there wasn't any internal organ damage which would've caused it

The teen began to pull on the chains, trying to break them although he lacked his previous, Hamon infused strength so it only looked like a pitiful attempt to escape which caught the Bandit leader's attention

Raven: We saved you from Beacon

Y/N: And you're probably going to ransom me, right?

Raven: How astute. You two, take him to the cage

Two bandits came in and wrapped their arms around Y/N, dragging him out. He secretly took a bullet from one of their bandoliers around their waist before it began spinning.

He focused, looking down Y/N aimed, the bullet shooting out a moment later and breaking the chains on his legs. They looked in confusion so the teen elbowed one in the face and headbutted the other.

As they stumbled back he took the opportunity and ran to the horses that were hitched while Raven called out for the others to grab and stop the teen as he climbed onto the horse.

After pulling off the reins and holding them the teen tugged them to the side, whipping them forward as if he was being directed by someone and told what to do. The horse bolted forward as Y/N's hands glowed with yellow stars.

Vernal let out a breath and held her hands out as storm clouds appeared in the sky, Raven standing beside her. Y/N turnedhsi head to see she was the source of the thunder and aimed a finger at her.

One of his nails spun before he fired it, what looked like a pink being accompanied the nail for a moment and cut Vernal's cheek. That side of her face started to wrinkle and age as the nail hit a support log, a large pink figure appearing.

As Vernal held her face it pummeled the log, absolutely destroying it as Raven looked between it and Vernal who was in shock. Y/N rided out the sight of the camp, coughing before Johnny appeared behind him, sitting on the horse.

Johnny: What are you planning to do now?

Y/N: ...I don't know. Roman's dead, i'm dying, and Beacon's gone

From a distance Qrow watched Y/N, runninh into a crow he began to follow the teen, knowing who he was as Ruby and Yang told their uncle what he looked like, and knowing Raven it wasn't hard for him to find him.

Johnny: Then maybe go after the source of the Grimm, before you... pass

Y/N: If i could find them, maybe

(Lemme know what you think)

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