Worsening Circumstances

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3rd person pov

Riding through the wooded path Y/N found himself on he sat there, feeling faint. As be coughed he slouched over and could feel his consciousness fading away, blood staining his hand.

Y/N: N-Not now...

He muttered to himself, trying to keep himself up straight althiugh faiked and fell off the horse. Y/N collapsed, a moment later which caused someone to come out the woods to check on him.

It was Qrow who kneeled down beside the unconscious teen. Seeing the blood on his hand he frowned, Y/N's skin was pale and sunken, it being cleared that his health was getting worse.

Suddenly a Grimm lept out, having sensed the negative emotions coming from Qrow and it went to bite down on him. However time was reversed a moment and Qrow turned around, slashing the Gromm as soon as it came out.

On his shoulder was a pinkish brace that had tendrils coming out and injecting into parts of his body. Sighing it disappeared as he went over to Y/N and put him on his shoulder after putting his sword away.

Taking him to somewhere safe and secluded, where Raven's tribe wouldn't be able find them, Qrow set up camp using whatever was on the horse's saddle which included a bed roll.

He checked his temperature and felt that Y/N was suffering from a fever, a symptom of the TB. Placing his weapon down Qrow turned into a crow and began to fly to the closest village for supplies.

Coco: Velvet... he's fine, i promise

Velvet: He's been missing for a week! No one's seen him

Sitting on the bed in their temporary room Velvet stayed there, not knowing what to do ever since Y/N vanished. Truthfully, it created a rift in the team as an important component was missing.

Coco: Even if there was something wrong, there isn't anything we could do. As you said, no one's seen him

Yatsuhashi: We could ask around

Coco: Don't encourage her, Yatsu...

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Velvet got up and left the room, walking out their temporary lodgings provided by the kingdom of Mistral as alot of people had been left homeless.

Spirits were low all around, never before has a kingdom fallen like that. An army of undead creatures built beneath everyone's noses, and no one was wise to it in the slightest.

Feeling something brush up against her leg the faunas looked down to see a Platypus with an arrow in it's mouth. The arrow was the Stand arrow, but the shaft had been broken in half.

It nudged her before walking away as Velvet watched in confusion. The platypus looked back to her and gestured it's head, wanting her to follow it so she did, albeit very hesitantly.


Y/N sat by a fire, shivering as he felt chills run through him. Qrow sat across from the teen, leaning against a tree while Y/N coughed which caught his "uncle's" attention, although he raised his hand to stop him.

Calming down he took a deep breath and wiped his hand against his pants before letting out that breath and looking to his "uncle" cautiously, unsure of what to say to him.

Qrow: You're dying, aren't you?

Y/N: ...Yeah

Qrow: What are you planning to do with your remaining time

Y/N: Find the source of the Grimm, destroy it

Qrow: Not an it. A she

Adopting a look of confusion Y/N raised an eyebrow which made Qrow chuckle lightly as he sat up. As he threw a stick onto the fire he soon looked behind the teen with a cautious expression.

The teen followed his gaze, looking behind himself he saw a Platypus scurry out the tree line before turning back into the Stone Mask, dropping the arrow. A moment later, a tired Velvet stepped out.

She panted slightly, having being made to follow the Platypus as it would keep biting her if she stopped. Looking to the two by the fire her eyes widened as she froze upon seeing Y/N.

Quickly she rushed over to him and pulled him into a hug which made Y/N flinch as the oldest of the group watched in confusion. The teen slowly hugged her back before Qrow saw the arrow and Mask.

Velvet: Where were you...?

Y/N: Fighting the boss of the things that attacked Beacon. I... Dino died because of me

Velvet: At least you're safe, and healthy

Before Qrow could object Y/N rasied his hand to stop him. A few moments later they separated from the hug as Y/N picked up both the Stone Mask and the Stand Arrow, looking to them.

He destroyed the Stone Mask, ending it's terrifying secret for good but hesitated to do so with the Arrow. Velvet watched in confusion, glancing to her hand before looking back at it.

Qrow: What's wrong?

Y/N: I'm... not sure whether or not to destroy it. It can help, and bring good, but also do the reverse

Velvet: What's so special about it?

Y/N: It grants people these

He summoned Virtual Insanity to display what he ment which made the Faunas nod slightly, understanding where Y/N got this ability from finally. Qrow took the Arrow and put it away which caused the two to look at him.

Qrow: Now then, as i was saying... the source of the Grimm is a person, and her name is Salem

Salem: Watts, can you explain what's happened, and where the Arrow and Mask is?

Looking over the table to the former Atlas scientist he tugged on his collar and looked away nervously while Salem kept her cold gaze on him which didn't help with how he felt.

Watts: Cinder betrayed us due to someone acquiring the Mask's ability, they mind controlled her

Salem: And she is?

Watts: Dead

Salem: The Maiden powers?

Watts: Gone off to someone else

Salem: What about those two who followed her?

Watts: The police captured them, but they died from something implanted in their brain

She nodded, folding her hands together the Grimm Queen took a breath before standing up as Hazel, Watts and Tyrian watched, the scientist anxious as to what she'd do next.

Salem: Does anyone know of the Arrow's whereabouts...? No one? Well, i suppose we have a problem on our hands. If the power of it goes unchecked, that could cause a disaster. What happened to the person i contacted in Vale?

Tyrian: He's dead. But it seemed he wasn't going to hand the items to you anyway

Salem: It's best he's dead then. Find the Arrow, or you'll all soon share his fate

(Lemme know what you think)

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