Curiouser and Curiouser

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Alistair was the son of the famously curious Alice of Wonderland and was a student at Auradon at Auradon Prep but he sometimes found the school odd. For starters the clocks didn't talk and the animals didn't talk either which he found quite rude and people didn't understand riddlish the national language of wonderland. He had been attending school in Auradon for years but did miss his home land. But today was a day like no other. Ben son of Belle and Beast future king of Auradon and one of Alistiars friends had recently issued a proclamation that children from the remote isle of the lost would be allowed to attend school in Auradon. Alistair had been one of the few students to support this idea. He had helped Doug Son of Dopey sort of their class schedules and helped prepare their dorms and sort out their roommates. "i cant believe your making me room with the son of Anastasia Tremaine" Chad Charming Son of Cinderella said angry. "why hes technically your step cousin and you are the only one without a roommate its only logical" Alistair said. "and what do you know about logic your a wonderlandian or should i say blunderlandian" Chad said before shoving past him. Alistair sighed and rubbed his shoulder where Chad had shoved past.

just then Jordan daughter of the genie appeared. "i take it you ran into chad" she asked knowing. "yeah and he called me a blunderlandian quite peculiar since ive never heard that word before" Alistair said thinking. at this Jordan went wide eyed. "Alistair Chad was making fun of you by insulting where you come from" Jordan said crossing her arms. "oh i suppose that makes sense but i wish he would stop it otherwise he might get expelled form school" Alistair said before leaving and heading down the corridor. He stopped to make sure all the dorms were ready.

When he saw the room that Mal Daughter of Maleficent and Evie Daughter of the Evil Queen would be staying in he wasn't impressed. it was to pink and to girly he thought that the girls might not like it and want to be sent back to the isle of the lost. "i guess i have to make this room wonderlandiful" he said smiling. he stepped into the middle of the room. "from isle to auradon and hero to villain make this room wonderlandiful" he said. in light blue sparkles half the room turned purple and green and the other half turned dark blue and red with black trim. "there thats more like it he said admiring his handy work. After he sorted out the girls room he decided to check on the room where Jay Son of Jafar and Carlos Son of Cruella De Vil. He looked around the room and decided to cast the same spell he used for the girls dorm. When he was done with the boys room he checked the clock. "nothing more peculiar than a clock that tells the right time" he said. When he noticed the time on the clock he went wide eyed. "oh no im late" he said before quickly speeding off down the hall way like he was chasing a white rabbit.

When he got to the main entrance hall he saw Ben and his girlfriend Audrey daughter of sleeping beauty talking to a group of oddly dressed kids. "i take it there the new kids" he said. he quickly walked down the steps quickly and tripped on the last one thankfully one of the kids caught him. "t-thanks" he stuttered and feeling his cheeks go rose red. "no problem" the dark haired boy said. "Alistair im glad you could make it" Ben said. sorry im late i was busy" he said before the dark haired boy let him go. Alistair walked over to Ben and Audrey. Alistair looked around. "wheres Doug" he asked. just then Doug son of Dopey appeared in his band uniform. "oh there he is" Alistair said. Doug went other to the other three AKs. "This is Doug and Alistair there going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms if you need anything feel free to" just then Audrey cut Ben off. "ask the boys" Audrey said before dragging Ben off.

The five VKs then turned to the two boys. "hello im Alistair Son of Alice and this is Doug Son of Dopey" Alistair said introducing them. "and thats dopey as in dopey doc bashful happy grumpy and,,,," he stopped when he saw the blue haired girl. "heigh ho" he breathed out in awe. "Evie Evil Queens daughter" she said twirling a strand of her hair. "does she always do this" Alistair asked the other four". all four nodded. "right well as for your classes me and Doug have already put in the requirements already" Alistair said taking the clip board from Doug. "history of woodsmen and pirates, safety rules for the internet and oh this is a new one" he said reading off the clip board. "what is" the dark haired boy. just as he was reading it Mal daughter of maleficent went over to him and put an arm o his shoulder. "Remedial goodness 101" Alistair said confused. Mal smirked. "new class" she asked the boys. Doug nodded. "apparently so" Alistair said. "come on guys lets go find our dorms" Mal said. she and the other VKs began to walk up the stair case. "uhh guys your dorms are that way" Alistair said pointing in the opposite direction. at that the five VKs went back down the stairs and headed off into the opposite direction. "oh and Anthony" he called unsure which one was Anthony. the dark haired boy stopped. "yes" he said. "you arent rooming with Jay and Carlos you are rooming with Chad Charming your step cousin" Alistair said. Anthony rolled his eyes. "oh goody" he said.

"i-ill take you to it follow me" Alistair said. Anthony smiled. "lead the way" he said and began to follow Alistair to his dorm. at this the four other VKs were confused by this since Anthony usually only smirks and never smiles. "that was weird" Jay said. "it sure was" Mal said.


As Alistair and Anthony walked to Chad (and now Anthonys) dorm Alistair couldnt help but look over at Anthony. "so Wonder boy what do you guys do for fun around here" Anthony asked. "uh well we have lots of clubs you can join im on the cheer squad"  Alistiarsaid smiling proudly. "huh i would have thought you would be in the chess club" Anthony said smirking. "oh i did consider it but then i found out that the pieces are really little and they dont move by themseleves" Alistair said. at this Anthony began to giggle. "whats so founny" Alistair asked. "nothing nothing wonder boy" Anthony said at this Alistair began to blush again.

"alright here we are" Alistair said as they stopped outside Chads room. Alistair knocked on the door and Chad opened it. "if it isnt my favourite blunderlandian" Chad said smirking at Alistair. at this Anthony began to glare at his not so charming step cousin. "this is Anthony your new roommate" Alistair said. "charmed im sure" Anthony said smirking at chad before entering the room. "alright i hope you to get along" Alistair said to them. "oh dont worry Alistair i got we feeling we,re going to be best friends" Anthony said smirking at Chad which caused Chad to glare at him. at that Chad clsoed the door. "well he seemed nice" Alistair said before leaving. "and hes kind of cute" Alistair thought to himself as he headed back to his dorm

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