New friends

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After Alistair went back to his dorm room he got pamphlets he made to give to the VKs. One was about what you could do at Auradon Prep and Maps of the school he got from the headmistress. He also got panflets of the most popular spots that students go to.

He had left his dorm room and went to go to the girls first he was almost there when he saw Anthony. "Aaa Wonder boy I can't seem to get away from you can I" he smirked. "I was heading to the girls dorm to give them a pamphlet's about the school a map of the school and pamphlets of the most popular places the students go to" he said.

"Ooo" Anthony said and took one of each. "Woah I did not release that the school was so big" he said looking at the map. "This was Beasts castle" Alistair said. "Wait this was beasts castle" Anthony asked intrigued. "It's all in the pamphlet" he said pointing to the one Anthony was holding. "Oh and can you give these to Carlos and Jay" he said handing more over for Jay and Carlos. "Sure I guess" Anthony said before heading to Carlos and Jays room.

When Alistair arrived at the girls dorm he knocked on the door and Evie answered. "hello Evie" he said smiling. "uh hi" she said confused as to why he was at the door. "I came to drop these off for you and mal he said handing her the pamphlet's and maps" oh thank you" she said smiling. "your welcome" he said. "oh and I've been wanting say I love your style its so wonderous" she said. "thank you I'm sort of into fashion I even have a fashion blog" he said. "really" Evie asked intrigued. Alistair nodded. "ill show you it sometime" he said. "please do" Evie said. just then Mal came to the door. "hello Mal" he said waving to her. "hey your Alice's kid right" Mal asked. "yes I am why" Alistair asked. "just curious do you know any secret passage ways in the school. "of course I d I know every inch of the school when I first got to Auradon I spent ages exploring the school I know every inch of it" he said proudly" 

"Really whoa that is interesting" Mal said thinking. "well I best be off I don't want to over stay my welcome" Alistair said before leaving. "that guy is such a sweetheart" Evie said. "plus we now have someone who knows every inch of this school" Mal smirked. at this Evie rolled her eyes at her purple haired friend and both went back into their dorm and closed the door behind him.


Alistair was almost back at his dorm room when he saw Anthony smirking and leaning against a wall. "you owe me wonder boy" Anthony said. "oh did you give them to Jay and Carlos" he asked tilting his head. " of course I did" Anthony said. "well thank you" Alistair said smiling. just as Alistairt as about to contiue on his way. "hey Alistair you want to hang out for a while" Anthoyn said rubbing the back of his neck. "s-sure what did you have in mind" Alistair asked. "well does this place have a student lounge we could go to" Anthony asked. Alistair smiled and nodded. then Alistiar took Anthonys hand and led him down to the student lounge. 

When they got to the Student lounge they spent it talking about both the isle and Auradon. Alistair was always curious about what life was like on the isle of the lost and was shocked to hear about the poor living conditions on the island. Alistair then told Anthony about his home land and just how mad and wonderful wonderland was and Anthony was definitely intrigued he kept asking Alistair all about his native home land. when the two were done they headed back to the dorms. "never thought i would this about a Auradon kid but this you were fun" Anthony said smiling at Alistair. "thanks" Alistair said. just then Mal and Evie came. "ohh Tremaine" Mal called to Anthony making Anthony roll his eyes. "what" he said annoyed. "we have that thing" Evie said trying to sound casual. "wh.." Anthony stopped when he realised what the girls meant. "oh right" he said. Alistair was standing there confused. "what ae you guys talking about" Alistair asked. "huh oh nothing" Anthony said. "but we made plans with Jay and Carlos so we have to go" but lets do this again" Anthony said. "oh ok" Alistair said before heading inside his dorm. "where have you been" Herkie Son of Hercules asked from his bed. 

"oh nothing I was just hanging out with one of the new kids" Alistair said before going over to his bed. "oooo who was he" Herkie asked. "how do you know it was a guy" Alistair asked. "because your cheeks are red meaning you like this guy" Herkie said smirking and pointing to Alistair's cheeks. "it was Anthony Tremaine one of the new VKs" Alistair said. "ohh" Herkie said smirking and getting up. "what" Alistair asked confused. "nothing nothing at all" Herkie said before heading out of the room. "that was weird" Alistair thought.


Later that night Alistair was struggling to sleep so he got out of bed and went and looked out his window it when he was looking down at the courtyard he saw Anthony and his friends run threw the courtyard making Alistair go wide eyed. when he thought he saw Mal look up he quickly head behind the curtains. after a few minutes Alistair looked out and saw once again the quiet and empty courtyard. Alistair breathed a sigh of relief and headed back into his bed. "I have got to remember to ask Anthony about this tomorrow" Alistair thought. it took a while but Alistair finally fell asleep wondering what Anthony and the others were out doing out at night.  

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