First Day

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After the whole Fiasco back at the Museum, it was now the VK's, Scott's and his dad's first day at Auradon Prep.

(Auradon Prep Library)

Currently The VK's were in the Library, where Fairy Godmother was teaching Remedial Goodness. "If someone hand you a crying baby, do you, A: Curse it? B: Lock it in a tower? C: Give it a bottle? Or D: Carve out its heart?" Evie raised her hand. "Evie."

"What was the second one?" Evie asked.

Fairy Godmother smiled nervously. "Oh, okay. Anyone else." Mal was drawing Fairy Godmother's wand in her note book. Fairy Godmother seeing that no one was raising their hands, Fairy Godmother chose Mal to answer the question since it appeared she wasn't paying attention. "Mal?"

Mal looked up. "C: Give it a bottle."

Fairy Godmother smiled. "Correct. Again."

Carlos looked at Mal, smirking. "You are on fire, girl!"

Mal shrugged and replied to him, "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."

Carlos and Jay nodded. "Oh..."

"That makes so much sense." Evie realized

A girl with short brown hair, and blue eyes wearing a light blue dress walked into the library, this was Jane the daughter of Fairy Godmother.

Jane looked scared of the VKs.

Fairy Godmother smiled at her daughter, "Oh, hello, dear one."

Jane passed a slip of paper to her mom. "Hi. I need you to sign off on early dismissal for Ben's coronation."

"Everyone here obviously remembers my daughter Jane." Fairy Godmother stated.

"Mom, no!" Jane told her.

"It's okay." Fairy Godmother told her. "Jane this is everyone."

Jane waved nervously. "Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were." Jane walked past them to leave, squealing again.

Fairy Godmother cleared her throat to get everyone's attentions back. "Let's continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you, A: Put it in the King's wine?" Evie started raising her hand slowly. "B: Paint it on an apple?" Evie laughed a little at that, sharing a smile with Mal. "Or C: Turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Carlos raised his hand. "Ooh!" Jay pushed Carlos' hand down so he could raise his own hand. "Carlos pushed him off. "Get off."

"Jay?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"C." Jay answered. "You turn it over to the proper authorities."

Fairy Godmother made a clapping motion with her pointer in her hand.

Carlos glared at Jay a little. "I was gonna say that."

"But I said it first." Jay replied. "Come here!"

Jay grabbed Carlos, giving him a noogie, as they fell wrestling onto their table.

"Ow!" Carlos complained.

"Come on, who said it first?" Jay asked giving Carlos a noogie. "Who said it first?"

"Stop!" Carlos pleaded.

The girls not surprised by Jay and Carlos fighting again, were doing other things. Evie was doing her make up and Mal returned to drawing the wand in her notebook.

Fairy godmother hit her pointer stick on the podium several times to get the boys attention. "Boys. Boys!" They stopped. "I"m gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."

Carlos frowned. "Oh, no, that's okay." Jay let Carlos go. Carlos pushed Jay off of him. "Whatever that is, we'll--we'll pass."

(Science Class)

Scott was sitting in his science class waiting for his dad to show up. A few seconds later, Tommy walked into the classroom to teach his first class of the day. When he entered he saw students running around throwing paper airplanes.

"Guys, settle down! Take your seats, please." Tommy ordered.

The class settled down as Tommy entered the room.

"I'm Dr. Oliver, and this is first period science. Before we start, are there any questions?" He asked.

Audrey stood up and had her hand in the air.

"Yes?" Tommy inquired.

Everyone groaned at the self absorbed Princess.

"Hi, I'm Audrey the daughter of Aurora or Sleeping Beauty, and Dr. Oliver, as you may or may not know, I'm head of the student council." The class groaned again as she continued to ramble. Audrey looked at everyone annoyed. "Anyway, I'm sure my fans are wondering -- well, you don't really look old enough to be a teacher or a dad." Tommy adjusted his glasses.

"Audrey, I promise you, I'm old enough to be both a teacher and father. My son Scott is sitting right there." He said with a smirk.

"Yo." Scott greeted to his new classmates.

"Now before we start today's lesson, I not only wanna get to know you guys better, but I also wanna know what you all expect of yourselves in this class. Because that's what's really important." Tommy smiled.

(Tourney Field)

Later that same day, the boys were now on the sports field for tourney tryouts.

Mal, Hayley and Evie were sitting on the bleachers, watching Jay, Carlos and Scott tryout for Tourney.

Coach Jenkins blew his whistle getting the boys attention.

"All right boys line up!" He ordered. "Jay, Ben, offense. Chad, Scott you're defense, and Taylor you're the shooter."

"Right, Coach." Taylor agreed, running away to one of the tourney ball launchers that shot during the game while players were in the kill zone.

Jenkins looked at Carlos, who was looking around like a lost dog on the field. "Hey, hey, hey, you. Lost boy! Put your helmet on, get out of the kill zone. Come on."

"Kill zone?" Carlos repeated. "What--"

Mal and Evie snickered at their friend's confusion.

Jenkins ordered the team, "Pick it up. Put it on. Two hands."

Coach Jenkins blew his whistle and the guys ran out onto the field, Scott caught the ball and saw another player coming towards him, Scott quickly ran out of the way, so fast that all everybody saw was a blur and when they looked back Scott was already on the other side of the field.

"Whoa, how did I just do that?" Scott asked himself.

Scott's attention was directed to his wrist as a red glow came from his wrist, Scott rolled up his sleeve and saw the red gem on his wrist was glowing, looking at it Scott saw a vision of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, quickly taking himself out of his thoughts Scott hit the ball that was passed to him scoring a goal.

Jay bulldozed his way down the field, getting past everyone. In the kill zone, Taylor was shooting ball after ball at Jay, but Jay flipped, ducked and dodged every single one. It was almost like he was invisible. Every cheerleader except for Audrey was cheering him on.

Eventually Jay got to Carlos.

Carlos was scared. "Jay, it's me! It's Carlos! Wait, stop, Jay. Stop! No, no, no, no. NO!"

Jay made the goal, knocking Carlos down on the way, chasing away the goalie, taking off his helmet and throwing it in victory. "Oh, yeah! Come on, let's go!"

Carlos got up and brushed the grass off himself, but as soon as he looked up he saw another ball was headed straight for him. Carlos crossed his arms in front of his head, and when the ball hit his arms it bounced right off. Carlos had his eyes shut, waiting for the impact and the pain but he felt nothing.

When Carlos opened his eyes he saw the ball was sat right in front of him, unsure of what just happened, Carlos rolled up his sleeve and saw blue scales on his arm. "What just happened?" Carlos grabbed the glowing blue gem out of his pocket and saw a vision of a blue triceratops. Carlos stared at his blue gem in awe, before getting hit by another ball and was knocked down again.

Jenkins pointed at Jay and Scott. "You two! Get over here!" The cheerleaders were cheering, all except for Audrey. Audrey was the only cheerleader not cheering, looking annoyed, hands on her hips. The tourney team made their way to Jenkins. "What do you call that? I call that raw talent and skill. Come find me later. I'll show you boys something you haven't seen before. It's called a rule book. Welcome to the team boys." Jenkins looked at Carlos. "You ever thought about band?"

Carlos laughed sarcastically.

Jay was laughing at Carlos from next to him, Mal and Evie were laughing up in the stands.

Scott and Ben looked at each other and nodded.

"We'll work with him, coach." Ben told him.

Scott smiled. "Yeah, should be fun. Right, Carlos?"

Carlos nodded, giving in.

Ben smiled. "All right."

Jenkins sighed. "Let's run that again."

The team went back to playing.

Jay noticed Chad was glaring at him, pushing past him.

Chad held his shoulder in pain. "Ow."


Scott was at his locker getting his things for his next class, when he saw Chad and Audrey talking to Ben. He saw them glaring at Mal and her friends, but once they noticed Audrey and Chad staring at them, the four VK's split up and headed different ways, while Mal stayed at her locker, which had 'Long Live Evil' spray painted in a design of purple of and green over her locker and a black silhouette of Maleficent.

"This kids are trouble." Chad warned.

"Come on, Chad." Ben told him. "Give them a chance."

Mal and Evie were listening to them, exchanging a look.

Audrey chuckled, raising her sunglasses to rest on the top of her head, taking Ben by the hands. "No offense, Benny-bear, but you're just too trusting. Audrey looked at Ben. "I know your mom fell in love with a big, nasty beast who turned out to be a prince, but with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy." Audrey looked toward Mal. "That girl's mom."

Scott shrugged. "We think you're wrong about them."

Ben and Scott fist bumped as they went their separate ways.

Audrey sighed, lowering her sunglasses over her eyes, turning around, walking away, leaving Chad alone.

Mal was going through her mom's spell book, closing her locker. Ben walked by.

"Hey." Ben said.

"Hey." Mal replied.

"How was your first day?" Ben asked.

Mal nodded sarcastically, a little annoyed after overhearing Chad and Audrey downgrading her and her friends, but surprised and grateful to Ben and Scott for standing up for them. "Super."

Ben looked at her locker. "You really should take this talent off the lockers and into art class. I could, uh, sign you up. What do you think?"

Jane walked past them, squeaking. Mal turned to look at her as Jane walked by.

Mal turned and looked back at Ben. "Way to take all the fun out of it."

Mal turned and left. "Huh." Ben said.

And there is Chapter 4 of Descendants go Prehistoric sorry about the wait everybody but now that I got my MacBook back expect updates quite regularly this Summer.

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