The Museum

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Here's Chapter 3 of Descendants go Prehistoric.

In the boys' dorm, the VKs were hanging out. Carlos was playing a video game and Jay was going through things that he had stolen already.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asked

"It's called stealing," Jay answered.

"Okay, what's the point?" Mal asked.

"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free," Jay answered

Mal chuckled, picking up a phone that Jay stole, nodding sarcastically. "Okay, so you could do that." She put the phone back down on the pile of things that Jay had stolen. "Or you could leave all this here and pick it up when we take over the world."

"You sound just like your mom," Evie told her.

Mal put a hand to her chest, smirking. "Thank you."

Jay smirked, walking past Mal as he said, "You do it your way and I'll do it mine.:

Carlos was still playing the game. "Die, suckers! Jay, come check this thing out! Man, it's awesome!"

Jay grabbed the controllers from Carlos and started to play the game too. Evie and Mal walked over to them.

Mal gave them a look. "Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

Jay glanced over his shoulder as he played the game. "Fairy godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand... blah, blah, blah."

Carlos and Evie laughed in amusement.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents," Mal told them. Her friends looked at her. "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?"

They all nodded. "Yeah."

Now having their full attention. "Evie, mirror me."

Evie held up her magic mirror. "Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand. Where does Fairy Godmother's wand... stand?"

The mirror showed the wand up close.

"There it is," Mal said.

"Zoom out," Carlos told her.

Evie held the magic mirror close to her, whispering. "Magic mirror, not so close." The mirror showed the earth. "Closer. Closer. Closer."

"Can I go back to my game?" Carlos asked. "I'm on level three."

"Stop," Jay told them, looking at the mirror.

"It's in a museum. Do we know where that is?" Mal asked.

Carlos typed on a laptop to find out. "2.3 miles from here."

"Come on," Mal told them. When the other VKs went to go, Carlos stayed behind to play his game. "Carlos!"

Carlos followed. "Coming!" Carlos ran down the hallway to follow the others, pulling on his jacket as he did.

The VKs arrived outside, walking up to the Museum of Cultural History.

"Come on," Mal told them. "Evie, check your mirror."

Evie did. "Why, is my mascara smudged?"

Mal gave her a look, nodding sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Yeah. And, hey, while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand?"

"Sure," Evie answered. "This way."

They followed Evie to a section where evil historical objects were shown, peaking in through the windows. They could see Maleficent's cursed spinning wheel, and just beyond it, a security guard studying the cameras that were trained on important relics. His chair squeaked as he turned around, causing the VKs to duck out of the way of the windows so he wouldn't see them. They waited for a moment before looking back in, seeing the security guard facing away from the window. Mal stared at the spinning wheel.

Jay looked at Mal. "That's your mother's spinning wheel?"

"Yeah, it's kinda dorky," Carlos joked.

"It's magic," Mal pointed out. "It doesn't have to look scary." She looked through Maleficent's spell book, trying to cast a spell. "Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger."

Nothing happened.

Jay laughed. "Impressive.

Carlos nodded sarcastically. "I got chills."

Mal rolled her eyes. "Okay, you know what?" She looked at Maleficent's spell book to find another spell. "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." The guard was instantly affected, he stood up, walked over to the spindle, pricked his finger and started to slowly fall asleep. The Vks laughed, impressed, Mal had a proud smile on her face. "Not so dorky now, huh?" She asked smugly, trying to open the door, but it was locked.

Jay backed away. "Stand back.

Mal pointed at a spell and quickly chanted, "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick." The doors flew open just as Jay started running to kick the door open, not knowing that the doors were already open, he fell through the open doors with a yell, groaning in pain as he hit the floor hard, making the others laugh as they followed Mal inside.

"Coming?" Mal asked as she chuckled.

"Come on, Jay," Carlos told him as he helped Jay up.

Jay pushed Carlos off of him. "I'm good."

"Just trying to help," Carlos told him, going to poke the guard to make sure he was asleep.

"Carlos!" Evie hissed.

Carlos followed. "Coming."

Evie checked her mirror. "So close. Upstairs."

"Come on," Mal ordered. "Go, go, go, go. Up, up, up, up, up."

"Come on, guys," Evie told them. "Almost there." They all ran into another room called The Gallery of Villains, where they saw wax statues of their parents and other well known villains. Evie looked at the statue of Evil Queen in shock, which was framed by an outline of her magic mirror and holding a poisoned apple high in the air, looking a little scared. "Mommy?"

Jay shook his head, unable to take his eyes off of the statue of Jafar who was wielding his cobra staff. "Killer."

Carlos was looking at the statue of Cruella, which looked like she was about to chase 99 Dalmatian puppies across a bridge, draped in a long coat made up of many furs, swallowing nervously. "I'll never forget Mother's Day again."

Mal was staring at the statue of Maleficent, who was in all black with her horned hat on her head and holding her scepter, and looked completely void of motion. "Freaky."

Some other statues that were there was one of Zeltrax, and Mesogog.

Jay clapped suddenly, making the others jump at the sudden break of tension. "Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce. Let's go."

Mal hesitated, looking at the statue of Maleficent, hearing her mother's voice say, "The future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it."

Mal remained in the Gallery of Villains, while the others ran off.

Mal was still looking at the statue of her mother, and started to sing,

(Start at 0:36 and Stop at 4:12)

After that everything returned to normal.

Evie ran back into the room. "Mal, we found the wand. Let's go." Mal cleared her mind and ran after the others. Mal found her friends looking over a railing down to the Fairy Godmother's wand down below, protected by a magic alarm barrier. "Here it is."

"Whoo!" Jay cheered.

They were about to run down to the lower level to get the wand when Jay found something that he couldn't resist to steal. He walked over to a smoking rock that had a trio of gems on it, a blue one, a yellow one, and a black one.

When Carlos noticed that Jay was missing he alerted his friends by pointing upstairs where Jay was. Carlos groaned as they ran back upstairs.

Jay was about to grab the black one but Carlos stopped him. "Don't touch that!" Carlos hissed stopping Jay.

"Why not?" Jay frowned as Mal and Evie appeared.

"Look, I've sat through enough of my dad's thief lectures to know that something this cool is worth taking." Jay pointed out.

"I hate to agree with him, really I do." Mal admitted as she sighed heavily. "Okay we'll take the gems and then we'll go for the wand agreed?" Her friends nodded in agreement.

The Vks reached down and grabbed the Gems, which immediately began to glow.

"Well what are they?" Evie asked, looking up from the gem that was glowing yellow in her grasp.

"I can go online later, and see if I can find out." Carlos suggested as he stared at the blue gem that was glowing in his hands.

"Yeah whatever, but I know I'm gonna get a lot of money for this." Jay smirked as he stared at the black gem that was glowing gold in his hands.

"Okay, now let's get back to why we're really here." Mal reminded her friends as her friends put the gems in their pockets.

They were about to go back to the wand when Mal quickly chanted a spell to make a trio of fake Gems appear.

They ran back down to the lower level to get the wand. Jay was about to go for it.

"Jay, don't!" Mal told him. Jay smirked, getting ready to grab it. "Wait, no! No! Don't!" Jay leaped towards the barrier to try to get to the wand, but was repelled, falling to the floor, making an alarm go off."

"A force field and a siren?" Carlos asked skeptically.

"That's just a little excessive," Jay told them.

"Let's go!" Mal told them.

They all ran downstairs, seeing that the guard that had fallen asleep before was now up due to the siren, running along in a maze like pattern to make sure that he couldn't catch them, running downstairs to get to the main doors to get out.

The phone at the front desk was ringing.

Carlos answered the phone. "Hello? Uh, just give me one second. One second. Uh, yeah, yeah. No, false alarm." He checked a clipboard to know what to say. "It was a malfunction... in the uh... in the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah, okay." He smiled, nodding. "Say hi to the missus."

"Carlos!" Evie called.

Carlos hung up, following the others. "You're welcome."

The VKs all ran outside, getting away.

"Way to go, Jay," Mal told him sarcastically. "Now we have to go to school tomorrow."

There's Chapter 3 for you guys, the VKs tried and failed to steal the wand, but they did leave with something in the process.

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