Chapter 97~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Saturday night of late October.

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In the kitchen room of Mo-yeon's house, Si-jin just finished washing the dishes as he turned the water off, while Mo-yeon has been busy in the hospital. Besides, he was listening the news on the television. Suddenly, the newscaster spoke that there's a new breaking report.

"Around 9 pm tonight, at an intersection at Banpo-dong, a sergeant major was shot by a foreigner suspect and has been gravely injured. The sergeant major was shot in the stomach. He's been transported to the hospital and is undergoing emergency surgery."

The news shocked Si-jin to the bones; he couldn't believe that his best friend suddenly got shot. That shock of him had turned into an urge to visit the hospital to check if Myung-joo's feeling a bit okay. He rushed from the kitchen to get his jacket and go to the hospital.

In the Commander's office, Gil-joon was watching the breaking news about what happened to Dae-young.

"The suspect is remained unknown for now, so the investigation will continue to find out who and where is the suspect from."

He looked straight but helpless inside. Now he might not know what to do next after all of that happened. One idea came crossing in his mind is to go visit the hospital and find out if his daughter is there too. He started to worry about him and Myung-joo. He turned the television off; he grabbed his hat, put it on his head and walked out from his office.

Chi-yun, Ki-bum and Myung-joo were in the waiting room outside near to the operation room. Poor Ki-bum seemed to be the only one walking around the waiting room. He's very worried since Dae-young was taken to the operation room. Chi-yun was standing next to the operation room's door; she seemed to be still but her concerned look can tell when Ki-bum was walking around impatiently.

Myung-joo was sitting on the middle chair, with a brooding look. Her clean hands clasped together but trembling a little; her eyes stared at the floor, but thoughts had blinded her. The three heard running footsteps approaching. It was Min-ji carrying a container of blood packs; the automatic door slid open and she rushed in. Ki-bum looked the door helplessly; the impatience kept consuming him.

"Aish, why is it taking so long? It's been way more than four hours." Ki-bum whined.

"Sit down and wait. The doctor said it could go long." Chi-yun flatly spoke; she felt concerned inside, however, because of him being desperate.

"Ya, I'm going crazy. Why is it taking so long?" He couldn't stop complaining.

Myung-joo, despite of her hands trembling, stood up; she held his hand and brings him over to the chairs.

"If Dae-young sees your face like that, he'll worry more." Myung-joo gently spoke.

Ki-bum lets out a deep sigh and nodded, promising that he won't worry more about Dae-young.

She then looked at Chi-yun who was still standing there.

"I'll be going for a few moments, but I'll come back." Myung-joo spoke.

Chi-yun nodded. Something, however, crossed her mind and urges her to call Myung-joo. She called her, and Myung-joo turned around. Chi-yun approached to her but stopped.

"Myung-joo...mianhae. I'm sorry for being acting rash to you days ago. It's because..." Chi-yun apologized but paused; she was unsure if how Myung-joo will react for the reason she's about to give.

Chi-yun deeply sighed, after she felt a knot about to be tied in her throat.

"It's because the breakup between you and Dae-young. Dae-young spoiled it without noticing it. I yelled at him why but...he doesn't want to tell me. So, I decided not to talk to him and you. But I found why because I overheard Ki-bum verbally fighting Dae-young. I was about to cut ties from you and him since Dae-young told me...but when that incident just happened... I felt a desperate feeling that I should not cut ties from you two for sure." Chi-yun told.

Myung-joo understood of her honest reason of why she didn't talk to her for days.

"Mianhae." Chi-yun sadly spoke as she faced down. She never wanted to cry in front of Myung-joo.

Myung-joo hugged her in her arms.

"You don't have to apologize. I should have felt sorry. I think it's our (her and Dae-young's) fault...for making such a mess like this." Myung-joo admitted.

She felt Chi-yun's arms wrapping around her like she never wanted to let her go.

"Mianhae." Chi-yun's voice broke little by little.

"Gwenchana. Gwenchana." Myung-joo comforted her.

The two young women broke the hug.

"I promise I'll be back, ok?"

Chi-yun just nodded; Myung-joo smiled and walked away.

In an empty corridor, a lonely Myung-joo was walking in a slow pace. She didn't say a word, but her thoughts were whispering nonstop. She looked at her clean hands again, but her sleeves were bloodstained from the incident.

A flashback came into her mind when she and Dae-young just broke up.

"I can't stay with you."

"Then don't. If you'll end up unhappy because of me, just live happily by yourself."

Myung-joo realized what she meant with those last words, before she walks away from him. Suddenly, her thoughts were shut down when she heard running footsteps behind her. A male voice calling her with urge and worry. She turned around and it was Si-jin. She looked confused that why he was trying to find her. He slowed his pace towards her until he stopped.

"Gwenchanaeyo?" He asked.

Myung-joo didn't say a word, though her eyes can tell him that she felt hurt inside.

"I was very wrong when I said that to Dae-young. He couldn't live happily all by himself, though he couldn't stay with me. He nearly died of getting shot while I was trying to save him. What if he wouldn't be able to stay with me anymore?" Myung-joo's voice broke little by little.

Si-jin just shook his head despite of fighting tears. He hugged her for the first time, but he just wanted to comfort her.

"Ani. Ani, don't say that. Please don't say that."

Si-jin kept fighting tears not only because her saying with tears but also because of nearly losing his best friend. He gently rubbed her back with his hand to comfort her a little bit more. Myung-joo began sniffling, trying not to sob out loud. Suddenly, they heard running footsteps behind Myung-joo; Si-jin saw that it was Chi-yun rushing towards them.

"Myung-joo!" Chi-yun called.

Myung-joo turned around after she and Si-jin broke the hug.

"Myung-joo, the surgery is over." She notified her.

"Huh?" Myung-joo didn't hear what Chi-yun just said.

Myung-joo's face was filled with tears.

"It just ended. The surgery was a success and he's doing well." Chi-yun notified her again.

She didn't say a word, but she slowly approached to Chi-yun; her hands gently gripped Chi-yun's arms.

"Jinjaeyo? You're not lying?" She softly muttered.

"I heard it from Mo-yeon herself. He's in stable condition."

Myung-joo lets out a deep sigh.

"That's a relief." Myung-joo breathed.

As she lets out a deep sigh of relief, she felt her legs weakening and one step forward she took, she fell unconscious in Chi-yun's arms.

"Aigoo!" Chi-yun gasped.

"Myung-joo!" Si-jin exclaimed.

Chi-yun kneeled down on the floor while wrapping around Myung-joo.

"We need some extra help here!" Chi-yun called.

"Hang in there, I'll get Mo-yeon and others, to help out." Si-jin rushes away to find the medical staff.

Chi-yun helplessly watched him rushing away, then stared at the unconscious Myung-joo in her arms.

In the next day, Myung-joo was asleep in a hospital bed. The windows framed a bright white cloudy sky, illuminating the whole room. She was very distressed of what happened last night. It was like a nightmare for her. Suddenly, someone opened the was her father Gil-joon. He slowly closed it and approached to her in bed. He stared at her for a few moments, wondering if Myung-joo's regaining her consciousness or not. He deeply sighed.

"She looked like this when she suffered the M3 virus at Urk." He muttered.

Myung-joo slowly opened her eyes while Gil-joon was just watching over her.

"Are you awake?" Gil-joon asked.

Myung-joo looked up at him and sat up from the bed.

"Where's Dae-young?" She asked him.

"He's in the ICU now; he might be awake this time." Gil-joon spoke.

Myung-joo was about to walk out from the bed but Gil-joon stopped her.

"No, you can't see him if you go now. It's ICU, the visiting hours are set, first. You won't be late even after eating." He advised her.

Myung-joo didn't react anything but she understood that she needed to eat breakfast before she can visit Dae-young's room.

"When is the visiting hour?" She asked.

"It just started; it's ten in the morning. Take your time and don't worry. I'll go get it for you ok?" He spoke.

"Ne." Myung-joo nodded.

He walked out from the room and closed the door. She deeply sighed and laid back in the bed again.

About a half an hour later, Ki-bum walked through the corridor and found a sleeping Dae-young, laid in the hospital bed. Dae-young was wearing a patient clothing; his index finger was in a oximeter for the pulse. Ki-bum slowly approached to him, walked around and stood next to him. Ki-bum didn't say a word because he never wanted to wake Dae-young up.

"Ki-bum..." A faint, female voice calling him.

His ears perked up when hearing that voice. He looked up to her and she's Chi-yun. She slowly approached to him and held his arm to give some comfort. They waited for him to wake up.

Dae-young's closed eyes started blinking countless times, and as he opened his eyes...he looked at Ki-bum and Chi-yun standing together. Although he didn't say anything. Until he broke his own silence.

"Where's Myung-joo?" He asked.

"She's in another hospital room. She was very worried sick about you. She fainted twice: when she tried to save you and when I told her that your surgery was a success. You nearly died when you were in the emergency room. You don't know how much we suffered seeing you dying, all bloodied. powers gave you back to life, even it regained Myung-joo from unconsciousness. Thankfully, you're here alive." Chi-yun spoke with honesty.

Dae-young let out a deep sigh.

"Dae-young..." Ki-bum called.

A knot, however, started tying in his throat, when flashbacks came into his mind about what all led from the breakup of Dae-young and Myung-joo again.

"Mianhabnida. I'm sorry for being mad at you about the breakup; I felt betrayed that I couldn't deal anything with you. I was about to cut ties from you and Myung-joo but when you got shot and nearly died...I decided not to. Because I never wanted to let you die without forgiving each other. I'm glad that you survived, but I'm sorry for what I have done to you before that incident happened to you." Ki-bum spoke out while shedding tears.

A pain piercing him inside he couldn't resist, caused him to kneel down before the bed. He clutched Dae-young's hand in his and rested it on his forehead; Chi-yun gently rubbed his back to comfort him.

"What I have warned you about that there's nothing you could do about when you nearly crossed the line...I realized that when you got shot and nearly died, you couldn't do anything but suffer. I felt so guilty for what I have done to you. If you would have died, I would have been blaming myself for life. Mianhae, hyung, mianhae." Ki-bum softly sobbed.

Dae-young placed his hand on Ki-bum's and rubbed on it gently.

"Ki-bum, I already know what you have felt about what happened. You don't have to apologize. You were right. It's my fault for being such a fool deciding that seemed fine but messed up everything at the end. I should've felt sorrier than you do." Dae-young weakly spoke.

"Dae-young, I felt really sorry too." Chi-yun suddenly spoke out of nowhere.

"I was blinded of anger and rancor since what you spoiled it to me. I shouldn't be acting rash towards you. I would have the same feeling as Ki-bum, blaming myself for life when you would've died. Thank God that I forgave Myung-joo, before she fainted again about the surgery's success. I'm certain to say that from now on...we will never cut ties from you and Myung-joo again. Mianhabnida." She spoke out with all of her heart, despite of her tears running down on her cheeks.

Tears formed Dae-young's dark brown eyes. He carefully turned around in his bed. His side was still in the process of healing. He outstretched his arms towards them, as if he was offering them to give a hug. Chi-yun and Ki-bum without hesitation, hugged Dae-young as if it was a group hug. They silently shed tears together before they broke the hug. As they broke the hug, they saw Si-jin standing in the doorway. He seemed to be smiling because of the two and Dae-young forgiving each other.

"Were you waiting for Dae-young?" Chi-yun asked.

"Ne. I'm glad you guys forgave each other." Si-jin nodded, still smiling.

The three smiled together; Ki-bum and Chi-yun looked at Dae-young.

Chi-yun held his hand and the other placed on his.

"Take care of yourself. Hope you get well."

"Ne. Gamsahabnida." Dae-young nodded and smiled.

Chi-yun walked away from the bed, while Ki-bum and Dae-young saluted each other.

"Take care." Ki-bum softly spoke.

"Neodo." Dae-young smiled.

Ki-bum smiled and walked away from Dae-young. As he walked out from the room, he saluted Si-jin before walking past him; Si-jin saluted back.

Si-jin walked in the hospital room and stood next to Dae-young. Si-jin saluted to Dae-young and he gave Si-jin a nod.

"I was very shocked to hear of what happened to you yesterday. Luckily, you're still alive." Si-jin spoke.

"Yeah. Is Myung-joo okay now? I have a feeling like she was desperate to see me." Dae-young asked.

"She'll be there later though. Her father came to see her this early morning."

Dae-young's ears perked up when Si-jin told him about Gil-joon.

"The Commander?"

"Ne. He seemed to be worried about his daughter's condition since last night. I'm pretty sure that he's worried about you too."

Dae-young lets out a deep sigh.

"I wonder why we both get shot by bullets, taken to hospital, nearly dies and revives again...then recovers from the surgery." Dae-young muttered.

Si-jin understood what Dae-young said with a nod.

"The perks of being a soldier, Dae-young. You already know how much we could handle the pain the enemies had us struck."

"Most of the times however, we made our loved ones suffer if we decide to risk anything." Dae-young admitted.

"That's true." Si-jin agreed with him.

Then, Dae-young still remembered since he decided to discharge until today.

"I know I made a whole mess now. I shouldn't say anything about the discharge request." Dae-young sadly spoke; he buried his face in his hands.

Si-jin placed his hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Just remember this, good times become good memories and bad times become good lessons." Si-jin advised him.

"I guess I have learned a good lesson today."

Si-jin smiled and nodded.

"I'm sorry I couldn't bring you a get-well gift right now. Time had failed me last night. I'll try to buy it today if I have time." Si-jin spoke.

"It's all right." Dae-young understood.

Si-jin smiled.

"Well, I guess I should be going now. I might be back for later."

Si-jin saluted Dae-young.


Dae-young gave him a nod and Si-jin walked out from the hospital room. He looked at his index finger in the oximeter. It was hard for him to imagine himself in the hospital bed before. He had gone through so much things. He wondered if he gets discharged in the hospital, he would never be the same Dae-young again.

Chi-yun and Ki-bum were walking together around the hospital.

"I'm glad that we just made up our friendship with Dae-young and Myung-joo." Chi-yun sighed with a smile.

"Ne. I don't know what I am feeling, but I felt so relieved as if I was released from pressure. Like I can relax now." Ki-bum admitted.

Suddenly, Chi-yun's phone ringed in her jeans pocket. She took it out and checked who's calling her.

It was Chi-hoon.

She answered the call and placed the phone on her ear.


"Yeodongsaeng...the kids came here to see you. They're waiting for you." He spoke.

"Oh, shoot. I almost forgot. Thanks for letting me know." She gasped as if she realized that she almost forgot something.

And it caused Ki-bum to startle a little.

Chi-hoon chuckled in her phone.

"Don't worry. You got plenty of time, okay?"

"Araseo. Annyeong." Chi-yun chuckled along and she hung up.

"What happened?" Ki-bum asked.

"I almost forgot that I have to take a walk with Khalil and Fatima, they just came here so I must go now. Man, it was crazy last night, I'm telling you."

"Ala. They'll understand."

Chi-yun just chuckled.

"I'll see you later then." She smiled.

"Take care, okay?" He smiled; they shared a hug as if they're best friends.

"Same as you." She broke the hug and walked away from him.

Khalil and Fatima were standing next to Chi-hoon in the first floor. They saw Chi-yun walking down the stairs between the two escalators. She saw the two kids standing, waiting for her. She smiled as she approached to them.

"Hi Chi-yun!" The two kids greeted her with a hug.

"Hi, you guys. Sorry that I almost forgot. Last night was crazy." Chi-yun apologized.

"Gomawo, oppa. See you later." She waved at him.

"Ne." He waved back.

Chi-yun and the two kids walked together to exit from the building. They walked out and kept going in the sidewalk.

"So what happened last night, Chi-yun?" Khalil asked.

"'s a long story to tell." Chi-yun admitted.

And she began telling the whole story about it.


Korean to English

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