Chapter 98~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Sunday noon of late October.

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Myung-joo, who felt a little bit better than last night, was walking all by herself in the corridor to find Dae-young. She was wearing her army uniform, just to identify herself as an army doctor. She kept walking in the corridor until she found Dae-young laid in his bed. He seemed to be looking down, but when his eyes darted at her standing in the doorway...

Everything went silent around these two. Myung-joo took slow steps towards Dae-young. He couldn't take his eyes off from her. She slowly walked around the bed and stood next to him on the bed. They haven't spoke a single word. He slowly held her hand, but she took his and placed it on her cheek. Their eyes looked at each other with relief but also of regret.

Flashbacks came into their minds. They went through storm by storm. Everytime the storm gets more violent, they're standing at their own feet. But in these days after the breakup (including of the incident), it seemed that their own worlds are about to collapse. But fortunately, after a nightmare happened yesterday, everything went okay.

A tear rolled out from Myung-joo's eye, feeling regretful of seeing Dae-young in this condition. Dae-young didn't react anything, but his eyes could tell her that he's hurt inside to see her cry. He slowly placed his hand on her cheek; his thumb gently wiped her tear away. He felt sorry to see her suffering. She held his hand; her fingers gently caressing his.

They didn't have to say sorry to each other. Why? Because their thought and actions had already said it. Actions speak louder than words. Their thoughts were apologizing each other non-stop.

"You heard it loud and clear?" Myung-joo broke the silence.

Dae-young could only nod.

She smiled but heard a sudden knock from the doorway. They looked at who else came and it was Commander Yoon Gil-joon. Dae-young and Myung-joo looked at teach other one last time before she walks out from the room. As she walked out from the room, Gil-joon walked in and approached towards Dae-young.

Dae-young saluted at the Commander and he gave Dae-young a nod.

"Listen, I...I'm very sorry what had happened to you. I don't think I should give you a discharge request anymore. I was afraid that if you would've died...I would be the one who's responsible for all the mess I made. I'm glad you're still alive...and I'm sure that I won't give the discharge request." Gil-joon nonchalantly spoke.

Dae-young didn't say anything, but he nodded as an agreement.

"I'm very sorry, once again." Gil-joon apologized.

"I would have felt sorrier than you do...if I would have filled that discharge request already." Dae-young admitted.

Gil-joon couldn't say anything because emotions were running around like crazy inside.

"Well, I wish I could talk with you more. But...words won't be able to come out from my mouth." Gil-joon admitted.

"You don't have to say anything more. There are the moments when you can't even talk about it but can experience the feeling. Just like now." Dae-young spoke.

Gil-joon nodded.

"Well, I hope you get well soon." Gil-joon hoped.

Dae-young nodded.

"Dan-gyeol." He saluted at the Commander.

The Commander nodded and walked out from the room. Dae-young deeply sighed as he turned around in the bed. He fixed his pillow a little to make himself comfortable and laid his head on.

Outside from the hospital, Chi-yun and the two kids were walking together in the middle of the streets. She told them the story about what happened last night. The two kids got scared of hearing when she and Ki-bum were nearly got road-killed. Chi-yun, however, calms them down a little because everything went okay for her and Ki-bum. Then, she told them about what happened to Dae-young. It was scarier because he nearly died and Myung-joo lost consciousness while trying to save his life from being taken. She could hardly express when she and Ki-bum were desperately crying, while seeing Myung-joo and Dae-young facing the danger of their lives.

"Man, I don't how to say. There's so many things happened that I just can't express or describe how." Chi-yun admitted.

"You don't have to describe it. We already imagined how it happened." Khalil spoke.

"Yeah. I could imagine that it was crazy last night." Fatima nodded.

"Poor Myung-joo needed to take care of herself though. She was very distressed last night."

"Is she feeling better now?" He asked.

"A little bit. I want her to take care of herself. I hope Dae-young is feeling better."Chi-yun hoped.

"Anyways, who is that person in the car who tried to kill you and Ki-bum?" Fatima asked.

"I have no idea who. I think it was some crazy drunk man. Maybe his senses had disappeared." Chi-yun guessed.

"Goodness." Khalil whispered.

"I know. Not all of people are crazy-minded, fortunately." Chi-yun spoke.

They stopped walking in sidewalk and looked both ways before crossing the road. They waited for the traffic light to stop the cars. Then, the traffic light turned from green to yellow and finally red. The cars stopped and the three crossed the road together. They went to the other sidewalk and kept walking.

Suddenly, one thought crossed Khalil's mind and it's not that good.

"Chi-yun...what if that mystery suspect could of those in the black market?" He hesitantly spoke.

Chi-yun doesn't know what to believe or not, of what Khalil just said.

"Well, I doubt it would be one of them. Besides, I just killed them all."

Could it be true...or not?

In the hospital, Myung-joo was sitting in the middle of the stairs. She seemed to be brooding deeply, ignoring her surroundings. She let out a deep sigh as if she felt released from pressure. She was relieved that Dae-young was recovering but concerned about how long it will take. She suddenly heard footsteps behind her; she turned around and it was Ki-bum.

"Annyeo, sunbaenim." Ki-bum smiled.

"Annyeo." Myung-joo smiled back.

"Can I sit here?" He asked.

Myung-joo shrugged as if she doesn't mind. He sat on the steps next to her.

"Did you visit Dae-young?" He asked.

"Ne. Although I suffered of seeing him in the hospital bed." Myung-joo spoke.

"I heard that you fainted again last night when you heard that his surgery was a success. Are you okay now?"

"I'm feeling a bit better, thanks." She smiled.

Ki-bum was glad to hear that she's okay. However, he knew he already forgave Dae-young for his actions. He can't leave Myung-joo without forgiveness.

"Myung-joo, I already forgave Dae-young but I just want to say that I'm sorry for being acting rash in that day. I knew you overheard it, did you?"

She nodded.

"I overheard everything. But since you apologized me, you don't have to. I guess me, my father and Dae-young had made all of this. But I accept your apology."

Ki-bum smiled.

"Gomawo. Hope it won't happens to you two again."

"Mistakes and misunderstandings can happen in our lives; it's good to know that. I guess I have learned a lesson: I shouldn't be arguing with him if it's a misunderstanding." Myung-joo told.

"Is everything okay for you and Chi-yun?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Ne. We had a little argument after me and Dae-young were about to fight. I knew that Chi-yun's right. I feel like I made it worse but...I don't know." Ki-bum couldn't find words to express it out.

"I know. But you forgave each other, right?"

"Ne. Everything went back to normal. guys are not going to...break up?" Ki-bum spoke.

"I guess not." Myung-joo spoke.

"Hopefully if I get a chance to visit him we can chat more a bit. And don't worry, we already reconciled each other." She spoke.

Ki-bum smiled. He knew that fate had brought Dae-young and Myung-joo to be together. He was certain that Chi-yun would be glad to hear it, too.

"Well, I might better be going now. I guess my father is waiting for me to go with him. See you later." Myung-joo stood up and walked down from the stairs.

Ki-bum nodded.

"Dan-gyeol." He saluted.

"Dan-gyeol." She saluted back.

When she left, Ki-bum was still sitting on the stairs. He seemed to be brooded deeply. What could he be thinking?

He looked at the silver bracelet on his wrist (and Chi-yun still has it since he gave it to her). Flashbacks came into his head about the memories he had with Chi-yun. Since they met each other in the middle of a virus battle in Urk, until today. From silently praying for Chi-yun's safe return from the deadly rescue mission... to them saving others from drowning in a flooding submarine. From taking care of Chi-yun after the parking garage the moment they shared after the all what had happened. From the argument they had after Ki-bum and Dae-young's verbal fight, to the forgiveness they exchanged. From being nearly road-killed to the desperation of seeing Dae-young facing death.

Every time they went through hard times, the closer he gets to Chi-yun. He knew that he had a soft spot on her since Uruk. But in these recent times, he realized that he has fallen in love with her. However...he never found the right time to confess his love for her. Besides, he was concerned that Chi-yun might be still hesitating. He couldn't resist, however, the beautiful and passionate feeling developing for Chi-yun. He just can't. What should he do? Should he keep finding the right time? Maybe.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice behind, calling him. He turned around and it was Si-jin, wearing his military colored uniform. Ki-bum smiled a little.

"Hey, Si-jin."

Si-jin smiled back and sat next to him.

"How are you feeling now? Heard that you felt painful of seeing Dae-young laying on the hospital bed."

"I'm feeling a bit better. Little by little it's getting back to normal." Ki-bum nodded.

"Ne. I'm glad you and Chi-yun decided not to cut ties from them." Si-jin agreed.

"I guess that incident happened to Dae-young...was a wake-up call that urged us not to. Once we cut them...we would never tie back." Ki-bum spoke.

Si-jin nodded as if he understood.

"Did they reconcile each other now?"

Ki-bum nodded and let out from a deep sigh.

"So... what's up? What are you doing here for a long time?" Si-jin asked him.

"Thoughts were racing through my mind. Mostly about..." Ki-bum paused for a moment.

He hesitated of saying it aloud of what or who was he thinking about.

"I was looking back the moments I had with Chi-yun. Since the mission of Urk till today."

"You like her?" Si-jin asked with a teasing tone.

Ki-bum chuckled as a tint of pink painted on his cheeks.

"I liked her since we first met. But as days and weeks pass by...that liking I had of her...had slowly developed into a romantic feeling. I realized that I'm in love with her. To be honest, however, I'm not sure if she has the same feeling of me. I know she's not interested of relationships and anything related to that. But..." He paused for a moment to think and let out a sigh.

"I felt a feeling of her that I can't resist it. I don't know if she'll believe me. So...what should I do? Should I just wait?" Ki-bum admitted.

"Well, Ki-bum...if you're not sure if you're going to tell her, you should wait. If you feel like you can't resist it, go for it. But I guess she might need more time to think about it. Let her develop that feeling as in return of you. And yes, feeling are like waves; we can't stop them from coming, but we can choose the ones to surf." Si-jin spoke.

Ki-bum understood of what Si-jin compared the feelings to the waves. Even his romantic feelings at Chi-yun are irresistible, he must know if it came from a friendship by heart...or just love at first sight. Probably it might be both. He befriended Chi-yun and liked her as a friend during the mission of Urk. But right before with that kiss on her cheek, it slowly developed into something more than just a friendship. Every night before he returned to Seoul, he thought about her just by staring at the engraved silver bracelet. Mixed feelings were making his mind gone crazy.

"I know what you're saying. But at the same time...I know she might not believe it, but I wanted to make a sudden move on her." Ki-bum spoke.

"What kind of move?" Si-jin asked.

He was already imagining of what kind of a surprise move he'll make it on her. But seemed like he doesn't want to tell Si-jin about it.

"Can't tell you though. I'm already thinking about it in my head." Ki-bum admitted.

Si-jin chuckled a little.

"It's all right."

Si-jin deeply sighed.

"Anyways, when I fell in love with Mo-yeon at first sight, we started to going dates in the movies. But our schedules were getting more hectic and it was very hard for us to meet often. But two months later, we were fated to see each other again. I was thinking of how I would confess my love for her. Or make a move on her. One night, we were in a kitchen at Urk. She was drinking cooking wine and I wanted to drink one but not allowed to because I'm a dispatched trooper. But then, I thought of a way I could drink it. What I did is...I tasted wine on her lips." He continued.

Ki-bum smirked at Si-jin as if he realized what he meant by that.

"You kissed her all of a sudden."

Si-jin nodded with a smile.

"I was a little bit flustered in that moment. Anyways she didn't accept it, however, so I apologized. But when I heard her public confession...she meant to accept it by heart but pretended that she's not."

Ki-bum chuckled; the sudden move Si-jin did to Mo-yeon (the wine kiss) was exactly what he thought of doing to Chi-yun.

"I remember that."

"So, we actually confessed to each other in a pickup truck. I kissed her on the lips and she kissed me back. It was almost evening though."

Ki-bum rested his cheek on the palm of his hand.

"Why did I suddenly find so romantic? I just imagined about it right now; it looked like it's a drama you see on TV. But no, you just experienced it."

Si-jin chuckled at him.

"Ne, that's exactly what I thought. I have lots of melodrama-like experiences." Si-jin spoke.

"Everyone does. Including me." Ki-bum admitted.

"Anyways, have you kissed Chi-yun before?" Si-jin asked.

"On the cheek. Twice in different times. But I know she felt flustered about it. I thought I didn't meant to do that. But I just realized that it was a gut feeling inside of me which made do those things. More likely an urge." Ki-bum spoke.

"Try not to kiss her on the cheek in the moment you're going to confess to Chi-yun. Try to do that on the lips. Make it soft but filled with fiery passion. Boys know how to make their girls' hearts thump harder, right?" Si-jin advised him.

Ki-bum giggled.

"But like I said before...well, you were right. You should just wait a little longer. You're still finding the perfect timing, right? Then keep finding it until the perfect moment comes." Si-jin spoke.

Ki-bum nodded.

"I'll keep finding it. I won't let that chance to fade away. Even though she won't accept it immediately after my confession...that move I'll make it to her, will be like a mark she cannot erase from it." He determined.

"I know you can do it." Si-jin assured as he placed his hand on Ki-bum shoulder.

Ki-bum smiled.

"Gomawo, hyung."

"Ne." Si-jin smiled.

He deeply sighed and stood up from the steps.

"Anyways, I'm going to go outside in the parking lot. I left my get-well-soon gift in my car. In case if you're leaving from here, take care." He spoke and walked down from the stairs.

"Neodo." Ki-bum smiled and stood up to climb up the stairs.

"Ah, Ki-bum." Si-jin called again.

Ki-bum turned around to look down at Si-jin.

"Always remember this: Love always find its' way." Si-jin spoke.

Ki-bum nodded with a smile, turned away and walked up on the stairs.

Si-jin looked at the young soldier, hoping that Ki-bum will win Chi-yun's heart one day. He then kept walking, about to exit the hospital.

In the evening, Chi-yun and the two kids had returned home after all the walking on the streets.

"Annyeo, eomma." She greeted Joon-geum cleaning in the kitchen.

"Annyeo, sweetie. Getting a bit tired after all of that walking?" She greeted back.

"Ne. Although it's my habit." Chi-yun chuckled.

"I know. Do you know what time Chi-hoon and Eun-hee will return home?" Joon-geum.

"They told me that they'll be back at 9 pm." Chi-yun spoke.

"Araseo." Joon-geum spoke.

She motioned the kids to come with her upstairs. The three went to Chi-yun's bedroom; she took out her silver notebook from the shelf. She then started scribbling on a blank page.

Today was the day after a crazy nightmare. Thankfully Dae-young is okay; he and Myung-joo reconciled each other. I felt relieved that everything went okay. But I still wonder who's that unknown suspect Dae-young got shot by. What if Khalil was right? Would the last night's incident be the first sign that the darker times will come? I don't know where my mind is going through, so I'll leave it here.

She honestly didn't know what she's writing about. But her own voice echoed in her mind, when she was in the park.

"Hold on for what's coming for us. I don't know it'll be good or bad...but we better be prepared."

And she just realized that it was going to be bad. But she'll be prepared. Be prepared, not scared.


Korean to English

Dan-gyeol means "salute".

Annyeo means "hi".

Sunbaenim means "senior".

Ne means "yes/yeah/yep".

Gomawo means "Thanks".

Hyung means "older brother".

Neodo means "you too".

Araseo means "ok".

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