ix. fight to win

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SILENCE HAD BECOME Fleur's new enemy as she stood anxiously by a rough concrete wall beside Armin who was still in a state of conflict with himself. The unwelcomed stillness took over the atmosphere accompanied by grey skies and the malodorous aroma of death that completely overwhelmed the girl's senses.

The familiar smell put her in an odd mood, she couldn't quite explain it - a mixture of irritation and perhaps, resentment too. Irritated because she was growing impatient with herself and the other cadets for accomplishing very little. The resentment was rooted in the way her life was structured for her. Living in a prison and having to fight for her survival, it simply made every bad emotion in her veins overflow.

Who's to fault her for feeling this way? She was surrounded by her comrades who were drained of any hope they had left in humanity; they didn't want to take a chance at fighting back because in their heads it all ended with them being dead. This could be a possibility considering their dilemma but it wasn't set in stone. Nothing was unless you let it be.

Fleur believed they had a chance if they could play their cards right. If all of them could conceal their terror for a bit longer, show a little bravery even if it was fake, and find a way to win against the Titans, then yes, she believed they had an opportunity to finally defeat them. It would be a small short-lived victory and a step closer to peace. But then again, the girl thinks about their situation, most of them needed their gas tanks refilled - without it, they wouldn't survive a second. And the ones assigned to that job have completely surrendered to fear.

With that understanding, silver eyes darted around in a panicked manner, everywhere she looked Abnormals were scattered making their way towards the Headquarters ready to devour them all. At the scene, her heart began to beat a little faster than usual afraid of what the outcome of today might be.

Most of their people were barricaded in the buildings surrounding the Headquarters and she can only assume they were scared out of their minds. They needed to figure out a plan as soon as possible. If not they'd all perish which was not something Fleur favored - no way was she going to give up after all these years of training and preparing for this.

It seemed as if she was one of the few who still remained optimistic about their odds. The people who she thought would crumble in such a crisis were the ones who continued to have hope.

With crossed arms, lowered eyebrows, and the rapid beating of her heart in her eardrums, Fleur was at war in her own psyche. She didn't know how to give her comrades the encouragement they so desperately needed but she also couldn't stand the sight of them sitting in silence. It made an evident frown spread onto her features. The thought of fighting alone crossed her mind many times, however, she knew how absurd that would sound to hear especially to a hopeless audience.

So, she settled. Only a few out of hundreds had enough courage to attempt to fight back, to put their lives on the line in hopes the rest will follow behind, and if they don't succeed then they'd just die. Simple. Who'd miss a couple of soldiers?

Though Fleur would stand her ground before ever accepting defeat. She wasn't dying.

"How are you holding up, Arlert?" The red-haired asked, filling the silence between them as she looked back down at the boy.

Armin couldn't quite understand how he was feeling, it was hard to put into words what plagued his mind - what was clear was that he and Eren should've died together. All he's done is pointlessly survive.

"I'm not sure... My head's all messed up." He replies, glancing up at her with saddened eyes which made Fleur quickly look away. The sight of him on his knees as tears welled up at the corners of his sapphire hues that carried so much sorrow and self-guilt for things he couldn't control caused the girl to be reminded of herself. It was a memory that prompted unwanted emotions. From being weak to completely allowing herself to be controlled by fear.

She simply didn't want to think about it. And she didn't want Armin to let the same void swallow him whole.

"Do you think... You're ready? Can you fight?" She queried hesitantly, hoping he'd give an answer that would assure her and rid any thoughts that he didn't lie to her about trying to survive. But after trying to meet his eyes again and all she saw was his head turned away in shame, she knew.

"Hey, relax, it's alright. I'm not mad or anything if that's what you're thinking." She reassured him, "I shouldn't have asked to begin with, that's my bad, I'm glad you answered truthfully - I mean I would've preferred you alongside me but I get it. You're going through a lot so I won't force you. I would never."

Armin lifted his head to face the tall girl in front of him, who had her back turned to him, as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, what the hell did she mean by preferring him "alongside her"?

Has she lost her mind?

"You're not going out there by yourself, are you?" The blond questioned worriedly, though he didn't need to ask her for he already put the pieces together. Perhaps, his assumption would be wrong and Fleur was merely speaking nonsense. Except while watching her hands reach for the last of her blades, he knew her mind was made up already. He didn't need to see her face to know her features were holding that same determination it always did which was terrifying yet, weirdly admirable.

He wished to be able to do that.

Staring at the girl whose stance showed no fear unlike before when she revealed to him how scared she was - he couldn't help but to be concerned.

"Fleur, that's... That's suicide." He told her fearfully as if it were new information to her while he slowly pushed himself off the angled roof preparing himself to hold her back from her martyr notions.

"Yeah so is being a soldier yet, here we are."

"What about your leg? You can't go out there by yourself, that's- it's not smart." The boy struggles to make a good argument.

"But is it not commendable?" Fleur repeats his words from earlier to make his point invalid.

"That's not fair... Don't use my words against me and don't go out there by yourself, can't you just wait here... a while longer?" Armin urged with a wobbly voice. It was a lot to ask of her, he knew that Fleur wouldn't be one of the ones who'd wait around and count the seconds go by for someone else to tell her what to do or what to feel.

The girl took in his suggestion which to her almost sounded like a cheap way of giving up, and she didn't like it very much, because here's the thing, she despised being taunted by the smell of death, it seemed like an awful joke - one that made her stomach turn into knots and cause this infuriating sting in her eyes. She's come to learn that if they do nothing death will still trail behind all of them one way or another. It'd take over completely and there would be nobody left and so she couldn't bring mankind salvation as she promised.

Idling seemed like a joke at this point.

"I hate the idea of waiting. There's no time to waste, you know that right? If we keep wasting time then that'll just create bigger problems for us, we're all sitting on our asses without a clue of what to do with ourselves. The longer we wait, the more Titans we're allowing to get in. Waiting won't do us jack so no I can't and I won't," Fleur says, now wielding both of her blades.

"You can't or is the need to be impulsive something you can't control either?" He questioned lowly, unafraid of how she might react and more focused on keeping her here with him, "Because if we're going by that logic then you should've left me be and not wasted any time trying to make sure I was okay, instead you could've used that time to stop the Titans from entering. So what is your point, Fleur? You waited before, you can wait a little longer until we can figure something out."

Once the unfiltered words left his mouth Fleur felt her muscles tense up, the grip on her handles tighten, and her breath hitch a bit from the harsh truth - one she didn't want to accept since the only reason she ever "wasted" any time with him was to keep him safe despite him saying he'd be okay.

Although Armin knew or at least had an understanding of the reasoning as to why the girl was by his side through what seemed like hell, he still questioned her intentions and in a way, it hurt Fleur to hear. She of all people understood exactly what he was going through. She did her best to bring him back and somehow succeeded.

"That's not fair. I was helping you and you know that... I don't think it was a waste of time."

Does he think that?

"I know... I don't think saying thank you will be enough to show my gratitude. But why are you so eager to die? You can't fight all of them on your own... It's just not possible." Armin spoke, observing the tension in her shoulders rise once the subject of death was brought up. "I don't know what it is you're trying to prove to yourself or others, just know you won't achieve whatever goal you have if you're dead, Fleur. And I'd like for you to live."

The girl finally turned to face him barely showing her gritted teeth that were paired with a frustrated visage as her silver eyes glared at this wilted flower struggling to keep itself up and beautiful while the unforgiving weeds were slowly stripping away its beauty - Fleur tried so hard to be mad at him for challenging her strength or what her motives were but, in reality, it's what she needed to hear.

For someone to tell her that one person cannot accomplish a job that has taken the lives of many before her and has continued to do. She hasn't been called out for her reckless behavior directly ever since the battle of Trost had begun and she never expected it to be Armin of all people. And even though what he said is what she needed to hear, his words were registered useless in her mind.

"It's clear that I'm not invincible, I'm just trying to survive like the rest of them and you... But I have no intention of dying, and as I said before I'd do whatever it takes to save humanity because someone who can't sacrifice anything won't ever change anything, Armin." Fleur told him sedately yet, somehow traces of fervor shone in her tired eyes as she fluttered her gaze from her weapons to him. "Don't you want to see what life has to offer beyond these walls? I do and I can't do that idling on this roof."

Unbeknownst to her, the boy had dreams just like her of seeing bodies of salty water that covered the world and stretched out further than anyone could ever imagine. He had gotten a taste of what it had to offer from fire water, ice ground, to fields of sands. They were all places he hoped to explore one day with Eren - these foreign elements that were introduced to him when he received his grandfather's forbidden book about the outside life were part of the reason to join the military.

"You do," Fleur answered for him in disbelief, watching how the question suddenly caused Armin to get lost in thought, and by the way his eyes gleamed at whatever memories she spurred, the girl realized he somehow had gotten a peek beyond the walls making her curious as to how that was even possible. A part of her was also jealous.

"Of course, " He replied after a moment of reminiscing, "I think having your own selfish desires and dreams is nice even if they sound impossible to others. It gives you a reason to not lose hope..."

"And have you?" Fleur asks, "lost hope, I mean."

"Do you have a death wish?" Armin instantly shot back which made the girl to furrow her eyebrows at him. Did she not already answer this question? Or was he not satisfied with her previous response?

"If I still believed the soldiers before me were dumb enough to risk their lives for an impalpable cause then I'd be dead already and probably would've saved myself the trouble of living through this hell." She tells him as she chewed the inside of her cheek, embarrassed by the fact that the idea of death would be easier than dealing with reality.

"What changed? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, now I'm following in their footsteps, my father's... but without letting fear fill my heart. If I let it in for even a second everything could disappear as soon as I reach for it- and that would really suck because surprisingly, Armin, I don't have a death wish. I actually want to be alive." The girl lets a wave of tension be released from her causing an odd feeling to surge throughout her body as her grip loosened allowing him to see her vulnerable once again.

Yes, surviving was crucial to her but actually being able to live as she pleased was a privilege that she would do anything for. It was freedom and cowering behind these walls was not. There was no point in fighting just to continue to exist in fear every second of her life - it was torture.

"I'm not crazy for believing we have a chance at defeating them... Am I? I feel like I am and it's quite literally driving me to insanity." She scoffed quietly as her grey hues glanced up desperately at Armin as if Fleur needed reassurance to keep herself from going crazy.

"No, I don't think so." The boy doesn't waste a second to reply even though he wasn't certain if they could. Still, he reassured her - see, he wasn't blunt like Fleur, and at this moment he should've been because feeding her false hope was cruel. However, Armin believed he wasn't. Yes, he was skeptical about how exactly they were going to achieve such a goal of peace without inevitable difficulty, but that didn't mean it was impossible to attain.

"And if you are then so am I." He tells her with a warm grin that seemed forced but somehow genuine which made the girl feel at ease, "We'll figure something out soon, Fleur, don't worry."

"If you say so," The red-haired girl exhaled softly attempting to calm herself as she put her blades away, "but we're in deep shit if we don't think of something quickly you know that, right?"

"I know." Armin's eyebrows raised slightly, surprised that his words had some effect on the girl. His body unconsciously relaxed knowing she wasn't going anywhere. In all honesty, he didn't think she would stay after seeing just how serious Fleur was about fighting the Abnormals by herself, to witness the girl say that she had no intention of dying was a bit worrying. It was absurd, yes, but the words that came after such a statement were notable.

Without sacrifice, there'll never be change.

It was true. If no one was willing to give up everything then mankind will exist as-is for another two thousand years.

The boy watched as she continued to stare in silence at their Headquarters surrounded by many Titans. An irritated frown could be seen from where he stood beside her which was understandable and with the extra pressure Fleur has put on herself, he could only imagine how frustrated she must feel.

He let his eyes wander over her side profile, fatigue taking over her soft features - he realized Fleur always seemed to be tired, and recently it's been more obvious. The blood from the gash across her nose had dried up revealing that she might need stitches, though it was just a guess and he could be wrong.

Fleur was not planning on staying and letting her thoughts continue to fuel her anger, but seeing the look on Armin's face when he gave the girl a grin made her want to instantly apologize for being such a pain in the ass because the idea of causing him any more stress prompted a wave of guilt to suffocate her. The boy was trying so hard to keep her from being a martyr even though he was still going through a lot after losing his best friend.

The girl slowly glanced to the side where Armin stood just to find out he'd already been looking at her with an expression of pure fondness that didn't go unnoticed by her. The need to apologize for her impulsive behavior was strong - Armin heeded the struggle in her face watching as she quickly broke eye contact with him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned by her change of demeanor.

"It's nothing just um... Sorry for being a total bother and for being so insensitive after what you witnessed earlier." She replies, meeting his sapphire stones again. She rubbed the back of her neck waiting for him to say something. However, when observing his brows pushing together as if he had no idea why she was apologizing for in the first place, a feeling of embarrassment washed over her.

"You don't have to respond. All you need to know is that I'm sorry, ok?"

"Oh, but there's no need for-"

"Armin! Fleur!" An optimistic Sasha called their names as she approached them causing both of their heads to snap in her direction, "Could you help me rile them up?"

The Brause girl gestured her hand to the rest of their comrades and looked back to the two with a hopeful smile. Though Fleur wished she could find the right words to feed them bravery, she knew it only matter if they chose to let the fear control them or not.

"I would but I don't know what to say and besides even if I did you know I'd be wasting my breath." She told Sasha, hating how the smile disappeared from her face.

"Oh, c'mon that's not true. There's gotta be something we can say to them... Right?" The girl urged, her tone lacked confidence as grabbed onto Fleur's hands searching for something to put her mind at ease.

Sasha viewed Fleur as someone strong just like Mikasa. The girl was very certain in her beliefs, she knew exactly what her end goal was, and being zealous was a trait Sasha desired to have - she admired Fleur for being able to push through the pain and somehow still have the strength left to fight, unlike the others who simply gave up the second things went downhill. So, when scanning Fleur's face and noticing the change in expression go from troubled to have it be taken over by aplomb. Something told Sasha that the girl standing before her had an idea.

"The plan I had in mind was for me to go out there by myself and cross my fingers that the rest would follow behind... But I've been informed that it's too reckless and I don't disagree." The Freckled girl explained to her friend - Armin couldn't quite decipher the tone in Fleur's voice.

"Then I'll go with you, c'mon I'll lead," Sasha replied, pulling Fleur to walk with her closer to the edge of the roof, and just as she was about to pull her blades out the girl didn't feel a presence behind her so she turned around to find her friend still standing beside Armin.

The blond's worried eyes watched Fleur immediately halt as she tugged Sasha back with a fearful expression. The girl was appreciative to see her friend be so eager to fight alongside her but not when it could cost Sasha her life - besides her plan was extremely dangerous and she knew it would get her killed.

"No, no. It's risky and I don't want you dying because of me. It isn't safe." Fleur protested.

"I don't understand," Sasha began with a genuine look of puzzlement, "You were willing to dive headfirst into danger a second ago... And now you're worried? I overheard what you said about sacrifice and you sounded so confident but now-Should I be scared?"

Silver eyes widened at her friend's worries. Half of Fleur was embarrassed that she even heard her conversation with Armin and the other didn't care much because her words were true and she would stand by them until, well, she died. Should she be scared? Fleur didn't know how to answer that, it should have been a simple 'yes or no' but it isn't that easy. What shocked Fleur, even more, was the fact that Sasha trusted her enough to tell her how she should feel under such circumstances.

If she was being honest it was a shock to see Sasha alive and it wasn't because Fleur thought the girl wasn't capable of defending herself, it had to do with how she watched her squad die in a matter of seconds - that scared her, it could've been Sasha and she was grateful it wasn't.

"I'm not going to tell you what to feel, Sasha." The girl said, "Whether if you are or aren't, it doesn't matter to me because you're still showing more bravery than most right now." Fleur praised her friend as she flickered her gaze from the gentle grip on her arm to Sasha's honey-brown eyes that gleamed with reverence.

"You really mean it?" Sasha asked insecurely.

"Of course."

Right after Fleur complimented her friend, her eyes immediately began to search for Marco and his squad - they'd been sent as a backup for the vanguard in case a few Titans had slipped by the first line of defense, and because of that and seeing how things were going she didn't need to ask how bad their situation was but if there was a way to get to Headquarters without anyone dying she needed to know.

Too much time had gone by for her liking. She had to do something for this feeling of guilt and irritation to go away, because although there was absolutely nothing Fleur could do to bring back her fallen comrades, she would at least try to avenge them. Their deaths would not be forgotten. She knows she told Armin that she'd wait but how much longer?

She couldn't.

The Arlert boy watched as Fleur broke away from them to head in the direction of Marco, for what? He didn't quite know. All he knew was that as soon as he went to grab her and keep the girl back from whatever it was that she was about to do; she was out of reach. Which then caused an uneasy feeling to wash over him - just the thought that anything could go wrong and cost Fleur her life was enough for him to follow behind out of pure concern.

"Hey don't," Sasha says, "I know you're worried, I am too, but I think we both know at the end of the day she's going to do whatever the hell she wants."

"It could get her killed, " Armin states, pausing in his tracks as he stared at his feet with a shaky voice, "She's being careless... And she's injured... If she's not smart she could-"

"Why don't you try having a little faith in her? Yeah, she's emotion-driven at the worst times but I think she won't do something completely ridiculous... Right? Or maybe she would? I don't know..."

Listening to Sasha speak didn't make Armin feel at ease whatsoever. She's never someone you'd go to for serious advice or to even talk your feelings with, however, that didn't mean her words didn't get the boy thinking. It was true that Fleur wouldn't act if she didn't have some sort of plan under her wing. Despite wanting to go out there by herself in the heat of an adrenaline rush - the blond would like to believe she had a strategy to get to Headquarters safely.

She didn't.

When Fleur finally approached Marco, Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt, she felt herself grow a bit nervous since what she's about to ask could potentially sound shocking to them. Whether they give her an answer that would please her or not, she was still taking off from this roof.

"Hey, Marco," She greeted nervously.

"Oh hi, Fleur," The boy responded with a friendly soft smile that made the girl relax at such innocence even during their crisis.

"I didn't expect you to be here," Reiner comments once his eyes land on the girl who looked a mess.

"What's that's supposed to mean?"

"What he means is that since the rest of your squad is a no-show besides Armin then the odds of you being alive were just... Slim." Annie explains, keeping that same bored tone she always had.

"But we're glad to know you're alive," Bertholdt quickly added.

"Oh... Thanks?" Fleur says, somewhat disappointed at the fact that they didn't have any faith in her but she immediately brushed it off. "It's good to see you're okay too. Though I didn't have an ounce of doubt that you wouldn't have survived since you guys scored higher than me but besides the scores, you guys are truly skilled."

The girl noticed how the three didn't seem as worried as the others or even a bit uneasy at their situation - it was in the way Reiner stood stiffly with his arms crossed against his chest, the lack of eye-contact Annie was giving her, and Bertholdt who stood between the two as if he were waiting for his next command like a lost puppy. Maybe she came off too strong with her compliment? If so that wasn't her intention. Perhaps she was overthinking like she always does.

Still, suspicion grew in her gut.

The trio discretely side-eyed each other not knowing what to say in response to her sudden praise, they simply watched Fleur's eyebrows pull together as she drifted her silver eyes from them to Marco.

"Anyways, Marco, I wanted to ask if there was a any way to get to Headquarters safely and refill our gas tanks? None of you would have to engage with the abnormals I'll take care of it- or at least try to, I swear." She asked desperately and knew the instant the words came out of her mouth they'd all look at her like she committed the worst crime ever.

"Are you actually insane?" Reiner comments again with a mixture of worry and disbelief in his voice. Annie and Bertholdt grew a bit fearful too, however, their demeanor never faltered.


"I mean, technically yes, there could be a possibility if you could pull it off but Fleur it's risky, and with how many there are... Your chances are extremely low." Marco answers, ignoring Reiners remark, as he saw the girl sigh in defeat at his words. It was obvious that wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"What makes you so sure you could take them all by yourself?" The male blond queried, uncrossing his arms to seem less intimidating in hopes to get a genuine answer out of Fleur.

"I'm not." She replies, "but I'm trying, alright? Don't you see those bastards are going to have a feast with us if we don't start moving eventually? Unless you guys want to die then by all means rot on this roof."

Reiner's eyes widened slightly and like Eren- Fleur had this rare, yet frightening devotion similar to his that flickered in her eyes here and there when she spoke about certain things that mattered to her. He didn't want to admit it, but she was right. They needed to start moving forward... Their mission needed to proceed.

He wanted to go home. He will go home. Once this is all over.

"Well if that's the best you've got then we're screwed."

Fleur glances at the male as she raises an eyebrow at him, offended by his comment, "then why don't you think of something, smartass."

"Guys c'mon," Marco laughs nervously, "why not work together and figure out a plan, yeah?"

Waiting in silence for either of the two to speak up and come up with something instead of side-eyeing each other - the sound of soles hastily hitting the uneven surface slowly approaching the group and heavy breathing, made them all snap their necks in that direction. It was Mikasa.


Fleur could feel her airways tightening as the girl got closer. She grew anxious for herself and Armin who she knew was dreading breaking the tragic news to his friend about Eren. How would Mikasa react? Would she be angry, maybe sad? A mixture of both? Or completely numb? It could go so many ways and that alone made Fleur sweat.

"I know how bad things have gotten, it's selfish putting personal matters in the forefront but have you seen Eren's Squad...?" Mikasa says, her eyes slowly glancing from Annie to Fleur as she recalled how the girl was put into the same squad as him.

The Ackerman noticed how the girl was avoiding eye contact with her, the way her body shivered hearing Eren's name which she tried to hide, and at first, she thought Fleur was just scared like the rest of them. She wouldn't blame her if her assumption were true but Fleur didn't seem to be backed into a corner, it was more like she needed an extra push to do what she needed to. However, then that meant something terrible must've happened to Eren's squad.

"Did something happen...? If so you need to tell me," Mikasa approached Fleur, and immediately the freckled girl felt her own heart begin to beat rapidly and this worrying feeling consumed her as she thought about whether or not she should take the weight off of Armin's shoulder and just tell Mikasa what happened but that wouldn't be right, would it?

If some stranger told her someone she cared about was dead?

Glancing over at Armin for a split second, the blond still hadn't noticed Mikasa arrived, which meant that he wasn't overwhelmed with much stress - Fleur recalled how earlier the boy was drowning in guilt, and at the same time he was dealing with immense grief over the loss of a friend. It wouldn't seem fair to dump the burden on him, she knows that and it didn't feel right, but she remained speechless being put under such pressure.

"Mikasa... I..." Fleur uttered out as the memories of her squad being slaughtered flashed in her mind causing the girl's heart to ache and look away from Mikasa. The last memory of Eren lying unconscious with his leg bitten off invaded her mind. The blood.

"What is it? Tell me."

"I think... It's best if you go talk to Armin. It wouldn't sound appropriate coming from me... Just don't be mad at him." The instant Fleur finished her sentence Mikasa was gone in a flash to search for him. It wasn't hard to notice the fear in the Ackerman's cold-ebony eyes.

Now she began to worry for the boy, what he might be thinking and what he must be feeling the moment Mikasa crouched down to his level. The salty tears descending from his eyes as his head shot up to meet his best friends. It was truly a painful scene to witness - For Fleur it was unbearable, she couldn't stay and watch Armin name off every dead person in their squad.

Could you even consider it as one anymore?

A sick feeling washed over the girl as she closed her eyes and covered her ears with only her fingers instead of her whole hand like a child trying to get rid of it.

It didn't work.

"Are you okay?" Marco's soft voice asked, replacing the muffled sounds. As soon as Fleur felt his hand on her shoulder she unintentionally shrugged the boy off as she exhaled and brought her arms down. Crying wouldn't do her any good in her situation. It never quite made her feel okay all those years ago after her grandma's cruel actions towards her, or even when the fall of her home had occurred. So why shed tears now? It was pointless and unnecessary.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine..." Fleur replies calmly, pulling herself back into reality, "Thanks, Marco."

"Of course." The male's face went from a frown at Fleur's cold gesture and back to its gentle features realizing it wasn't her being purposely hostile towards him. It didn't take a genius to figure out how much today has affected the girl and what she must have gone through. He understood so he brushed it off.

"You know... I'm here if you need someone to talk to. About anything." He tells her. To his surprise, Fleur gave him a small nod with one of her tender smiles that didn't quite reach her drowsy eyes - she knows.

The girl turned her head back to Mikasa who stood back up along with Armin. The boy had a look of pure confusion written all over his face as his best friend told him something Fleur couldn't hear. And once she noticed the Ackerman walking away from him with an intense glare that shot a shiver through everyone's spine, she also became puzzled.

Was she not angry? She must be at least a little sad, no? Perhaps Mikasa's feelings were none of her business or how she chose to deal with them but seeing no reaction from her was indeed troubling.

"Marco, if we eliminate or bypass the Titans at HQ we can there refuel our gear, allowing us to get back over the wall. Is that assessment correct?"

Marco was taken aback by being asked the same question, however, this time it was coming from Mikasa. The exact absurd idea that Fleur had proposed to him but the difference was that Mikasa wasn't really asking, it was rhetorical, which he didn't understand till after he answered.

"Well yeah, I guess so, sure, but they're just too many of them out there. Even with you on point." He responded anxiously.

"I can do it. I'm strong. Real strong. None of you come close. You hear me? I am a warrior."

Fleur's eyes widened, full of admiration for the girl in front of her, her words fused with undoubted conviction. It was sort of empowering to hear Mikasa as confident as she is right now. Yet, her comrades didn't seem to be moved or affected whatsoever, why? Because they're scared and uncertain of many things and Fleur didn't blame them.

"Know this I have the power to slay all of the Titans that block our path even if I have to do it alone. As far as I'm concerned I am surrounded by a bunch of unskilled cowardly worms. You disappoint me, you can just sit here twiddle your thumbs, and watch it's done." People were quick to oppose her ideas and raise doubt at Mikasa, which was fair - and still, the Ackerman disregarded their words and any concern they had for her safety. She'd be fine as long as she continued to fight.

"If I can't beat them then I die but if I win I live and the only way to win is to fight." And with that Mikasa took off not letting anyone stop her. Not a second later Armin left too.

Fleur glanced around noticing her comrades were motionless, scared to move a muscle, they expected something more motivational from Mikasa but unfortunately, that was all they'd receive and they had the choice to follow or continue to sulk in their own misery. The adrenaline rushing through her veins was dangerous and the girl knows she's the only one with this sort of excitement at the pit of her stomach. Just at the thought that she wouldn't be fighting alone was comforting in a way. That she wasn't crazy like Armin told her.

"Well, c'mon! Or are you really a bunch of chickens?" Sasha antagonized, "Fleur, you comin'?"

"I'm right behind you." The Ebony-haired girl says as she follows her friend into what could potentially be their ends. Behind the two, one by one the rest took off with brave facades that could easily be seen through like glass, and terror prickling all over for the human-eating monster awaiting them on the other side of hell.

It was an unusual feeling to see everyone suddenly be on board with such a dangerous plan and not think twice about it. But this is what Fleur wished she could've inspired in them with her words, to light a fire under her comrades, make them want to fight and live to see what the world had to offer far beyond these walls - maybe next time.

A loud inhuman screech pulled Fleur out of her thoughts, she didn't need to look to know what the cause for it was. The familiar sound instantly made her blood boil as her jaw clenched and knuckles whitened by the tightened grip on her blades. The girl accelerated faster than ever leaving a long trail of gas behind her - which she didn't have much of. Darkened silver eyes laid upon her target, its large hands reaching for the bypassing soldiers trying to get its next feed.

"Sasha, you keep going and I'll take care of this one." The girl says and before her friend could protest she was gone.

"Hey, asshole!" She called out to the Titan getting its attention away from the soldiers who just wanted to get Headquarters. The Abnormal stretched its arm out to grab Fleur but swiftly she dodged, detaching her hooks from the buildings keeping her afloat in the air flying in between its legs, and back up taking her sharp blades to the nape of its neck causing the Titan to fall.

Blood evaporated from her skin as she watched the body vanish into thin air leaving a bag of bones then nothing and it was on to the next. She wondered how these creatures could have flesh-like bodies, human features that freaked her out and suddenly become gaseous substances with a quick cut to the neck. It was... Strange. A bit unsettling even.

Fleur shook the uneasy thoughts away and focused on keeping everyone around her safe. Out of curiosity, her eyes look into the distance to see how much further and to her surprise, there in front of her was a building standing tall above the others which she has come to know as Headquarters these last couple of years.

Speeding up with little fumes she had left she hoped to make it on time before she was left stranded.

To her right, the familiar noise of wires zooming caused her to look next to her and be greeted by a friendly face - Marco. Seeing him should've brought her some sort of comfort, however, the fear for Armin's well-being and where he might be overwhelmed her.

"Have you seen Armin?" She asked before her head could catch up with her mouth, obvious concern in her delicate voice.

"Last I saw him was with Mikasa... And Connie so it's safe to say he's okay. Why? Are you worried for him?"

"I'm worried for everyone." Fleur corrected him, returning her gaze to the building and letting out a soft sigh as her body relaxed at his answer although the mention of the Springer boy was anything but reassuring.

The two approached Headquarters and entered the building through the broken window which had been Jean's doing. The second the girl's soles hit the floor decorated in shards of glass pain shot up her leg causing an audible groan to escape her lips and her limbs to completely give up as she collapsed on the floor. Her injury hadn't crossed her mind in some time - the adrenaline she's been counting on failed her at this moment and while acknowledging that fact her wild emotions which resulted in Fleur's reckless behavior in the first place had overtaken any logical thoughts once again.

Reiner, who had flown in seconds after she and Marco did, noticed her feeble state along with the stifled murmurs of discomfort. His eyes observed the girl with curiosity and wondered what she'd do next. Fall back or continue to fight?

Over the sound of Jean yelling and blaming the frightened soldiers who were hiding under the desks when they arrived, Fleur forced herself to stand up and ignore the throbbing. She wanted to ask them if they were okay instead of adding to their stress but she did understand where Jean's anger came from.

"Can you stand or even walk properly?" A deep voice caught her off guard, her limp figure turned to face the person.

"I'm standing, aren't I?" she responded coldly, seeing the familiar male blond.

"For how long though?" Reiner questioned, "Think about it one wrong move and you're dead. Are you even supposed to be out here?"

"What's it to you if I die? I know the consequences of my actions and I'll pay for them whenever the time comes but for now, my focus is dealing with these Titans and it should be yours too." Fleur says, a bit of frustration lingering in her words. It was infuriating to see the uncertainty and contempt in his stare which did make her feel inferior in some way. Weak, perhaps.

She was okay. She could handle the pain for however much longer she needed to. She didn't need pity or to be scorned by anyone. Taking a step back, the girl attempted to walk without any difficulties to the other side of the room to get away from Reiner and collect her thoughts.

The room suddenly shook underneath Fleur, the vibrations made the pain in her leg sear affecting her ability to stand, and before she could even process what was happening she's met with the chilling giant face of a Titan that had sniffed them out and destroyed the barrier that kept her somewhat safe from them - the girl's breathing became shaky as she gaped at it.

She heard the panicked screams of her comrades who chose to run away leaving her to basically fend them off by herself. The loud beating of her heart drummed in her ears, quickly she grabbed on tightly to the only blade she had left ready to fight for her survival. There she sat on her knees waiting patiently for it to make a move but it didn't or didn't have a chance to because the moment it was about strike a large fist came into contact with its face and knocked it down to the floor.

A gasp left Fleur's mouth watching in awe as a new... Different type of Titan came into view. It let out a deafening roar which caused her to cover her ears out of habit. To say she was confused was an understatement, why was it fighting its own kind? Though she did notice its behavior was similar to the ones at Shiganshina District years ago, when her home was destroyed, she remembered how they didn't care to eat the humans, only concentrated on something else. It was odd, they acted as if they had a mind of their own.

At the thought of that possibility Fleur's head became fuzzy, beginning to pound from all chaos occurring around her, and knowing that this day was far from over only made the girl grit her teeth in frustration - continuing to stare past the hole created by the Abnormals the roars being let out by the green-eyed Titan filled her ears.

She couldn't move. It hurt to do so but she tried and with each small movement her body ached all over. She hadn't realized just how exhausted she was, it was becoming harder to keep her eyelids open which felt like weights sinking her closer to the ground. No matter how badly she wanted to keep them open and fight alongside her comrades, she couldn't.

She would forever be disappointed in herself for this moment of weakness as she finally submitted to the fatigue.

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