x. who can you trust?

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THE LAST THING Fleur recalled were hands gently wrapping around her waist as they picked her up from hardwood floors scattered in broken glass - they helped her stand letting her use their body as support for her own. The girl couldn't remember much after the fatigue had hit, it was all partially blurry in memory, but one key detail did stand out - the Titan. Its big emerald eyes burned into her head, the roar, and the human-like features it possessed. She couldn't quite grasp the idea that it wasn't interested in harming her or anyone else, in fact, it even came to their aid without meaning to. That's what she thought at least.

It had a mind of its own and that scared her.

It was bizarre to even consider the possibility of it being on their side. It wouldn't make sense after all the years of suffering her people had to endure for merely existing. Who's to say it won't eat them once this is all over? For that reason alone Fleur would not put her trust in it no matter how desperate she might be. It would be stupid to think the enemy would have any mercy on them, to even consider humanity might be saved by the likes of another Titan.

It's a foolish mindset to have.

The uncomfortable surface underneath her pulled her back into consciousness. As the sound of soles stepping past her filled her ears along with hushed conversations all around, the girl's eyes slowly fluttered open meeting the orange-painted sky - the atmosphere was covered in dust clouds, and that odor of death she loathed so much. She wished to be able to lay there forever, sound asleep, and all her worries would fade into nothingness but she couldn't. It would never be that easy. She of all people knows that.

Besides, her short slumber consisted of flashes of her grandmother's corpse and lifeless eyes staring at her as she was paralyzed with denial, fear, and perhaps relief too at the fact she no longer had to live with the vile human anymore. Though she hadn't admitted to herself yet.

A sharp pain shot up her leg making her sit up, fully awake now, she let out a small groan and instantly grabbed onto the hands that were causing such discomfort to stop them from continuing further.

"I'm so sorry, Fleur!" Sasha looked up at the girl apologizing, not meaning to wake her. "I was just trying to disinfect your wound and stitch it back up for the time being."

Hearing her voice calmed the girl down knowing it was only a friend and not some stranger touching her. She let out a small sigh loosening the grip on Sasha's wrists. Fleur noticed the half-done bandages on her hands - she pulled her eyebrows together not understanding why the white material was wrapped around slender fingers again. Staring at the scratch-like wounds that peeked from underneath she recalled when she crashed into the window realizing that was the cause for them. She hadn't worn them in so long because she didn't need to, the burns were all healed up leaving scars behind which caused unwanted memories to begin to spur.

"It's fine... just hurts." She sighed, lowering her head and shutting her eyes for a moment wanting to rid the distress plaguing her mind. She waited for her friend to carry on but she didn't - no alcohol came into contact with her torn skin. Glancing up she's met with Sasha's guilt-ridden expression and immediate confusion stirred in Fleur.

"Hey, what's wrong? You okay?" she asks.

"I really am sorry." Sasha's shaky hands hovered over her friend's wound. One that she caused.

"I said it was fine, don't worry I can handle it. You can keep going or I can do it myself?" Fleur tries to reassure her, still not understanding the reason for her apologies.

"No, I mean for putting you in this position where you can't fight like you wanted to. You've lost so much blood to the point that you fainted and now I think I'm paying for it with this aching in my stomach-!"

"Hey, look at me." The freckled girl says, her face softening finally understanding her friend. "If you're feeling guilty for saving me, please don't. I know that it may seem as if I'll never be able to walk again but I can assure you that's not true. If you hadn't saved me I would be dead and I'm grateful for that. I owe you my life if anything."

Sasha's body relaxed at her words blinking away the salty tears pooling in her chestnut eyes, a gentle smile on her face as she focused her attention back to Fleur's wounds.

"you don't owe me anything... I'm just glad you're okay." Her friend says, carefully tending to her.

"Me too."

Silver eyes glance up to meet a handsome freckled face male with food in hand. Fleur could jump up and hug him out of pure happiness? Maybe. She was still new to having friends. All she knows is that both Sasha and Marco were okay and that put her at ease. But somehow a bit of disappointment washed over her realizing Armin's whereabouts were still unknown to her. She was worried and scared if she asked the others where he might be they'd tell her he was dead.

She wouldn't be able to handle the news so she decided it was better if she was left in the dark.

"Are you feeling okay?" The male crouched down beside her (opposite from Sasha who was frothing over the loaves of bread he had brought.) He examined her tired state and injuries and immediately he regretted asking such a stupid question.

"I think my eye bags can speak for themselves," Fleur pointed to her face trying to make light of the situation. Seeing their unsure expressions only made her chuckle, "it's okay, you can laugh I won't be mad or anything."

"I won't but I'm glad you can find humor in all this I guess," he says coldly, avoiding eye contact with her as if he trying to build up enough courage to ask her why she was putting her life on the line when she isn't even physically able to stand herself without tripping over her own feet. She could've died.

Fleur furrowed her eyebrows, a slight frown fell upon her face not understanding Marco's sudden coldness towards her. She went to speak but got cut off instantly.

"Sorry... It's just the thought of you dying because your reckless behavior is too much. You're my friend and I care about you and the fact that you willingly throw yourself into danger worries me to no end."

"Don't apologize I know you're worried for me but I don't want you to be. It's not your job so don't make it. Either of you." Fleur begins, lowering her head again. "Because I know one day my actions might cost me my life and I would hate for you guys to be sad over little old me. It's not fair. So stop worrying, please. I'll be fine."

She was lying. Every word that came out of her mouth was laced with uncertainty. She wanted people to care for her and to make sure she was okay. Being alone through most of her childhood caused this craving for friendship and she finally had a chance at it, however, that wasn't possible without any heartbreak. She knew that. They were in the middle of a war. People were bound to die at the hands of their oppressors. So getting attached to people would only make everything harder.

She'd already accepted that reality years ago when she opened up to Armin and his friends. A part of her was being selfish for wanting their kindness and everything that came with being friends.

Did that make her a horrible person? She wasn't sure.

"Would you stop worrying if we asked you to?" Sasha queried as she finished stitching her flesh.


Chestnut eyes narrowed at Fleur, "bullshit."

"I'm telling the truth! If you really wanted me to I would."

"Good thing we don't want you to and we're not going to stop either," before Fleur could get another word out Sasha held up a finger silencing her, and handed her a roll of gauze. "Here. I tried wrapping your hands myself but even in your sleep you wouldn't let me so that's why it looks like Connie did it."

Fleur wanted to argue back and laugh at her friend's comment about the bald boy but she stifled it, taking the gauze she began to carefully wrap her slender fingers one by one - she winced at the smallest contact the white material made with her damaged skin. Marco and Sasha watched attentively and wondered about the history of her hands because even before they entered the battle those injuries were present. They were curious yet they never pried for answers.

They knew when she was ready she would tell them and they would listen.

"Marco... Thank you for catching me. You saved me from a bad head injury." Fleur says through her teeth as she bit the gauze.

"That wasn't me..." He responded, suppressing a grin.

"What's so funny? Who was it then?"



Her eyes fell on the male blond, she stared from afar Fleur could feel her dignity vanish at the thought of thanking Reiner. She wouldn't and she didn't have to. Not verbally at least - she'd wait for the opportunity when his life was in danger, whether it be minor or major, to save him and call it even. Was it childish of her? Yes. Did she care? No.

His snarky remarks towards her and the way he questioned her like he knew something she didn't, made the blood in her veins burn with irritation. It was almost like having an annoying brother always trying to get the last word over her. She hated it.

The moment Reiner caught her gaze a loud sound went off shaking the ground violently and his impassive demeanor faltered, it was only for a moment, but Fleur caught it. Just like Annie and Bertholdt. After that last encounter with them and not sensing any sort of fear or even a bit of concern from the trio, it made wariness form in her gut.

The screams of people tore Fleur away from her thoughts, they pointed to the direction of the sound, and immediately silver eyes widened at the sight of Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt, and Jean flying to whatever the noise was - at first glance, the line of dark smoke forming in the air looked like it had been caused by a cannon but Fleur has killed enough abnormals today to know that was not the case. It was Titan steam.

She wanted to follow and see for herself. To know if she was correct.

"Hey, you guys," Fleur says, returning her attention to Sasha and Marco.

"Don't follow them. They're idiots and you're not, right?" Sasha spoke through a mouthful of bread noticing her friend curiously eyeing the group.

"Right." She nodded in agreement while offering her friend some water, "but I was going to ask what happened while I was knocked out."

Sasha took a big gulp before she answered.

"Well... we got to headquarters but you were awake for that- Oh! Once Mikasa, Armin, and Connie came back from their little trip they said to let the weird Titan guy keep killing the other abnormals because it wasn't after us? I don't know, anyway, Armin came up with this great plan to clear most of the Titans so we could refill our gas tanks and it worked! Though I almost got killed Mikasa was there to save me. And don't worry I refilled yours too! After that, I'm not sure what else happened... I was with you which I don't mind."

Fleur didn't expect Sasha to blurt out so much information all at once and fast too. At first, all she could think was- Armin's okay, breathing, and somewhere with Mikasa. Then, the question of whether the Titan who saved her was still alive came to mind. Do they know its course or did they kill it? Was it already dead? A small part of her didn't want it to be and the other part could care less about its wellbeing.

"Is- Is it dead? You know..." She asked cautiously.

"We don't know." Marco scratched the back of his neck while Sasha shrugged cluelessly.

"How could you not know? Weren't you guys there?" Fleur questioned.

"Mikasa, Jean, Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt are the only ones who know what happened... And apparently, they were sworn to secrecy." He tells her, his brown eyes watching the annoyance growing evident on the girl's face.

"...of course." She scoffed. She didn't understand why them knowing something she didn't bothered her so much. Being oblivious in their situation was dangerous and so whatever orders they were told to follow was putting everyone at risk. Fleur didn't like being kept out of the loop.

"I wouldn't stress over it. I'm sure they know what they're doing and there's probably a good reason why we don't know." Marco tried to reassure her, giving her a light pat on her shoulder.

"Yeah, besides you need to rest, we'll just wait for orders until then." Sasha agrees, getting up and kneeling behind Fleur, "let me tie up your hair- I mean can I please? you're making me sweat. And then I can clean up that gash across your nose."

The girl simply nodded not minding. All her thoughts were consumed by the anger of being kept in the dark. She blamed herself for growing weak back there because if she hadn't she would've known whatever secret they were hiding from, not only her but the rest of the soldiers too.

Was that thing still running around erratically?

No. She trusted that they were smarter than to let that happen, right? Surely they wouldn't put their faith into some Abnormal.


There it was again. The silence. The grim stillness that took everyone's breath away and replaced it with pure trepidation for the unknown. There was still no new information about their next move and Fleur could hear the clock ticking downtime was being wasted. Something they couldn't afford. So what were they doing? Stalling perhaps? But why. That's what the girl couldn't quite understand.

She liked to think of herself as smart or at least more intellectual than most and while whether she knew or didn't know why the upper ups were taking such a long time to release information didn't particularly affect her intelligence but still Fleur's obliviousness to the whole situation pricked at her brain. Made her feel dumb. Though she knew it wasn't her fault, that she had no control over her body's natural needs, it still made her feel inferior.

She simply could not help it.

Her silver eyes glanced around taking in her comrade's terror-filled expressions, there were hundreds of soldiers surrounding her standing frigid as faint prayers left their mouths. She pitied the ones with families and this had been one of the few times she was grateful she had none. Any other time she'd give everything to have Dean back.

"Do you think they're stalling? I mean a pretty good amount of time has passed don't you think?" Fleur asked, standing in between Sasha and Marco, resting her weight on either side of them.

"Yeah... I'm starting to get a bit concerned." The boy answered.

"Guys maybe we should sit back down it's obvious we're not getting any news yet-" Sasha's sentence was interrupted by a booming voice all the way from the top of the walls.

"Attention!" Commander Pixis yelled, catching everyone's interest, "Take note the blueprint of the Trost Recovery Operation is this. Our primary objective is to reseal the hole. Yes, you heard right. What's more, it will be done manually."

Fleur could not believe the words that were coming out of the old man's mouth. She wanted to believe him, to trust that it was possible, but how? Their technology wasn't capable of accomplishing such a thing. Not to mention it would take years to rebuild the hole.

"As for how the task will be done, that's where this fellow comes in. Allow me to introduce cadet Eren Jeager."

Sasha and Marco felt her friend stiffen at the name. The one who was supposed to be dead. Fleur saw his body lying lifeless with blood spewing out of his bitten leg - he should be dead. Even Armin watched him die. So why isn't he? And how was Eren going to fix the wall, what could he possibly do that the rest of them couldn't? The bewildered expression on her face became more noticeable as she continued to peer at Eren, who stood proud next to the commander, taken aback from seeing him alive when he shouldn't be. None of it made sense.

"Cadet Jeager possesses the ability to manifest himself as a Titan." Commander Pixis informs them.

Fleur's eyes widened, "this has to be a joke, no?" a shaky smile formed on her lips as the absurd news sunk in, staring at the boy saluting who had a visage of determination. He was the one who saved her at headquarters and now it felt like she needed to repay him somehow but knowing that Eren was one of them conflicted with her morals. She should be happy to see him, glad he isn't a rotting corpse, and yet she couldn't find a bit of joy within her.

"He's messing with us- there's just no way," Marco whispered just loud enough for the two girls to hear.

Even in Fleur's state of shock, his uneasy breathing was evident, Sasha's uncontrollable shaking didn't go unnoticed by her either. They were terrified and skeptical about what was being told to them, to put their hope in a Titan? The same creature wiping out their people? No way. But it was Eren, their friend, so they could trust him, right? He wouldn't hurt a hair on any of them. He would have complete control of his abilities. He had to if he wanted everyone to trust him.

They didn't want to admit that this could be a chance to reclaim their homes, to have the power against their enemies. To win.

Pixis was speaking but not all of his words were registering in her head, "Your job will be to defend him. Yes, defend the Titan against his own kind."

At that, people began to leave, they didn't want to take their chances on a maybe or be played out as pawns and die by the hands of false hope. Fleur too thought about fleeing but where would she go? She knew there was no one at home waiting for her, it was destroyed, and the only option she had was to force herself to believe that Eren could do it.

She'd defend him until he proved her right. That was the order.

The girl felt Sasha move to leave with the others and quickly she gripped onto her arm urging her to stay. Their eyes met and Fleur had never seen her friend so fearful - the old man telling those who chose to leave had his blessing to step down if they wanted, there would be no punishment - and that to Sasha was just another reason to go see her family. She wouldn't need to fight blind and let her thoughts be consumed by what-ifs.

"Sorry... I shouldn't-" Fleur murmured, stammering over her words as she apologizes, letting her friend go "-I shouldn't hold you back. I'm not sure if you have family, Sasha, but I don't and so I guess this decision is a lot easier for me to make than for you, even though I want you to stay, it's selfish of me to ask that of you. If you want to go I won't stop you."

This is friendship, right?

Sasha took a moment before speaking. The idea of going back to her family was tempting, however, once Fleur mentioned having no one it all seemed to click into place. This was the reason for her rash behavior, carelessly throwing her life away for a cause that may or may not be attainable, it was obvious she needed someone to save her from herself. Sasha didn't mind being that person.

"And leave you behind with these idiots? I don't think so." Chestnut eyes smiled at Fleur even through the uncertainty plaguing her mind, "c'mon we should probably meet the others."

Fleur was left speechless, she couldn't quite understand why her friend decided to stay, how her mind changed in a split second. Though she felt relieved to have Sasha standing next to her - she also didn't want to be the reason she was staying without either of them knowing their chances of living, but the selfish part of her dismissed that thought.

"I'll meet you guys up there. Please don't die." Marco said, taking off leaving the girls behind not giving them a second to respond.

Fleur watched speechless as he went to search for Jean, someone she wasn't very fond of, and saw them leave together. She wanted to say something, anything, to keep both from making a big mistake they might regret later on but Marco was already gone.

"Are you sure?" Fleur queried worriedly, grabbing Sasha's hand again just before she tried to leave and follow after Marco, "about staying? You can leave now and not have to deal with any of this."

"I am. Why? You wanna get rid of me that badly?" She teased. Fleur quickly shook her head not detecting her joking tone, too consumed by her concern for Sasha.

"I'm being serious."

"Remember how you told us earlier not to worry for you?" Sasha asked and Fleur nodded recalling her own words, "well can you do that now? For me? I know I said I wouldn't ask you to but It would make it easier just in case you know..."

"Okay- Yeah, I can do that." The words fell from her mouth without giving it a second thought.

Sasha gave Fleur a soft smile before the two triggered their gear not wasting a second and took to the sky. Though Fleur wanted to ask again she simply suppressed the urge to as let out a sigh - regretting ever saying to them not to care and how she'd do the same. If she knew that you didn't get to choose who you care for then she would've kept her mouth shut. Sewed it permanently if she could.

While her friend flew ahead, her eyes watched over Trost and the hundreds of Titans that were taking over. The more people that grouped into one corner the more of them that followed - the abnormals tried to jump, climb, do whatever they could to get to them. It was gut-wrenching to see their hunger for human flesh. The mere sight of them making Fleur scowl, the grip on her equipment tighten, and a string of profanities that left her lips out of pure hatred.

With how much she despised them, she couldn't believe that she was giving Eren a chance. But then she began to think for a moment - yes he was a Titan, however, he was still human. Somehow. He just had the ability to shift into one, he knows his rights from his wrongs, he was capable of understanding that they weren't food. He had control. Hopefully. She had to remind herself.

Fleur let out a low groan as her soles hit the concrete surface, reaching the top of the 50-meter walls along with a bunch of others. A few familiar faces stood out to the girl, she let her eyes wander through the crowd.

Jean... Connie... Krista...Ymir... and Armin!

The moment she spotted the locks of his golden hair all that pressure in her chest from worrying about him had vanished - she sighed, relieved to see him amongst the others. Fleur needed to talk to him, to know if he was okay, and ask his thoughts about this new information on Eren since that is his best friend. She hesitated for a moment not sure how she would start the conversation but convinced herself there'd be much to talk about considering their situation before making her way to the boy.

"It's good to see that you're all in one piece," Fleur says, getting his attention immediately.

Once he turned around the distressed look on his face changed itself to a more relaxed one. Hearing her sweet tone when she spoke to him made the anxiety burning through his veins subside, though the worry plaguing his mind for how Eren was doing was still very present.

"Fleur-!" The boy's eyes widen, surprised to see her up and ready to fight so quickly. "How- how are you feeling? any better?"

"Me? Oh, I'm fine don't worry... I don't know what came over me back there but I can promise you it won't happen again." She says, attempting to soothe his concern or hers?

Armin only gazed at her in response, he didn't expect to see her standing with him at this very moment - yes, it was reassuring in a way, however, she should be prioritizing her health instead of risking her life and being a part of a poorly thought-out plan. His plan. Not to mention the fear that struck him when he saw her in Reiner's arm, all wounded and exhausted. His mind thought of the worst things that could've happened to her.

His blue eyes drifted from the hair that framed Fleur's face down to her wrapped hands and immediately his eyebrows furrowed.

"I was confused too when I woke up then I remembered how I crashed into a window while fighting a Titan... The shards of the glass got me good." The girl informs him quickly as she stared down at her hands for a moment before glancing back up and noticing the troubled expression he had, "It's actually the reason why I don't have a jacket. Jerk ripped it right off of me."

The pout Fleur had while trying to shrug off the bothering feeling in her chest for having her hands wrapped again was noticeable and understandable too. It didn't take a genius to know it brought back bad memories to light again, ones Armin was curious to know of but he never asked. He knew it wasn't appropriate nor his place.

A wave of guilt washed over him for not noticing earlier, he should've been aware of her injuries instead of being in his own head.

"Speaking of Titans... Are you okay? You know with Eren?" Fleur queried, shifting the conversation off of herself.

"At first when I saw him emerge from the nape of his Titan form I didn't know what to think... I was confused for sure because well I watched him die before my eyes."

"And then?"

"But then a part of me was relieved to see him and know that he was okay. That I didn't have to live the rest of my life with the guilt of letting my best friend die for me. Of all people you know?" Armin scoffed softly, scratching the back of his neck almost in embarrassment.

Pity. That's what Fleur felt listening to the boy speak about himself. She could not comprehend why he thought his life wasn't worth saving - she thought out of all people his life mattered greatly because if Fleur knew anything of high virtues is that not many people possess them. Only a select few and within that small group she believed Armin was one of them. In her eyes he was nice. A good person who deserved to live like most. Why couldn't he see that himself?

"So yeah I'm okay with him being a Titan. I trust him." Armin says, and at the word trust, he noted the sudden change of expression in the tall girl's face. One of shock he assumes. "But you don't. That's why you asked me, right?"

Fleur raised her eyebrows and instantly looked away taken aback at how fast he read her, "Believe me I want to, Armin... I really do It's just that we know nothing about Eren's abilities, how they even came about, and I won't put my faith in him just to be let down... Again."

"No, no, don't worry I don't blame you. I get it." The boy said with undertones of disappointment at her lack of hope in his best friend.

"Cheer up that doesn't mean I'm going to let him die no matter how unsure I am. I still have orders to follow, or did you forget?" Fleur says, meeting Armin's eyes (again). "And even though I'm not fond of Eren at the moment at least we can agree on one thing and that's that you're worth saving."

Her gaze wasn't intense or filled with any sort of coldness as if she were talking to Reiner or bad-mouthing the abnormals she's fought - it was gentle, it held sincerity, and Armin didn't know what to do with it. It made his body warm-up and his face soften. Now it wasn't rare to receive kindness from her, no, that wasn't it at all, it was just different. A feeling he couldn't quite explain even if he tried to.

It rendered him speechless for a moment - A moment too long actually.

Right when the words were forming to respond to the girl in front of him the sound of a flare gun being shot into the sky in the distance caught everyone's attention immediately. The two snapped their heads in its direction, red smoke in their line of sight making their stomachs drop at the signal.

Something went wrong. The plan somehow failed. But how?

Fleur wasn't angry. If anything she was more disappointed and should've known better than to trust a Titan. She was a fool to think- no, to give Eren a chance. It seemed to be too good to be true. Triumph was simply a cruel joke, she couldn't help but sigh.

Armin glanced back at Fleur, his Sapphire stones filled such trouble for what could've happened to make everything go to shit. Was his plan the cause for it? The anxiety ripping through him was much different compared to the girl - she had not a trace of wrath within in her delicate features just pure defeat.

"I should've known better," A small whisper, almost as silent as the calm wind, fell from her lips - a strain dared to mix with her voice.

Almost on the verge of tears, maybe? The boy suspected. He didn't know why but he hated seeing her like that - all crushed and tired while staring over the entire destruction that was their lives.

A million questions were pressing against his psyche, thoughts were overloading, and he couldn't think straight for even a second. Hearing the disappointed comments from the other cadets only made things worse - what the hell could've happened down there? What did Eren do? Or didn't do? Armin couldn't process that they had lost. He didn't want to accept it at all. He wouldn't.

"I need to know what happened. Then- then I could fix it," he spoke to himself but loud enough for Fleur to hear.

"Fix it?" She echoed.

"Eren. I need to know what happened- what he did then I could make things better for... all of us."

"What if he's gone rogue and you can't help him? Huh, then what, Armin? It's not safe." She argued, taking the red flare into account - the plan had failed and they had no clue why or what occurred. It was wise to suspect that it was risky to be on the ground especially if it had to do with Eren. And it had nothing to do with her skeptical feelings towards the boy that might've swayed her judgment.

"We don't know that for sure," Armin defended his best friend, raising his voice a little louder than she was comfortable with causing Fleur to take a step back. It was silent for a moment before either of the two decided to speak - Armin was drowning in worry for Eren, stress was suffocating him, he really didn't mean to be so intense towards Fleur.

"I get you're scared for Eren so I'll just brush it off this once." She told him breaking the silence as she retook the step forward, "What exactly do you plan on doing then?"

Armin looked away in remorse then replied, "I'm not sure. At least not yet but I have to go down there to see for myself."

"I'm going with you."

The blond's eyes widened at the girl with confusion, not sure if he heard her right, "Fleur, you said it wasn't safe...?"

"I know what I said and that's exactly why I'm coming with you. To keep you from dying. Any other objections?" She asked, tilting her head, her expression almost daring the boy.

He said nothing in response. Intimated by her. Just a bit.

"Great. After you." She smiled at him innocently, gesturing her hand for him to lead the way.

As soon as Fleur caught sight of Eren, or rather his Titan Form she was paralyzed as if her feet were glued to the roof she stood on. While Armin wasted no time coming to his aid, she couldn't move any closer to where it sat, almost lifeless in her eyes. It was surreal to know he was in control of the very being that was killing their people. Her people. He had rare powers and the girl couldn't comprehend how that was even possible. It shouldn't be. It was unnatural. But maybe it was meant to happen? Was this the universe finally playing fair?

Don't be so idiotic.

Armin told her to trust him. He promised her to bring Eren back and she believes him. She truly does. She saw how confident the boy was in himself, the fervor, it shimmered brightly in his eyes. That's why she hasn't given up and she wasn't going to let the Abnormals devour Eren. She'd die before ever letting them get what they want. What kind of future scout would she be if she let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity go to waste?

"Are you sure about this?" The freckled girl asked with concern, making her voice a little louder for Armin to hear considering the distance between the two. The boy stood on Eren's shoulders examining his best friend with a look of deep concentration as he thought of how exactly he could wake Eren up.

"If I'm being honest, no." He says truthfully, "But I have an idea... I think it could work. Remember when I told you how Eren emerged from the nape- like the weak point in the Abnormals?"

"Yeah...why?" Fleur replied warily.

"I was thinking maybe if I just-"

Before she could even react or comment, Armin had already stabbed his blade into Eren's Titan - a small gasp escaped the girl's mouth, hands covering her ears as it let out an inhuman screech. Its breath blew her bangs away fully revealing her scrunched-up pale face. Once the scream faded, she opened her eyes not hesitating to make a move, and tried to fly to where the blond was despite her fear for Eren but an arm blocked her path.

"Stay away! Both of you! It's dangerous!" Mikasa warns them, "Something went wrong. He lost control and wound up like that! I tried to snap him out of it but I couldn't get him to respond."

Fleur's gaze fell upon the Ackerman then back to Eren's Titan as she soaked in the words Mikasa had just said. He did go rogue, well to an extent, still, it happened and a part of her didn't want to be proven right. She wanted Eren to succeed. To seal the wall so this day would be over. To win. Sadly, it seemed the odds were never in her favor.

"But the plan!" Armin urged, beams of sweat forming on his face.

"It had to change! We just need to protect him. Right now he's defenseless... And they're just so many- I don't know how long we can keep this up."

Mikasa's panicky behavior almost made Fleur fearful too. Almost. But she trusted Armin would fix Eren. That he could do it.

"We kill them until we drop like flies. If Eren's the only chance we've got at saving humanity then we have no choice." Fleur finally speaks up, her tone was intense, "We'll have to leave Eren to Armin and follow our orders to keep them as far away as possible."

The two childhood friends knew she was right. It was the only way. Their only option. They didn't argue or attempt to challenge Fleur's words like she expected, especially Mikasa, to which she breathed out in relief.

"She's right! There are tones of other people you should be worried about!" Armin agreed, making Fleur's stomach do a flip at the sudden praise. "Go do what you guys to do best!"

Both girls looked at each other, hesitating for a moment, unsure if leaving him would be a good idea - Fleur didn't want to, it was obvious, yet she knows it wouldn't do anyone any good if she stood on this roof doing nothing watching Armin try to bring back Eren.

"Okay. Let's go. We have Titans to keep away him." Mikasa says, wielding her blades and sparing Fleur a glance. Well at her leg. "If you can't keep up that's alright. Just stay close. Got it?"

Fleur simply nodded obediently before following the Ackerman. She knew she wasn't supposed to be here. Neither was Armin. Yet somehow she found herself at Mikasa's side protecting the Jeager boy from its own kind. That was the order so she didn't think it would be that much of an issue. It should be fine - she hoped at least. While gliding her mind began to think about where Sasha and Marco might be. Were they okay? They had to be or else she would never forgive them if they died. She wouldn't be able to handle it. Not with how things were going at the moment. Complete chaos, a neverending fight for survival, and she felt herself being drained of energy again. This time she was aware.

She could feel herself becoming sore with every small movement she made. The weight of her own body, which felt like a million bricks sinking her down, slowly sapping her stamina away. The constant jumping and running was testing her durability but this is what she signed up for, this is what being a soldier is all about, so she wasn't about to whine over it.

"Titan coming from the right they're heading straight for Eren!"

Fleur was pulled out of her thoughts and jumped into action as she let herself fall waiting for the perfect moment to trigger her gear. Seeing it make its way in the direction of Eren made the girl press her gas to make herself go faster. Once she was close enough to it she used the Abnormal's body as a way to swing and slide on the cobbled streets, swiftly slicing both of its ankles. Before the Titan could even fall Mikasa came in flying from atop cutting the nape of its neck.

Fleur was never vocal about her platonic admiration for the Ackerman. Ever since they joined the training program she's always thought Mikasa was strong and extremely smart - and watching her kill these creatures with such grace was truly something else. She felt like a little kid looking up at her. She had the utmost respect for Mikasa.

"Wow, you're a natural! I'm jealous," Fleur compliments the Ackerman as they both glide to their next target.

Mikasa's eyes widen, unsure how she should take it she looked straight ahead almost burying her flushed face into her red scarf. "Thank you but save your praise, and let's take care of the Titan up ahead."

Fleur immediately pressed on her gas seeing the backside of the Abnormal's body while it held onto one of their people in its hand ready to devour them.

"I've got this one! You help team Mitabi." Mikasa says to Fleur as she's already running along the roof, "I'll meet you down there!"

Fleur wanted to so badly protest and assist the Ackerman even if she didn't need it but the girl simply complied changing her direction and flying to the team who was in need of backup. She noticed their captain laid across on the roof in shock of what he had witnessed. His friends dying left and right with no mercy. It was a tragic scene.

She would do her best to try to make sure they were okay.

As soon as she approached the man, she extended her wounded hand out to him and it was a moment before he took it. Fleur didn't know who he was, all she knew was that this was Mikasa's captain. And just by the way his eyes narrowed down at her in suspicion, she also knew that she was in trouble.

Big trouble.

"Young lady, are you allowed to be down here? What squad are you on?" Ian asks, already knowing the answer.

"Is that really important right now? I'm here to help I promise." Fleur says, hand over her heart. "Scouts honor and all I swear."

The man couldn't tell if she was being serious or not, though it was humorous to see her all nervous and stiff because she knew she wasn't supposed to be here. It was dangerous. But it didn't matter if she was here by orders or not and he knew that. The more people fighting on the battlefield with them the more of a chance they have a winning, right?

"Relax. I don't care... That much." He reassures her. Sorta.

That was enough for Fleur to exhale dramatically as if she were holding her breath in forever. Not wanting to piss him off she stayed quiet for the time being.

Waiting for Mikasa to return, her mind wondered about Armin's progress with Eren. She felt worry clog in her chest, scared that if he didn't succeed then they were done for. For real this time. She would like to stay optimistic like Sasha about their odds but how can she when all she's known is failure and disappointment? It was hard to remain so positive every day in this hellhole she's become familiar with the last sixteen years of her life.

Remembering when Armin told her that she wasn't an absolute idiot for having a bit of hope - that moment alone would continue to fuel her longing for reaching freedom.

The familiar sound of wires and soles landing on the roof caused the girl to turn around to see Mikasa arriving unscathed which was a relief.

"Are you okay?" The Ackerman ran towards her with concern laced in her voice.

"I'm okay, so is your captain and the others. What about you?" Fleur tells her, attempting to ease some of her tension.

Mikasa simply nodded in response. Fleur could tell she was afraid of what might happen if Eren didn't wake up and patch the wall. People would lose any trust they had in him and remain hopeless for the future of humanity. The future rested in his hands.

It was scary to admit but true.

And like a broken record the violent sound of large footsteps making the ground shake pulled everyone out of their thoughts and in its direction. This was no ordinary Titan. It was Eren. He walked towards the hole in the wall carrying a boulder almost twice his size to repair it. Luminous emerald eyes filled with such passion unlike Fleur had ever seen.

A gasp of shock escaped her soft lips as she gazed upon Eren's Titan completely in awe of what she's witnessing. A moment in history. She was sure of it. This was her seeing it happen and it was unbelievable.

And just like that humanity was back on its feet again.

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