Birds of a Feather stick together

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(1st Person PoV: Grian's)

I was walking down a street in ruins.

I don't remember why I was here. I swear I was back with the others.

Could I be...dreaming??

Then the scene shifted.

I was floating in an abyss and with no light.

Until I saw the dragons.

A large crimson dragon which looked...familiar and five smaller ones.

Two of them looked very familiar.

Hold on! Isn't those the dragons that those two duelists had? Umm Jack Atlas and Yusei Fudo? Yeah! What are they doing here? I wondered.

The other three dragons looked very unfamiliar to me though.

I then looked up to see something else. Something shrouded in shadows.

I couldn't see what they were but they were large. And had lines of color on them.

Those things and the dragons seemed to be fighting.

Large balls of energy were getting shot at the things. And another parts of energy were being shot at the dragons.

After a short while, something shot up from the ground. Something resembling spider webs.

It grabbed the blue and pink dragon that looked like she had some fairy mixed in as well.

The dragon struggled against the webs but it was no use. The webs were too strong.

It pulled her to the ground where a large chunk of rock was formed and the imprint of the dragon appeared on said rock.

I was too shock to speak.

I then looked at the other dragons who were roaring. The blue and pink dragon must have been their friend.

Then I saw three of the dragons get tangled by something.

The red and kind of crimson one with horns got tangled up by something orange. There were small wings that wrapped around it and a long thin beak appeared.

(Quality is crappy I know)

It almost looked like... a hummingbird!

The reddish pink and black dragon got tangled up by something red. Mainly covering her eyes though.

Unlike the red horned dragon who could only struggle and barely move, this one can but not by her own will.

Almost like she's getting manipulated!

The more yellowish dragon was the final one tangled up by another red thing but this time, similar to the blue and pink dragon, he was getting dragged away.

Dragged away where those shadowy things were.

Based on the dragon's roars, it seemed like he didn't want to go there.

I felt...afraid. Afraid of what's going on.

Those dragons...they seem hurt.

No...stop! I wanted to say but no words came out.

It almost felt mouth was tired up.

A roar made me look up to see the final dragon facing me.

I don't remember his name. something dragon...

He roared at me. Almost like...he was trying to warn me about something.

I looked around myself and saw that I was tied up by something.

A quick tug down made me immediately panic.

I was getting dragged under!!

No no! Stop it! Let me go! What's going on! Someone! Help me! I held my hand out while struggling to get out.

Someone! Anyone!

Then a feather fluttered by. It was rainbow colored.

Help! I tried shouting to whoever the feather belonged to but no use.







My eyes fluttered open and I stretched while yawned.

"Scar?" I asked. He was looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"Grian, are you alright? Your Adam's apple was pulsing, you were sweating a lot and you kept muttering help me and some dragon names or something. Please tell me that you're not dying!" Scar exclaimed with worry.

"I'm not dying, Scar! If I was, you would have felt it too. I was just...having a nightmare. N-nothing too serious," I assured him.

Scar frowned which is an expression I barely see on him.

"That doesn't sound like nothing," he said in a low voice.

"I'm...I'm fine. I just need to go out and clear my head," I muttered.

"Ok but take your duel disk. Never know when someone may challenge you to a duel," Scar said and tossed me my duel disk. "And take the Duel Runner!" He tossed me a helmet.

"Yeah yeah," I put it both on and walked out.

Something about that dream was bothering me.

Those dragons...what was going on with them? What were those shadowy things? And what was that rainbow feather?

I just don't get it.

I got on the Duel Runner and drove off.

Off into the empty streets.

The beginning of my dream did start with a street in ruin and Satellite almost looks like it's in ruins.

I kept on driving albeit it a bit clunky.

Scar wanted me to test run the Duel Runner so I can get used to it. I'm not that great at it though.

I just needed to clear my head.

(Meanwhile: 3rd Person PoV)

"Hey SmallEtho," Scar approached them.

"Hey Scar...what's up? You look worried and that's not usually an expression that you have," Etho said.

"It's about Grian. I heard him having a nightmare but he brushed it off, saying that he's fine. I wasn't convinced though. He went out to clear his head," Scar explained.

"Hmmm. But what would Grian have a nightmare about?" Joel asked.

"Something about dragons and him asking for help. He talks in his sleep sometimes," Scar explained.

"Dragons?" Rally appeared.

"Oh hey Rally. Yeah. I didn't hear exactly what he said but he kept saying star over and over. And among the lines of dragons," Scar sighed.

"You don't think he was talking about Stardust Dragon?" Rally asked.

"Stardust Dragon? That sounds...familiar," Joel muttered.

"Hold on! Wasn't that the monster that your friend, Yusei Fudo, summoned? On TV!" Etho said quickly.

"Yeah that's right! But why would Grian have a nightmare about Stardust Dragon?" Rally asked.

"I don't know. When he's ready to share, I'll ask him," Scar said.


"Do you hear that?" The new guy, Seiga asked.

"Huh?" The four of us stood up.

"It sounds...sounds like a D-Wheeler...a Duel Runner!" Rally said.

Just then, two Duel Runners drove up. A black and a red one.

The black Duel Runner looked unfamiliar but the red one wasn't.

It was been driven by a very familiar young man. He took off his helmet.

Rally's face lit up.

"Yusei!" He cried.

Yusei turned to face them and the Double Lifers saw his face for the first time.

"Rally, glad you're safe," he said.

"Is that Yusei?" Blitz asked.

"It is!" Nerve said.

Rally ran over and hugged Yusei.

"Thank you Seiga," Yusei smiled as he patted Rally's head.

"No problem. You also got new allies here if you want to call them that," Seiga nodded at Scar, Joel and Etho.

"Uhh rude much?" Joel scoffed.

"Hi I'm Scar! These two are the BoatBoys named Joel and Etho! That's my cat, Jellie, who is sitting on that corner. And you just missed Grian, our other friend," Scar waved.

"Yo," Yusei waved back.

"Well that saved that introduction," the other young man said as he took off his helmet.

Wow...why is his hair styled like a broom? The Double Lifers thought.

"Crow? Wait I heard that someone else dueled Sector Security with a Duel Runner. That was you?" Nerve asked.

Crow threw his head back and laughed.

"Yep! Yusei isn't the only one with a Duel Runner now!" He said.

"Wait...what do you mean someone else?" Yusei asked.

"That would be me and Scar. It's a very long story but the two of us dueled Sector Security and won. We also got to keep the Duel Runners. Grian took one of them for a drive to 'clear his head' as Scar put it. The other one is right there," Etho explained.

"Hmmm. I take it that you're a strong duelist. Both of you," Yusei looked at Etho and Scar. They nodded.

Then a flash of light appeared and a voice was heard.

"Crow! You're under arrest! Face us with your hands in the air!" That must be Sector Security.

"Ah. They must have followed us here through my marker. My bad," Crow sighed before pointing to the markers on his face.

It was the same as Rally's and Yusei's.

"Well what can we do? Grian hasn't come back yet!" Scar said worriedly.

"Don't worry. I got a plan!" Crow assured him.

The Double Lifers hoped that it was a good one.

A/N: cliffhanger muhahaha!

Anyways, yeah I decided to place lore in this.

I'm going to follow the anime a lot but I may change things here and there.

Cya in the next one -Flare

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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