Etho is a significant slightly better duelist than Scar

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Etho - 4000 LPS SC: 0


Sector Security #2 - 4000 LPS SC: 0

"I'll go first and I draw!," the second Sector Security stated.

SC: 0 —> 1

SC: 0 —> 1

"I summon Gate Blocker in defense mode which in turn, triggers its special ability. You can no longer use your Speed Counters! Then I place two face downs and end my turn!" The second Sector Security exclaimed.

"How boring," Joel yawned.

"I draw!" Etho looked at his hand and grinned.

SC: 1 —> 2

"You may have been watching Scar's duel but I can assure you that I'm not like him. And I can start with a face down monster card. And then I place two cards face down. I end my turn!" He exclaimed.

"Then it's my turn! I draw! I active my trap Speed Edge. I have more Speed Counters than you so that means I can inflict damage to you! 600 damage to be exact!" The second Sector Security exclaimed.

SC: 2 —> 3

4000 —> 3400 LPS

"I tribute Gate Blocker for Gate Blocker 2 and then I end my turn," he said.

SC: 3 —> 4

"And that's how far as you're going to get! I flip summon White Ninja! (ATK:1500. DF:800) And White Ninja's flip effect activates. I target a monster in Defense mode and I can destroy it! Gate Blocker 2 is destroyed," Etho explained.

"Tch but hey I don't lose life points this time!" The second Sector Security said, happily.

"This isn't the end though. Next I summon Lady Ninja Yae (ATK: 1100. DF: 200) and I activate her effect! By discarding a Wind monster from my hand to the Graveyard, I can return all the Spell and Trap cards on your field to your hand. Meaning that you have nothing to defend yourself with," Etho explained.

"Wooohooo! Go Etho!" Joel cheered.

"Go and attack with Whirlwind Blast!" Etho commanded his monster.

4000 —> 2900 LPS

"And then I attack you with White Ninja!"

2900 —> 1400 LPS

Oh no! It's only his second turn and he already got me down to 1400 LPS! If he keeps this up, I'm done for! The second Sector Security thought.

"I flip White Ninja back face down and place a card face down. Now that's my turn," Etho explained.

"You may have lowered my Life Points much faster than your friend did but I'm still in this! A duel isn't over until I have zero Life points!" The second Sector Security said.

"You talk like an anime character," Etho muttered.

"And you're on your way to zero Life points once Etho's turn comes around again!" Joel called out.

"I draw!" The second Sector Security exclaimed.

SC: 1 —> 2

SC: 4 —> 5

He then grinned.

"I activate the trap card, Dust Tornado. I can destroy one Trap or Spell card that you control and I'll destroy that face down you have!" The second Sector Security explained.

The face down card that Etho had revealed itself to be a trap card. It got destroyed however.

"Etho...," Joel sounded concerned.

"I summon Gate Blocker and place a card face down. Now what was it that you said that my Life points would go down when his turn comes around?" The second Sector Security asked.

SC: 5 —> 6

"Umm do have a plan right?" Joel asked.

"I'm working on it," Etho muttered as he drew a card.

Should I summon...that card? Etho wondered.

"I tribute summon Lady Ninja Yae to summon Red Dragon Ninja(ATK: 2400. DF: 1200)!" He called out.

"Heh...I activate my trap card!" The second Sector Security shouted.

Trap card!! Etho and Joel thought.

"When I activate the trap card, Intercept, I can take control of a monster that has been tribute summoned with one tribute! I decided to guess that you would try to tribute a monster to summon an even powerful monster to erase all of my life points. Well not going to happen, pal! Now Red Warrior Ninja is mine!" The second Sector Security explained.

Red Dragon Ninja on the field, seemed to have been captured by a net and dragged to the other side of the field, facing against Etho.

" got to come up with a counter attack and fast!" Joel said worryingly.

He's right and it's got to be now or never! Wait I have a card here but do I have the requirements to summon that card? Etho wondered.

"First I play the Speed Spell card, Ignition. I can activate this when I have two or more Speed Counters. I have to destroy another set card in my spell and trap zones but in doing so, I can switch the battle positions of all of your monsters!" Etho shouted.


Red Dragon Ninja curled up and turned blue while Gate Blocker turned to its regular colors.

"Next I summon Captain Ninja (ATK: 1000. DF: 500) and I activate his effect! Since Captain Ninja is a tuner monster, if I'm planning on using material for a summoning, then I'll have to place my entire hand back into my deck and reshuffle it and draw out new cards. And if one of them is a monster that is a level below Captain Ninja, then I can summon it onto the field but I'll have to give up 100 life points times that level of that monster. Here goes," Etho placed the current cards that he was holding into his deck.

(Captain Ninja is a fan made card I made for Etho)

It shuffled and Etho pulled out five new cards.

He looked over them and grinned.

"I give up 200 life points to summon Quillbolt Hedgehog (ATK: 800. DF: 800). You can already guess where this is going," Etho explained.

3400 —> 3200 LPS

What? No he going to...

"Synchro Summon?!" The second Sector Security cried.

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" Joel cheered, making an O with his hand while the other was holding onto Etho.

"I'm using Level 2, Quillbolt Hedgehog, to be tuned with Level 3, Captain Ninja! Justice will be served to the injustice!" Etho started.

A beam of light appeared from the monsters used to synchro summon.

"I Synchro Summon! Ally of Justice Catastor (ATK: 2200. DF: 1500)!" Etho shouted.

"Oh no!"

"Go Ally of Justice! Destroy Gate Blocker with your Justice!" Etho shouted.

"If this attack lands, all of his life points will be wiped out because Ally of Justice Catastor has more attack points than either his monster and his attack points!" Joel cheered.

"So wait that means!" The second Sector Security realized too late.

"It's over now," Etho finished.

1400 —> 0 LPS


The Duel Chaser that the Sector Security had malfunctioned, causing him to crash into some rubble.

He'll be fine...the BoatBoys think.

"Now let's go check up on Scar and Grian," Etho suggested.

Joel nodded at this.

(Meanwhile: this chapter is taking me a while to make)

Scar —> 2200 LPS SC: 1

Sector Security #1 —> 2000 LPS SC: 6

He has less Life Points than me. I have to defeat him this turn or at least brace myself for his turn. I'm not done yet but what can I do? Scar thought as he looked through his cards. He only has three left so he has to choose wisely.

It's still my turn so I can turn this around. I have to! He continued thinking.

He could hear Grian softly whimpering so Scar knows that he has to do something.

"I set Naturia Rosewhip (ATK: 400. DF: 1700). Turn over," Scar said.

I don't think he can attack now so that monster better has an effect that can help him win the duel, Grian thought.

"It's my turn now! I summon Mad Dog of Darkness (ATK: 1900. DF: 1400)," the first Sector Security said as they turned another corner.

SC: 1 —> 2

SC: 6 —> 7

"And next I-," he was cut off with him gasping. No way! That's a tuner! Does he realize that he has one? He thought.

"What's going on? Are you going to forfeit?" Scar called out and the first Sector Security gritted his teeth.

"Like hell I am. I activate my Speed Spell, Speed Energy. I can activate this when I have two or more Speed Counters. I can select a monster on the field and it can gain 200 attack points for every speed counter I have until the end of the turn. I have seven so Mad Dog of Darkness gains 1400 attack points!" He shouted.

1900 —> 3300 LPS

"If he attacks Naturia Rosewhip, you'll lose 2900 attack points and you only have 2200 left," Grian said in a panic.

"That won't happen," Scar assured him.

"We'll see about that. Attack now, Mad Dog of Darkness. Raging Hell Bringer!" The first Sector Security shouted and pointed to Naturia Rosewhip.

His monster raced over to Scar's monster and bit into it with its jaws which destroyed it.


"Naturia Mosquito's effect activates! Whenever my opponent battles a face up Naturia monster other than this one, they take any battle damage I would have taken. So instead of me taking 2900 points of damage, you'll take it instead!" Scar shouted.

"WHAT?!" The first Sector Security cried.

2000 —> 0 LPS


The Duel Chaser malfunctioned too and the first Sector Security fell front into some rubble.

"You did it!" Grian cried as Scar accelerated away.

"Phew...not going to lie G, I was nervous as all heck! Oh man that was amazing!" Scar cheered.

"You guys alright?" Etho drove by.

"Did you win your duel?" Grian asked and the BoatBoys nodded.

"It was absolutely incredible! Etho synchro summoned and absolutely wiped the floor with the Sector Security!" Joel explained.

"Synchro Summon? Scar, why didn't you do that?" Grian asked.

"Honestly...I have no clue!"


"What?! You two defeated Sector Security and no one followed you here?" Rally gasped.

"Yeah. Grian was paranoid that some of them could be following us so that's why we took a while to get back and it's not because of our duels," Etho explained.

"Excuse you, do you want to get caught by Sector Security?" Grian grumbled.

"I would duel them to make us leave us alone," Joel said proudly.

Grian rolled his eyes.

Scar was petting Jellie who was purring before she turned her head around to began to hiss.

Scar looked in the direction where Jellie was looking at and narrowed his eyes.

"Someone's coming," he said.

Everyone got on the defensive when someone with a hat came in.

"Rally, Nerve, Blitz, Taka?" He asked.

"Who are you?" Nerve asked.

"I have a message from Yusei," the man said.

"From Yusei?!" Rally gasped.

"A message...of hope," the man said.

Hope? The Double Lifers thought.

A/N: Etho's card selection was easier than Scar's. That took a while sorry! Things happened but it's ok!

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter!

Cya in the next one -Flare

Edit: this duel has also been rewritten, more on Scar's part than Etho's but it's still fine. Also I remember about Speed Spells unlike last time so yay!

Yeah Etho has a Ninja based deck and Scar has the Naturia deck. I already have hinted what Joel's deck will be in my MB but he's not going to have it in this book (for reasons that I will not reveal yet) and Grian's is still a mystery for now.

Hope you enjoyed this rewritten chapter!

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