Dance, Crow, Dance

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(3rd Person PoV)

(Also BTW for the Black Wing archetype, other than the first time that a Black wing monster appears, I'm going to shorten it to BW- [*insert monster name*])


Crow - 4000 LPS


Yeager - 4000 LPS

"I'll go first!" Crow drew a card.

"I summon Black Wing- Bora the Spear (ATK: 1700. DF: 800) and then I summon BW- Gale the Whirlwind (ATK: 1300. DF: 400)! I set 1 card and end my turn," Crow started.

"You have a tuner monster and a non tuner monster but you're not going to Synchro Summon?" Yeager asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That's all a part of my master plan!" Crow boasted.

I'll see what his plan will be and then I'll tune my monsters for a Synchro Summon my next turn, he thought.

"Hmm, alright then. Draw. I set three cards down and end my turn," Yeager said.

"Huh? That's it? You're not even going to summon a monster?" Crow asked, confused.

"You just wait. You'll regret not Synchro Summoning when you had the chance," Yeager laughed while wagging a finger.

Hmmm, I can't be too reckless. Normally I would attack now with a Synchro Monster but I'm worried about those face downs. For now..., Crow thought before shouting, "I attack you directly with Bora the Spear!"

His monster swooped in for the attack before Yeager pressed a button on his Duel Disk.

"Trap card, Imperial Manners. When I have no monsters on my field and my opponent calls out an attack, I can destroy all monsters on your field in attack mode," he said.

"What?!" Crow cried. He has to do something and quick!

"Trap card, Urgent Tuning! During the battle phase, using the monsters that I control, I'm able to Synchro Summon!" He called out.

That way, my monsters won't be destroyed, Crow thought.

"Continuous Trap card, Discord. Now neither one of us can Synchro Summon so your Urgent Tuning is useless," Yeager said.

Due to this, all of Crow's monsters disappeared and he made an angry growl noise.

"I set one card down and end my turn," Crow stated.

"My turn, draw! Hehe, before I incite my turn, let me ask you something. Why come into this dangerous place where you have no business being at?" Yeager asked.

"Oh that's obvious. Because I'm going to defeat the Dark Signers with my red hot combos!" Crow cheered.

"Hmmph! A sewer pest like you have no chance at defeating the Dark Signers. I suggest you drop the matter before you get hurt," Yeager told him.

"Never! It's the duelist with the most heated dueling spirit always wins in the end!" Crow pumped up his fist.

"Yare-yare, aren't you a blind fool? I'll show you that you are no match for me nor are you any match for the Dark Signers!" Yeager shouted.

"I summon Jester Lord (ATK: 0. DF: 0)," he said and a tall, thin jester monster appeared and began to juggle some rubber balls around.

"I attack you directly," Yeager said, calmly.

"What?! But your monster only has zero attack points!" Crow cried.

"Heh. That's because I haven't activated Jester Lord's effect. When its the only monster on the field, for every spell and trap card on the field, Jester Lord gains 1000 attack points. There's currently three meaning that Jester Lord gains 3000 attack points!" Yeager called out.

0 —> 3000 ATK

The rubber balls then turned into fire balls and Jester Lord continued to juggle them and was about to throw them at Crow when he pressed a button on his Duel Disk.

"Trap Card, Dust Tornado! I'll use this trap to destroy Discord!" He shouted.

With two traps gone, Jester Lord will only have 1000 attack points, he thought but he was wrong.

"Trap card, Imperial Customs. Now every continuous traps with the exception of this one will not be destroyed. Too bad," Yeager shrugged.

"What?" Crow was shocked but thankfully due to Dust Tornado disappearing, Jester Lord's attack went down.

3000 —> 2000 ATK

Not as much as he hoped but still.

"Now attack!" Yeager shouted and Jester Lord threw the balls of fire at Crow.

Thankfully, that was a hologram but Crow still covered his face with his arms.

4000 —> 2000 LPS

Despite this, Crow laughed.

"I didn't know that they had someone who did crazy duels in the Public Maintenance Department," he said.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself since you used a trap to lower Jester Lord's attack points," Yeager told him.

Crow grinned at this and pumped his fist up. "I'm fired up!"

He was ready to anything that Yeager would throw at him.

"You'll see soon enough that I'll have you dancing in the palm of my hand," Yeager laughed before setting down a card.

"I special summon Jester Confict (ATK: 0. DF: 0) from my hand," he said.

"What? Why summon another monster with zero attack points again? And also, that negates Jester Lord's effect," Crow pointed out.

2000 —> 0 ATK

He must be planning an interesting combo, he thought.

"I set one card down and end my turn," Yeager finished.

"Huh? What are you scheming? You are very sly," Crow noted.

"I could say the same for you," Yeager said before pulling out the projector.

If I pay attention to this, I'll have a clear view on what he may be planning, he thought.

"Alright then, my turn! I dr-," Crow got cut off by Yeager who activated a card.

"Trap card, Late Penalty. If I control a level 2 or lower spellcaster and you don't have any monsters currently on your field, then your battle phase is skipped," Yeager explained.

"What?! Aww come on!" Crow complained.

"Heh, now what dance will you show me?" Yeager laughed.

"That's a dirty move," Crow growled.

Yeager was looking at the projector where it showed possible strategies that Crow may use when a card showed up.

Hmmm? Fake Feather. By sending a BW monster from your hand to the graveyard, you can select a normal trap from your opponent's graveyard. This trap's effect will now become that selected trap. If he has that card in his hand, I'll be in large trouble, Yeager thought and glanced up at Crow.

"Even though I can't attack right now, my pride as a duelist won't allow me to do my turn without summoning a monster. Draw!" Crow shouted.

"I summon BW!Sirocco the Dawn! And then I set a card down," Crow added on.

A humanoid monster wearing a black feathered cloak appeared by his side.

He has a Blackwing on his field. Does he have Fake Feather in his hand or not? Yeager thought.

He then spoke up, "I suppose you're ending your turn now," but Crow's response to that surprised him.

"Not yet! I activate the Quick Spell, Reload! I add any number of cards from my hand to my deck," he placed a card in his deck and it got shuffled, "and draw the same number of card that I added."

"So it's an all or nothing approach. How boring. That's not how a clown should dance," Yeager yawned.

"Who are you calling a clown!?" Crow snapped.

He closed his eyes and drew the top card of his deck. He looked at it and smiled.

"I set this card down as well and end my turn," Crow stated.

"Now bring it! If you can guess this combo, I'll dance naked for you!" He shouted.

Please don't.

I guess he has Fake Feather now. No, not a guess. I'm certain of it! Yeager thought.

"I activate Jester Confit's effect. At the end of your turn, when special summoned on the field, I can target one face up monster and I can return both of our monsters to our hands," Yeager explained.

"Wait what?!" Crow cried as both monsters turned to smoke.

"No way! I spend all this time trying to summon a monster and now he's gone! But wait that means...," he trailed off.

"Yes, Jester Lord's ability is back in effect. Now for every trap and spell card, Jester Lord gains 1000 attack points. There is currently five spell and trap cards meaning that it gain 5000 attack points," Yeager explained.

0 —> 5000 ATK

"Oh my god! I'm done for!" Crow began to ramble about apologizing and other stuff.

"Yare-Yare, I suppose I should start my turn," Yeager drew a card.

"Rally, Nerve, Blitz, Taka, kids, I'm sorry!" Crow wailed but Yeager just simply stared at him.

"Do you really think that act would fool me?" He asked and Crow suddenly froze.

"You acting helpless and defenseless won't let me drop my guard down and attack you recklessly," Yeager stated.

It's more than likely that Fake Feather wasn't in his hand when he first started his turn. Otherwise he wouldn't have summoned Sirocco the Dawn. If his first card on the right, then it must be the card on the left, he thought.

"I activate Card of Distrain. If you have two or more trap or spell cards, then I can target one of them and it can't be used for this turn. I pick your second one!" Yeager shouted.

A beam of light appeared and froze up Crow's second card.

"And now I attack you with Jester Lord. Finish this duel," Yeager said.

Crow then grinned at this.

"I activate my trap! Fake Feather!" He shouted.

"WHAT?!" Yeager cried.

"I send a Blackwing monster from my hand to the graveyard and I target a normal trap in your graveyard! I choose Imperial Manners! If you remember what this trap does, if I don't have any monsters on my field then I get to destroy all your monsters in attack mode!" Crow explained.

Jester Lord disintegrated into small pieces.

"But how?" Yeager asked.

"I've known about your plan ever since you brought out Jester Confit. I gotta be one step ahead," Crow explained.

" merely made a plow of acting defenseless when in reality you had a plan in mind. I'm impressed to find duelists like you among the sewer pests of Satellite," Yeager noted.

"Hah! Those 'pests' you call and the crows of Satellite are much tougher and smarter than the pets in the City," Crow explained, determined.

"So you're proud to be called a sewer pest. But still, Card of Distain has one other effect. It deals you 800 points of damage," Yeager said, continuing the duel.

"What? No way!" Crow yelped as he lost life points.

2000 —> 1200 LPS

"I special summon Jester Confit and equip it with Spirit Burner. Once per turn, I can switch my monster's battle positions from attack to defense mode. And once that monster returns to my hand, I can deal you 600 points of damage," Yeager explained.

He has him trapped.

"Discord prevents you from Synchro summoning, if you don't have a monster on your field, I can prevent you from battle by using Late Penalty and even if you do summon a monster then I can return it with Jester Confit. My endless combo leaves you trapped with no escape in sight. It'll soon be curtains for you," Yeager laughed.

But then Crow laughed as well which confused him.

"I won't lose! You're sharp because the card on the left is my key to victory! It's my turn now, I draw!" Crow drew a card and pressed a button on his Duel Disk.

"I activate my trap, Trap Shun! It negates the effects of all the traps other than this one during my turn!" He shouted.

"Wait what?!" Yeager yelped and all of his traps turned to stone.

"Alright! I summon BW! Blizzard the Far North (ATK: 1300. DF: 0)!" Crow added on.

A white bird with a thick black plumage on its head and thick black eyebrows appeared.

"I use his special ability! I can target a level 4 or lower Blackwing monster from my graveyard and summon it in defense mode," Crow explained and held up his Duel Disk where Blizzard the Far North perched upon.

It pecked at the Graveyard and a card went flying out.

"Revive, Bora the Spear!" Crow shouted.

A tuner monster and a non tuner monster...wait a minute! Yeager thought.

"Level 2 Blizzard the Far North tunes Level 4 Bora the Spear! Dark power, infuse the gigantic wings to create a divine wind! Rage, Blackwing Armed Wing (ATK:2300. DF: 1000)!" Crow shouted.

A tall humanoid monster with black wings and a feathery headrest appeared holding onto what seemed like a mix between a blade and a gun.

"You're finally able to Synchro summon. But that's why I place Jester Confit in defense mode!" Yeager shouted.

"Good because I can use Armed Wing's effect!" Crow shouted, much to Yeager's surprise.

"When Armed Wing attacks a monster in defense mode, he gains 500 attack points! If the monster that I attack has a much lower defense points than my monster's attack points, then I deal damage equal to the difference between their points as piercing damage. Now go! Blackwing attack!" He added on.

2300 —> 2800 ATK

Armed Wing flew over and slashed at Jester Confit, destroying it and causing massive damage to Yeager's life points.

4000 —> 1200 LPS

" intriguing. Never thought I'd be down this low in life points. Let's continue this so we can figure out who the real clown is," Yeager said.

"Bring it!" Crow shouted but then the ground began to shake violently.

"Huh? What's going on?" He asked.

Yeager began to panic though. "Oh no no no! Already!? I didn't know it would start this early!" He cried and grabbed his deck and straight up abandoned his duel disk as he ran out of the warehouse.

"Hey! Where are you going? We're not done yet!" Crow shouted, chasing after him.

"I have to go as soon as possible!" Yeager called out.

"Why you little- you're abandoning your life as a duelist by running away!" Crow unstraps the cuff and threw it at Yeager.


It hit him right behind the head.

"My life is more important right now!" Yeager explained and held up one arm in the air where something came out of it.

He began to float in the air, being pulled away by a balloon.

"You better run as well if you value your life. But it might already be too late!" Yeager called out as he flew away on the balloon.

"At least say that we'll finish this another time!" Crow shouted after him but then he turned around to see a dark mist that was approaching and approaching rapidly.

Crow gritted his teeth and ran off.

He grabbed his helmet and jumped on his Duel Runner, revving away.

Some people were out in the streets when the black mist appeared.

Some of them took a couple of steps back before turning around to run away.

But they weren't that lucky. The black mist caught up and the people froze in place and then turned to mist as well.

Some people couldn't move and were turned to mist as well.

Crow was driving away on his Duel Runner and shouted, "No! I won't die here! I won't!"

Despite that, the mist caught up to him.

So many people disappeared in that mist and on the streets, a lone black Duel Runner was on its side and left abandoned.

(Sometime later)

Back in the City, the Signers and Double Lifers were at the mansion and were staring at the sunset.

Yusei and Aki were on the balcony as they watched the sunset.

"Do you think the sunset was this red five thousand years ago?" Aki asked.

"Probably. But now, the future is uncertain and we must protect it from the Dark Signers," Yusei replied.

Aki glanced at him and smiled.

"Yeah, I agree," she said.

The twins were also staring at the sunset and somewhere in the mansion, the Double Lifers were also staring at the sunset.

"That's one that that never changes, no matter what dimension that we are in," Scar noted.

"Yeah...hopefully the Signers can beat the Dark Signers so this world gets another beautiful sunset," Joel sighed.

Grian glanced at him and silently agreed.

Jack was on the roof, while staring at the swirly glasses.

He was worried for Carly.

"Master Atlas!" Mikage appeared.

"What?" Jack asked.

Mikage took a small pause as she also stared at the glasses.

Is he thinking of her? She thought.

"Oi! What's wrong?" Jack asked, snapping her out of it.

"A-ah right. Satellite is in trouble!" Mikage exclaimed.

Then the Signers and Double Lifers ran towards a security room where Mikage showed footage of Satellite.

There was a black mist surrounding the whole island.

"Some sort of abnormality that appeared in the deepest part of Satellite. We can't reach Satellite's Sector Security and we don't even know if this footage would even last," Mikage explained.

As soon as she said that, the screens fizzled out and they could no longer see what was going on.

"Hmmph! I refuse to do nothing! Prepare the helicopter, I'm going to Satellite!" Jack demanded.

Rally, Crow, everyone, Yusei thought, worried for his friends.

A/N: it's almost time for the action! I am so excited to show what happens next!

Cya in the next one -Flare

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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