Isn't stealing illegal?

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(1st Person PoV: Scar's)

Joel and I were dueling with the cards we have and were getting use to the game.

It was fun and harder than it seems though.

Rally helped us out ever so once in a while like how he explained that whoever goes first can't attack until after their opponent was done with their turn.

I mean I guess that's fair.

After a while, Joel eventually won against me.

"Aww man. I lost," I muttered.

"That was a great duel. Let's have another one!" Joel exclaimed.

"Nah, I'm just going to sulk now," I said.

"That's ok. Etho let's duel!" Joel waved his cards in his soulmate's direction.

"Sure why not," Etho shrugged.

Grian was sitting, crisscross and was looking through his cards.

"So you did lose after all. Pay up," he held up his hand.

I rolled my eyes but gave him the trap card that he wanted.

We made a bet that if I won against Joel, I would keep the trap card that we both found and if I lost, I would have to give that card to Grian.

Grian placed it in his deck and continued to look through his deck.

"Life is getting boring here. Umm no offense sorry but is there anything that we can do here?" I asked as I turned to Rally.

Rally opened his mouth but got interrupted by Blitz.

"There isn't much sadly," he replied.

"Yeah, that's true. Unless you want to work with junk," Rally added on.

"I think I'll pass," I said while Grian nodded.

"Noooo! I lost!" Joel yelled.

We turned our heads to see Joel sulking while Etho was chuckling at this.

"That was quick," Grian nodded.

"He was in too over his head and that's why he lost," Etho explained.

"Nooo! That's not true," Joel folded his arms and glared at him.

"So I lost against Joel and he lost against Etho. Etho, duel me!" I got up suddenly.


"Why not?" I asked.

"I just don't want to right now," Etho explained.

"Fiiine. Hey Grian, let's duel!" I held up my cards but to my surprise, he shook his head.

"Why though?"

"I don't have to tell you," Grian said.

"But pleeeeease! I'm your best buddy, your-," I got in close and whispered in his ear so Rally and Blitz wouldn't hear me, "your soulmate. Come on, can we duel please?" I begged.

"No," Grian got up and left.

"Do you know why Grian is more grumpy than usual?" Joel asked.

"He's not always like this?" Rally asked.

"Not really. Maybe he needs more time getting use to this new environment. He's smart and flexible, Grian will be able to," I assured them.

"Hey Joel, Scar. Let's go and look for more cards in the junkyard," Etho suggested.

"Sure, I got nothing else to do," I shrugged.

I followed the BoatBoys out into the junkyard but they weren't looking for any cards.

"Hey where are you heading? You can't leave a man alone in the dark like this," I asked.

"Shh, look," Joel lifted up a cover and there were two Duel Runners (as they called them) there.

"We just found them and we have been trying to get them to work. This one works but the other is taking a while," Etho explained.

"No way you two found these Duel runners! It's illegal for people in Satellite to have them! The only ones who do have them are people who have hidden them from Sector Security and the Security people themselves....wait a minute," I said.

"Ok we may have lied. We kind of stole them on accident," Joel explained.

"What do you mean on accident?" I asked.

Etho began to explain how Joel and him found and stole the Duel Runners.

They were just looking around for cards when they saw someone getting chased by Security.

Make that two people were getting chased.

The duel runners all looked the same so they could mean that those two people who were getting chased stole those duel runners from Security.

It also looked like they were dueling.

However it seemed like those people were losing so they decided to book it and ditch the duel chasers.

Security decided to ignore the ditched duel runners and chase after the running people.

So Etho and Joel decided to take the duel runners and hide them away close to where they were staying at.

"And that's how we accidentally stole them," Etho finished.

"That was NOT an accident," I said.

"They work perfectly fine. Let's test them out and have a practice duel," Joel suggested.

"But why?" I asked.

"Why? Because this world is determined by your skill level in this card game and the best way to not have us knocked around a lot is dueling with these duel runners. Now come on," Joel tossed me a helmet, "get on and drive."

"Honestly I would rather stay behind with the others but I don't want to deal with a grumpy Grian so I'll play along with you two," I shrugged.

"Wait hold on! Didn't you say that one wasn't working?" I asked as I got on one.

"Well duh! You're driving on the one that works. I'll watch over your test while Etho tries to work on the other one," Joel explained.

"Ok fine," I turned it on and they were right. It does work perfectly fine.

"Ok so just drive from here," Joel pointed a small building a little far away from here, "to there and come right back. No need for a duel yet," he explained.

"You're the boss BigBeans," I said and revved it up.

I drove the Duel runner all the way to the building and then I stopped for a few moments to see if there was anyone there.

There wasn't.

I drove it back to where Joel and Etho were.

"Ok so it works smoothly. Etho, how's the second one?" Joel asked.

"It's no use. We need a mechanic for this to work. No wonder the previous user was having trouble controlling it," Etho sighed.

"We can ask the others. I'm sure that they'll know what to do," I suggested.

"Maybe but do we really have to tell them?" Joel asked.

"If we do, they might ask us questions. Too many questions," Etho added on.

"But I think that it's the only way. Hide the runners here and guard over them. I'll bring the others here so they can fix the other Duel Runner," I suggested.

Joel and Etho exchanged looks before shrugging.


I ran back to where the others were.

"Hi guys. Umm, hypothetically speaking can you fix Duel Runners?" I asked as soon as I arrived.

"Why would you want to know that?" Nerve asked.

"No reason."

"That's kind of suspicious," Blitz said.

"He's always like this. Don't trust him," I heard Grian grumbled.

"Aww don't be like that. Come on, I just want to know!" I complained.

"Fine! I'll tell you," Rally sighed.

"Good, come with me," I turned heel and ran out with Rally following me.

"Wait where are we going?" He asked.

I said nothing until we reached SmallEtho.

"Guys I brought Rally with me. Now show him the Duel Runner," I said.

"You have a duel runner?!" Rally cried.

"We found it," Joel said, obviously lying.

"They stole it!" I said.

"What?" Rally looked shocked.

"And you didn't get caught?!"

"Well the thing is that someone stole them and they got caught but then we took it and we didn't get caught," Joel explained.

"That's dangerous," Rally then looked at the Runners, "but then again, we don't have any here other than Yusei's but he's in the City."

"So can you fix it?" Etho asked.

"I can try but I'll need the others and they will definitely ask more questions than me," Rally said.

"Well the more the merrier, I always say!" I said, cheerfully.

"Umm, what's that over there?" Joel suddenly asked and pointed to the horizon.

There were two people on Duel Runners and they didn't look so cheery.

"That's Sector Security!" Rally cried.

"Dang it SmallEtho!" I snapped.

"This runner is not ready yet! Someone has to distract them!" Etho said.

"Scar, go and lead them away!" Joel said.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Because this is the only runner that can work and you manage to drive it! You should be able to lead them away!" Joel explained.

"Fiiine! But fix the runner as fast as you can," I said and got on the runner.

I drove to the front and faced Security.

"You're under arrest for having an unauthorized and stolen Duel runner," one of them said.

"You see officers, this is just a misunderstanding. No need to arrest us. How about I give you two something so you can forget about this whole situation?" I suggested.

"No can do. Put your hands in the air now!" The second one said.

Looks like I'm not getting out of this one, I thought.

"Scar! What the heck are you doing?" A voice yelled behind me.

I turned my head to see Grian standing there with his arms folded.

"Oh hey Grian! I'm trying to convince these lovely officers to not arrest us," I explained.

"What? Scar, I told you and BoatBoys to NOT get in trouble with the law!" Grian snapped.

"An accomplice! Arrest them both!" The first one yelled.

"Oh no! Grian we have to go!" I revved the runner and grabbed Grian in one hand clumsily and placed him in the back of the runner.

"Scar!" He yelped.

"There should be a helmet there! Put it on!" I instructed him.

He placed it on before proceeding to scold me.

"What the heck were you thinking?! We can't afford to get arrest and if we do, we might never come back to the outside world!" He snapped.

"Are they chasing us?"

"Are you even listening to me!?"

"Look look! Joel and Etho found these two Duel Runners and took them. They ended up dragging me into this," I explained.

I heard Grian groan at this.

Then he gasped, "Can you go faster? They're chasing us!"

"Hold on tight!" I accelerated and the runner went faster.

Grian yelped at this.

"I active the field spell, Speed world! You have no choice but to duel me!" One of the officers yelled.

"What? You have to duel now?!" Grian yelled.

"Guess we don't have that much of a choice," I said.


Scar- 4000 LP

Sector Security #1 - 4000 LP

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: Duel will be in the next chapter!

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