Definitely NOT a cult

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Not me putting the opening to 5DS. Well the second opening)

(1st Person PoV: Joel's)

"He won," I said after everyone was still very much silent.

Then, in the TV, the audience roared and cheered for him.

"Is this the first time ever someone from Satellite, not including Jack since they don't know that he's from here, won?" Grian asked.

"Yeah. There may be some people who may not be happy with this but Yusei won fair and square," Taka explained.

Yeah I can see that now, I thought as I continued looking at the TV and some people were yelling at Yusei that he cheated or something.

Guess people really do hate people from Satellite but why? I mean I guess since Yusei has a mark, people would think that he's a criminal but he wouldn't be allowed to enter in the tournament because of this.

Who allowed him in? I have many questions.

"Do you think we should go home now?" Rally asked.

"Home?" Etho asked.

"It's not that much but you can come with us if you have nowhere else to go," Blitz suggested.

The four of us looked at each other.

"Sure why not," I said.

"Yeah I agree, Joel," my soulmate nodded.

"Yeah same," Scar said.

Grian sighed but he nodded to show that he agreed with us.

"Yeah we're coming," I said and we followed our new friends.

It was underground from Security's prying eyes which I guess it's good.

"Home sweet home. Sorry if it's not enough to fit all of us," Nerve said.

"It's fine, we won't take up that much space," Grian assured him.

We went to a small corner where Rally handed us a couple of blankets.

"It's not much but that's all we can offer with us and some guests," he said.

"It's alright. Sorry to trouble you," I said.

It was just us four now as some of them went out to do things.

"So...can we finally talk about our situation?" Scar asked.

"Great idea," Grian nodded.

"So this is definitely not Minecraft. We're in a world that is different from ours and we don't know how to get back. To make things worse, if we step out of line here it's possible that this Security could come and arrest us. The last thing that we need is one of us getting arrested," Etho broke it down.

"And it looks like people settle things with a card game. Not like Uno or Poker but with more of a fantasy type of card game," I explained.

"That does seem like fun though. We should ask what the rules are later," Scar said.

"Yeah let's do that later," I nodded.

"Hmm," Grian hummed.

"What's on your mind?" Scar asked.

"I feel like there's more to what's going on with this world right now. Why is Yusei in that tournament? What's the history between him and Jack? Why were Rally and the others trapped there? Why were Yusei's and Jack's arms glowing red? And just what was that white light and that crimson dragon?" Grian asked.


"That's a lot of questions," Scar noted while scratching his cheek.

"We have seen a lot. Maybe we should rest a bit?" I suggested.

"True," Etho nodded.

(Time skip)

I woke up to see Etho talking to Rally.

"So it's not just about having the strongest monster. It's about strategy, luck and believing in your cards?" He asked and Rally nodded.

"We usually save up whatever cards that don't fit our deck currently because we can't bring ourselves to throw them out but I think they can be useful to you," Rally seemed to hand Etho something.

"Nice, oh hey Joel. Glad you're up," Etho finally noticed me.

"Yeah, what are you two talking about?" I asked.

"Rally was just explaining to me the rules on how to play Duel Monsters. Essentially it's kind of what we saw. Whoever has zero life points loses. If you summon a monster on the very first turn, you can't attack until after your opponent goes. The card with the bigger attack points that can surpass the defense points is the victor but spell cards and trap cards can make the game less of a back and forth," Etho explained.

"That...sounds complicated," I said.

"It probably is but hey, now we can learn," Etho waved something around.

It was a couple of cards.

"Whoa! And we can have these?" I asked and Rally nodded.

"Make sure to share with the rest of your friends once they come back," he said.

"Wait, come back? Where did Grian and Scar go?" I asked.

"They went out. To scout the place that Grain guy claims," Rally explained.

Etho and I snickered.

"What's so funny?" Rally asked.

"Grain guy? Who's Grian, I only know Grain," I burst out laughing as Etho said this.

"Did I say his name wrong?" Rally asked again.

"No no, you're fine. It's a joke that we like to do around Grian since his name is spelled and sounds similar to grain," Etho explained and I was still laughing.

"Ah ok," Rally said.

(Meanwhile with DesertDuo: Grain, I mean Grian's PoV 1st Person)

"Who knew that there was a black market for cards? They all looked abandoned and sad," Scar exclaimed.

I let out a tired sigh.

All I wanted was to have one day of scouting this place and Scar ends up getting distracted by this market of cards.

Scar calls it a black market while I call it, these people don't want these cards and are giving them away.

Well I guess if this world is determined by how skillful you are at this card game, I suppose it's not totally useless.

"Hear our preaching! Surely you must have heard of the Crimson Dragon!" Someone called out.

Scar and I turned a corner to see cloaked people being surrounded by a small crowd.

The cloaked people were the ones who spoke about the Crimson Dragon.

"Grian, I have a bad feeling about those cloaks," Scar said.

"Yeah...same here," I nodded.

We left but I swore I thought I saw spiders approaching the crowd of people but when I turn around to get a good look, they weren't there.

That's weird.

A/N: shorter chapter this time! Double Life may be over but this book will not. Believe I still got plenty of episodes to go through.

I will try my best in having BoatBoys and DesertDuo get strong and balanced cards. Or cards that have cool strategies.

I got plenty of ideas in my head.

Cya in the next one -Flare

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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