This can't be your normal can it?

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(1st Person PoV: Scar's)

"So let me get this straight? You guys have these cards to play a game and have all these complicated rules. And you have these motorcycles to play this game sometimes and they are called Riding Duels. Did I get that right?" I asked.

They nodded.

"And there is Neo Domino City and Satellite. Neo Domino City is basically a utopia while Satellite is a dump. No offense... and there's no legal way to get into the city," Joel explained.

They nodded again.

"And if you have this marker," Etho pointed to Rally's cheek, "you broke a law somehow and if you're in Neo Domino City with this marker, you're basically discriminated against. Some laws are reasonable while others not so much. Security can be good and a lot of Security is not," he finished.

"And you have a friend who escape from Satellite to get even with an old friend but he got caught somehow and had that marker. And now he's in a tournament to duel with said card game," Grian added on.

They nodded a third time.

"You got it right," Blitz nodded.

"Dang, your life sucks if I have to be honest," Joel noted.

"I know," Taka groaned.

I tugged on Grian's sleeve to get his attention.

"What is it Scar?" He asked.

"Can I talk to you in private real quick?" I asked.


We walked off from the rest of the group as they decided to continue matching the match.

They wanted to see how their friend was doing and I guess Joel and Etho want to see how the card game works. On motorcycles.

"What's up?" Grian asked.

"This is worrying. We're basically stuck in another dimension and we have to be careful with the law around here. You know that we're both chaotic and stuff. Also we have no way out of here," I explained.

"Look Scar, I know this is hard but right now, let's not worry. Right now. We'll need to discuss this with SmallEtho as well. Right now, we have to blend in with them," Grian explained.

"So we don't tell them that we're from another dimension?" I asked and he nodded.

"Also do you think that we're still soul bond?" I asked.

"Oh totally! When Nerve tackled you earlier, I could feel pain around my neck and shoulders. And I'm sure if I punch you," he threw a punch as hard as he could and wince back as it hit.

I also winced.

"Guess you're right," I noted.

We walked back to the group.

We were watching the duel closely.

The one in the white circle like motorcycle was named Jack and he is the King of Duels and the one in the red motorcycle is named Yusei and is their friend that escaped Satellite.

There were already monsters on the duel and as, Rally explained, trap and spell cards were being used.

And then something called Synchro Summoning happened.

"Synchro Summoning is a way of summoning monsters. An act of special summoning as you saw in the duel. There are two decks, the one that is used in the duel normally and an extra deck. The Synchro Monster is in that deck and you can use a Tuner monster and a non Tuner monster to summon that monster," Rally explained.

"But the levels of the Tuner and non Tuner monster have to add up to the Synchro Monster's level or it won't work," Blitz explained.

"Both of Yusei's monsters are level four, which means he's probably summoning a level eight monster. Did I get that right?" Etho asked.

They all turned to each other and smiled.

"I'll take that as a yes," Etho muttered.

Yusei summoned his level eight monster which was a white and cyan dragon.

"That's Stardust Dragon!" Rally cheered.

"He got his card back!" Nerve also cheered.

"Is this card important?" I asked.

"Not only is it Yusei's ace but it's also our ticket out of here. Our sign of hope," Taka explained.

I hummed at this.

They really do rely on this card game. It's not just a sport, it's a way of life.

Just looking at the dragon doesn't really fill me up with hope but maybe I'll see what it does so at least I can understand why this is their hope.

Even though this place's sky was already purple, the blue sky from the stadium in Neo Domino City was starting to turn purple.

Jack has his own Dragon, Red Dragon Archfiend, and Yusei had just brought out Stardust and the purple clouds didn't appear until after he summoned his dragon.

"I have a bad feeling now," Grian muttered.

"Is it because of the sky?" Nerve asked and he nodded.

We weren't the only ones worried about the sky.

Even people in the audience were pointed to the sky and murmuring amongst themselves.

Then we saw it.

A red, long and bright dragon appeared as Jack and Yusei were dueling.

"What is that!?" Taka asked.

"Wait so you don't know what that is?" Joel asked.

"We never seen that dragon before and I don't think that Jack nor Yusei summoned it," Blitz explained.

"That dragon is definitely not normal," I noted and Jellie meowed in agreement.

"Gee, I wonder what gave it away Scar," Grian said, sarcastically. I chose to ignore this.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw that Yusei and Jack's arms were glowing red.

It was faint and not as noticeable but it was there.

"Hey Etho, is it just me or are their arms glowing?" I asked and pointed.

"Huh? That's weird," Etho replied.

Then a white flash covered up the whole screen and static took over.

"What!! Nonono! This can't be happening! We have to see the duel!" Nerve cried.

He and Blitz went up to it and tried messing around with the antennas.


The static was still there.

(Epic time skip since it does take a while for the duel to finish. Just know that the four Signers who are Yusei, Jack, Luca and Aki, saw a vision of the previous Signers who are not very important to the plot. Just enough to show how long ago the Signers have been doing/protecting the Crimson Dragon which is the long, bright dragon that was mentioned.)

After a loooooooong time, the static went away and the stadium was back to normal.

Only thing is that, Jack was now on the ground, injured and away from his motorcycle.

Yusei was at his side but he didn't look injured.

"Look at the scoreboard!" Joel pointed.

Jack Atlas - LP: 0 SC: 2

Yusei Fudo- LP: 200 SC: 6

(I forgot the exact Speed Counters so bare with me. I just rewatched that episode and I already forgot things)

"A Duel is determined on who has remaining Life points right? Jack had zero and Yusei has two hundred left. So does that mean...?" Grian asked.

"Yusei won!" Rally cheered.

He wasn't the only one who came to this conclusion.

The commentator guy, who has an interesting hairstyle, also noticed this.

"Yusei Fudo won! Jack Atlas' unbeatable reign has ended! We have a new king of Duels!" He cried out.

Everyone, and even in the audience of the stadium were silent.

"The new King is from Satellite!"

A/N: *insert end credits here*

If this chapter seems a little rushed, sorry. I had to make due with what I had and how I was able to portray it since Joel, Etho, Scar and Grian are not in the same place as this duel took place.

Yugioh 5DS is on Hulu, Dubbed and Subbed. I suggest watching it subbed since that's what I'll use for this book. Which is why some of the names will be different.

If you don't want to make an account on Hulu, then you can watch it for free on TubiTV although it might be the English dub version.

I think that's all for now.

Cya in the next one -Flare

Ps: I took the explanation of Synchro Summoning from Google and 5DS came out like 2008 or 9 or something. So extra decks might have not been used at the time so pretend that they do in this universe.

Edit: they did, I'm just dumb

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