Step away from the portal

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(1st Person PoV: Grian's)

"Griaaaan! I'm bored, I want to do something fun!" Scar came barging in while I was busy farming.

"I'm busy here. Can't you find something entertaining to do?" I asked, tiredly.

Watching over this man takes a lot out of me so I rather not do that today.

"No! No one is coming to the Jellie reservation and right now, there's no love to be rekindled," Scar explained.

"I think Scott and Pearl need to work on their relationship," I muttered.

"Yeah but Pearl is kind of unhinged so I would rather not. Also she stole my horse," Scar pointed out.

I let out a tired sigh and got up to look at him, my eyes narrowed.

"Go find something to do. I'm currently busy," I told him.

"But I'm bored! Why don't I help you farm?" Scar asked.

"I'm pretty sure that you'll get bored of it rather quickly," I pointed out.

"You're no fun," Scar folded his arms.

I rolled my eyes at this.

Just then, Joel and Etho came riding in on a boat.

"Grian look! It's BoatBoys!" Scar exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes I can see that, Scar," I said.

"What's up? Etho and I have something to show you two," Joel said.


"Yeah, we found an End Portal," Etho explained.

"An End Portal?" I asked. This peeked my interest.

"Yep and here's the crazy part. It's not in a stronghold. Come and look for yourselves," Joel got out of the boat and Etho followed him.

"Let's go Grian!" Scar said, happily.

He followed the BoatBoys.

Well at least this could keep Scar not bored for a while and I'll be honest, I want to see this odd End Portal.

I followed after them.

We walked for a while until we had to go down a cave.

"You guys have weapons right? The mobs are very unhinged around the End Portal," Etho asked.

"What? And you're telling us this now?" I asked.

"I thought Joel told you," Etho said.

"Wait I thought you did?" Joel asked.

"You two are so lucky I have some on me," I grumbled.

"I don't have any," Scar said.


"What? It's true! I put them all away. I don't want to hurt any of the Jellies while I was feeding them a while ago before I got bored," Scar explained.

"Ugh fine! Here," I handed him a sword.

"Cool! Thanks Grian, I'll return it to you later," Scar said happily.

I rolled my eyes. Why does this guy have to be my soulmate?

So we went into the cave and Etho was right.

There was a bunch of mobs and they seemed more aggressive than usual.

We were very close to dying before we reached the Portal.

I aggressively took bites of bread to get my health (and Scar's health) up.

Joel and Etho did the same but less aggressive.

"Ok so here's the portal. It looks like a normal End Portal but look around! We're not in a stronghold and the Eyes of Ender are already there!" Joel explained.

"Also they look cracked. Is that why it's not on?" Scar asked.

"Maybe," Joel replied.

"So I have some Eyes on me. We haven't tested it yet and we want to have witnesses so the others doesn't accuse us of lying," Etho explained.

"So you're planning on activating the Portal again? Do you realize that we can't escape the End until we defeat the Dragon? We're no where close to being prepared to fight her," I pointed out.

"Yeah but what's life without a little danger?" Joel asked.

"If you and Etho die, you're on red. If Scar and I die, we're on yellow. I would rather not risk that, thank you!" I explained.

"True but still, don't you want to see what happens when Etho puts the Eyes in?" Joel asked.


"Too late, I'm already putting them in," Etho said.

"Yay!" Scar cheered.

"Dang it!" I cried.

I wanted to walk away from them but I can't because of Scar. If he dies, no matter in what dimension he's in, so will I!

I have to convince him to come home with me.

"Hey Scar? What if someone comes to the Jellie reservation and you're not there?" I asked while speed walking to him.

"I put a sign that we're close and to come back another day," Scar replied.

"What about Jellie? You're not leaving her behind are you?" I asked.

"What do you mean? I have Jellie right here," Scar pointed and in his pouch was the grumpy white and grey cat.


Etho was just about to place the last Eye when I came up with another reason for Scar to leave with me.

"What if Tango burns down the Jellie reservation? He said that he was going to do it because you burned down the Ranch?" I asked quickly.

"Nah he wouldn't do that....would he?" Scar stood still for a few moments.

"He wants to make a barbecue with the pandas remember? With you gone, he would have the perfect opportunity to do so," I explained.


Scar's face was suddenly mixed in with horror as he kept thinking.

"Oh no...I HAVE TO GO BACK!" He shouted.

"Too late, the portal is open now!" Etho said.

I felt someone shove me in and my face hit the cool and gooey texture of the portal.

Before I blacked out, I saw Joel jump in with Etho dragging Scar with him.

Then my vision turned black.



"Grian wake up!"

My eyes opened up and I saw Scar standing over me, his face mixed with worry.

"Oh thank goodness you're up. We all woke up really quickly but got worried when you didn't," Scar explained.

"Where are you? Are we in the End?" I asked.

" It looks like we're in a junkyard or sorts," Scar explained.

He held out his hand and I took it so he can help me up.

It was true.

We were not in the End. And all of our items in our inventory were gone!

"Ummm where's Joel and Etho?" I asked as I patted around my pockets to see if I have anything on me.


"Over there," Scar pointed.

Joel and Etho were staring at different directions, as if they were looking around for stuff.

We joined them.

"It's dark and looks abandoned," Joel noted.

"Yeah not much life here. It looks sad to be honest," Etho added on.

I took a look around for myself.

It was true. This looks like a city has just been abandoned. Meaning that us seeing life are at a low chance.

"Hey what's that over there?" Scar suddenly asked.

He pointed and we turned to look to see some shady people near something that I didn't recognize.

One of them had a key and unlocked that something before leaving immediately.

Scar walked towards that and we followed him.

"Scar what are you doing?" I hissed.

"I want to see why this is so important," he explained.

As we got close, it opened and a couple of people ran out.

Guess I was wrong. We were going to see life here in this place.

Then one of those people tackled Scar down.

"Who are you and why have you trapped us in there?" He asked, angrily.

I felt a large amount of pain around my neck and shoulders and I didn't know why...yet.

"What? We didn't...didn't do anything!" Scar yelped.

"Hey let our friend go!" Etho shouted.

"Nerve stop!" One of them shouted.

The guy who tackled Scar, Nerve, looked up at his companions.

"What do you mean stop? They trapped us here!" He said.

"No I don't think that they did. Look, they look genuinely confused," the same person who shouted for Nerve to stop, explained.

Nerve let go of Scar and the pain I was feeling went away.

That's when I realized that we were still soul bond.

"So who are you guys?" Another one asked.

"Well first things first, where are we?" Joel asked, looking around.

"You're in Satellite. You should know that right?" A third one asked. They looked like the youngest out of that group.

"Ummm what?" I asked.

"Satellite. Where the unfortunate and criminals go. Don't worry, we're not criminals...most of us," the second one explained before glancing at the third one.

That's when I noticed that they had a small marking on their cheek below the eye.

"What do you mean?" Scar asked.

They didn't respond.

"Who are you?" The other one asked.

"I'm Joel and this is Etho," Joel explained, pointing to Etho.

"I'm Grian and the one that you tackled is named Scar," I explained.

"Oh sorry about that," Nerve apologized.

"Yeah don't worry about it. Oh hey Jellie is safe! Look Grian, Jellie made the trip with us," Scar turned to me and held up his cat.

"That's great, Scar," I sighed.

"Hey look! A TV!" The third one said.

"TV?" Scar asked and everyone turned to see where the third one was pointing.

"Hold that Yusei?" The second one asked.

Who? I wondered.

"It is! Wait, look at that! He has a marker on him," Nerve gasped.

".....Yusei," the third one said.

"Ok we're confused. Can someone tell us what's going on?" Etho asked.

They all looked at each other.

"Do you seriously not know?" The another one asked and we all shook our heads.

"I guess we can explain some things to them while we watch," the second one said.

"Watch what?" I asked.

"A Riding Duel!" The third one piped up.

"What's that?"

A/N: new book time y'all!! I had this idea running around in my head for a bit so I'm like: yeah let's make this!

Takes place slightly before (and later during) the Dark Signers arc for 5DS and before Episode 4 for Double Life so BoatBoys are still at yellow instead of red.

Let's all be respectful to the works of Kazuki Takahashi and even though he died, let's thank him for what he has created and hope that Konami is respectful to his legacy. We may critique the works and yet still respect it. May he Rest In Peace.

On a less serious note, I'll be using the subbed names for the characters because I'm watching 5DS subbed and also some names roll off the tongue better like Aki Izayoi. So I'll be using those names instead of the dub.

So that's all I have to say for this author's note.

Cya in the next one -Flare

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