So Dark Signers are a thing

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(3rd Person PoV)

"Signers are people with these marks on their arms, all resembling a part of a dragon. You saw that crimson dragon right? Four people carry that mark. Jack Atlas, a little girl named Ruka, a young woman named Aki Izayoi and myself. There are five Signers. No one knows who the fifth one is but they exist because of that Crimson Dragon appearing during my duel with Jack. Signers have these Dragon cards like my Stardust Dragon. Dark Signers are people who are their evil counterparts, reincarnated from five thousand years ago. They have marks on their arms resembling these signs called the Nazca Lines. During my duel with Jack, in that white blinding light, I saw...

I saw the destruction of Satellite.

A large spider figure appeared, destroying everything in Satellite. In order to prevent that from happening, I have to stop the Dark Signers."

While they were sitting around the campfire, Yusei was explaining to them all the situation. And what Goodwin told him.

The Double Lifers couldn't believe it.

They haven't been in Satellite or heck, in this world for very long but it being destroyed?!

It's a horrible thought to think about it. At least with them, their world resets even if they didn't like how that went.

"Hey kids, don't break the Duel Runner!" Crow called out before joining them with some drinks.

He handed them out and because this was a kid's show (kind of) the drinks were nonalcoholic.

"You sure have a lot on your plate," Crow noted before taking a sip of his drink.

Yusei hummed at this.

"But you'll be able to stop these Dark Signers right?" Scar asked, scratching behind Jellie's ears.

"......I don't know," Yusei admitted.

"Hold on! How can you believe Goodwin's story? He forced you to enter that tournament and locked us up, remember?" Taka asked.

"And who is this Goodwin? Can't name drop someone who told you about these Dark Signers and not tell us who he is," Etho pointed out.

"He's the man behind Sector Security. He also convinced Jack to betray us to come to the City," Yusei explained before adding on, "Not sure if I can trust Goodwin but this," he lifted up his sleeve to show a mark that resembled a dragon tail, "and Stardust Dragon both tell me to at least believe the story."

"It was him who did that?" Rally asked and Yusei nodded.

"Well...whatever happens, I lay my life on the line to protect those kids," Crow nodded at the kids who were playing around, "I'm the only one who can."

"If what Yusei says is true, then you better get those kids out of here as soon as possible," Joel warned.

"I hear ya," Crow nodded.

"Crow! Please tell me that story?" The little girl asked and hugged Crow from behind.

"Really? Again?" One of two boys asked.

"You sure love that story," the second boy rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, it's a good story!" The little girl snapped.

"Alright alright. Let me tell you the story," Crow said and turned to face the kids.

Grian leaned forward to hear it. He was quiet throughout the discussion.

Crow cleared his throat.

"A long long time ago, there was this little island. The people living on this island were not very happy with their lives and had to sort through junk to make a living. They could only look over at their neighbors, a city with much more riches-,"

"Crooooow! That wasn't a long time ago! You're talking about Satellite and New Domino City," the first boy said.

"Huh? Is that true?" The little girl asked.

"Hey. You need to be 'diligent' with girls," Crow said, placed his hand on her head.

"Uhh you mean delicate?" Blitz asked.

"...y-yeah that's what I mean," Crow awkwardly laughed before nodding, "Yeah I'm talking about Satellite and New Domino City."

"Long before you were born, there was this man. No one knows where this man came from, he just arrived one day on a Duel Runner. He would always do the same thing every day which was to stand in that very spot and stare where the City was. No one knows why he did this. Eventually, he stopped doing that and began to do something that took people by surprise. He began to build the Daedalus Bridge."

"Wait so the bridge wasn't always there?" The first boy asked.

"That's right," Crow nodded before continuing.

"It was a slow but steady process even if the people made fun of him for it. But eventually, due to how determined he was, even the ones who jeered him started to think that he may have a chance. So they began to help him build the bridge. They once sorted junk but now, people from Satellite were working together to build a foundation of hope. That bridge gave them hope and they all worked tirelessly...until Security found out and shut the whole thing down. Even going so far to try to arrest the man."

"I'll never forgive Security!" Rally suddenly shouted.

"Umm...what?" The first boy asked.

"What are you doing?" The second boy asked, placing his hands on his hips.

"Shut up. Now what happens next?" Rally seemed invested in the story.

"Security had chased the man for a while. They wanted to arrest him to show the rest of Satellite what happens when they go against them. He would be arrested and the bridge would be left unfinished. It would have all been for nothing...only the man didn't let himself go that easily. He had two choices. To let what Security wanted and let himself get arrested or to live as a hero. So he rode on his Duel Runner, drove on the unfinished bridge where Security wouldn't catch him.......

And he flew."

"What happened to him? Is he alive?" Grian suddenly asked.

"Sheesh Grian. You were so quiet that I almost forgot you were there," Crow quipped.

"Answer the question," Grian said, unamused.

Crow sighed sadly, "No one knows what happened to him. We don't know if he lived or not. But one thing is for certain."

"He lives on in here!" Crow and the kids pointed to their hearts and said that at the same time.

Crow then added on, "And that's why the Duel Runner is a symbol of hope around here."

"Uh huh," Rally seemed to get it.

Grian was silent as he thought about it.

"We also heard that story when we were kids," Blitz noted and Nerve nodded.

"Yeah but we must have forgotten," he said.

"You know...," Seiga turned to Yusei, "what that man did sounds almost similar to what you plan to do," he said.


Yusei looked down.

"'m not like that," he murmured.

Crow noticed this and frowned.

Grian glanced at Crow's frown before exchanging looks with Scar.

Scar gave him a worried look and he sighed.

What is going on? He thought.


Breaking News!

"The ancient Nazca Lines have suddenly disappeared! Here's two eye witnesses who saw the event go down!" A reporter said.

"It was terrifying!" The woman cried.

"We were on the plane above and taking pictures when we suddenly saw this purple glow. Next thing we know, the lines have disappeared. And then I said, 'The Nazca Lines are history!'" The man cried.

The woman began to laugh at this bad pun.

"We have confirms that a giant, hummingbird and a spider has disappeared but we are also getting reports that many more disappeared," the reporter added on.

Watching the news was this old man who had a concerned poker face.

They made their move...Dark Signers, Rex Goodwin thought.

Somewhere in an apartment, there were two people also watching the news.

A young man with yellow hair and a large mark on his arm, almost similar to Yusei's but not a dragon tail mark.

And a young woman with swirly glasses who was working on something on her computer.

She glanced up to see the spider line disappearing.

"Jack! That looks like the mark that Ushio had when he challenged you to a duel in the hospital!" The woman exclaimed.

Jack made a noise to show that he was concerned about this situation.

Something big is coming. And he needs to be ready for it.


Back in Satellite, the time for sleeping has fallen upon them except for one person.

Yusei sat up in his sleeping bag, looked at everyone who was sleeping peacefully before quietly getting up to leave.

He went over to his Duel Runner and was about to wheel it away when he heard a voice behind him.

"So you were planning on leaving?" It was Crow.


Yusei looked down.

"This is something that I need to do," he said.

"Come off it. Can't just leave us behind, let me come with you," Crow urged.

"No," Yusei said firmly, "I can't let you risk your life for this fight."

"I already risk my life a couple of times. Why should this be any different?" Crow asked.

"Because with Dark Signers, you actually risk losing your soul if you lose against them. It's no ordinary duel, attacks can actually hurt you. Physically. Unlike a regular duel, where you duel for fun and entertainment, a Dark Signer duel is where you have to be vigilant so you won't...die," Yusei explained.

Crow thought about it for a bit as he went over his choices.

"......if the Dark Signers are really that dangerous, then should you really be going after them by yourself?" A voice asked from behind them.

It was Grian.


"Yeah he's right. You'll need your friends to stop the Dark Signers so let me...let us come with you," Crow wrapped his arm around Grian's shoulder who gave him an unamused look.

"........ok. Just stick by me and don't get hurt," Yusei said.

"Alright," Crow nodded.

I'll definitely avoid getting hurt or else that would affect Scar and would raise so many questions for everyone else, Grian thought as the three of them got on their Duel Runners and drove away silently.


"What they're gone?!" Rally cried a few minutes later.

"Their Duel Runners are gone as well," Blitz added on.

"Dang it Grian! I told him to leave the Duel Runner and not take it with him!" Scar snapped with Jellie meowing in agreement.

"Let's go and look for them," Joel sighed.

"Hey Seiga right? You should probably stay here and look after the kids," Etho called out with Seiga who just waved to acknowledge this.

"Is Crow gone?" The little girl asked.

"He'll be back before you know it," Seiga assured her.

But somewhere in a place that no one knows exists, there were three people in cloaks.

Waiting...waiting for what?

A spider rolled in and the one wearing the cloak with red lines smiled.

"The first one is here...Yusei Fudo," he said.

The one wearing the cloak with blue lines suddenly stopped up, his arm glowing.

"He's my prey, I'm going," he said and the red lined cloak man nodded.

Crow, Grian and Yusei were driving along to find where they could find the Dark Signers.

"What?! You want to go to the deepest part of Moment? That's the most dangerous part of BAD!" Crow exclaimed.

"I know but that is most likely where they are," Yusei said.

Grian said nothing until he saw something up ahead.

"Look! A person is up there," he pointed.

The three of them stopped.

"Who's that?" Crow asked.

"Yusei and Crow I see. Hmm, I don't know who you are," the cloaked man said.

"Who are you? Are you a Dark Signer?" Yusei asked.

"Did you really forget me already?" The man asked before throwing off his cloak to reveal his face.

His eyesockets were black with a golden iris in the middle. His face was deathly pale, and had a long mark going through his eye almost like Yusei's criminal mark. The man was upon a Duel Runner.

He didn't seem familiar to Grian but both Yusei and Crow gasped at this.

"Kiryu?!" Yusei's eyes widen.

"You're a Dark Signer...Kiryu Kyosuke?" Crow asked.

Kiryu threw his head back and laughed.

"It's time! Time to risk our lives!" He accelerated his Duel Runner and landed in front of Yusei. He rose his arm and a purple mark began to glow.

Suddenly, purple lines of flames began to appear which separated Crow and Grian from Yusei.


Meanwhile in the sky, there was a helicopter flying above the purple lines.

"Look!" The woman with swirly glasses (aka Carly Nagisa) cried and pointed.

Jack glanced over and gritted his teeth together. "Yusei is dueling," he said, his own mark glowing.

Back on the ground, Crow called out, "Yusei!"

Grian stayed immobilized as he stared at the purple flames.

Yusei is going to duel for his life and soul. This...this is bad, he thought.

Yusei was silently panicking but he couldn't show it. Not in front of a Dark Signer...

And an old friend.

"Duel!" Kiryu then began to laugh maniacally.

A/N: hehehehehe

Also faster update real???? I just felt like updating this. Now time to disappear again

Anyways cya in the next one -Flare

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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