That one flashback chapter

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(3rd Person PoV)

So the attack was still going for dramatic effect before Yusei flipped over a card.

"I activate the trap card, Scrap Iron Scarecrow! When my opponent's monster declares an attack, I can target the attacking monster and negate that attack! So Infernity Archfiend's attack doesn't go through!" He yelled.

A barrier appeared and protected Yusei from the incoming attack.

"Tch! You live this time but let's see if you'll live my next turn. I set one card face down," Kiryu said.

"Also instead of heading to the graveyard, I'm able to set this card face down," Yusei finished and he sighed with relief.

He long will he last.

"My turn, I draw! I summon Junk Synchron (ATK: 1300. DF: 500)! When normal summoned, I can special summon a level 2 or lower monster from the Graveyard in defense mode! I summon Speed Warrior again!" Yusei shouted.

"Why would he summon Speed Warrior?" Grian muttered.

Crow then grinned, "I think I know what's going on. Junk a tuner monster."

"A tuner monster...wait!" Grian gasped.

"I tune level 2 Speed Warrior with level 3 Junk Synchron! Clustering stars will call upon a new force. Become the path its light shines upon. I Synchro Summon! Show yourself, Junk Warrior (ATK: 2300. DF: 1300)!"

A purple monster and what appeared to be a white scarf, appeared.

"He...Synchro Summoned?" Grian gasped and Crow nodded.

"Then I'll activate my continuous trap card, Shard of Hope. If I inflict battle damage to you, I am able to draw one card. If it's a trap card, then I can destroy this card and activate that trap card from my hand!" Yusei shouted.

"Heh...only if you inflict battle damage to me," Kiryu laughed.


Yusei looked at the face down that Kiryu had.

I forgot that Depth Amulet is a continuous spell as well. He can negate my attack if he discards any of his cards, Yusei glanced at the cards that Kiryu had. He couldn't see the cards they were but he knows that he has two.

He may need those cards in order to beat me... "I need to attack!" Yusei exclaimed.

"I attack your Infernity Beast with Junk Warrior!"

Kiryu grinned and disposed a card from his hand to the graveyard and a barrier appeared to surround Infernity Beast which protected him from Junk Warrior's attack.

"He used Depth Amulet again!" Crow cried.

"But why...?" Grian asked.

Yusei made a fist, sweating nervously.

"I end my turn...," he said.

" turn!" Kiryu drew a card before looking at his field. He grinned.

"I tribute my two monsters in order to summon the Dark Tuner, Nightmare Hand(ATK: 0. DF: 0)!" He shouted.

Dark Tuner? Grian thought.

"When Nightmare Hand is special summon, I can special summon a level 2 monster from my hand. I summon Infernity Dwarf (ATK: 800. DF: 500)! Level 10 Nightmare Hand dark tunes Level 2Infernity Dwarf to summon a Level negative 8 monster!" Kiryu laughed.

"What? He can't do that! Tuner monsters can only add their levels to the monster that they are tuning to. Like 2 and 3 make the level 5 Junk Warrior!?" Crow cried.

"So you're saying that it's impossible to subtract levels?" Grian asked.

Despite what those two were saying, Yusei knew that Kiryu is able to summon that level 8 monster. He seen it happened before.

" no ordinary tuner monster. Dark Tuners are different," Yusei muttered.

Nightmare Hand turned into stars and sucked into Infernity Dwarf who seemed to be in pain and suffering.

Then the monster disintegrated, turned into stars covered in darkness.

"When absolute darkness descends, the eyes of the afterlife open! Shadows, descend! Dark Syncho! Hundred Eyes Dragon(ATK: 3000. DF: 2500)!" Kiryu shouted.

Out of the darkness, a purple and black dragon emerged. If Grian thought that the name, Hundred Eyes Dragon, was an exaggeration, well he thought wrong.

Apart from the wings, the dragon's body was covered in eyes. Large purple eyes. Grian thinks that the eye color is a coincidence.

"Wh-whoa! Kiryu never had that monster in his deck before!" Crow cried.

"He must have gotten it when he became a Dark Signer," Grian muttered.

"Attack Junk Warrior! Infernity Sight Stream!" Kiryu shouted.

"I activate Scrap Iron Scarecrow to negate your attack!" Yusei exclaimed quickly.

"Hundred Eyes Dragon's effect activates! While face up on the field, Hundred Eyes Dragon takes the effect of a monster in my graveyard! He'll take Infernity Beast's monster effect. When I don't have any cards in my hand, you can't use any trap or spell cards! So your Scrap Iron Scarecrow does nothing!" Kiryu laughed.

Yusei's eyes widen as he saw that Kiryu didn't have any cards in his hand. Oh no..., he thought.

The trap card was set back down and Yusei was sent spiraling as the attack went through.

3300 —> 2600 LPS

"Dance the dance of death, Yusei! Let's see if you'll survive!" Kiryu continued to laugh.

Yusei's Duel Runner was spiraling out of control before Yusei managed to get it back in control.

"Hehehehe, good. It would be no fun if you died right now. I want you to feel pain. Bit by bit as punishment for what you did to me!" Kiryu snapped.

What Yusei did to him? I feel like I'm missing something, Grian tilted his head to the side.


Yusei didn't respond to this for he was trying to remember what happened to Kiryu. Remember the...incident.

"Kiryu...back then, it wasn'," he tried saying something but he couldn't get the words out.

"Your turn now," Kiryu appeared to be unamused.

"..." Yusei gritted his teeth.

"I draw! I summon Rockstone Warrior (ATK: 1800. DF: 1600) in defense mode and then I'll set one card," Yusei said.

"Hmm, you can't do anything else but to defend. Normally this would be a good thing especially since Depth Amulet gets destroyed and sent to the graveyard after your third turn but I think you know why I said normally," Kiryu grinned.

Right...he can use the effect of Infernity Beast as long as he doesn't have any cards in his hand, Yusei thought.

"This is...the power of my handless combo!" Kiryu shouted.


"Handless combo?" Yusei asked.

"He...he's changed...Kiryu has changed!" Crow said, shocked.

(Flashback time!)

"I don't need any cheep tricks to defeat my opponents! Using the power of our strength and faith, we can overcome any obstacle!" Kiryu exclaimed as he defeated yet another opponent.

His friends were just watching and they shrugged. Whatever gets the job done and whatever gives them satisfaction.

"Let's get our satisfaction!" Kiryu exclaimed and the three of them cheered.

One by one, they defeated the gangs in their territory, filling up the map.

Until they reached the final gang with the biggest territory to gain.

Team Satisfaction was walking through an empty road, while looking for the last gang.

However, they weren't alone.

Yusei noticed that there were some scraping sounds coming from the roofs on the buildings that they were walking by.

"Someone is watching us," he muttered to his friends.

"Alright come out!" He added on.

Then holy heck! A bunch of men appeared with duel disks and they looked like they are part of the same gang.

"Hey that's cheating! It's supposed to be a four on four!" Crow shouted but Kiryu held his hand out.

"It's fine. If there isn't this many of them, I won't get my satisfaction," he explained.

And so, the dueling began.

Crow dueled four people at once, Jack was dueling one person at the time and those duels lasted for a small bit with him winning every time.

Kiryu was dueling people on the staircase to a roof where Yusei was also dueling the rest of the gang.

Yusei was standing before a single man who had more accessories than the rest of the gang.

"So you're the leader? It's people like you that give dueling a bad name," Yusei said, making a fist.

The gang leader only laughed at this.

"You'll pay for that," Yusei threw the same contraption that connected their duel disks together.

"Heh, I don't need to win by the rules," the gang leader grabbed the contraption and pulled on it. He was walking backwards before jumping from that building to another.

Poor Yusei was dragged by this and grabbed onto the railings before pulled overboard.

"Goodbye, boy," the gang leader took off his duel disk and tossed it over the railing where Yusei would fall.

"Yusei!" Crow and Jack shouted.

Yusei was very close to the ground before someone grabbed the duel disk that was tossed which made him dangle in the air.

"Kiryu??" Yusei asked, shocked.

"Hold on!" Kiryu gritted his teeth.

Despite his grip on the duel disk, the railing was weak and was not able to take Kiryu's weight. However, he is not going to let his friend go.

"Kiryu! Let me go, it'll be alright!" Yusei called out.

"No! I won't forsake you because you're my friend!" Kiryu exclaimed.

(Back to the present)

Because you're my friend!'

Those words repeated in Yusei's mind. Could he really have said that? The man that he is dueling to the death with?

"My turn! I activate the Speed Spell, Power Baton! When I have three or more Speed Counter, I can take one monster from my deck and send it to the graveyard. That monster's attack points are added to the attack points of my battling monster until the end of my turn! And that Infernity Destroyer(ATK: 2300. DF: 1000) Hundred Eyes Dragon now has 5300 attack points! Plus I'll use Infernity Dwarf's effect from the graveyard! When attacking a monster in defense mode and that monster's defense points are lower than my monster's attack points, you take damage between the difference. Infernity Sight Stream!" Kiryu laughed.

While Yusei's monster was destroyed, something else happened.

"You lose 3700 attack points!" Kiryu laughed again.

"Not so fast! Rockstone Warrior's effect makes me take no battle damage!" Yusei exclaimed.

A barrier covered in rocks surrounded Yusei and the attack didn't do anything to him. He was safe for now.

Crow meanwhile, made a fist at this.

"Kiryu, stop this already!" He shouted.

Like that's going to happen, Grian glanced at him before looking back at the duel.

"...I'll activate another effect from my graveyard. Infernity Destroyer allows me to deal you 1600 amount of damage to your Life Points when I destroy your monster!" Kiryu shouted.

"No!" Yusei exclaimed.

"Feel the immense pain, Yusei Fudo!" Kiryu laughed.

"''re...YOU'RE NOT LIKE THIS!" Yusei shouted.

(Flashback time again!)

Kiryu was pulling Yusei back up to safety with the help of Crow.

Once Yusei was back on the roof, the three of them took a sigh of relief.

The gang leader was just that surprised that he ran towards the exit before getting kicked in the stomach by Jack which also count as the door being kicked down.

Once they got to safety, Kiryu scribbled out the last part of the map and smiled.

"We did it! We conquered Satellite!" He cheered.

They all shared a fist bump and a nice laugh afterwards.

If only that lasted a little longer...

(Present time again!)

Yusei let out a yell of pain as the attack hit and his Duel Runner went flying with him on it.

2600 —> 1300 LPS

(The math is off I know but I don't remember how the duel fully and that's what it said in my notes)

Kiryu laughed when this happened.

"Yusei!" Crow called out.

Kiryu stopped laughing as Yusei pulled out of the flames with a yell of spirit.

He took a couple of deep breaths while continued to drive on his Duel Runner. The pain was immense and was starting to get to him.

Another memory formed in his mind. The reason why he thinks that Kiryu hates him and wants him to suffer.

A rainy night...

It was thundering...

Crow was running away from Sector Security...

Jack was shouting while looking for his friends, clearly frightened about something...

There he was...

In the alleyway...he was...covering in something. A dark color...

He had a wide smile on his face...looking down at a Sector Security officer who was bleeding out.

Kiryu...was smiling as he was covered in blood.


Yusei in the memory shouted and tackled Kiryu down. He held him there until Sector Security showed up.

" traitor!" Kiryu shouted.

Yusei snapped back to reality only to feel frightened again by the same words being spat at him by the same man who spat those words at him that very night.

" traitor!"

A/N: oh sh*t! Things are getting wild!

So at the time of writing this, Merry Christmas! My Christmas gift to you all! I hope you enjoyed it ^^

Cya in the next one -Flare

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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