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"Can you not discuss this in front of me?" Logan looked away awkwardly as his parents talked to the doctor about his condition. "I don't want to hear it."

"Logan, this is so we know how to handle everything...."

"You mean handle me?" Logan scoffed. "I haven't lived with either of you for two years why care now?"

"Logan, They need to know this information and it needs to be discussed in front of you so you are also aware of—."

"You don't think I know what injuries I have?" Logan rolled his eyes. "Or how bad this is going to fuck up my entire body? God you doctors are idiots. I'm aware of my situation and would just like to sleep, so please go away."

"Fine. But I'll be back." The doctor and his parents walked out and Logan held his head in his hands as he started to cry.



"What do you...." Remus looked up and once he saw his mother walk in he froze. "No..."

"Rebecca, I was so worried!" She walked over and Remus flinched away.

"Bullshit." Remus looked at the doctor. "Can you remove her or something? Isn't she supposed to be fucking locked up?"

"Remus!?" Remus looked up. "I was so worried!" Thomas hugged him. "When you stopped coming for appointments I tried calling your parents but they never picked up..."

"There's a reason for that." His mother scoffed. "I told her to stop going."

"You. Out." Thomas gestured at the door.

"Thomas, you can't just kick his mother out." The doctor scolded.

"I can and I will. Remus is under protective custody and so is Roman from this women. Get her out." The doctor dragged his mother out and Remus looked at the door as it closed.

"How's dad?" Remus asked. Thomas sighed.

"He's a wreck." Thomas pulled out his phone. "Want to call him?"

"I'd love to." Thomas called his father and he smiled.

"Hello? Thomas?"

"Hi dad."


Virgil bit his lip as he looked at the door one more time. More nervous than ever to see who was going to walk through the door to see him. He knew they informed his father he was alive. But would his father actually give two shits? The door opened and he held his breath.

"Virgil..." he gasped seeing his father, completely sober, standing in front of him with bloodshot eyes like he had been crying.

"Are you alright?" Virgil asked. He walked into the room and sat down beside Virgil fidgeting with his hands.

"They told me...your doctors...my god...."

"You're sober?" Virgil looked him up and down. "That's new." He laughed.

"Yeah, yeah I am." He reached over and held Virgil's hand. "Your mother left me a little after you were kidnapped." He looked at his hands. "I couldn't keep doing this."

"Does it hurt?" Virgil asked. "Being sober I mean? Because you definitely never had a sober day since I was a kid."

"You are actually talking to me..." he laughed. "So no, it doesn't hurt."

"Did they tell you..."

"What he did? Yeah. They did." He looked away. "God if I hadn't been such an ass he wouldn't have taken you."

"Don't..." Virgil sighed. "Just don't blame yourself. I know it was your fault at first but I never blamed you for him keeping me hostage like that."

"He took you because I was a horrible parent! I abused you...I blamed you for so much..."

"Yeah but we survived. We are all alright aren't we?" Virgil paused. "We are...aren't we?"

"Yeah. You are all safe."

"Thank god."

"I say we better thank that Logan kid. He saved all of you."


"They won't care that you found me." Patton glanced up at the police officer. "You calling them won't do anything." He sighed.

"Kid, we can't call them." Patton raised an eyebrow.


"We can't call the dead." He shrugged. "Now, we need more information from you." The officer put his notebook down. "So tell me."

"No." Patton looked up. "I made a promise and I intend to keep it. Besides that, you just told me my parents are dead!? How do you expect me to respond!?"

"A promise? Kid this man kidnapped you." He looked at his notes. "And raped that Logan kid. Probably raped that Rebecca girl seeing as how she is pregnant right now."

"What!?" Patton looked up shocked. "No..."

"She's pregnant." He looked at Patton. "Did he get anywhere near any of you?"

"Get out." Patton glared at the officer. "I don't want you near me." He left and Patton called the nurse in.


"Is it true? Are my parents..."

"Yes they are."

"And Remus? Is he..."

"No! He has been telling all of you that just so he could get answers. I hate that man."

"They contacted everyone's parents? After everything..."

"Virgil's father is here, Logan's parents are here. Remus and Roman's mother was here..."

"God after everything we've said they still accepted the parents?"

"We had no other choice in the matter. You kids are all still under the age of eighteen you all needed your guardians to be informed you were all alive."

"I hate that." Patton held his arms. "Can we see eachother?"

"Yes." She grabbed a wheelchair. "I just have to help you since you are attached to all these wires."

"Thank you!"


"Dad?" Roman stared in shock. His father walked into the room with Remus and Thomas.

"Hey Ro..." he sat down and smiled. "I'm sorry that it's hard for you to see me after..." he looked down. "After I left you with your mother."

"I'm just...so shocked you came." Roman sat up and pulled him into a hug.

"They told me they found you..." he started crying. "After all this time I didn't think...I just ran straight here I left work."

"Did you know she tried to sell us off?" Remus asked.

"That's one of the things I was worried about yes." He pulled something out of his bag. "That's why, before I even realized you two were taken I went and got all this..." he showed Roman the papers and roman held them to his chest.

"Oh my god..." he started crying. "So she can't hurt us anymore?"

"I'm your legal guardian as of a few months ago yes." Remus stared at the papers eyes watering at the sight.

"This says Remus..." he ran his finger down the paper. "But I never...she wouldn't let me..."

"Another thing..." his father gestured at Remuss wrist. "Have you even read that?" Remus wiped the tears from his eyes and shook his head.

"I didn't want to see it say my dead—OH MY GOD!?" He looked up at his father shocked. "It says Remus...how..."

"If we..." he bit his lip. "If we ever found a body I didn't want you to have to be buried with your dead name on the stone. You deserve to be happy in life and death so I filed for it to be changed while you were missing. I also fought hard to get custody of you boys..." he smiled as he looked back at the two. "I hope that's okay? If not I can always give custody to Thomas and he can-." Remus and Roman both pulled their father into a hug.

"Thank you." Remus smiled as he held his father. "Thank you so much."


The nurse knocked on Logan's door. Logan called out and the nurse opened the door helping Patton in.

"Patton?" He put his book down. "you look..."

"Yeah I know." The nurse left and Patton looked towards the door. He then looked back at Logan. "Did you say anything to the police about....about Janus?"

"No, did you?" He asked.

"I couldn't bring myself to..." Patton started crying. "He's a victim of shadow too and I couldn't help but think about that.."

"He can't help it that shadow controls him." Logan nodded. "Understandable."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Patton asked. Logan pulled his knees to his chest.

"If I did, I felt like I was betraying Remy. Look, I know what shadow did to me and I pushed it to the side because it's hard to think about. Shadow just acted so much like Janus until we figured it out. They could just claim he's faking it and then push us into a situation we don't want to be in. I'd rather Janus be out and trying to control shadow than him being locked up for life because shadow killed someone else..."

"But we are giving him the option to do just that aren't we?" Patton asked. Logan sighed.

"I don't know anymore. I trust in Janus. He'll stop shadow."

"Want to come with me to see Virgil?" Logan laughed.

"I'd love to." They walked out of the room, Logan pushing Patton until they reached Virgil's room. Patton knocked and they entered at Virgil's voice saying come in.

"Oh my god hey!" Virgil stood and ran and hugged the two.

"Am I the only one not allowed out of a wheelchair?" Patton asked.

"Patton, you were severely dehydrated." They all turned to face Virgil's father. "They also said malnourished before you were even kidnapped by shadow. So if you complain I swear I will call a nurse back in here right now to bring you back to your room." He folded his arms over his chest smiling at the boys.

"He's joking." Virgil rolled his eyes. "Can you be chill? Please." Virgil kissed his boyfriend and walked back over to the bed.

"I didn't even..." his father sighed. "It was a joke."

"I know dad." Virgil laughed.

"Didn't think you'd be here." Logan walked in and sat down as well.

"He's doing better." Virgil smiled. "And be promised it won't get bad again."

"And if I do, I gave him permission to hurt me back just as bad." His dad held Virgil's hand. "I won't give that man a chance to take you again."

"Can you leave me and my friends alone for a bit?" Virgil asked. He looked at Logan and Patton and then nodded at Virgil.

"Alright, but I'll be back in an hour okay?" He left and Patton smiled.

"I'm glad you are around to see how much he's changed himself for the better."

"You knew?" Virgil asked. Patton laughed.

"Well yeah, remember I was the last one shadow took." Patton looked at Logan and then at the floor. "I got to see how all your family's reacted to the news."

"Jesus Patton..." Logan squeezed his hand.

"Roman and remuss dad, he gained custody of Roman and Remus." Patton looked up. "As you can clearly see, Virgil's father sobered up." He looked at Logan. "Y-Your parents they found about your landlord Logan."

"Fuck.." logan stood up and shook his head. "That explains why they were there in my room when I woke up."

"Do you think they'd ever let you go back after learning that Logan? They just want to be there for you!"

"After they let me run away? Fuck that." Logan laughed. "Sorry, I'll leave you two alone I have to go." Logan stormed out of the room.

"Patton, where are your parents?" Patton looked up.


"Holy shit what!?"

"I was informed they died in an accident on the way to the police station after shadow took me." Patton started crying. "It was really bad weather but I guess they actually came back because they were worried for me? But they always left me alone I didn't think..."

"Of course they cared Patton." Virgil sighed. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Yeah, me too."

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