Part 38: Pyar Hi Pyar Kiya ( Make Tonight Forever)

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Saturday 6 September
Desert Luxury Hotel, Jaisalmer
11.00 pm

Ishita looked adoringly at her sleeping husband. They had both fallen asleep after their passionate dalliance, and she had awoken in his arms, blushing at her dishevelled state, and marvelling at the tenderness with which he held her, even in his sleep.

She thought back on their lovemaking, as she pulled up they discarded bedcovers to cover them. She had never thought, never imagined, that making love would be like this. She was a doctor, she knew about anatomy. She had had a boyfriend, she knew about romance. And yet.... no study, no textbook, no experience had prepared her for the way he had made her feel.

The passion between them had been fiery, yet he had been so tender, so gentle towards her. He had taken the lead, reassuring her, soothing her, encouraging her, holding back while he took them together into ecstasy.

She was too inexperienced to comprehend fully the self control he had exercised, but she remembered how he had soothed her fears, his concern at her inevitable pain and then how he caressed her through the waves of pleasure which had engulfed her, holding her, calming her, before he allowed himself to reach his peak, collapsing on her, his lithe body shuddering and trembling.

She blushed as she remembered her own responses to him, her lack of inhibitions, the way in which she had responded to his every demand, had welcomed his attentions. She had had no idea, no inkling, that she was capable of such uninhibited behavior, capable of such unrestrained passion. But she knew, her passion came from her love for him, and she knew their love was truly special. Magical.

Their love for each other had transcended everything - their initial misunderstandings and fights; the circumstances in which they came together; their past relationships and wounds; the secrecy of their wedding; the awkwardness of their first time together and her fear of the unknown.

                        There's something I wanna tell you now
                        And I don't know what it is      
                        I just can't I just can't I just can't
                        You've done some kinda magic
                        That magic is called love, check it
                        Magic is called love                     

She raised her head and looked at him, deep contentment etched in his sleeping face, and thought she would burst with love for him. Slowly, ever so gently, she caressed his forehead, her eyes shining with all the love in the world. Her curls cascaded over her shoulders, brushing his face as she caressed him and she pushed her hair back, not wanting the rough strands to disturb him.

Yaar ko maine, mujhe yaar ne
                        Sone na diya
                        Pyar hi pyar kiya ho
                        Pyar hi pyar kiya pyar ne sone na diya

"Thank you Raman" she whispered.

He stirred beneath her and his hand grasped hers, his eyes slowly opening. "Kyun" he asked her, passion dancing in his sleepy eyes as he drank in the sight of his wife, her make up smudged, her lips swollen, her hair tumbling down her back.

He reached out his hand and traced her smudged bindi, his fingers trailing down to her kohl smudged eyes.

                      Uski chudiyon ki khanak
                        Uski woh bindiya ki chamak
                        Haye kajre ki gajab dhaar ne
                        Sone na diya

She blushed and fell back into his arms, as he feasted his eyes on her.

"For everything" she whispered, nestling her face into his chest, her fingers making concentric patterns on his skin. "For making everything so special"

"Hmmm" he replied. " Lekin tum toh waada bhul gayi" (But you've forgotten your promise)

He sat up, his hands creeping under the sheet as he leaned over her.

"Kaun sa waada?" she asked, blushing furiously as he looked intently at her. (What promise?)

"Wahi, ki tum mujhe mera naam dhundne dogi." (Just that you were going to let me find my name on you)

"Payaa nahi aapne?" ( Haven't you found it yet) she asked coyly.

"Nahi" He rasped. "Ab dhoondta hoon." ( No, I'll look now) And with a swift moment, he pulled the sheet away from her, leaving her bare to his hungry eyes.

She colored deeply as he straddled her, pulling both her arms above her head, and holding them down with one hand, as he brushed the fingers of his other hand down her neck and chest. He was as bare as she was, and she stared shyly at him, her breath quickening, trying to look only at his face.

She whimpered as his fingers paused on her soft peaks, raking and scratching softly until he felt them harden.

"Not fair" she whispered breathlessly. " You're only supposed to look"

"Is that right? " his voice was teasing, but thick with passion. " Well, I don't play fair baby"

And with that he took a hardened peak into his mouth, sucking hard until she cried out incoherently, holding her down so that she couldn't escape him. His stubble grazed her softness as his mouth moved rhythmically on her, the little pin pricks of pain enhancing the sensations that engulfed her. She jerked from side to side, squirming, but he would not release her, his mouth continuing to torment, until he was satisfied with the intensity of her response. Then, just as her fevered whimpers and moans subsided, he took the other soft mound into his mouth, again bringing her to incoherent pleasure.

"Sshhh, Baby , listen, listen to me" He pulled her into his arms, holding her until her gasps subsided, then tilted her head back, to gaze intently into her eyes.

"It's your game jaan, but the rules are mine, hmmm. Agree baby?" Ishita felt herself incapable of speech, the aftermath of the intermingling of pain and pleasure leaving her speechless.

"Aaj bahut chup ho, meri Jhansi Ki Rani" He rocked her in his arms for several seconds, then pulled away to look at her again.

"My rules baby" He repeated firmly.

"No" she whispered, her ragged breath subsiding. She loved him, but she could not let him win everything. She knew he wanted to dominate her completely, but he had married Ishita Iyer, and Ishita Iyer was his equal... in every single way. So she looked defiantly at him, even as she rocked in his protective embrace. He met her defiant glance, then suddenly smiled and shrugged.

"Okay, fine" His voice was dangerously quiet, as he pushed her back down into the tumbled sheets, turning her around until she lay her on her stomach, her face turned to the left. "You win. No touching. Well, my name wasn't there, so let's look here"

She lay breathlessly, wordlessly, wondering what new devilry her Raavan had in store for her. She could hear his breathing, as ragged as hers, his hot breath inches from her body, but as the seconds ticked, he did not touch her. Then he whispered "Dont move" and she felt him move off the bed.

"Raman" she called out, lifting her head.

"I'm here" He had returned, and pushed her head back down gently on the pillow, again straddling her, yet again not touching her.

"Raman" she protested in frustration.

"What's wrong baby?" He brought his head down close to hers. "You're the one who didn't want me to touch" His breath again fanned her, and she shuddered, as she realised just how much she did want him to touch her.

"But you said, your rules" she murmured.

"And you said No" he laughed. "So I'm just looking jaan"

"Ramann" she protested anew, moaning in frustration, missing his caresses, his mouth. She tried to extend a hand behind her, to touch him instead, but he swiftly imprisoned it in a vice grip, denying her even that.

"My rules, Ishita" his voice was triumphant now.

Her defiant mind fought her aching body and lost. "All right " she whispered. "You win. Your rules". 

He laughed triumphantly, guiding her captive hand onto his flat stomach. "What were you looking for babe?" He asked in a ragged voice, as she gasped, pulling her hand away.

"No?" He decided to let her be, getting back to his task. "All right, I"ll look instead".

She was breathing heavily, wondering just what he expected of her, when she felt the delicious trickle of something warm and fragrant on the centre of her back. Her back arched involuntarily, and he finally touched her, his hand pushing her down, as his fingers started to blend the liquid in concentric patterns on her back.

"It's just oil jaan" he answered her unspoken query. "Just something to help me with my search."

She shivered, her back arching again as his fingers massaged the oil into every inch of her back, the kamarbhand his only obstruction. Her breath hitched as his fingers skipped the kamarbandh, moving below her hips, and she noticed that his breathing was also ragged, as both his hands gently caressed the soft perfect rounds they had alighted on. She moaned as his fingers scratched gently, slipping off her now slick skin and down her thighs, before gliding back up.

"Not here either" he lowered himself to whisper into her ear. She opened her mouth to answer, but before she could speak, he had lowered his body onto hers, and her speech was muted into stunned silence.

"Am I too heavy baby" he asked, his voice barely a murmur, hardly audible over the blood pounding in her ears. But she could tell he was balancing above her, only parts of his body brushing hers.

"No" she whispered. "Good" he replied, as he began to rub her body with his, the oil converting the brush of his skin into caresses. She gasped as she felt his hardness on her hips and below it, her gasps turning into moans as he started to kiss his way down her slick back, starting at the nape of her neck, and moving down until he reached her kamarbhand again.

He was gasping himself with need, his body poised to take hers, as he toyed with the clasp of the bejeweled belt, and then hesitating, turned her over again. The game had been fun, but there was a limit to everything, and the feel and taste of her body was severely testing him.

Her heart was pounding as she settled on her back again, staring up at him, as he straddled her once more.

"There's only one place left to look baby" he said gently, as he ran his fingers gently down her torso to her waist. His hand stopped at her kamarbandh,  the wide band of gold and dangling diamantes the only barrier between them.

"Ye reh gaya hai,  bas yahan hi nahi dekha" he told her, toying with the jewels.  (This is left, this is the only place I haven't looked)

She gasped as, without warning, he pulled her  up until her waist was level with his face, half reclining her on the mound of pillows behind them, her arms thrown back as she balanced herself. She colored with embarrassment as she noted the proximity of his face to her hips, his suddenly hoarse breathing telling her of the effect of the nearness on him.

Her own breathing quickened, and she lay perfectly still, wondering just what her husband intended to do now.

She didn't need to wonder long as he bent his head and kissed her waist, his hands fumbling with the clasp to the kamarbandh.

"Raman, kya kar rahe ho?" (Raman, what are you doing?) she asked shyly, trying to move away. He held her down lightly, one hand busy with the clasp, the other splayed up across her chest, playing his favorite game - caressing her soft peaks, smiling as he once again felt the immediacy of his effect on her.

He was loving this wild side of his wife, her willingness to take pleasure from him, her eagerness to love him back, to experiment, even as her nervousness betrayed her inexperience.

He had known that she was capable of deep passion, had known from that day in New Zealand when she had first surrendered her lips to him in the snow. He knew how fiery she was, unwilling to back down, always looking for a fight. But he hadn't realised that her passion could match his, that her fiery refusal to submit would whet his need to dominate to such an extent. He hadn't realized that love and the perfect partner could enhance the senses so much, could elevate the ordinary into something so extraordinary, so magical, so incredible. So damn addictive.

He sensed her trying to move away, and realized again just how new all this was for her. Well, tonight, it was all about her. The game he had been playing with her was designed to teach, to make her comfortable with him and with her own body, her own sensuality. He wanted her to lose all her inhibitions, so that she would be ready to receive all that he wanted to give - touches that would give her so much pleasure that she would scream out his name with abandonment.

I can make the runner stumble
I can make the final block
And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle
I can make all the stadiums rock
I can make tonight forever
Or I can make it disappear by the dawn
I can make you every promise that has ever been made
I can make all your demons be gone
But I'm never gonna make it without you
Do you really wanna see me crawl
And I'm never gonna make it like you do
Making love....out of nothing at all

"Ramann" At the moment, she was whispering his name.

"Tell me sweetheart, did you like what we've been doing, hmm. Did you like it baby?" His voice was thick with need.

"Yes" she whispered.

"Then believe me, you are going to like this more. Do you want me to show you baby"

She smiled and murmured softly, nodding her head.

His breathing deepened as he fumbled with the clasp of the kamarbandh, his other hand increasing the pressure on the soft curves of her chest.

The clasp gave way and he pushed the jewels away, her waist bare to his eyes.

"Toh yahan chupa tha" his voice was a mere whisper, as he stared intently at the mehendi letters on her waist. (So this is where you hid it)

"May I, jaan?" he asked huskily, lifting his eyes to meet hers, as his fingers trailed across her flat waist, sending fresh shivers down her spine.

"Kya" she whispered. ( What?)

" May I read my name? " he replied, another brush of his fingers lingering on her waist, then capturing her hips, as he raised her slightly, poised for her permission.

"Yes" her voice was barely audible, anticipation building as she wondered once again, just what she had given him permission to do. She was touched by the way he continually checked in on her comfort, sought her approval before touching her, but she was also nervous. Nervous of what his response would be to her approval.

His response was to bring his face closer to her hips, his breath cooling the heat which rose within her at his proximity.

"R" he whispered, his face nuzzling her waist, as he kissed the outline of the letter softly.

She gasped and dug her fingers into his hair, the sensuality of his touch sending a fresh wave of need coursing through her.

"A" he went on, another kiss, this time lingering before he nipped softly at her skin. She hissed, and he nipped again, her fingers tightening in his hair in response.

"M" his tongue traced the outline of that letter, stroking it softly as she whimpered again, her hands holding onto his shoulders, her eyes closed, her breath quickening. He looked up at her, his eyes darkening with passion as he ran his fingers over her waist, his caresses trailing down as her breathing grew more ragged and she squirmed under him.

Uski angadayi ne
Kya kya na qayamat dhai
Dhadkanon ki wahi raftar ne
Sone na diya

"Raman, please" she whispered, biting her lips at the sensations he evoked in her, the ache that was building up in her again.

"Please what baby" his hand stilled as he raised his head, watching her intensely, trying to gauge her comfort with his love play.

"I don't know " she murmured, confused as to whether she wanted him to stop or to continue, the sensations he evoked too overwhelming for her to handle. She thought she knew where this was leading, but she did not think she was ready for something so primal, so intime.

Raman sighed, realizing his wife was truly not ready for what he wanted to do. He knew there would be plenty of time in the future to teach her about the different ways in which he would pleasure her, the ways in which she could pleasure him, but that time was not today. "But soon Raman" he promised himself. "Very soon"

"It's all right baby" he said aloud, shushing her murmurings, as he brought his hand back up to her waist, trying to continue the game he had abandoned seconds earlier.

"A" he tried to read, but Ishita could take his sweet torture no longer. She pulled his head up, wrapping her arms around him. She knew his kisses, could deal with his kisses, wanted his kisses.

"Always impatient, meri Jhansi ki Rani" he mock complained as he lowered himself back on her, punishing her lips with his as his arms crushed her to him. "You didn't even let me finish reading"

"Baad mein" she gasped, holding him close, inhaling his scent, desperately searching for his lips. "Puri raat hai" (Later, we have all night)

"Puri raat" he repeated, sealing her lips with his.

Then speech became impossible, their tongues duelling as their lips fused, their bodies entangled, their sighs and moans the only sounds as Mr & Mrs Bhalla made love late into the desert night.

                        There's something I wanna tell you now
                        And I don't know what it is      
                        I just can't I just can't I just can't
                        You've done some kinda magic
                        That magic is called love, check it
                        Magic is called love                     
                        Yaar ko mein ne
                        Mujhe yaar ne
                        Sone na diya
                        Pyar hi pyar kiya ho
                        Pyar hi pyar kiya pyar ne sone na diya

                        Uski chudiyon ki khanak
                        Uski woh bindiya ki chamak
                        Haye kajre ki gajab dhaar ne
                        Sone na diya
                        Pyar hi pyar kiya ho
                        Pyar hi pyar kiya pyar ne sone na diya

                        Uski angadayi ne kya kya na qayamat dhai
                        Dhadkanon ki badi raftar ne sone na diya
                        Pyar hi pyar kiya ho
                        Pyar hi pyar kiya pyar ne sone na diya

                        Yaar ko mein ne
                        Mujhe yaar ne
                        Sone na diya


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