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Do you like the new cover? I told you guys I would get a new one and I am not talking to you Rapmopon . I am talking to the other five people in this applyfic. I know your opinion on it already.

I decided to not put pictures up there just because I didn't in my first applyfic. If you have read my first applyfic, skip until you see the my pov part because you already know what is next expect this time I might use the other languages. This only applies to one person. For the rest of you guys, read it so you won't get confused. 

So here the basic guide most of my stories follow plus some new things:

Words like this means that whoever's point of view is thinking this.

Words like this will mean flashback to something that happened before.

Words like this means that they are speaking English

Words like this means that they are speaking Mandarin.

It will be regular if they are speaking Korean unless I say 'in whatever language' after I put 'so and so said'. If I say something in the story or up here, (it will be like this). Now, I probably won't use other languages, but I might. If I do, I will probably either use google or my memory. 

After this chapter, whatever I put before and after will be in that format. This is the introduction chapter, so everything that happened in the intro will happen here. Enjoy.


My Pov:

Min Sung wakes up to a loud thud and sighs. He gets out of bed and gets ready. He mentally prepares himself to wake up the others. 

 He heads to Yamada's room, since it is the closest to his room, and gently wakes him up.

Once Yamada is awake and out of bed, he heads to Jiwon's room and frowns. He notices that Jiwon is already awake, so he sighs then leaves.

Jiwon glances at Min Sung and wonders if he woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. He didn't pull an all nighter like he usually does, so he didn't get what the problem was. He actually woke up because of the loud thud. He is pretty easy to wake up, since he is a very light sleeper. 

Min Sung heads to Giwon's room and prepares himself. He slams the door open and pushes Giwon out of his bed. "Get up. Unlike yesterday, you are on duty and should have been up an hour ago." he says and leaves.

Giwon sighs and climbs back in the bed then pulls the blanket over his head. "I will get up when I wanna get up. You guys push me out of my bed so much that it doesn't affect me anymore." he mutters as he goes back to sleep.

Min Sung heads to Yubin's room and notices him sleeping on the floor. He sighs and shakes Yubin awake. 

"Go away. Rain and I got enough food yesterday that will last us for two more days. Let me sleep in for once." Yubin whines and closes his eyes.

"...Fine, but at least go to sleep on the bed." Min Sung says trying to drag Yubin back to his bed.

"Let me die on the floor in peace." Yubin says and pushes Min Sung away.

"Okay drama queen, it is too early in the morning for this. I will be back later and you better be dressed or else you will have to make your food outside." Min Sung says and drops Yubin then walks out the room.

Yubin whines and frowns. He gets up only because he isn't good at cooking and he didn't feel like trying either.

Min Sung walks past Daehyun's room because he already knows that Daehyun is either already awake or going to wake up soon. 

He skips Sungmin's room as well because if Giwon is awaken, Sungmin is also awake. Those two are the most likely to stay up all night doing something. Expect this time, Sungmin woke up because of the loud thud like Giwon and his room is nowhere near Yubin's room.

He walks to Jeong-Ja's room and opens the door slightly. Min Sung turns around when there is a tap on his shoulder. 

"You should let me wake him up. You know how he gets in the morning." Sungmin says and smiles a little.

"Fine, I will go make breakfast then." Min Sung says and walks away.

Sungmin sighs and slams the door open. "Oi, wake up! You should have been on patrol an hour ago."

"I don't have to do anything I don't want to. I am older than you. I don't have to listen to you." Jeong-Ja grumbles with his eyes still closed.

"True, but I am the leader and pack alpha, so technically you do have to listen to me. Now get up and get ready. You know there have been a lot of outsiders getting close to our territory." Sungmin says and walks away.

Jeong-Ja groans and slowly gets out of bed. 

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Yamada was helping Min Sung set the table. Of course, he was using his power to set the table. He finished quickly and decides to set up his first prank for the day. He walks to the living room trying to find someone to either help him prank someone or his target. He sees Giwon walk into the room and decides to approach him.

"Hey Giwon, do you wanna help me prank someone?" he asks,

"And risk getting in trouble for it? Hell yes! If I am going to get blamed for it anyway, I might as well help." Giwon says and smiles.

"Cool, I say we prank either Jiwon or Sungmin to stay out of the drama you have with Yubin and Daehyun. I am still trying to be neutral in that situation." Yamada says and frowns.

"Okay....why not prank both. I think I know how we can do it." Giwon says and the two start whispering about the prank.

Yubin was in the room during this and hears every word they say. Since he isn't involved in this, he says and does nothing. Plus, he doesn't care who gets pranked as long as it isn't him or best friend. 

He sighs and starts thinking about their enemies and the amount of outsiders that have been spotted in their territory as he waits for Daehyun. "It can't be helped, since we are the only werewolves that have powers. We are bound to make enemies everywhere we go, but none of them will equal the amount we have on the KQ side." he mutters and frowns.

Meanwhile on that same side, eight males were running away from their packs.

For Hongjoong, Mingi, and Yunho, it was because their pack was under attack by one of their enemy packs. They didn't know it was because Yunho and Mingi accidentally stepped onto that pack's territory. It was never clear where their pack's territory ended and where the other's packs began, but that pack didn't care. 

For San and Wooyoung, it was because they got tired of how their pack members treated them. They ran away when everyone was asleep and knew if they got caught, they will die. However at this point, death seemed better than going back.

San and Wooyoung run until they ran straight into someone.

They fall down on top of the person and almost apologized until they saw who it was.

"Jongho! Where are you been? How has life been outside the pack? Are you traveling alone? Did you meet anyone? Are you dating someone? Didn't you have a crush on someone before you left...wait a second, why did you leave again?" they both ask at the same time.

Jongho used to be in the same pack as San and Wooyoung until he goes exiled for standing up to an alpha.

"Um, I have been here and there. Everywhere and nowhere. It is better. No, I am travelling with two other betas. I met them a month after I left. No, I am not dating anyone. No, I didn't like anyone there. They were all trash and I am sure they still are. I was exiled for standing up to our head alpha because I didn't like what he said about you two...wait what are you two doing out here? Did you get exiled or did you guys run away?" Jongho asks after realizing that they shouldn't be out here.

Omegas weren't allowed to leave the house, so there is no way San and Wooyoung should be out here unless they ran away or were exiled.

"Ran." Wooyoung says.

"Wait, you met people? I wanna met them. Let's go." San says and starts walking.

"Uh, San? They are this way." Jongho says and points the other direction.

"Oh....I knew that." San says and starts walking in the other direction.


As you can probably tell, ATEEZ has not formed their own pack yet or met each other completely yet. Also, I rewrote this chapter a lot. I will continue this in the next chapter.

I know I will update this one Fridays. The next update will either be Monday or Tuesday because that is what the three people that voted for choose between. The next update will be my choice after the next chapter. Also, I wrote the ATEEZ part first and for the first two chapters they will focus more on ATEEZ and their situation than our characters. Desire, which is the pack's name, will meet ATEEZ in Chapter 3 or 4. Probably 3 though. 

I finished this update yesterday. I think it turned out okay...

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