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(You know I actually got something to say right here....I was going to do smut in this....that is the reason why I asked if your character is a top or a bottom or if they are dominant or submissive....I am not going to do it because there are eight couples in this....so that is going to be a long chapter....probably the longest I would ever do and my brain is not original enough to make eight different sex scenes, so no I am not doing it....Enjoy I guess...I really wanted to write that smut though, but naw. If I do it for my characters, I must do it for everyone's characters and...yeah...Also, I am going to tell you guys now that the people who aren't dating in the next chapter are the people who weren't really active in this, so yeah....This only applies to two people....which is better than how my first applyfic ended...way better....

Before I forget, someone is going to die in this chapter.)


My Pov:

"What do you mean fuck?" Seonghwa asks and glances at Yunho's neck.

He gasps and Yunho looks at Seonghwa then sees the silver liquid pouring out of Seonghwa's neck. 

"....Oh that is why we passed out...good to know...when did they start melting silver and putting them in darts?" Yunho asks and looks at Hongjoong.

"So where is Min Sung?" Yeosang asks and looks at Hongjoong, who shrugs.

"Probably with Jongho somewhere...he was injured at one point...I don't know where they are, so let's just walk around and hope to bump into them." Hongjoong says.

Yeosang looks at him and sighs. Hongjoong walks and leads the way to the house. 

Yeosang gently nudges Seonghwa forward and Seonghwa starts walking. He pushes Yunho forward and Yunho sighs.

Yunho starts walking and shakes his head. Yeosang follows him and chuckles.

They continue to walk until it gets completely dark. 

Hongjoong makes them stop and decides that they should go to the cave near by because they will get lost if they continue to walk now. Yeosang wants to protest, but he doesn't have much of a choice so he goes with it.

~Le time skip to the next day brought to you by the fact that nothing interesting happens during this time.~

Sungmin looks out the window and wonders where Hongjoong, Yeosang, Seonghwa, and Yunho. 

"We should go out and look for them." Jeong-Ja says.

"As much as I agree with you, we are better of laying low just in case someone is looking for us." Giwon says.

"You still owe me, bitch! I told you those two finally found something they agreed on while you were gone and everyone else here knows it. Oh and yeah I agree with Giwon...what the fuck did I just say?" Daehyun says and frowns.

Giwon sighs and heads to his room then comes back a few minutes later. "It is in your room...." he says and sits down then pouts.

Yunho smirks and looks at Jeong-Ja and Sungmin. "You bitches owe me!" he says and everyone else expect those two look at him.

"What? When did this happen?" Daehyun and Giwon ask at the same time.

"Yeah, when did this happen? I knew when Daehyun and Giwon made that bet because I was there...it was the day when we all split up based on our subgender and hung out with each other in separate rooms...we talked about a lot of things that day...." Jiwon says

"Same day....we also talked about a lot....anything that was said then stays in that room....at least that is what Jeong-Ja and Yubin promised...I didn't promise anything, but I am sticking by it." Sungmin says and hums.

"Same, I don't think you three would like what we said that day." Jiwon says causing both Giwon and Daehyun to sigh.

Flashback begins

"I feel like people think betas are the best out of all the subgenders, but they really don't." Giwon says and the other two betas sigh.

"Yep if you find someone you want to mate with, you can't mate with them. You can't claim them or anything. It is rare for a beta to get an omega pregnant and what are the chances of a beta getting pregnant...." Daehyun says.

"You two got more experience with this part, but you have to watch what you say around alphas. You can't just anything and expect it to go over well." Jiwon says and sighs.

"True, I find myself holding back certain opinions whenever I am around Jeong-Ja....I would hate to upset him....his ego is damn bigger than his fucking dick most of the times." Giwon says and frowns.

".....that is true.....sure he has a knot and it will get bigger, but his ego is much bigger than that." Daehyun says and Jiwon tries not to laugh.

"They only thing that is better than alpha and omegas is that we don't go through heats or ruts...I am glad for that. Damn that shit seems rough." Jiwon says and both Giwon and Daehyun nods.

"Yep....I guess our treatment is better than omegas.....I can't help, but feel bad for them....but hey at least we treat our omegas or any omegas we see well...." Giwon says.

"This is the most serious I have seen you been." Daehyun says and Jiwon nods.

"You two act like I can't be serious." Giwon says kind of offended.

Neither of the two answer for five minutes and Giwon gets offended.

"Of course, he says that....he can't met himself." Daehyun says after awhile.

"That too and no offense, but you really can't be serious for long so this is very impressive for us." Jiwon says and Giwon just sighs.

"That is like saying that Jeong-Ja and Yubin can't agree one day....I doubt that they can." Giwon says and trails off.

Daehyun raises his eyebrow and asks, "Is that so? Do you wanna make this interesting then? Let's make a bet." 

They make a bet then look at Jiwon, who raises his hands up and says, "Don't look at me. I am not joining this bet.

Flashback ends

Jiwon, Daehyun, and Giwon sigh at the memory. Yamada looks at Min Sung and says, "We should have done something like that."

"Dude, we talk everyday...what else did you expect me to talk about with you?" Min Sung asks and gives him a look.

Yamada sighs and nods a little. Min Sung looks at Jongho, who pushes his hands away and sighs. "Stop it! I am fine. I am okay." he says and Min Sung holds his hands up.

Mingi looks outside and sighs. Both Wooyoung and San put their hand on his shoulder. 

Mingi looks at the two and sighs. "I hope they are okay...." he says.

Jongho looks at Yamada and says, "Cheer up, you man. He is sad."

"And what do you want me to do about that?" Yamada asks and raise his eyebrow.

"Kiss him. Talk to him. Fuck him. Do something." Jongho says and everyone around him expect Yamada, Mingi, Wooyoung, and San gag then shake their head.

Mingi, Wooyoung, and San didn't hear the conversation and Yamada just nods then moves closer to Mingi.

"What?" Jongho asks and looks at the others that gagged.

They continue to shake their head. 


Hongjoong, Yeosang, Seonghwa, and Yunho would have been at the house if it wasn't for Yeosang seeing something weird.

"...Yeosang, get back here. The longer we are out here, the...more...they.....oh my." Hongjoong says and frowns.

Seonghwa and Yunho are leaning against each other and look at what the other two are looking at. Well they try to. They are on the verge of passing out, so they can barely see what they are looking at.

The only thing that is preventing them from closing their eyes is that would be the last time they close their eyes. 

Hongjoong pushes Yeosang to move forward and Yeosang hesitates, but keeps moving forward.

"We have to move forward. We can't help him. I have a feeling he was already dying to begin with." Hongjoong says and sighs.


Hongjoong sees Mingi running towards them with a smile until Yunho fall and Seonghwa trip over him. Both males groan and Mingi walks over to them wondering what is wrong with them.

He picks up Yunho and Seonghwa then runs with them towards the house. Hongjoong follows them without looking back.

Yeosang looks back and blinks when he sees that Junyoung disappeared. He sighs and mutters, "So that is what is why he said behind.....I hope wherever he goes next makes him happy..."

"Yeosang come on!" 

"I am coming! Be patient!"


(Good enough. Of course, they end up being healed and stuff....not completely, but close enough. I was going to do a death scene, but yeah I didn't in the end.....I am not doing confessions or mentions of confessions either because it is hard of that stuff.....whoever is the dominant person confessed to the other person. Okay? Okay.

....I am not satisfied with that ending, but it is what it is. I still have the epilogue to do...Oh and it isn't ending today...It is ending on Friday...my bad...I was going to reveal the plan, but naw....I decided not to. If you want to know so bad, I will tell you if you ask.....yeah...)

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