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(This is set a year later. This chapter will have some fluff . I was going to do smut....but I didn't feel like writing smut or writing period, but I ended up writing anyway. Enjoy.)


My Pov:

In a span of a year, not much has changed in the Desire house. The only things that have changed are that most people started dating and ATEEZ decided to not to leave.

Only after they disappeared the day after Yeosang told them that Junyoung is now resting in peace. They only came back three months later because six out of the eight werewolves wanted to go back.

For the two that didn't want to go back, let's just say that one of them doesn't like one of the Desire members the way that Desire member likes him and vice versa for the other ATEEZ members. 

However, that Desire member didn't realized he liked the ATEEZ member until the other ATEEZ member moved on from the other Desire member.

Jiwon wonders where Sungmin went, so he just shrugs and sighs. "I swear he is always disappearing when someone goes into heat.....then again he is supposed to have his rut soon....wait no that started yesterday...dammit." he mutters and sighs.

"Can you four just get along again?" Jiwon asks as he walks closer to where Jeong-Ja and Yubin were fighting.

Daehyun and Giwon are cheering their best friend on and Jiwon just glares at the two betas. The duo slowly stop and slowly back away. 

Of course, these four went back to fight right after the day the KQ pack was destroyed. They resumed their normal lives and pretended like they never got along. 

Jiwon rolls his eyes and pauses time. He spreads Jeong-Ja and Yubin. He puts them each to face the wall, so that when he unfreezes time, they will punch the wall. 

Jiwon walks to Giwon and Daehyun then makes it so that when he unfreezes time, they will fall down. 

He unfreezes time and walks away as the four werewolves cry out in pain. He snickers at this and looks around for Wooyoung.

He never expected Wooyoung to ask him out, but he also didn't expect himself to say yes. He knew he liked Wooyoung, but he always ignored that fact. He is pretty sure it was a shocked to see everyone else. 

He sees Wooyoung talking to Yeosang, so he says, "Hey Yeosang, I think Giwon is ready to go swimming. Just go where you hear loud whining. He is whining louder than the other three combined back there...actually, I think he is screaming not whining." 

Yeosang chuckles and nods. "Okay, I will go make him stop them."

As Yeosang walks away, Wooyoung says, "Yeah go get your man. We all know that the only time you want him screaming is during sex."

Yeosang looks back and says, "You aren't wrong."

"Ew." Jiwon says and looks disgusted. 

Yeosang chuckles and walks away. "Poor you~"

"I am ignoring that....I still can't believe that Giwon was the one to confess...." Jiwon says and sighs.

"Giwon would be offended to hear you say that, but I get what you mean.....He was so serious that I was startled....I am pretty sure Seonghwa almost passed out. He was paler than he usually is then he started crying. I thought it was fake, but it wasn't....." Wooyoung says and trails off.

"Can you blame him? That was his proud parent moment....wait..." Jiwon says and trails off.

Yeosang and Giwon look at the duo as they walk past them then raise their eyebrows. They had changed into swimming trunks and were on their way to go swimming in a river nearby. 

"Don't question what they are doing, Gi....it is best to just let them do what they are doing." Yeosang says and before Giwon could even start asking the question. 

Giwon sighs and Yeosang pushes him out of the house. They start on their way to the river and Giwon decides that they should race each other. "Last one there has to do the winner's job for a day." he says and starts running.

Giwon gets their first because he started running before Yeosang. Of course, Yeosang just plays it off as he letting Giwon win and Giwon just gives him a look.

Giwon turns away from him and runs into the river. Yeosang closes his mouth and sighs. "But your job is boring...." he mutters and slowly walks into the river.

Yeosang stands in the center of the river and looks down as he thinks about Giwon's job. Giwon starts swimming circles around him until he gets bored. So he decides to splash Yeosang with water and swim away.

Yeosang screams and knew he probably should have saw that coming. He swims after Giwon and eventually catches then gets his revenge.

Meanwhile back at the house, Jeong-Ja is cuddling Hongjoong on the couch. Hongjoong tried to push Jeong-Ja away earlier, but that only made his grip tighter. 

Yubin looks disgusted and was about this, but San cut him off by saying, "You act like you don't cuddle with me at every single night."

Yubin sighs and mutters, "But I don't look or act that vulnerable...."

"....you kind of do...." San says and Yubin feels offended.

"Now, I know how Giwon feels when we point out the fact that we are shocked he is being so serious....I almost feel bad for him....almost..." Yubin says and pouts.

"Disgusting." Jeong-Ja says and shakes his head.

"You can't say anything. You were just pouting because I kept pushing you away and whined until I stopped." Hongjoong says and Jeong-Ja sighs then notices something.

"Are you blushing?" Jeong-Ja asks and Hongjoong sighs.

"You are blushing. Aww you are as red as a tomato." Jeong-Ja says and Hongjoong wonders if it is too late to leave this place and not come back. 

San and Yubin watch Jeong-Ja tease Hongjoong and Hongjoong look close to slapping Jeong-Ja. "By the way, you are wrong...." San says.

"About what?" Yubin asks not getting what San was talking about.

"Jeong-Ja doesn't look or act vulnerable around Hongjoong....He is whipped for Hongjoong. Even if he doesn't realize it.....and you are just as whipped as him." San says.

"No, I am n-" Yubin starts.

"I lost Shiber. Go look for it." San says and Yubin looks at him then slowly nods.

Yubin leaves the room to start his search and San watches him.

"Whipped." San says as he follows him.

Hongjoong slaps Jeong-Ja and gives him a look that makes him stop teasing him. He doesn't let Hongjoong go much to Hongjoong's dismay. Hongjoong promised to help Seonghwa look for something earlier, but he is pretty sure Seonghwa found it by now.

In the kitchen, Yamada complains about not wanting to go outside today to look for anything. "I just wanna be lazy for once. Is that too much to ask for?" Yamada whines.

"Yes....as a matter of a fact, it is way too much to ask for." Mingi says.

Yamada sighs and just rests his chin on the table. "I am not getting up from this chair."

"You know a bed would be more comfortable, right?" Mingi asks and Yamada nods.

"You know I am great in bed." Yamada says and Mingi looks at him.

"I could sleep for days." Yamada continues sighing.

Mingi sighs and mutters something. Yamada looks at Mingi and says, "But what you are thinking isn't too far off....we all know I am the dominant one like Yubin and Jeong-Ja....in bed only of course. I am not as whipped as those two....are....you are though....." 

Mingi doesn't disagree because he knows it is true. He was the first person to point it out and wouldn't mind pointing it out again. He isn't ashamed of it for multiple reasons, but one revolved around Min Sung of course.

He is still scared of Min Sung and he doubts that will change any time soon. 

Meanwhile outside, Yunho and Daehyun were walking around. Daehyun just finished prancing his powers. Yunho got bored, so he decided to turn into a werewolf and roll around in the meadow near them. 

Daehyun got distracted numerous times and found himself staring at Yunho a lot. 

Of course, Yunho pretended not to notice. It wasn't until he randomly changed back then looks at Daehyun with a smirk. 

Daehyun looks away and yells, "Put on some clothes. We don't need other wolves looking at you."

Yunho looks around then scratches his head. He does what Daehyun says anyway because he knew better than to question what Daehyun meant or not do what he said. 

"You know you never told me what happened when Jiwon and Jeong-Ja got into a fist fight." Yunho says once he is fully clothed.

"Oh, Jeong-Ja lost miserably. He should have known better than to challenge someone who can freeze time." Daehyun says and snickers.

"Jiwon knew he couldn't win using his fists, so he messed with Jeong-Ja and he got upset. So he pushed Jeong-Ja into the river and you should have seen his face when he fell in. I never laughed so hard in my life. He kept fighting, but to be honest, Jiwon is very good at tiring people out to make them get to the point where he can fight them and win." Daehyun continues and looks at the river.

"Disgusting." Yunho says when they see Yeosang and Giwon making out in the river.

The duo back away from them and heads back to the house. "I wanna bleach my eyes." Daehyun says and Yunho nods.

~Le time skip to the next week brought to you by the fact that I just got into a soup yesterday and learned the member's name only to find a different group to keep on my radar...~

"Come on guys, don't be lazy. Get up. Let's go. We have to go visit him. We promised to visit him a week after a year passes. It has been a week." Seonghwa says pushing a tired Yeosang forward.

"Best friend, carry me~" Yeosang whines and Seonghwa makes him climb onto his back.

"I want a piggyback right as well or maybe I just want some fruit..." Jongho says and thinks about it.

Seonghwa just looks at Jongho then looks away and keeps watching giving Yeosang a piggyback ride. Jongho puts his hand over his chest and Hongjoong pats his back. "It will be fine because you will live." He says and Jongho frowns.

"You are spending too much time with Jeong-Ja. You are starting to sound like him." Jongho says and frowns.

San, Wooyoung, Mingi, and Yunho watch Jongho and Hongjoong walk past where they are supposed to stop at. Seonghwa doesn't notice this because he is looking at something. Yeossng doesn't notice because he is also looking at the same thing Seonghwa is looking at.

San and Wooyoung decide not to let Jongho or Hongjoong know that they past it. "Hey where are you going?" Mingi asks.

Jongho looks back at Mingi and almost answered him, but Yunho cuts him off by saying," Yeah, we are already at his grave. You two past it." 

Jongho and Hongjoong walk back to the other. "Oh." They say at the same time.

They look at the grave and sighs. "So who brought the flowers?" Jongho asks.

The other seven members look at Jongho and face palm. "I was supposed to bring the flowers?" Jongho asks and Seonghwa is the only one to nod.

The other six shake their head and face palm. "I will...oh there it is...I think Sungmin teleported here and left them here. Here you go." Jongho says and smiles.

San just takes the flowers and sighs. He sets them down and Wooyoung pushes Hongjoong forward to say something. Hongjoong sighs and rolls his eyes. 

So he does and by the end of his speech, Mingi is crying and Yunho is rubbing his back. No one asks if he is crying because they know he is and that he will deny it if he asks about it.

They stay silent for about an hour until Jongho asks, "Can I get some fruit now?"

"Oh my....sure why not." Seonghwa says and Jongup runs to grab some fruit to smash.

San and Wooyoung follow him because why not. Mingi and Yunho walk back home when Mingi stops crying. Hongjoong and Seonghwa stand by the grave a bit longer then leave. Yeosang had fallen asleep about thirty minutes into the silence. 


(....I was thinking about doing smut or fluff or both, but went with whatever that is.....I will post the next applyfic soon....Also, I didn't use all requested scenes.....because I wanted fluff....Fluff only....well as close as we are going to get to it....) 

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