Household Genie

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Sinclair sighed, as he held his face in his hands and shook his head, clearly humiliated and embarrassed by what it is that has happened. And he is not the only one. Before him is his younger brother, Zuri, who looked shocked and speechless at what it is that has just happened, or rather, was told has happened by his brother. And beside Sinclair, is Desiree, who smiled with her hands behind her back. All 3 are at a table, as Zuri then spoke out.

"Brother, I really kind of hoped that I am simply just imagining things...because of who we have inside of our house now."

Sinclair spoke out.

"You and me both. I never thought that this was going to happen to me."

Desiree smiled, as she spoke out.

"Well, it is a shame for you that it is real, child. Or rather, I am as real as I ever am."

Sinclair slammed his head onto the table, as he cannot help but feel completely at loss for words, his own pride has been damaged by this sudden event. It has only been at this what is likely a few hours, and he felt immense stress at this. His brother, Zuri, he had been with Danny and Tucker and Sam, and they played a game that is simply called, Doomed. And luckily, this game is not a very violent game, and is made specifically for Zuri's age. And the way the game works is very cool in his eyes, not to mention being able to make his own character model, as Sam, Danny, and Tucker had done.

And Zuri, he tried to make his character model as cool and awesome as he can. And needless to say, it almost looks as cool as Danny's character model. And needless to say, he had some fun in there. They both manage to get 7 keys, and win the game and it is needlessly the most fun that Zuri had ever had in a long time, although, there was a time in the Doomed game where Zuri's character almost got into the Level 0 glitch, and only just narrowly missed the bullet, so he was only lucky for the game to be finished as quickly as he is able to finish. However, Sinclair called Zuri, telling him of something important, and Zuri, he is unprepared for what it is that is important. So when he was informed or Desiree's presence inside of his house, and what she had done, Zuri felt like he could simply just faint.

"I...I still cannot believe that this has happened. First, you...wanted to make us your targets, and now, you are deciding to love with us, out of complete nowhere? This...this is just so...strange."

Desiree puts her arms beneath her chin, her back facing upwards, almost like she is lying onto her front on a bed, as she spoke out.

"Well...your brother is a very intriguing one. He is unlike the other men that I have met, rejecting my power, which no men ever did. I almost never thought that I would see this day come. But it does not mean that I am giving up on the wishes that you both have, or rather that your brother has, for his desire is the strongest that I have ever felt. Of course, even if you do have any sort of wishes is not like the strongest desires you have, it will not mean that I leave, for he will forever remain bound to me."

Zuri felt a little bit uneasy, and even Sinclair admits that he just wants to make Desiree go away. But Desiree has put him into a position where he will have to accept her as a member of this house, regardless of what else he thinks of her. He puts his hands on the sides of his face, and sighed.

"Dang it. Of course you would do this to me. And you are not going to take No for an answer, as I you are most likely saying."

Desiree then spoke out.

"Of course. You cannot get rid of me easily~."

Sinclair lowers his head, clearly embarrassed about the situation. He really wants to hit her, but Desiree will simply go intangible and prevent herself from getting hit, like it will mean nothing to her. Sinclair puts his hand onto his locket, and spoke out.

"Oh stars. Please give me a way to see this through."

He then sighed, as he spoke out.

"Fine, I'll go with the flow in this. But you are not getting greatest with that easily, Desiree. For the most part, I am gonna do whatever it takes to keep what I want under wraps. The only time that I will tell you, is if I have no other choice, or I trust you enough to tell it to you, and that is if you don't plan and screwing up with the wishes that you want from my tongue. The same is said for my brother. Do you get me, Desiree?"

Desiree, hearing this, smiled. Although she knows that it will likely take a very long time for her to get his deepest wish out of Sinclair, the fact is, she will still have a chance to get it in the future. After all, she has been inside of a bottle for who knows how long, and is a very patient woman. She will not leave him until she gets what she wants from him. And she will do whatever it takes to get what he deeply desires inside of that young adult mind of his.

"But of course. I will be patient to know what your wish will be, Sinclair! After all, I see how strong it is inside of your very heart, and I will do whatever it takes to hear what it is that you deeply desire most!"

Sinclair nodded his head silently, hearing this, as he knows very well that Desiree is someone that will want to get whatever wishes that she wants to have be heard from his voice. And as much as he does not want this to be the case, he does, on some level, think that Deisree is his best chance to help his brother, whenever he needs it.


Zuri then spoke out to Desiree.

"Well...mind if I say mine?"

Desiree then looks at Zuri, and spoke out.

"And what is it that you desire, young child?"

Desiree listens, as Zuri then spoke out.

"Well, I wish for the house to be repaired and clean, and is constantly clean, with dust and crumbs disappearing in the house, and no flies, spiders, or any and all insects and anthropoids never being able to enter the house in all of the rooms, and those that try, disappear back outside."

Desiree smiled, as she knows that it is not his deepest desire. But even so...a wish is a wish, and she will grant it.

"So you have wished it, so shall it be!"

She made green mist appear from her hand, as the green mist swirled around the house, both inside and outside, as Zuri and Sinclair then looks around, and see that the house is beginning to change from within the mist. Zuri and Sinclair looked in awe, as the wooden boards and the shattered glass suddenly vanished, with the glass somehow being able to repair itself, despite no shards being present. The holes in various parts of the house suddenly began to close by itself, the furniture began to repair itself, everything began to repair itself. The various dust and crumbs that are present all over the floors of the house also began to vanish, and the insects and spiders that are about to get inside of the house also began to disappear, and reappear back outside the home. When the wish was done, Zuri and Sinclair looked around, and they are at awe with what it is that has happened, as Zuri spoke out.

"Wow, this is amazing!!!"

Sinclair was just as flabbergasted, as he spoke out.

"Woah. Okay, as much as I hate to admit it, that is a very amazing thing to happen."

Desiree smiled, as she spoke out.

"Of course it is. I am meant to grant any wish you want within what you desire."

Sinclair then spoke out.

"Yeah...well...I think it is only when I really need it. I'm not simply gonna abuse wishes all for the very littlest of things, Desiree. And Zuri, that does not mean you can make the fridge have endless food that does not get spoiled. Okay, maybe make the fridge prevent the food from getting rotten and moldy and all of that, at least what we put inside, but even so, we are more responsible then this. We are not here to be lazy and abuse wishes, okay?"

Zuri pouts, due to what Sinclair said, but he does not argue about, knowing that his brother wants the best for him. And besides, although Sinclair is rough around the edges and may not trust other people, even he wouldn't abuse others people's talents all for the sake of what he wants to have. He would only use something when he feels like it is important to him, and when it is absolutely needed.

Desiree looked at Sinclair in surprise, as she never expected for him to do that. She is mainly used to having other men use her power for their own selfish desires, and that is it. But not once has she heard a man say something like that. In fact, she has never once seen a man defy this sort of thing in such a very long time. What Sinclair said, she can feel like her words had reached her heart to the very core, and that is if she does in fact have a heart inside of her chest still.

Sinclair then looks at the time, and spoke out.

"Geez, almost midnight. And I already wasted a lot of my energy in the chase we both had. See you both tomorrow morning, I guess."

Sinclair said, as he went up the stairs, and Zuri spoke out.

"Goodnight, brother!"


Sinclair said, as he goes to his room, and disappears. Desiree looked at the stairway that lead upstairs into Sinclair's room, as she then looks at Zuri, as she then spoke out.

"Hmm...your brother, he is a rather odd man, unlike the other ones that I have met before. They were far more greedy then this."

Zuri then spoke out.

"Well, we did use to have a lot of least, according to what my brother said to me...but well...let's say something happened in his life that forced him to take the real world seriously, and start from scratch in order to get money. Plus, he knows very well what abusing the talents that other people have is like, considering he had that happen to him. So he sets a pretty high standard to other people, even to the people that he does not completely trust."

Desiree now felt intrigued, as she spoke out.

"Really, what is your brother like?"

Zuri then spoke out.

"Well...too me, he is a very kind and caring brother. He tries to make me. Be a responsible person when I grow up, so that I can live my life in the future without him. But too other people...he is not exactly the trusting type, and admittedly, is very cold to them. The only time when someone gain his trust, is when he decides to finally trust them. Although...he admittedly does not trust females less compared to other males.

This made Desiree confused, as she spoke out.


Zuri then spoke out.

"I don't know. I think he said something about having a bad romance life with them. Tired 3 times or something, and...I guess that might have done something to him. I'm not sure. I could be wrong."

This made Desiree felt surprised, as she did not expect to have such an answer from Zuri. She did not know what to think of this.

'Is he really, like me? Is that why he does not want to have use of my own power?'

Desiree then crossed her arms under her chest, as she spoke out.

"I see. Well...has he given up on women yet?"

Zuri then shrugged as he spoke out.

"Well, I'm not sure. But if I were to believe, I'd that he is getting very close to giving up on them in a way. I'm not entirely sure if he still wants to go out with any girls at all. For all I know, he might have given up."

She puts her hands onto her cheek, as she then whispered to herself.

"I suppose this man and I are not so different after all."

This made Zuri confused, as he did not hear what she has said clearly.

"What did you say?"

Desiree then spoke out.

"Oh, it's nothing."

She waved of Zuri's confusion. Zuri then spoke out.

"By the way...want to use the wish that Sinclair said earlier, involving preventing food from being rotten and all that?"

Desiree looks down at Zuri, as she smiled a little bit at the younger brother.


Sinclair opens the door to his room, as he walked inside of it. He sees that his room is now a much more cleaner and much more better appearance then before, almost as if the house is still new, despite the fact that it is old and abandoned for quite sometime. Sinclair then spoke out.

"Well, at least the house is clean and repaired, even my room...but how in the world did my life end up coming to a point such as this?"

He shook his head, as he looks into a mirror that is on his dresser. He sees that he still looks the same, but he now has pink shackles on his wrists and neck, with chains going down to where Desiree is at. He then touched the wrist and neck, feeling the shackles, and despite the fact that they are made out of ectoplasm, it oddly feels like metal, almost like they are actually chains. Alright, he has tested the limitations of the chains, to see how far it goes. The answer, is no limit. It seems as though he is connected to her, regardless of the distance he's at.  

"Great, of course she would make the chains like this. I'm stuck with her for the rest of my life, can't break it. Guess that means she truly is gonna live in our house. I don't know how much I can last against her."

He looks down at the floor, and he remembered his previous girlfriend, all of whom were bad, as Sinclair shook his head.

"Okay, what am I doing thinking like this? Doubt that any woman would like me for who I am...though I wish it was the case. But that's never gonna happen for me. I'll just have myself for life."

He then takes off his clothes and puts on his pajamas, as he then puts his hands inside of his hoodie pockets. He looked tired and worn out, yet still determined to keep on going. He refuses to go down without his brother. Besides, he has a lot to do for him, before he can finally go on with his life.

He then takes out the covers from the bed, and he then goes into his bed, his head on the pillows. And surprisingly, or rather, not very surprisingly, he is now feeling much more comfortable inside of the bed, almost as comforting as when he is into the embrace of his since late mother. He really wishes that he can see her again, but he does not want to make such a selfish wish. After all, the dead are gone, they need to stay gone, for they deserve their rest from all the troubles that they had to go through.

He curled into his blanket and closed his eyes such, as he deeply feels a hurt in which he misses her and his father. He really does want them back in his life, but he has no idea what to say to them, or what they will think of him. For now, he has to move the life that he is in for now.

He feels his entire world go black, he feels it fading from him, and after what must have been a minute, he finally fell into the world of the dreaming, as all feelings on his body are gone from the sleep that he will have.

With Desiree...

The Genie Ghost is shown to be flying at the top of the building that Sinclair is in, as she looks at the night sky that is above her.

Desiree has a smile present onto her face, as she sees that Danny Phantom is not here to try and catch her this time, although it is only because she is now keeping a low profile on what she is doing. Although she will still make wishes to other people, she will then retreat back to the house in order to prevent Danny from finding her. Besides, she is too interested in that human, Sinclair, to even consider being caught by Danny.

As she looks around, she sees that there is a ghost pair that she had seen before, that she did not expect to see in the outside world.

Desiree looks at the both of them, and spoke out.

"Oh, these 2. Never thought that they would be out as well."

She knows of them. They are Johnny 13 and Kitty. They are a pair of Ghost Lovers of sort that hang out with one another, although the love between them is somewhat dysfunctional, with Kitty being overbearing and clingy, and Johnny 13 being loose and ogling at others. He recalls Johnny 13 looked at her once, and Kitty pulled him away roughly, so that he does not get any funny ideas on flirting with Desiree. She shook her head, recalling at that moment, and needless to say, Desiree did not have fond memories of Johnny 13 at all, despite the fact that she has not interacted with him almost never, only meeting a couple of times, and that is all they did.

She shook her head, as she decides to simply do what she always does, and she goes out to find more wishes to grant, and luckily for her, there is about a dozen of them. She goes around, and she began to grant as many wishes as she can, and each of them made her stronger then before, and even grew larger then before, although still not at giant sized as last time. Clearly, she doesn't know how my much she is able to grant until she gets to giant-size, but she does know that it is something that she is still willing to do. But it is not complete without the wish that Sinclair has. She can feel how strong and deep that wish is, and she is going to do whatever it takes in order to grant it when the times comes.

After a little while, Desiree was done for the night, as she goes back to the home that Sinclair and Zuri live in. Zuri had fallen asleep already, and Desiree chuckled, as she spoke out.

"Oh my, Sinclair is going to be so mad at what Zuri had done from before. I cannot wait to see the look on his face when he sees it."

As Desiree kept on flying away, all of a sudden, a portal to the ghost zone entered, and Desiree, seeing this, flies out of sight and gets behind a building, as she looks to see who has decided to come to the living world, hoping that it is not who she thinks it is. But sure enough, it is, as a tall white ghost appeared into the living world, and he does not look happy.

This is none other then Walker, a warden ghost of sorts that holds sway over a prison that he rules with an iron fist. He is a person that holds to his rules by an extent that can give anyone a headache of sorts. He seems to be looking for her, as he spoke out.

"Desiree, I know you are here somewhere."

This made Desiree fly away from Walker faster, as she does all that he can to make sure that Walker does not find her.

Walker looks around and tries to find her, as he then spoke out.

"Desiree will pay for that riot along with the other ghosts that went along with that ghost boy, as well as the rest of her allies. You will not escape from me that easily. I will find you, and you will pay for it."

Desiree, by her side, is able to gain enough distance so that she does not get caught by Walker. Obviously he still has not forgotten the prison riot from before, the rare time where he sides with Danny Phantom. She just hopes that she never has to side with him all of the time, for that is something that she would rather strike herself in the face for.

After a minute of flying, she lowers to the ground and hugs herself, before she spoke out.

"Walker...I should have known that he would come looking for me. You will not get me that easily."

She began to fly away, but as she does, a familiar voice spoke out.

"Desiree, what are you doing here?"

Desiree turns to see Kitty, along with Johnny 13, and Kitty does not look happy, as Desiree spoke out.

"Flying away. Walker has nearly found me on Earth. Hoped that he would never notice me."

This made Kitty flinch, reminding a close call involving Walker, as Johnny 13 then spoke out.

"Walker's here? Whelp, we better get moving. Come on, Kitty!!"

Kitty nodded, as she the. Goes onto Johnny's bike, and they ride away as fast as they could, with Desiree rolling her eyes.

"Show off."

She then flies back, as she then teleports in midair, in order to go back to Sinclair.

Next day...


Sinclair began to open his eyes, as he then looked around and see that he is still inside of his room. The sunlight being shown into his room, and he feels the drowsiness of his mind go away, as he feels much more refreshed then ever before.

"Well, at least this feels better then before. Bed's all nice."

As he then began to get up, a voice spoke out.

"Well, it seems you are awake, Sinclair."

This made Sinclair flinch, as he turned around to see that Desiree is here.

Desiree is now shown to be in the bed with Sinclair, as she looks almost seductively at him. Sinclair gasped in shock, as he fell down to the ground and hits his back against the floor, as he spoke out.

"Ghhh...see you for real?"

Desiree smiled, as she lifts Sinclair up, and spoke out.

"And you look...bigger then last time. Did you make more wishes while I was asleep?"

Desiree nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"But of course."

Sinclair rolled his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Of course. Well...I'm going to get something to eat."

Desiree smirked, as she turned invisible, and follows Sinclair, who then opens the fridge, and he looks inside to see what happened to the fridge, and needless to say, he is shocked at what he is seeing. The inside of the fridge now looks so much larger then before, like the inside of the fridge has become bigger on the outside, with all types of snacks and food that are inside of it, and being large enough to be a cold room. Sinclair's eyes twitched a little bit, seeing the sight before his very eyes, as he realizes what it is that Desiree and Zuri had done.

"Oh come on!!! Zuri!!!"

Desire giggled. He is going to be such fun.

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