Uninvited Visitor

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Sinclair sighed, as he looks to see that the fridge is now back to its mostly normal self, the inner dimension of the refrigerator is now at normal size, no longer looking like a cold storage room. He shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"Well, at least it is back to normal. I do not want to have the fridge as a cold storage area again."

He then turns to Zuri and spoke sternly to him in regard to what it is that he has done from before, clearly not happy with Zuri doing this behind his back, when he specifically told him not to do it.

"Zuri, I told you before, never do this sort of thing to the fridge. I allowed you to make the fridge keep the food from being spoiled, but I never allowed you to make the fridge have endless food inside it."

Zuri looked down at the ground, a very sad expression is on his face, as he spoke out.

"I-I'm sorry, big bro. I just couldn't help it."

Sinclair closed his eyes and took some deep breaths, calming his mind a little bit before he then decides to continue speaking.

"Just...just please, do not abuse wishes like that, okay? We are here to be responsible, not selfish and lazy. Otherwise, you'll never succeed in life when you don't need me anymore, or when I am not around anymore. So, for my sake, do not do something like this ever again, okay? Especially since our parents are very responsible people."

Zuri nodded his head, as he looks up at Sinclair, and spoke out.

"Okay, Sinclair."

Sinclair nodded his head and sighed and relief, as he spoke out.

"Good. At least you are able to see reason with me, little dude."

He sighed, as he spoke out.

"Anyway, sorry if I sound harsh. But I don't want to you to life in a life where you'll end up doing something that you will end up regretting. Especially in matters like this. Selfishness is not a good thing, Zuri, especially in how it can affect the people around you, even the ones that truly care about you."

Zuri looks at Sinclair and nodded, as he understands what he meant by that. Sinclair sighed, as he then looks at the time, and he then spoke out.

"Anyway, you need to get to school, little guy, you have only about half an hour until the bus comes. So I suggest you start getting ready now."

This made Zuri shocked, as he spoke out.


He then ran as fast as he can, as he got ready his lunch as quickly as possible. Sinclair smiled, as he then decided to help his brother get ready for school. He is able to cook some lunch for him, as well as get his school supplies ready, while Zuri got dressed and ate his breakfast, before he then went up and brushed his teeth, before he then goes down the stairs, and grabs his lunch box, before he then spoke out.

"Well, see ya, Zuri. And have a good time in your classes. And always be a good kid, okay?"

This made Zuri smile, as he then spoke out to his holder brother.

"Don't worry. I'll be good!! Just as you always told me to do!!"

Zuri went outside, as he then goes to the bus stop as fast as he can, in order to try and reach the school. Sinclair smiled, as he has his hands in his coat pockets, in which he then spoke out.

"The little guy always is a good kid."

As he said that, Desiree appeared beside him, and she looks a rather bit interested at Zuri. She did not expect for Sinclair to reverse most of the transformation of the fridge, nor did he expect Sinclair to be against something such as this. She wrapped her own arms under her chest, a concentrated look on her face, as she then spoke out to him.

"Hmmm...you really care that much for your brother, huh?"

Sinclair looks at Desiree with a stern look, as he spoke out to Desiree, his own arms crossed.

"I always have, Desiree. Even to this very, I never once gave up on my brother in making him become a good persons. Always trying my best to set up an example for him in order to become a good person, even if he does have some flaws that he really needs to work on. He's at least still getting there."

Desiree looks at Sinclair with interest, seeing how much he is devoted to his brother, far more then even she realizes, as she then spoke out to him.

"Well...if you are able to continue re-educating him into becoming the way that he is to this very day..."

She then grabs onto his hand, this time, Sinclair flinched, but bled himself together, as he looks at Desiree spoke out to him, a seductive smile is present onto her face, as she then spoke out to him

"I wonder how much it when taker for you to do the same for me in what I am able to do~."

This made Sinclair shocked and embarrassed, but he asks seems repulsed, as he then spoke out.

"Desiree...do not even dare think about it, okay?"

But Desiree cannot help but feel interested in what it is that Sinclair would do to her. He then looks up at the time, as he then spoke out.

"Okay...now I really need to go to my job...and I'm guessing that you are coming with me, right?"

Desiree smiled, as he puts her hands onto the side of her head, as she spoke out.

"Well, you know of me, Sinclair. I will never stop following you, for I am the one that acts as your shadow, no matter where you go."

Sinclair nodded, and he sighed a little bit, almost as if aggravated, as he then spoke out.

"Fine, you can come...but do not let yourself be seen, and do not touch anything, nor be touched. Just invisible, no matter what."

Desire shrugged her shoulders and spoke out.

"Well, I suppose that is fair."

Sinclair lowered his head, his eyes closed, before he then decided going outside.

Desiree smiled at Sinclair, as she then turned into a green mist form, and follows Sinclair, as she then turned invisible to all, except for Sinclair, who is able to sense her, due to the fact that he can feel the bond that he has to her from any distance. He narrowed his eyes, as he felt himself feeling a little uncomfortable by this, by what Desiree is feeling. He can feel that she is very...wanting...of him. Almost as if she is possessive of him for reasons that he can guess in what it is that she is being possessive of him for. He shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"Do not think of that, Sinclair. It is very stupid of you to think of such a thought like that. I'm not gonna say what i deeply wish for yet, especially not now."

As he said that, Desiree smirked, sensing what he is thinking, as she then whispered to herself on what Desiree is saying.

"It is only a matter of time before you give in and tell me what it is that you deeply desire the most in your mind."

Sinclair felt a shiver, as he then shook his head, before he then goes to a different bus stop, one that is from a different place then the one that Zuri is going to. Sinclair then goes on the bus, as Desiree also went on, unseen by everyone, as Zuri then goes to a seat, and sits near a window. He sits there, as the bus moves, and he looks outside of the window, seeing all of the buildings passing by at such fasts speed. Sinclair closed his eyes, as Desiree floats next to him, and luckily, there is no one sitting beside him, so Desiree will not be spot and felt by anyone that takes a seat, so she can get a good look at Sinclair.

Although she has only seen Sinclair's expression as being gruff and stern, especially to her, she has never seen his expression when he is much more calmer. And what she is seeing, he looks very handsome, much more handsome then the sultan that she used to be with, before being banished. And he looks slightly younger then her younger appearance, but still seems almost as old as her former younger self. And as soon as the bus stopped, Sinclair, seeing that it is the right location, immediately gets up, and goes outside, as Desiree follows him out of the bus.

"Well, so far so good. No one getting on my-"

But as he spoke out, a voice then spoke out to him.

"Heya, handsome."

This made Sinclair flinch, as he then spoke out.

"Are you for real?"

Then, all of a sudden, another female came into his field of vision, having blond hair and brown eyes with a rather pretty face, although not as pretty is the face and figure that Desiree has.

"Claire. What are you doing here?"

This made her smile a little bit, as she spoke out.

"What, am I not allowed to see my former boyfriend?"

Sinclair then spoke out.

"You mean the former boyfriend you used as a slave and is unfaithful to with another dude, yeah. I've already got something important to do. You are not worth my time."

He tries to walk away, but Claire grabbed onto his arm and spoke out.

"Oh come on, Sinclair. That other guy was a jerk. Did not fit the type that I had hoped he would fit in. But you do. So come on, let's get back together agai-"

But before she could finish, all of a sudden, a large green fist came out of nowhere and slammed her into a wall, catching her by surprise, and hurting her a little bit. When that happened, she looks and tries to see what happened...but she sees nothing. And too make matters worse for her, Sinclair is nowhere to be found. He just suddenly vanished.

"Huh? Sinclair, where did you go?!"

Claire then began to look around, and tries to find where he is. But unbeknownst to her, Sinclair is invisible, due to Desiree hugging him from behind, one of her hands over her mouth, while another hand wrapped around his chest, holding him close. But it made Sinclair feel weird, as he felt something soft on his back. He has no idea how else to describe the strange feeling that he is experiencing now.

After Claire ran elsewhere in order to try and find him, Desiree let's him go, and he hugged himself, as he spoke out.

"Okay, that felt weird. But...thanks for that, Desiree."

Desiree smiled at what it is that Sinclair said to her, as deep down, she felt mad at the fact that the woman, Claire, she tried to take away Sinclair, even though she would know the answer in that she would not be getting him back after what it is that she had done to him before. Even though she is not fond of males, Sinclair is a unique exception to the rule, and even she does not like any form of cheating.

"Well, it is a pleasure to do it for you."

Sinclair nodded his head, as he then goes to the place that he is deciding to go to, which is a type of restaurant of some sort. He enters into the place, and goes to see one of his coworkers.

"Oh, there you are, Sinclair. You almost arrived late."

Sinclair spoke out.

"Sorry about that. Had a run in with an ex of mine."

The worker nodded.

"Ahh, I see. Yeah, was not that fond of her due to what you told me about her. Well, anyway, don't keep the customers waiting."

Sinclair nodded, as he grabs onto a note and a pen, in order to take some orders from some customers that are gonna be eating at this place, as he starts going out. Of course, he also works as a person that cleans the tables after the restaurant is done serving the food to the customers that eat at this place. Although, Sinclair's position is that he stays for the lunch part of the restaurant, and after that, he would be able to leave and return home to do his own business, such as waiting for his brother to be done with school.

Anyways, Sinclair is shown to be walking around with the notepad in his hand, as he then goes from customer to customer, as he spoke out to them.

"Hello, you know what you want to eat here?"

The person will speak of their order, and Sinclair will inform the cooks what the order is, so that they can make what the food is. And needless to say, Sinclair is very good at the job that he is in right now. He listens very carefully, makes sure not to miss any details, and will do his best to not make any sort of Errors in the orders that he is writing down. He goes around from place to place in the restaurant, as Desiree is watching what Sinclair is doing, following him wherever he goes, and interested to see how he is able to do something such as this, and the fact that he does not get stressed at this is rather amazing. He almost seems to be calm, no matter what he does, and he can even keep his cool to any rude customers. He does this for an entire couple of hours, and after that, he stopped to take a break from the job that he has since done.

As he did, he sighed and spoke out.

"Geez, this is very tiring for me."

He rubbed his head, and when he did that, Desiree then whispered to him.

"So, is this what you do for a living?"

He sighed and spoke out.

"Yeah. Only part of the job that I am good in. Always taking orders and listening to the customers in what they want. The restaurant have people like, but they work at different times. Never was a person for the middle of the day. So I decided to be the one to do it. And so far, been doing well ever since it's been a single year."

Desiree nodded, as she then went behind and looked around, as she looks to see some female customers looking at Sinclair, at least the ones that seems to be of his age or a couple years older then him. Not that surprising, considering that Sinclair has a handsome appearance and seems to have a very good appearance to have. Even Desiree cannot help but be affected by this. The only thing that stopped it from completely working is Sinclair's distrustful attitude, and the fact that he always distances himself from other people at times, due to the fact that he doesn't like to get along.

As soon as the lunch part of the restaurant is over, he then starts to go and clean up the tables. He gets a cloth and starts to wipe the stains off of the tables, at least when it involves the drinks or any liquids that are spilled. Although, luckily, he is not alone, as there are other people in there with him that is able to help him do this. After he was finished, he held his head, and spoke out.

"Well, at least that is over."

One of the cleaners spoke out to Sinclair.

"Yeah, you said it. So many and it is very tiring for all of us. You're always a better cleaner then us, Sinclair, especially since it has been about a year since you are doing it."

Sinclair nodded, as he held his head, and rubbed his face. As he said that, all of a sudden...in the kitchen, a pot filled with some curry began to bubble up, despite the fact that the stove is not on.

"Huh, what's going on?"

A chef said, as Sinclair then looks and spoke out.

"Don't tell me that a ghost is doing this?"

Then, as if on cue, the curry shot out and turned in unnatural ways, as the chef and coworkers began to run, and various amounts of other food began to float and move as well. Desiree knows only one person that can do this, and so does Sinclair, who also knows who this belongs to. Then, a ghost suddenly appeared from within the kitchen, wearing what seems to be a school lunch uniform.

Sinclair, looking annoyed, spoke out.

"Oh for goodness sake. First my house, then the restaurant that I am living in? Don't you ever give up."

The Lunch Lady, looking at Sinclair, spoke out.

"Oh hello, dear. Would you like to have, A MENU OF PAIN?!"

She fired food at Sinclair, who dodged them, before he grabbed onto a ladle, and hits her in the head with it, and surprisingly, it hurts her a lot.

"OUCH!! What the-"

But Sinclair then shouted out.


He continued to hit her with a ladle and her pan, causing a lot of pain to her, before she spoke out.

"Ow!! Okay I'll-AGH!! Leave, just stop!!!

But Sinclair did not stop, and finally forced the Launch Lady to leave, as he held his head.

"Darn it all!"

He breathed heavily, as the cleans and chefs looked and saw that the entire place is a mess, but the ghost is gone, as the chef spoke out.

"Is the ghost gone?"

Sinclair looks at the group and nodded.

"Yeah, had to beat her away. She is so annoying."

The people working here smiled in relief, as Desiree is surprised that he is able to force the ghost to leave, all by himself, without a hint of fear, with only her being an example, in which he reacted with aggression instead.

"Well, that is good. Never really liked ghosts that invade our place and cause problems instead of being good and simple people. Kinda wish that there is a good ghost."

Sinclair said nothing about this, as he then spoke out.

"Well, anyways, who's gonna clean the mess right here? I'm no janitor, ya know."

Then, one of the cleaners beside the chef, spoke out.

"I got it. I'm a janitor myself before working here. So I'll take care it."

Sinclair nodded his head, as he then goes to the door and goes out of the restaurant, which is somewhat a mess, but is still in an intact condition, as Desiree spoke out.

"Impressive. Usually humans run from ghosts, and even from weaker ones like her. But you faced her without problem and forced her to go away."

Sinclair then spoke out.

"Mainly because this is not the first time I ever had to encounter this insane ghost."

This made Desiree confused, as she spoke out.

"What do you mean by that? Are you saying that you have met her before?"

Sinclair nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, the last time that I met her is when she invaded my house. Had to force her into a blender in order to hurt her enough to go away, since her body ain't truly that solid, and had to force her to go away. Nearly scared my brother out of his entire mind from back then. It is just so annoying that I had to deal with someone as insane as her.

Desiree smirked a little bit, thinking that it is somewhat funny that this is has happened to Sinclair. He continues to walk around, until he reaches the house, and he goes into it. But before he can get inside of the house, a net suddenly appeared beneath Sinclair. Luckily, he jumped out of the way, as he spoke out.

"What the?! Where did that come from?! Oi, who's in my house?!"

Then, the lights shined, and revealed that there are some people that decided to invade his house for some reason.

"Hey, what do you think that you are doing inside of my house?! Who even are you people?!"

The 2 White suited guys looked at Sinclair and spoke out.

"About time you arrive. We've been waiting for you."

This made Sinclair frustrated, as he spoke out.

"Waiting for me for what?! You people are not welcome here!! Heck, I don't even know why you are here in the first place!!"

The both of them looked at Sinclair, as they spoke out.

"Oh, we'll explain...when we take you to Headquarters. K?"

One of the guys, named K, spoke out.

"Got it, O?"

He then threw something...and all of a sudden...gas began to fill the place. Sinclair, not wanting to know what it is, immediately ran out of the door, as he went through the other side. He felt himself getting sleepy, as he realizes what that is.

"Knockout gas. Shoot!"

He stood up, and looked to see that they have guns that have a ghostly green glow on them, as Sinclair jumped up. He held his hands up, and spoke out.

"Dang it. You people are with the ghosts, aren't you?"

K did not appreciate the response, and tries to punch him, only for Sinclair to grab his fist, before getting knees in the stomach, as he spoke out.

"Don't accuse us of that, especially since you are an ally of one yourself. You'll be in for some painful experiences."

Sinclair stood up, and rubbed his torso, as he spoke out.

"Try me."

K raised a ghost gun of sorts and fired rays of energy at Sinclair. But Desiree, who is watching, grabbed Sinclair and made him intangible, dragging him down beneath the ground. This made both K and O surprised, as Sinclair rose up, and Desiree spoke out.

"I do not like it when people decide to interrupt my routine."

This made K shout out.

"There you are! You're coming with us!!"

This made Desiree smile, as she spoke out.

"Quite wrong. In fact...the only one that is going anywhere...is you both."

Desiree extends her hand out in order to try and grab onto the operatives.

But the operatives made a cube appear in their hands, which made a blue shield appear, which stopped Desiree from attacking, as well as shock her. But as soon as the shield is down, all of a sudden, Sinclair came out of nowhere and struck K hard in the head, disorientating him. O turns his ghost gun towards Sinclair, ready to shoot him and hurt him badly.

Desiree, on the other hand, does not appreciate this, as she spoke out.

"I don't think so!"

Her right hand glowed, as she then extended her hand and grabbed onto O, as she then slammed him down into the ground painfully, making him let go of the gun, with the portable shield also having been dropped to the floor. Sinclair picks them up, and he spoke out.

"Desiree...I wish for those 2 idiots to be returned to where they belong, with no memory of this experience! That includes anyone that they are allied with!"

Desiree smiled at this, as she spoke out to him.

"So you have wished it! So it shall be!!"

She then made green mist appear, as the agents for covered by the wish that Desiree will do, as they feel their memories beginning to fade, and somewhere else...the other people that they are with are also having their memories fade. The green mist is then gone, as Sinclair looks at the spot, with Sinclair spoke out.

"Thank goodness. Those guys were clearly not good people. Who even are they?"

Desiree looks at Sinclair and spoke out.

"I have heard of them. One of my enemies told me about then. They are supposed to be a group that hates ghosts, regardless if they are good or not, and wants to despite them. They are working with some people and have items meant to fight and kill them."

Sinclair narrowed his eyes.

"And somehow...they know of me...which is not good at all."

He then goes to the weapon and the objects that are on the ground, as he picked them up, outing the cube in his pocket, and the gun held in one of his hands.

"You know what...I'll keep them. Might need them in case I ever see these guys again, or if I am attacked."

He then looked down at it, before he then goes inside of the house, and seeing that nobody is inside of his house...goes up the stairs, and looks at a backpack that is inside of his room, and then...an idea came to mind.

"Hey, Desiree...mind making me a wish that I can use, so that it will be of great importance to me on the future.

Desiree looks at the backpack, and smiled, as she realizes what Sinclair is going to wish for next. Perhaps Sinclair will be far more of a greater part her existence all. How interesting he is to her.

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