Paradigm Advice

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I looked at Jackie, as he narrated the story. The fire glittered on his sombre face, Jackie was starting at the fire, Jackie puts down the nose on the whiskey, and he looked at me and conversed, "That was the account narrated by the people here, I haven't seen the devil, but I have seen the tattered corpses of the people and animals, who were the victims of this devil." I replied, "That's sad, I understand your feeling, but there would be something to curtail this devil." Jackie answered, "We have tried everything, but there is nothing we could do as of now." I heard the clattering sounds on the table, the servants came in with dishes for the dinner. We got up and have our dinner, and later after dinner, I went to my room pondering over the narrative of Jackie, which was obnoxious. I got up at six o'clock, after getting refreshed, I sat on the floor doing Yoga.

Yoga is meditation, where we sit on the floor upright, and close our eyes, sitting silently and meditating to God. This makes the person tranquil and resurges the mind and soul. After meditation, I pulled over fresh clothes, I leaned over the windowsill looking at the reddish sun rising slowly. After a while, I thought of the Saint, he wakes up before the dawn breaks for Yoga and Offering Prayers to God.

I rang him, the Saint was glad to hear from me after a long time, I told him everything about Jackie's horrific account, and the Saint too confirmed that he knew about it. The Saint was Omniscient, so he conversed to me that I was the one who could face that monster. My fingers went numb, I thought that my cell phone will fall from my hands, I was totally shocked listening to it, and there was a long silence on call.

The Saint broke the ice and said, "Don't worry lad, perhaps God has its own way to solve the issue. You are the one who can face the devil." I replied, "I had never faced any monster in my life, and the last time the spirit, I encountered was of my love." I heard the Saint's smile and he replied, "I know you had faced many adversities in life, and this will be your strength." The Saint told me to unveil the secret about myself to my friend, and he build the confidence in me, and I thanked the Saint. I sat on the rocking chair facing the window glaring at the lighted sky. I looked at my bag resting on the cabinet adjacent to the bed, I got up and unzipped the pouch at the corner of my bag.

I held the Holy Slingshot in my hand, and as soon as I held it, I felt a new wave of energy gushing all over my body, perhaps this was Godly Powers surging in me with full might. I held it on my forehead, and the Saint was right, I can do it, sometimes you need perseverance to get through the darkest hour of your life. I decided to talk to Jackie about it, the Saint had advised me to consume vegan meals, the day when I go for the mission, I decided to obey him. I met Jackie at the dining table, and after our breakfast. I unveiled to Jackie about my meeting with Saint, Karma and Ashoka, and all the account which happened to me. Jackie was astonished, but he knew that, I would never crack jokes on serious subjects unlike our other friends.

I showed him the Slingshot which I possess. I told Jackie that, I will face the devil on my own, at first, he was reluctant, but l convinced him that this would be good for the villagers, and he accepted it.

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