Drunk Cas is Fun Cas

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Set in AU

Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak were roommates in Lawrence University, a college in, obviously, Lawrence Kansas.

The two boys were quite different, but they became fast friends. Castiel was more of an academic student, prone to spending long hours hunched over his desk and reading textbooks. Dean was an athlete, and the school working its football team long hours everyday. 

It all worked out though, because whenever Dean would show up at the dorm late after practice, Cas would take it as his cue to shut the books and lead to bed.

There was the occasional time though, that Dean would walk in the room and find Cas passed out over his books, and he'd just roll his eyes, bookmark Cas's page, and shove the hopeless little bookworm onto his bed. They never spoke about those occasions, and Dean didn't even know if Cas ever remembered them.

The boys were mutual friends with some people, namely, Charlie, Benny, Jo, and Ash, and the group decided to all go out one night for a bit of fun.

A bit of fun that ended with Cas getting completely wasted.


"This wine is weird," Jo crinkles her nose. "Here, try this." She shoved the glass at Dean, who took a sip and recoiled at the bitter taste.

"That's nasty, Jo, how do you drink this!?" He questioned, handing the glass to Charlie.

"It's an acquired taste." Charlie insisted, swirling the glass and tasting the wine. "This one's not bad. Here, Cas, try it." Cas hesitantly took the glass, and sipped it.

"Not bad." He echoed.

"Keep it then, I'm getting a Daiquiri." Jo declared. 

And so Cas drank the rest of the glass, and then refilled it from the bottle.

And then he finished the bottle.

The others had a sample of various liquors lined up, and sampled them all.

"Whisky's good." Dean offered, drinking the amber liquid. "Cas, wanna try?" 

"Sure." Cas, unfamiliar with hard liquors, downed the glass.

"Bad idea!" Dean warned, but it was too late.

"Aah!" Cas sputtered. "It BURNS!"

"Yeah, it'll do that."

"Tequila's.....odd." Charlie commented.

"Tequila makes her clothes fall off," Jo sang, refilling Charlie's glass with the clear alcohol.

The group went around, laughing and drinking, dancing and mingling for hours, and Dean was pretty sure that every time he saw Cas, there was a different drink in his friend's hand, until eventually, Cas stumbled into him, tripping over his own feet.

"Woah, Cas, you okay?" Dean asked. Cas giggled.

"yep!" He slurred. "Imma- I'm okay. Jus a lil.....jus a lil....."

"Drunk?" Dean guessed.

"Oh yeah." Cas nodded. He smiled at Dean. " 'As anybody ever told you dat you has real pretty eyes?"


"Well you do." Cas laughed. "Pretty eyes, an' pretty thighs." He burst out into a fit of giggling. "THat rhymes!"

"Okay, we should get you back to the dorm." Cas hiccuped and smiled at Dean.

"You can take me back anywhere you'd like, Mr. Pretty Thighs." He tried to wink and failed and Dean stared at his friend.

"Okay, yeah, you need to go home." He nodded in confirmation. He wrapped an arm around Cas's waist to steady him, and Cas inhaled a gasp.

"Oooooh, yer a fast man, aren't you?"

"Oh my god, you're so drunk."

"I'm not drunk- you're jus not cool enough."

"That didn't make sense."

"Yes it did! Cuz you can't be cool an' hot at the same time! Dat ain't fair. So, I know yer hot, so you can't be cool. Make sense?"

"Uh.....Sure, buddy." 

After somehow gathering up the rest of his friends, Dean drove them back to the dorms, and after Charlie, Jo, Benny, and Ash safely stumbled back to their rooms, Dean and Cas headed back to their own, where Cas promptly flopped down on his bed.

"Cas," Dean nudged him.

"Nooooooo," Cas whined, putting his pillow over his head.

"Cas, you need to drink some water."

"I don't WANNA drink WATER!" Cas crowed like a stubborn child.

"You'll thank me in the morning, buddy, come on." Cas whined, but he sat up and drank the water Dean gave him.

"I wanna sleep." Cas whimpered.

"You should eat something." Dean advised. Sure, Cas would probably end up throwing it up later, but it was better then waking up with an empty booze filled stomach.

"I don't WANNA eat," Cas whined, the child voice back into play.

"What if I make you some ramen?" Dean offered. "You love Ramen." Cas did, in fact, have an unhealthy obsessing with eating Ramen noodles. 

But now, Cas looked over and scowled at Dean.

"I HATE ramen." He declared fiercely. Dean tried not to gasp. Alcohol really changed a person.

Dean rummaged around the dorm room, and found some leftover pizza in the fridge.

"Want some pizza?" He asked. Cas nodded, looking sleepy. He ate half a slice before curling up in a ball and falling asleep.

Dean rolled his eyes and threw a blanket over Cas, and then promptly went and ate the rest of the pizza.


Dean woke up the next morning to a long, drawn out, pained groan. 

"Morning Cas," He smiled. Cas groaned again in response, buried under his pillow and a blanket.

"Never let me drink again." He whined. Dean laughed.

"Oh come on, don't you want to hear about all the crazy stuff you did." Cas peered out from under his pillow, his eyes wide.

"Oh dear god, what did I say?"

"Well, you spent a good hour calling me Mr. Pretty Thighs because you said I had pretty eyes and pretty thighs." Cas turned the color of a stop sign and shoved the pillow over his head.

"Fuck me." His muffled swear yelled out a moment later.

"I would've but you were drunk," Dean offered. 

"Wait what?" Cas lifted the pillow.

"Wait what?" Dean repeated, surprised at his own confession. The boys stared at each other.

"........Shit, we're gay, aren't we?" Cas asked.

"Yeah, we're a little gay." Dean confirmed. 

"You do have really sexy thighs."

"That is the weirdest compliment I have ever gotten."


"OH, and you also said you hated Ramen." Cas gasped, like he'd committed a fatal sin.

"But I love Ramen!" He insisted.

"I know."

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