It's Season 16 and Somebody's Coming Out Of The Closet

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It was the last day of filming for Season 16 of Supernatural.

They were shooting the season finale today, and the fans were buzzing like bees, speculating if this would be the season where their dreams would come true and Destiel would happen.

Misha thought there was a perfect opportunity for it to happen too. At the end of the episode, there was a small scene between just Dean and Cas, some emotional sob stuff that would make the fangirls cry. It was the perfect moment for a Destiel kiss, in Misha's opinion. But he knew better then to try anything- Jensen would lose it.


There were thousands of Destiel fans, Misha knew, and he also knew half of those fans also shipped Cockles, the ship between him and Jensen. Now, Misha wasn't a huge fan of Cockles, but he accepted and embraced it because why the fuck not, have you SEEN Jensen Ackles?

Fans were just as desperate for Cockles to be confirmed as Destiel. But the only thing stopping the eldest Winchester from being with his angel was the stubborn handsome man known as Jensen Ackles.

But through the idea of Cockles being confirmed, Misha got an idea on how to sail his OTP.

It started with getting ahold of Jensen's phone, which, with a little help from Jared, was easily accomplished. Misha opened up Jensen's Twitter and wrote out a tweet, not yet posting it. He then waited in Jensen's trailer until he walked through the door.

"Hey Misha," Jensen offered, still dressed in Dean Winchester's signature flannel. "....Wait why do you have my phone?" Fear spiked through the actor. With all the pranks that went on on the set, it was natural for Jensen to be concerned when someone had his phone.

"It's season 16, Jensen," Misha complained, getting to his feet. "The Destiel shippers aren't going to stay nice much longer." 

"Misha, come on, we've talked about this," Jensen complained.

"Cockles fans are getting a little impatient too."

"Okay, ew."

"Let me level with you, Ackles." Misha shoved the phone at him, open to the imposing potential tweet. "It's season 16, and somebody's coming out of the closet- either Dean, or YOU."

Jensen's eyes widened.

"I could deny that the second after you post it." He insisted.

"But then the fandom would have the proof it needs, and you KNOW they'll never let you live it down."

"Are you seriously blackmailing me to get Destiel to happen?"

"A fangirl's gotta do what a fangirl's gotta do."

"Did you seriously just call yourself a fangirl?"

"Quit changing the subject. We're going to shoot that scene between Cas and Dean today, and either they get together or the tweet happens." Jensen eyed the phone warily. Misha would post it without a second thought. He knew he would. But the price of avoiding the post would be going against everything he'd ever said about Destiel.

"What exactly would I have to do?" He asked. Misha shrugged.

"I think a kiss would suffice to break the internet as we know it."

"I don't wanna kiss you."

"Oh, well then I guess you want the whole world to know that you're a closet gay and-"

"OKAY OKAY, I'll do it! Just give me the phone back." Misha tucked the device in his pocket.

"After the scene, mister." He insisted.


And so they went and filmed the scene, and Jensen swallowed his pride and went in for a kiss. But Misha, being Destiel shipper #1, decided that a little peck wasn't good enough. He grabbed Jensen by the collar and kissed him hard enough to shatter the sexual tension that had been building up for twelve freaking seasons.

The crew's jaws dropped.

They had to do the shot again, to Jensen's dismay, because of the bloodcurdling scream that Jared unleashed.

And then again, because Misha decided to take a page out of Mark Sheppard's book and take a picture of the kiss on his phone.

Finally, they got it, and Jensen stormed off the set, fuming, but the cast and crew cheered, just as happy as Misha to be rid of the stupid tension between Dean and Cas.

Seeing as J2M LOVES to spoil the season, Misha sent out a single tweet after giving Jensen back his phone.

"Destiel Confirmed, Mishamigos." He declared, attaching the picture of him and Jensen kissing.

The fandom didn't truly believe him at first. They'd had false alarms complete with great photoshop before. But when the season finale aired, and the kiss happened before their very eyes, the fandom exploded.

Tumblr crashed and burned from the amount of gifs that were posted.

Wayward Winchester cried.

Jared dyed his hair rainbow colored and screamed Destiel from a rooftop.

And those six people that hate Destiel because it's a gay ship burned on the ceiling because the sheer power of the fangirls out-powered Azazel. 

And by the time he got the script for season 17, even Misha Collins was blinking at the fans and going "What have I done."

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