That Night

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Also you should totally watch the video, it's AMAZING.

Set right after the events of 14x14, Ouroboros.

It was over.

Just like that.

Michael, dead and gone. Jack, back at full power. Sam, Dean, Cas, Jack, and Rowena, all alive and okay.

The world wasn't ending. It was over.

The relief at that made them sink to the floor. The relief at Jack's words "Michael is dead." It was almost too much.

Dean sat on the floor, too stunned to speak. He stared up at the bunker's ceiling, the image of Michael disappearing still playing in his head.

"He's gone," Cas whispered. Sam stumbled to his feet, shocked. What even were they supposed to do now? Michael was just.... dead. Sam rushed over, pulling Jack close and hugging him tightly, none of them having any words. Rowena just watched on, surprised and stunned.

"He's gone," Cas repeated, his voice breaking. He dropped down beside Dean and did the last thing the hunter expected him to. He started crying.

"He's gone," Dean echoed. He held onto Cas, relief coursing through him as tears ran down the angel's face. Cas grabbed at him, desperately kissing Dean, as if to reassure himself.

"You're okay," Cas breathed, no words to express the relief. The joy that Michael was gone, that it was just Dean in his head now, that Dean was okay, that they were all okay. Cas stifled a laugh and frantically kissed Dean again. He just had to. There was no other way to show how relieved he was.

But eventually, the euphoria wore off, and the Winchesters had to focus on other things. Michael's death hadn't come without a cost. There was always a cost, and this time it had been the deaths of all the other hunters in the bunker. The boys set the bodies aside in one room. It was late. They would make a fire and give everyone a proper hunter funeral tomorrow, when Mary arrived.

But for now, the boys went their separate ways in the bunker for the night, to regroup tomorrow. No one was quite ready to go to sleep though.


Jack sat cross-legged on his bed, a container with his new snake sitting before him. 

It felt good to have his powers back, like he was finally whole again. And he had killed Michael! That was the single most awesome thing he had done in his whole life! And he had called himself a Winchester, and neither Sam nor Dean had corrected him.

That felt good.

Jack fiddled with his powers, getting reacquainted with them. It was like riding a bike- you never really forgot how to use them. Jack picked up his snake using the powers, grinning before taking the serpent in his hand. The snake wrapped around his hand, and Jack's smile widened.

"Hello Felix," He offered. He was glad his dads had let him keep the snake. The demigod they had fought was evil, yes, but the snake was innocent. And it was fun to have a pet.

For once, Jack thought, nearly everything was good. The back of his mind reminded him of Castiel's deal with the Empty, but he shoved those thoughts away. Michael was dead. Tonight was a night of celebration, not one to think about anyone's impending doom.


Dean and Cas had a similar mindset to Jack's.

Well, sort of.

They weren't playing with powers and snakes, but they were definitely on a bed.

Cas pressed another kiss to Dean's lips, unable to stop. It had just been so long since nothing had been threatening them, it was a great feeling to not have anything to worry about.

Dean greatly agreed, wrapping his arms around the angel as Cas kept him pinned to the bed. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Michael had put so much strain on his mind, so much stress. But he could finally let his guard down again for once. Just for a little while, anyways. He could relax, and focus on Cas.

Because right now, Cas had his full attention.


Sam was not happy as Dean, Cas, and Jack were at the moment.

He was relieved, insanely relieved, that Michael was dead and gone. But at the same time, hunters were dead. Their friends were dead.

Maggie was dead.

And even though Sam had only known her for a short time, that still stung. The loss of anyone stung.

So Sam was sitting in the bunker's kitchen, a bottle of whiskey and an empty glass before him. He flipped Maggie's phone around in his hands, not knowing what else to do.

She hadn't deserved to die. None of the hunters had. Sam knew it wasn't his fault that they had died- it was Michael's. But that didn't stop their deaths from hurting. These were people that Sam knew. He had tried his best to teach them, to lead them, and just like that, they were all gone now.

He glanced up at the sound of footsteps, and Rowena stepped into the kitchen.

"I thought I heard the sound of a depressed Winchester," She commented. Sam sighed and set down Maggie's phone.

"I'm not depressed." He retorted. Rowena shrugged and grabbed a glass.

"It's still better than some of the others sounds I've been hearing." She grimaced and poured herself a drink. "Tell your brother to invest in a soundproofing spell, for everyone's sake." Sam smirked.

"That's Dean," Rowena poured him a drink.

"You're beating yourself up over those dead hunters, aren't you?" She assumed. 

"A little," Sam admitted, taking a sip of his drink.

"Well stop it." The witch ordered. "There'll be plenty of time to mourn tomorrow at their funerals." Sam stared and she sighed. "You Winchesters and your grief, honestly. They're dead, dearie. Might as well move on. Give them a toast, don't spend a week moping about."

"You make it sound so easy."

"Sometimes it is," Rowena's smirk faded. "And other times you can never seem to let the grief go." Sam downed his drink.

"Yeah," He commented. "I know how that one feels."

"....Is Gabriel one of those?" She asked. He winced at the name.

"Gabriel..." He sighed. "Gabriel is complicated."

"He did care about you a great deal, you know," The witch insisted. 

"Aren't you the one who screwed him in the library?" Sam reminded her.

"Yes, and the first thing he said to me was that you could never know because he didn't want to risk hurting you." Sam paused. "Poor angel loved you, Samuel, whether you knew it or not."

Sam poured another drink.

"Like I said," He offered. "Gabriel is complicated." Rowena shook her head.

"Well, forget about it. Tonight is not a time to wallow in grief, now is it? Michael is dead! We should be celebrating." She held up her glass. "To your hunter friends, Dearie. What was that little one's name? The one you liked."

"Maggie." Sam said, clinking his glass with hers.

"To Maggie, then."

"To Maggie." They downed the drinks.

Maybe Rowena had a point, Sam thought. Maybe he should just let the grief go instead of focusing on it. Move on. Michael was dead, after all.

Maybe they could all just be happy for a while.

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