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"Jungkook?" I turned towards the door where Jimin hyung was standing. "I will wait for you in the car. Come when you are done" I nodded my head and got back to get ready. We came back yesterday from the trip. As soon as we came, we resumed our work. Today we are shooting for BTS run episode. They told me we will be going to some game place. we have a place where we usually hang out.

Others left before us. I got delayed cause I have to do the recording for our upcoming album. Jimin hyung share the car with me so he is waiting for me too. I changed in to the clothes which stylist gave me and went downstairs. "Sorry for the late" I apologized as I got in. "No problem" Jimin hyung said and we started driving to the location. We listened to the songs and talked through out the ride.

"Everyone come, Jungkook and Jimin is here" director called us all to tell us the concept and script. "These are the scripts" he handed us the scripts. "You can go and read it" he checked the time. "We have fifteen minutes before starting" we all walked back to sit and read the scripts. Mostly we do things on our own but we have a basic script for it.

We were playing games when they mentioned one of the games is basketball. We all went to machine we usually hang out at. "Hyung I will beat your record today" I told V hyung who was the last winner. "I won't let you" he teased me back and others laughed at us. "Huh?" Jin hyung looked confused. "Who is this?" we looked at the score board and saw something shocking. "Why does we have Y/n name on the board?"

"Oh that" Jimin hyung answered startled. "I came here with her once" I could see he is lying. We have been living together for years now. I can tell when he lies. "She seems good at it" Suga hyung commented snapping me out of my thoughts. "But I can beat her" V hyung pouted. "We will see today" with that we resumed back to work.

"Thanks for today" I bowed to the staff. "You worked hard" we shouted to each other thanking staff. "You can hang out here if you want. You don't have any schedules after this" our manager informed us. "I will stay for a while" I told them heading towards the computers. I logged in to the overwatch game. I entered in to my last saved game and put the headphones on. "What the -" I trailed off when I saw the screen.

Jungkook girlfriend

How can someone enter my personal server? I didn't share this with anyone. I only have my celeb friends in this group. But it seems none of them had logged in to it. Who would log in to it? could it be Y/n? then why would she chose this name? "Hyung?" I called Jimin hyung who was staying along with Tae hyung and Jin hyung. "Yes kookie?"

"Did you play overwatch too when you came with Y/n?" his eyes widened at my comment. "No, I didn't play it" I bit my lip to stop myself to ask anything more. I know he is hiding something from me but I don't want to force him to tell me. I clearly remember the conversation that night.


I was coming back from the party to my room. But I stopped walking when I heard my name. "You should tell Jungkook" I walked towards the room and stood by the door. "How can I tell him? you know what will happen if I tell him" I frowned. I know it was Y/n. "But ahjumma said you can tell him right?" what are they talking about? I peeked through the door gap and saw them all worked up. "But I don't know it for sure"

"Y/n, I know how much you love him. I don't want you to lose him and regret later" my eyes widened when he said that. She loves me? "I know but I need to make sure he will be safe before I tell him anything" she smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. "Just know he will be happy when he remembers everything"

I walked away when I saw Jimin hyung was coming out. I stood by the corner and waited till Jimin hyung left. I looked at the Y/n room and saw her talking to herself.

Will you ever remember me Jungkook?

End of flashback

What could be the thing that I am forgetting. I kept remembering things but it never happened with me before. First, I thought of confronting Jimin hyung but decided to leave it cause I know he will not tell me. "Jungkook, we are leaving" Jin hyung said making me snap out of the thoughts. I checked the time and saw it is already an hour we stayed.

"I will come later hyung" I told him as I need some lone time to think. "Alright then, we will take Jimin with us" he told me to be careful and left the place. once they all left, I called my friend. "Did you check it?" I asked him as soon as he answered. "Yeah, it shows you were discharged one day before the date you said" I thanked him and hang up the call.

Hyungs told me I was admitted in the hospital and came on the discharged day. But as per records there I was discharged two days before the date. Jimin hyung told me not to tell hyungs about it. I didn't know about Y/n before this incident. Jimin hyung never mentioned her before this either.

I decided to ask Y/n directly. I switched off the system and got up to leave. But I stopped walking when I heard a voice.

Promise me you will never hide anything from me?

I love you

If this didn't happen, we wouldn't have met either.

My head started spinning and I was hearing lot of things. I held my head to stop it but I couldn't control myself. I fell on the ground and the last thing I saw was me kissing Y/n. 

Author Note:

Hello readers... So do you think Jungkook will remember anything? What will happen next.

Comment your thoughts and vote while reading.

Stay safe and love you all


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