Chapter 7

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When I met you flowers started growing 

In the darkest parts of my mind.

" Mark from Cottagegore came so they are there" Ann said.

"Mark?!" My eyes widened as I heard his name.

"Why is he here?" I asked, curiosity peaking.

"He has been coming here lately. As always, offering battle to win Cottagcore" Ann replied.

"Does he ever learn?" I said mockingly.

"Right. Well, sis, I've somewhere to be right now, So I'll get going."She said smiling to which I just nodded while stuffing a cookie in my mouth.

Then she left the room, leaving me alone in my room with my thoughts again.

I suddenly got up and left my room in a hurry as a thought ran through my mind for which I had to ask Hoseok first and all.

"What happened?" Hoseok asked lazily while sitting on his armchair as I rushed into his room.

"Did Jimin tell you about Taehyung yet?" I interrogated.

" 'Taehyung'? Rings a bell. Who's this?" He said in a monotone.

"I met a guy in the Dark Castle today. His name was Kim Taehyung." I said hurriedly as to get to the matter about which I wanted to talk to him.

"'Kim Taehyung'? I think I've heard this name before too. But I don't remember. Anyways, you are telling me this because?" He said, still calmly relaxing in his chair.

"I don't know how, I didn't even tell him about it, But, I think he knows that I visit Dark Castle every week!" The words came out of my mouth like a cheetah running after his prey, real fast, Because I was so excited and nervous to know what Hoseok has to say about this.

"Go to Dark Castle, right now." He spoke after a long silence. I assume he was thinking about a solution to what I just told him.

"What?! Right now?! Why though?" I asked, shocked after listening to what Hobi had said with a serene and calm look on his face.

"Did I stutter? I said "Right now" " Hoseok said again, with more of a sweet and serious face now. It made me gulp in nervousness.

"Did I make any mistake?" I asked with my head hung low.

"No. I am sending you there so his suspicion of you visiting there once a week can get diluted. What makes you think you did a mistake?" Hobi asked smiling.

"No, just... I thought-" I started to speak but got cut off by hobi again as he started speaking.

"No, you did nothing wrong my little Y/N-ie. Now go there." Hobi said while ruffling my hair as if I was some pet of his to which I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay then. But where's Jimin? I need to take him with me." I asked him.

"It's fine. You can go yourself. We are not that far from Dark Castle right now so you can leave all by yourself. Moreover, I've taught you enough that you can take care of yourself." Hoseok said while going back towards his armchair again.

"Hmm, okay then I'll leave now. Thank you so much Hobi" I said cheerfully and left the room to go to my horse.

Soon I was standing near my horse.

"Let's go then. If Hoseok said to go right now that surely means that he thought it through and it's fine for me to go there alone." I thought to myself and got on my horse. But then I heard Jungkook calling me suddenly which stopped me in my tracks and I looked over him.

"Y/N. Where are you going right now? You just came here." He said with a little pout on his face.

"I am just going to roam around for a bit. I needed some alone time" I said with a sheepish smile. I could see that he felt bad after listening to me.

"When will you come back?" He asked me innocently.

"Soon. Don't worry. And when I come back you can teach me some of your tricks of fencing. You are so good at it. I came here with this one goal, to learn fencing from you" I said with a big smile which I guess made him feel better as his face lit up and he nodded excitedly at me.

"Okay then, come soon. And go safe" He said while smiling as he flashed his bunny teeth. I nodded and left Cottagecore.


"Okay so, we are here. Let's go to the library now. Stay there for a while and then come back. I'll just read some poems too" I told myself and left for the library.

Though to my surprise, there was someone already in there. He must have felt my presence as he snapped his gaze towards me as soon as I walked into the library.

"We meet again" He said in his deep and raspy voice with the sweet smile on his face.

"And you're still here. What were you doing?" I asked nervously with a smile on my face. Why was I so nervous in front of him?

"Reading" He said, Serenity all over his face. His calm look is so beautiful.

"O-Oh." I said as I took a seat next to him.

"What brings you here right now? Forgot something? Where's your friend?" He started interrogating me.

"Woah, Woah. A whole lot of questions you have there" I said jokingly just to try to ease my nervousness, Which did work.

"My apologies. Now answer one by one" He said with the same smile.

"I was just passing by and so I stopped here. No, I did not forget anything. And Jimin is not with me right now" I answered in the same monotone as his questions. To which I earned his laughter. Who knew his laugh would be so charming. The boxy smile he had was alluring.

"So Taehyung, what were you reading?" I asked, peeking at the book kept open at the table.

"Just some poetry. By the way, have you ever had a tour of the castle yet? I've only seen you in the library always. Not that I was specifically looking for you, but I just happened to pass by and I saw you. You come here every week, right? Not that I was paying attention at your visits. I just noticed you coming sometimes. And you are always with your friend, right? Not that I was closely observing your visits. I just happened to see you both together all the time. And-" He started speaking and I was lost for words about how he was so keen on every piece of knowledge about all these times I had come here. He stopped when he saw my wide-eyed, Shocked face looking over him with many questions inside.

"I-I am sorry" That was all he could manage to say after looking at me as his head was hung low towards his chest with his ears red and shyness all over his face. Why was he suddenly so shy? He wasn't like that a little while back while asking me those questions.

"No, it's fine. Let me answer those questions first." I said sheepishly, still shocked over the fact that he knew so much.

"So, about the tour of the castle, yes I haven't had one yet. And it's just some coincidence that you see me every week I guess, because as you can see I am here again After coming before right. And yes, I always come with Jimin. As I told you before, he Is like an older brother to me. Which leads me to a question, Why were you glaring at Jimin like that today?" I answered his every question as politely as I could and then inserted my question about which I was really curious.

"Oh, that was nothing. He really seemed that he cares about you just like an older brother" Taehyung said as he massaged his nape.

"You said that you haven't had a tour of the castle, right? Shall I give you one?" He asked with eyes full of excitement.

"Ummm-" I started to think. " I do have some time, taking a look around won't be wrong. Moreover, Jimin never let me see around. I shall go"

"What do you think?" He asked. His deep voice broke the chain of thoughts my mind had started to build.

"Yeah, sure. But-" I started speaking and stopped as I tried to fight back the urge of asking him a question. I nibbled on my lower lip.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" He asked. Voice laced with concern.

"Umm. You know so much about me. Would you mind telling me about yourself while giving me the tour?" I finally asked him as I bit my lower lip in nervousness thinking if I had crossed the line.

"Sure. Why not? I'd love to. No one has ever asked me to tell them about myself" He said, childish innocence and excitement in his eyes.

" Okay then, where do we start?" I asked as I sprung up from my chair.

"Let's go then" he said excitedly looking up at me.

A/N Talks:

Hi people. I am sorry I couldn't update on tuesday. My apologies. To be honest with you, I actually even forgot which day it was. I had no idea that it was tuesday already..🥺😢😓

Well here is the chapter. I had written it before hand but edited just now😅.

Well this guy is reading again... What do you think he like to read? Guess some genres he'd like to read.

If you've read all the way here, Lemme know by voting and commenting over here. It really motivates me to write more. I'll try my best to make this story an interesting one. 

I purple you💜💜

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