Chapter 8

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Her biggest mistake wasn't

Loving too hard, but staying too

Long with someone who never

Saw her worth

There were long hallways in the castle. All empty. I wonder where everyone is. Or is it always this quiet?

"I am a Philocalist. I love beauty. And I think beauty is in everything. Even these empty hallways have their own serene and dark beauty, right? I am also Lygophilic. Don't you think dark things are more beautiful than the ones of light? They both have their own beauty though, But dark attracts me more. I like poetry and novels. My favorite genres in the same are dark, love, fantasy and dark fantasized love." He started telling me about himself with a wide grin on his face. His voice gave me a sense of calmness with every word he said.

I was totally lost in his words when he suddenly stopped in front of a big hall and said-" Well this is the Throne hall where our King and queen sit".

"O-Oh" I couldn't generate any other thoughts.

The hall was so dark with candles' light and windows being the only source of light in it. The thrones were Charming. I was mesmerized by the beauty. No doubt I was a Lygophilic myself.

"Do you wanna see the stream?" His voice reached my ears.

"Sure" I answered as my excitement was growing with every second and he was telling me about himself too, so it was no loss. He seemed to be the same age as mine. We even shared the same interests. It was kind of funny for me to see a person the same as me but in a different place.

"Be careful. The place is slippery. You might lose your balance so stay close" He said with worry coating his words. Was he worried about my well-being? "Anyone would be. Don't think too much Y/N!" My inner voice said so.

But still, my heart just doesn't seem to be listening to me and doesn't calm down when he suddenly held my hand to keep me in balance because I was wearing heels. I tried to maintain a calm look on my face. But surely my cheeks said other ways. I felt them burning hot.

Was I blushing over someone's touch? I had never done that before. Was it because he was so good-looking? Well, I am surrounded by handsome men. Such as my brothers Hoseok and Yoongi, my friends Jimin and Jungkook, and the most handsome of them all, Mr. Worldwide handsome Jin. What was wrong with me when it came to him?

He left my hand as we came near the bank and I tried to catch my breath as I couldn't breathe when he held my hand and pulled me close to him.

I couldn't realize that while doing so I could lose my balance and tumble down into the flowing stream.

I saw his eyes widening in shock as I fell into the stream. He tried to hold my hand but it was too late for that. And when I hit the freezing water body, it dawned upon me, I didn't know how to swim.

"It is the coldest stream among all the royalties with the fastest pace." My mother's voice echoed in my mind as she once told me about this stream. Didn't know it would be this freezing cold and fast.

I tried to float over the water body hastily as every person does, but the thing was that they knew how to swim and I didn't. I kept trying but it was hard to do so because of the fast paced stream. The waves came upon me crashing one after the another making it harder for me to catch my breath. I started losing my breath and in the process of trying to get some air, I got a mouthful of water. And this kept going on for what felt like a few minutes of struggle.

But then I heard a loud splash in the stream. I tried to look over and I saw frantic Taehyung swimming over in my direction.

I tried to keep my eyes open and breathe, But I couldn't as all my thoughts started becoming a blur and I couldn't see anything. I was tired already with this constant struggle to fight for my breath. I felt my body and mind becoming lightweight. The tiredness to keep floating made me close my eyes as my body slowly started giving up. My hands started falling when I tried to flap them like some bird fallen into the stream. I wasn't able to move my legs with the same strength anymore. It was getting harder every second for me.

All I heard before fully blacking out was my name from his mouth. His deep voice, properly laced with worry.

And all I could manage to say was- "Tae-". 

Taehyung's POV

I couldn't produce any thoughts as all I could think about was her at that time. I called her name so that she could keep herself awake just for a little more while. I was so close to grabbing her hand to save her. I couldn't hear a response and the water around her also started to calm down as if she was losing consciousness.

"That shan't happen at any cost" I told myself and swam as fast as I could until I saw her hand. She was on the verge of drowning. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me so I could take her back to the land.

When we reached the land, I tried waking her up. But she didn't respond at all. Her fragile body was lying in front of me. Her face turned pale. I couldn't think of anything. I tried taking out as much water as I could from her stomach but she was still not moving. "What am I supposed to do? Think Taehyung! Think!!" I scolded myself internally.

All I could think of was to give her oxygen at that time. I didn't care about anything else. She being alive at that time was the most important thing to me.

I slightly applied pressure from my left hand's Index finger and thumb to close her nostrils. And then without any further delay, I took a deep breath in and sealed her open mouth with mine, and blew.

She still showed no sign of breathing again. Her body started freezing because of the cold water of the stream. Her lips started turning blue. I knew she couldn't deal with the Dark's cold.

I had to get her back to breathing. I had to get her warm again.

I repeatedly blew in her mouth twice or thrice more times until she coughed back some water.

She came back. She was breathing again. She looked over me with her weak eyes. Her soft, light pink lips which were now turned dark purple-ish blue, parted and I heard her shivering, little voice say-" I-I am co-cold"

Without any second thoughts. I took her in my arms and ran over to my room. The cold in the Dark is the worst. I was born and raised here so my body is habitual to this. But a normal person like her could die of the freezing cold.

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