Emd ofShishupal

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"What is princess Karenumati doing here? Nakul?!!! " Arjun cried.
He was slowly realising the matter.
"Bhrata all of it happened because of bhrata bheem" Nakul tried to justify his actions.
"What did you just say?! I? How  I involved in thi! He was secretly meeting Princess Karenumati and now they have eloped together. How am I involved in any of this?! " Bheem said in a threatening tone.
"No bhrata! We were not running away! We were meeting each other bit you on seeing us started shouting my name. Her guards recognised me and we had to flee! " Nakul cried.
Bheem looked a little guilty.
"But didn't you say tht you will sacrifice your love for Karenumati's happiness? " Niyati asked looking at  them in a teasing manner.
"Bhabhisree... Actually then I decided that she will stay happy only with me and I want her to stay happy. That is why I thought of the other way! " Nakul said with pride... Pride that be had given such an amazing excuse.
Niyati just smiled. She was well aware.
"Yes I will stay happy only with Nakul! Not with anyone else" Karenumati said on a pleading manner with helplessness visible in her eyes.
Draupadi and Niyati looked at each other and nodded. They knew what to do.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? " Karn asked .
Niti and Draupadi were busy with the marriage preparations. Karenumati was getting ready as the bride nand Nakul was already dressed. They were getting married.
"Yes this is a risk and adharma" Arjun cried.
"We don't really know what is dharma and what is adharma Arjun. I know this will help two lovers get each other's love and that cannot be adharma. " Yudhisthir cried.
Niyati and Draupadi appreciated Yudhisthir's statement.
"I am ready Bhratasree but when will Karenu come. She is taking forever to get ready! " Nakul complained.
"Welcome to married life bhrata Nakul! This is what will happen from now! And never believe what she says! Wives are extremely indecisive" A voice was heard. All of them recognised the voice instantly.
"Govind! " Niyati and Draupadi shrieked at the same time. They were too excited to see their sakha.
The pandavas too were happy but they were also feeling guilty. This was the first time they were meeting Govind after that fateful evening.
"I am here to help my sakhis. And I am extremely happy to be a part of this plan. " Krishna cried.
"Madhav... " Arjun stammered.
"I did not want to forgive you all Parth but Draupadi and Niyati wanted me to forget the past and focus on the future. They wanted me to forgive you all and that is the only reason that I am forgiving you all" Krishna said with a ile I'm his face.
The pandavas were ecstatic. Arjun and Karm looked at their wives with gratefullness in their eyes.
"So groom and Bride ready? " Krishna asked.
"Wait!!!!!!!! " They could hear a voice. They didn't know why but they delt a gut in their stomach as if the arrival of an upcoming storm was approaching.
It was Chedi Naresh. It was Shishupal.
"What do you mean? !!! Groom and bride ready??! What adharma is this?!!So now the pandavas and their wives have started kidnapping princesses?! Of course I can't blame you all! You all are Friends with this sinful man Vasudeva Krishna! " Shishupal spat venom.
Krishna just smiled.
Draupadi and Niyati looked at him with fire in their eyes. The pandavas were going to fight but Krishna with his eyes ordered them to stay in their places.
"Krishna! The sinful ridiculous careless thief! You are guys are not completely aware about you dear friend's deeds! This thief Krishna used to steal bitter! He was a criminal! A bloody thief! He used to tease girls in his village! Look he jaa befriended the two most beautiful princesses in the whole Aryavrat! How does it matter oof they are married or not! One of them was stripped naked before am entire sabha so we can't really consider them as pure women! " Shishupal cried.
"Shishupal! " Karn and Arjun shouted at the same time.
"Shishupal don't cross your limits! Hope you are counting you mistakes catefully! You must remember that you have comitted a lot of sima before coming here. " Krishna cried the smile banishing from his face.
"Ohhh how can I only blame these two when their mother in law is the master mind! The real player! She has five children from five different men! And you want us to consider her as a chaste woman?! She is an unchaste woman! Kunti! That unchaste woman! " Shishupal said in a mocking manner.
"Control your tongue shishupal! " Niyati shouted.
"Don't forget your limits Shishupal! " Draupadi shouted.
"Bhratasree what are you saying?! Please don't utter such foul words about mata kunti! You have never fulfilled your duties as a brother so why do you suddenly care about what happens to me?" karenumati cried.
"Ohhh my dear sister you have no idea what I have planned about your marriage. Your marriage will beneficial for me. Why are you getting tricked by this trickster thief Krishna?" Shishupal added in a mocking manner.
"No bhrata don't say anything about Vasudev Krishna!"Karenumati warned Shishupal.
" Why do you respect this coward?! He had ran away from the battlefield . He had abducted Princess Rukmini and married her. He has 16000 wovws yet he dress about Radha. Radha-thw beautiful village girl! The girl with epitomic beauty. This Krishna knew she was married to Ayan yet he kept on having his dirty affair with Radha and that Radha! That woman has no character. " Shishupal cried.
Suddenly there was a rush of wind. Everyone were taken aback.
Krishna stops there fily looking at Shisupal with fire burning in his eyes. Nobody had seen Krishna so angry before.
"Shishupal! Today you have insulted two wives... You have insulted a mother and you have insulted a respectable woman! You don't deserve  to live. All your hundred sins are over Shishupal and it is time for your death now. " Krishna cried with his powerful voice .
Sudden realization dawned upon Shishupal as he recalled his mother's blessing. He had committed hundred sins and now Krishna would definitely kill him.
He was scared as he saw the sudarshana chakra appearing in Krishna's finger.
"Krishna... Please don't kill... Krishna I  sorry. Give me another chance. Please Krishna" Shishupal began pleading.
"No Shishupal. It is time for your death now. It is time that you die and become free from your sins Shishupal but since you have apologised O will definitely give you a reward. You will see our godly appearances. " Krishna cried.
Shishupal suddenly saw them . He saw Krishna as an avatar of vishnu. He couldn't believe his eyes. He started sobbing as he recalled how. He had insulted Krishna earlier. He then saw Draupadi as an avatar of goddess Devi. He folded his hands as prayer. Next he saw Niyati as a part of Shakti. The energy radiating from her was enough to light the entire universe. He closed his eyes not able to see any further. Lastly he saw Radha as a part of Lakshmi. He cursed himself for saying those things about Radha.
He began regretting when he felt a pain pm his neck and the next moment his head was lying on the floor lifeless and the sudarshana returend to Krishna's finger.

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