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Nakul and Karenumati were married. Karenumati was upset for sometime about her brother's death.
"Congratulations Karenumati. I wish you both a very happy wedded life" Krishna wished Karenumati.
Karenumati couldn't bring herself to speak to the person who had killed her brother.
"I know what you're thinking but trust me Karenu ot was for your brother's welfare. We had to stop him from committing any more sins and he is now freed from this sinful life. His soul is pure again. I had to free him from this destructive life of his. " Krishna explained.
Karenumati accepted the fate. Krishna were comforting to her ears.
Things were going smoothly when suddenly good news knocked their door. Draupadi and Niyati were pregnant at the same time. Karn and Arjun couldn't control their excitement any longer. They were trying their best to fulfil their responsibilities. They were taking immense care of their wives. Draupadi and Niyati had slowly started forgiving their husbands. Finally they were able to get back their old loving husbands. They were happy. Karn and Arjun had realized their faults. They knew their dharma and at this moment their dharma was to serve their queens. Karenumati too was taking complete care of  her elder sisters. Hidimba too had come to visit them. She had brought some gifts for the expecting members of the pandav family.
9 months later
Two sons were born to Arjun and Karn. Niyati's son was four days older than Draupadi's son. They had not yet given them their names. Arjun and Karn for the first time had missed their archery sessions for a complete week to play with their sons. Both the babies were really fond of each other. Their uncles and fathers were too happy. Niyati and Draupadi were ecstatic. Finally they had forgiven everyone for their miseries. They were mothers now and their mother's heart didn't allow them to be angry with anyone anymore though they felt that Duryodhan deserved punishment for  his sins. The kaunteyas on the other hand were burning with rage. They had realised their mistakes but whenever they visualised the incidents in the dyut sabha they felt a sudden rage within them. They had to teach those kauravas a lesson. They deserved to be punished for insulting women in that manner and for killing an infant before even it was born. After a week Govind came to visit them. Rukmini and Radha were accompanying him.
"I am  so happy to finally meet these two little angels. " Radha exclaimed with joy.
"So true! They are like the light in you all's dark lives. They are angels sent to you by God. " Rukmini cried.
"No they are my little warriors. They will be extremely talented in warfare. I can see it in them. " Krishna cried with his beautiful smile. The babies started laughing as they saw Krishna smile.
"Give them your names Govind! You are the most important person in all of our lives. You are their godfather. " Niyati suggested.
Draupadi and the other nodded agreeably.
"I name you Vrishketu" Krishna cried rising Karn's son in his arms. He potrayed a beautiful smile to Krishna
"And I name you Abhimanyu! " He exclaimed rising Arjun's son in his arms.
"I bless you both with extreme happiness. Your bond will be inseparable. You both combined will be enough to defeat any power. You both will be exceptional warriors. I bless you both. " Krishna cried.
"I bless you both to be extremely responsible and ideal sons to your ideal parents. I bless you both with these traits. " Rukmini declared blessing them.
"And I bless you both to find your true love. I bless you both to have epic love stories " Radha blessed them with all her heart.
The kaunteyas  were delighted to have such blessing for their sons and nephews. Karn and Arjun couldn't hold back their tears and thanked Krishna,Radha and Rukmini.
"It's time for us to discuss something!" Krishna said in a morose tone.

"What do you mean?! We can't let our sons leave! " Draupadi exclaimed with fury.
"Sakhi it's for their benefit. They won't get all the amenities in this forest. They will get necessary nourishment, proper education and good training in Dwarka" Krishna explained.
"But how will we live without our sons? " Niyati cried and started crying. She knew they would have to listen to Govind eventually.
"Krishna is right. I too want to spend each and every moment with my son and nephew but for their better future and happiness we have to let them go Niti" Karn explained with tears filling his eyes.
"It's only a matter of  five more years. " Radha tried to console the women.
They with heavy hearts let their sons go.
Their sons needed proper nourishment and they won't find it I'm the forest. And they would soon meet their sons . Their six years vanvas and ome year agyatvas would soon be over.

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