Karn loves Niyati

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"Try to understand her Karn. If she wants to stay with you dont push her away." Vrushali cried.
"But how can I be with her when her heart is occupied by Arjun. I love her Vrushali but one sided love is never enough." Karn cried.
He was extremely nervous after tonight's incident. He had kissed her without thinking of the consequences. He was scared to face her now.
"I know Karn . I know that one sided love is never enough but think about it. Maybe she also loves you. You are her husband after all. " Vrushali cried.
"I am still not sure . Maybe I should go and talk to her about tonight." Karn cried.
Vrushali nodded.
"Thanks Vrushali.  You always help me when I need a friend." Karn cried.
Vrushali tried her best to smile.

On the other hand Niyati was riding on her horse when she suddenly saw the silhouette of a man blocking her way. She stopped. As the moonlight fell on the man's face , she trembled with fear.
What is he doing here?, thought Niyati.
"So we finally meet again! You dont know how much I hate you Niyati. Because of you I am unable to stay in my own kingdom. " the man cried but then an evil smirk appeared in his face.
Niyati tried to run away with her horse but there was no way as she saw Duryodhan guarding the back with Ashwathhama.
She had no way to escape. She climbed down from her horse. She was an amazing sword fighter but all three men standing in front of her were also brilliant fighters . She wouldn't be able to tackle three great warriors at the same time.
The best option was to escape.
She ran towards the dark forest . After running for sometime her limbs ached with pain.
After running for quite some time,  Niyati stopped as she saw the shadow of a tall man. As she went closer, she saw his face . She sighed relief. She didn't say a word. She ran to him and hugged him tightly. She started crying .
He was shocked to see her condition.
Most importantly what was she doing here at this moment?
"Arya!" She cried in a soft voice and nudged closer to him.
"What are you doing here at night Niti?" Karn asked as he caressed her hair .
She didnt know what to feel anymore.
Suddenly her running away seemed like a mistake. She recalled her vow that she would never leave her husband and would always trust him. She decided it was time to end the misunderstandings.
"Arya I have a question.  Do you love Vrushali?" She asked  with all her courage.
Karn looked at her a little shocked at her directness but soon recovered.
"No Niyati. I never loved Vrushali" he cried.
She immediately trusted him. She find question him even once. She trusted him.
"Do you love me Arya?" She asked with the same directness.
Karn looked at her shockingly. He didnt say anything but as he saw her questioning eyes he slowly nodded.
"Can you please say what you mean? Do you love me Arya?" Niyati asked .
"Yes" ksrn cried all of a sudden.
Niyati looked at him openmouthedly.
She couldn't describe the joy she felt in her heart. She was too overwhelmed to speak.
"But I never forced you to love me back. You can love your Arjun but dont you dare taken away my right of loving you. I will never do anything without ur consent. I will never touch you without your  consent but Niyati I cant control my feelings for you. I cant stop loving you" he cried.
She looked st him with tears in her eyes. He was going to speak again but Niyati sealed his mouth with her lips . She sucked onto his lips.
He was taken aback but soon he too started reciprocating her kiss. He pulled her closer and held her waist.  She caressed his neck and continued taking out his breath away. Moments later they separated.  Karn looked at her shocked. He didn't know how to react.
Before he could react Niyati hugged him tightly . He held her back.
"I love you Arya" she cried as she could feel the tears of joy in her face.
Karn couldn't believe his ears . He withdrew himself. He looked at her strangely as if confused by her statement.
Niyati looked st him and smiled widely.
"I love you." She cried.
"But Arjun?"
"Arya I never loved Arjun.  I had rejected his marriage offer long back. It is after our marriage that I realised that I was , since the beginning, always in love with you. I love you" she cried .
Karn couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't digest such a big revelation. He looked at her and suddenly a smile appeared on his face. He held her hand pulled her towards himself. He trapped her in his embrace and looked at her eyes. They were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.
"Say it again!" He cried a smile appearing on his face.
She blushed heavily as she tried to hide her face in his chest but he cupped her face and made her look up at his eyes.
"Say it again !" He cried in a commanding yet happy voice.
"I...love yo..u" she cried blushing.
He looked at her amusedly.
He looked at her eyes . They were filled with honesty and love.
He cursed himself for misunderstanding his wife. " And I love you "  he cried and kissed her forehead.
"Let's head back" she cried.
"But you didnt tell me what you were doing here?"
"I will tell you tomorrow. For now I want to be with you.  Let's head back to the palace she cried and delivered a small peg on his lips. He was taken aback . Before she could run away he held her by her waist.
"That's not how it is done my queen. " he cried  and kissed her with extreme passion. She reciprocated and both of them were lost in their moment of love. She could feel the tears of joy as she continued kissing the man she loved, her husband, Angraj Karn.
They returned to the palace . Niyati was too tired and immediately dozed off.
"I love you " karn cried softly as he admired his sleeping wife. He hugged her and travelled to the world of dreams. She in her sleep nudged into him and slept in his arms.

I am so sorry guys for the late updates. Actually my exam was going on. But I promise to update regularly now. I was also thinking of starting a new book. Do you want aham sharma and pooja sharma as the leads or shaheer sheikh with pooja sharma ? Please comment and let me know!

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