kunti's secret

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Next morning when Niyati woke up she found herself in Karn's arms. She could feel the wide grin in her face as she admired his innocent face .
She thought of getting up but she was unable to lift his strong hand from her waist. He was too strong for her.
She tried to move his band but in the process he woke up. He opened his eyes to find his beautiful wife trying to move his strong hand from her waist. It was the cutest thing he could have witnessed in the morning. A wide grin appeared in his face. Suddenly the smile vanished. He got up and looked at her strangely.
She looked at him and seeing his confused  face was taken aback.
Why is he staring at me like this?, thought Niyati.
He then slowly touched her cheek  and asked in a very meek voice.
"Niti what happened last night? I mean was it a dream...I mean did we confess...do you..." he mumbled.
Niyati couldn't control her laughter .
He looked sl flustered. She couldn't help but laughter af his condition.

He still looked confused.
"Yes Arya! Last night was real. Now you officially belong to me and I wont allow you to think about other women and you too have the complete right to tease me about my food. Because last night we both confessed our long time love to each other !" She cried.
Karn smiled with joy as he realised that last night was a reality. He immediately hugged her.
"You have no idea how scared I was! I didnt want yo lose you again." Karn cried and kissed her shoulder.
She nudged closer to him.
"And I wont let you lose me ever" she cried .
"Sakhi !" It was Govind's voice. Niyati immediately tried to retreat but Karn kept holding her.
"Arya...what are you doing?" Niyati whisleres.
"What? We are married " karn cried as an evil smirk appeared kn his face.
"Arre ! But Govind!" She cried.
"Yes please come in Krishna" Karn cried still holding Niyati.
Niyati tried her best go free herself from his clutch but he was too strong for her.
Oh no! Now Govind will tease me forever. Arya has to play these kinds of games with me only!" She thought.
But as soon as Govind entered Karn freed her Niyati immediately got out of his clutch.
"Good morning Krishna" Karn cried smiling heavily and looking at Niyati.
Govind smiled notoriously as if he was aware of the entire matter.

"They are so adorable" Parvati cried as she witnessed them from Kailash.
"That they are! But not more than us" mahadev cried  as he smiled looking at his wife.
Mata parvati blushed listening to her husband.

"Good morning Angraj. Good morning Niti" Govind cried entering their chamber.
"Draupadi was searching for you sakhi. She is in Kunti bua's chamber and Angraj I have some talk with you and Arjun.  Arjun said that we should involve you in a certain affair." Krishna cried.
Niyati nodded and left for kunti's chamber.

"Yes Vasudev I will help you all in this plan. In fact it is you both who are helping me. Thank you once again Arjun." Karn cried.
"Dont thank me Angraj! I want to help . Moreover this is inevitable. We have to do something about it." Arjun cried.
Krishna nodded.
The plan was made. They would fulfill their plan soon.

On the other hand in Kunti's chamber-
"No priyamvada. I have to confess one day . I cant live with this burden forever. I have to tell them." Kunti cried.
"But Rajmata we cant do this. How can we ! It will destroy everything. Dont reveal this secret" priyamvada cried.
"But he is my son!"
"So are the pandavas.  Moreover he considers Radha as his mother not you so it wont hurt him but by telling him the truth you will hurt him forever."
"But I cant see my sons fighting against each other and no one can deny the fact that Karn is my son. My first baby!" Kuni cried and burst into tears.
"Maataa..." a voice was heard.
Kunti and Priyamvada quickly turned around to find Niyati at the door.

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