The trick

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"Niyati!" Kunti exclaimed with horror. She was in a very difficult situation.  Niyati looked at Kunti shocked and somewhat offended.
"Mata...Arya is your eldest son?" Niyati asked .
" is not whatnot seems..." she began explaining.
Niti held her firmly and cried,"Maata you dont need to explain anything. I am certain you had your own reason. But I am offended. Why did you let you son be friends with Duryodhan knowing what kind of a person Duryodhan is!" Niyati cried.
Kunti hung down her head. She always felt she should have stopped Karn . She should have brought him to the righteous path.
"When will you tell him?" Niyati asked.
" dont understand Angrani. It will be so difficult for everyone to accept it." Priyamvada cried.
"No Kaki. You dont understand the reality. Maybe all of them will be taunted and will face problems in the begining but at the end they will stay together. All your sons will support each other. Arya will come to the path of righteousness. Maata they deserve to know." Niyati cried.
Suddenly whatever Niyati was saying made complete sense to kunti.
"Maata you will tell them."
Kunti nodded.

Karn was strolling in the palace. They were supposed to return to Anga tomorrow . He kept thinking about his wife. He loved her so much and the fact that she loved him back filled his heart with joy. His mind diverted to Duryodhan. Was Duryodhan really not involved. He felt something fishy. Dushasan always discussed every single matter with Duryodhan . Atleast mama shakuni had to know. But he didnt question furthur. His mind deviated to last night. What was Niyati doing late at night in the forest? He used to stroll a lot in the forest when he was young. It was like a second home for him but Niyati was new in hastinapurm what was she doing alone at night in a destined place like that.

Niti was combing her hair in her chamber when she suddenly felt two strong arms enveloped her and she was buried in a strong rock chest.
She immediately recognized the touch. It was her husband . She held his hand and they were lost in each other's arms .
Karn kissed and neck and outlined her collar bone with his rough fingers.
"Arya.." Niyati mumbled.
"Yes Darling." He cried in his beautiful husky voice.
Niyati tried to hide her face. She was blushing heavily. His voice was so amazing . It could make her do anything.
"I love you" he cried.
Niyati felt like melting in the ground.
"Dont you love me my queen?" He asked.
She nodded.
"Say it"
Suddenly they heard a knock in their door.
"Arya..." Niyati fumbled and got out of Jo's hold.
"Niti" karn cried.
"Atleast say you love me" he cried.
"I do" niyati cried hurrying to open the door.
"Say properly!" He cried a little offended.
"Oh God I will tell you later Arya. Let me open the door for now." She cried.
"Its just a I LOVE YOU! Say it" karma cried getting more and more disturbed.
"I will " she cried and opened the door.
It was Dushala. She took Niyati away with her.
Karn made a puppy face.
Karn made a plan. He thought of pretending that he was angry with Niyayi and she would persuade him and after getting a tiny reward he would forgive her. He was proud of his plan.
I am too intelligent , be thought.
"So this is what.uou guys do! Obviously you too have done this. Haven't you?" Parvati asked.
"No...never" mahadec tried his best to convince his wife but his wife immediately understood that it was same with her husband.
At the dining table Karn was ready with his plan.
He went and sat beside Arjun.
Niyati was a bit taken aback. She had left an extra space beside her for him . She had also signalled him to sit there but he went and occupied the seat beside Arjun.
" did you enjoy your stay in Hastinapur?" Arjun asked.
"I enjoyed it a lot . Thank you for all the hospitality Arjun. Everyone thank you for your hospitality. " karn cried.
"You are being way too formal mitr" Arjun cried.
Karn was a bit taken aback but he couldnt resist the smile appearing in his face.
Duryodhan was burning with rage and jealousy.
"So sakhi Niyati did you like the Antarbhumi forest of Hastinapur?" Govind questioned.
"Oh I completely forgot to take her there sakha!" Draupadi cried.
"That's bad luck. That forest is said to bring good luck. You get what you want once you visit the forest. "
Niyati was surprised. She had indeed visited that forest last night when she was escaping . And there as where she found her love. She proposed Karn and all their misunderstandings were clear.
She smiled with happiness. She looked at Karn who seemed completely ignorant.
"The plan is working" he cried softly.
Arjun looked at him.
"What plan?" He too asked softly.
"Nothing "
"Friends share secrets and I have very well noticed how you are avoiding Niti. Is that thing working? "He asked.
Karn looked at him.
"You are pretty smart. I am not sur if this is working properly but it is definitely worth giving a try."
"I should try it too. Draupadi has stopped bring romantic like earlier. I too will ignore her and when she tries to convince me and persuade me I will make her try!" Arjun  cried smirking and imagining  the pleasant future.
Karn too joined and both the brothers continued to imagine the blissful future.
Govind couldn't stop himself from smiling as he saw how alike the two of them were.

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