(an idea I will never finish)

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Curious eyes peered over the shoulders of a peer who was quite focused on the report. The author kept his eyes on the paper, jotting down notes and any other things he observed. "What's that symbol mean?" A childish voice broke in, diverting the warlocks attention. Slightly irritated by looking his train of thought the warlock looked over sighing. "I don't know yet Nita."

"Well when will you know?" The nine year old pondered innocently. She had a ebbing curiosity, no doubt influenced by her ongoing role model. Her innocence to the world subdued any proper knowledge she might be known if she had been born outside the walls. However the flames of youth had not burnt out of her ever curious eyes, and the warlock hoped it never would be.  

"When I can go further, and learn how to speak  hive" he murmured. "Run along Nita, your mother probably needs help making dinner".

At this the child gave a Cheshire cat grin "No Chaska is with her!"

The guardian tilted his head a bit, piercing gaze meeting the youth's. His own eyes held a similar flame of curiosity but it seemed masked when compared with the child's.  "What did you do?"

"I just- um what's the word for not really starting but starting a argument?" The girl asked.

"Enticed. I'm proud of you for remembering the definition" he says, slipping in the compliment causing the child to beam and nod vigorously. Though the definition wasn't proper, she tried and that was enough for the warlock at least for now.

"Yeah yeah! And so I enticed him to get in a argument with me and then he threw a pillow at me and got in trouble" she giggled.

"You know your mom will kill me if she finds out I've been telling you to do this. I don't think I can avoid her blades kiddo. She's got a quick hand." Adriel mumbled, knowing better then to engage the huntress. Well huntress on leave. "Unless I can predict the trajectory of the blade and have a general idea of several factors such as possible wind, humidity- and you're not listening." 

"That's why it's a secret!" Nita chriped. Ah yes his little 'warlock' in training. "But can we play now Adriel pleaseeeeeee?"

The male shook his head "I have to finish writing my report and recording my findings. Then I have to head back out for Ikora."

"But-" the child pouted, receiving a stern glare from the guardian. "I said no Nita, this is important. Run along now". As much as the child had wriggled her way into his heart, information was the key to potentially defeating the darkness. Information was essential to who he was.

At the sudden sharpness of the others tone, the child slunk away, pouting and grumbling to herself. Until an idea clicked in her head, causing yet another grin to cross her lips.

"You know she loves you" a robotic, feminine voice sounded next to the warrior scholar after the child had left. At this he simply gave a "mh-hm".

"Can you stop obsessing over your work and actually have a decent conversation?" The ghost questions with a bit of sass. This time silence met the ghosts retort, causing her to sigh. "You're hopeless you know."

"I know Rhea, and you've known that since you revived me."

The cargo area of his ship opened as the guardian had finished grabbing some heavy ammo. Then He headed out, back  to the surface of the moon.

A curious being soon made her way out of the box she his behind. There was extra helmet and so she grabbed one and put it on pretending to be her friend. The doors began to close again, so she quickly stumbled out. It was sort of hard to see wo th the helmet but she kept it on, surprised to see she was a different planet. A familar glint of armor in the distance had her running towards it, enthralled and afraid of the new curiosity in which her feet were on.

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