Chapter 10 part 1

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Still holding his arm they walked down the stairs together just to see everyone looking at them , Avni felt weird so she stopped in the middle of the stairs .
Neil:"what happened !?"
Avni:"why is everyone looking at us?"
Neil:"I don't know ! I mean there are 2 possibilities,the first one is maybe because this party is for us ! Or maybe it's because you look gorgeous tonight "
Avni looked at him shocked ! Did he forget that this is just a 3 months marriage contract and not a real marriage but still she ignored her thoughts and thanked him politely with a smile .

Neil started introducing Avni as his wife to everyone ,and went to the bar ,Avni followed him like a lost puppy he stood on the chair leaning on the bar Avni tried to sit next to him on a high chair but she couldn't due to her long dress ,Neil just sighed and took her by her waist which made her jump in surprise but she relaxed when she understood that he was helping her she put her tiny hands on his muscular arms for support to be lifted and there she was finally sitting.
Neil:"why are you following me ? " he asked rudely .
Avni looked at him in disbelief :"are you pregnant ?"
Neil :"wtf?"he couldn't say further .
Avni:"your mood keeps on changing with me so I thought maybe you are pregnant!"she said it casually ,Neil rolled his eyes :"don't change the topic ! And tell me why are you following me ? Are you scared or maybe jealous that some girl will hit on me ?" His smirk ...
Avni:"I came here to say thank you for the dress ! So No I'm not following you because I'm jealous I really don't care !"
Neil :"you don't care then ?"he looked at her kinda hurt but why ?!!!  he asked himself.
Avni:"why would I care ! You told me that this is a contract and that you don't consider me as your wife just a stranger and strangers don't get jealous ..."she seemed hurt but was she ?he again asked himself .
Neil couldn't say anything well.. he wanted to say many things but his ego wouldn't let him .so he just ordered a drink but as soon as he was about to drink it in one go for sure, he felt someone hold his hand and snatch the glass away from him ,of course who would it be other than Avni he looked at her oh no sorry glared at her :"what the hell is wrong with you?"he shouted literally but due to the loud music no one heard ,she blinked her eyes in fear so he just composed himself and spoke more gently well at lest he tried..
Neil:"avni ! Just give the glass !"
Avni :"do you remember what you told me in the wedding night ?"
Neil suddenly remembered only one thing that he said to the drunk Avni on that not so special night because nothing happened between them as Avni drifted into sleep after saying in her drunk voice :then prove it that you are not gay "and here came Neil s response to her :"I will prove it tomorrow" he was remembering her and that nightie and drunk cat walk but couldn't remember any further as Avni snapped her fingers on his face :"tell me!Do you remember what You told me?
Neil:"yeah ! I. told you that I'll prove that I wasn't gay". 

Avni's  eyes widened:"what the hell You never said that !i remeber that you told me that you weren't an alcholic !" 

Neil :" oh that?! Well I'm still not an alcholic !"
Avni:" I can see that ! Neil please try to understand I know that you don't consider me as your wife but your family does so please they will blame me if I let you drink "she pleaded him with her big beautiful eyes,he was about to say something that she said please again.

Finally he surrendered and let go of the glass Avni smiled at him as if to say thank you .avni started feeling tired with all the loud music so she just relaxed by putting her head on the bar Neil looked at her and saw some hair disturbing her view so he leaned towards her still sitting and tucked them behind her ear while doing that he noticed something that shocked him he was just about to talk that a man approached them or should we say approached Avni.avni straightened herself and looked at the familiar face , of course how can she forget Karan he was her boss on her previous work before she started working as Neil khanna's PA she worked in karan's restaurant as a waitress but she had to leave because it was too far from her house but Karan changed since the last time she met him well not really just his beard and moustache grew .he never treated her as just a waitress in fact they were friends they even went to a party or two together and even went for shopping once .

Avni:" Karan ! Hiiii! How are you ?" She said it side hugging him politely but Neil for some reason or the other  fisted his hands .what is the reason? Jealousy??.

Karan :"hello !gorgeosu I am fine ! What are you doing here ! I came here to Neil's after marriage party ! What about you? are you his friend ?" He didn't even notice neil who was sitting just behind him on the bar chair .

Avni:"uu..MM.! Actually .." She couldn't speak any further as Neil cut her words off.

Neil:" she is my wife of course she knows me !"

Karan turned fast :"oh hi Neil ! I am sorry I didn't even notice you ! Congratulations for your marriage ! Well I was happy when I heard that you got married but why Avni ! I seriously thought that I had a chance with her ! " he softly laughed at the end tapping Neil's back in a friendly way but Neil didn't even smile while Avni laughed ,she knew that it was a joke but Neil must have taken it a little bit seriously .

Karan:"Avni ! Can I have a dance with you ? " he said it with a smile that made Avni just nodded and put her hand in his .neil was just going to explode out of anger but managed and sat back on the chair lightening a sigarette ! Well he started fuming as a teanager but not regularly in fact that sigarette travelled from his pant to another since a month .

Avni an Karan are now dancing laughing and smiling certenly remembering something their position wasn't very intimate just friendly with Avni's one hand on his and the second on his shoulder but his one hand wasn't on her waist but was on her bare back ,that's what Neil noticed some minutes ago before Karan came he noticed that her dress was a backless dress if he noticed that before selecting it he would have never taken it why would he after all want other men to see his wife's skin and this Karan was touching it he got up from the bar chair and went directly to them pulling her from her waist to make her collide with her chest on his looking at him shocked with wide eyes .

Neil looking at Karan :" I want my wife back " if looks could kill ,Karan would have been a dead body by now Karan just smiled and walked from there.

Next part which is published as well  Avneil's cuteness...


Finally I am done which this chapter 😭😭

I hope everyone is safe at home ❤️ 😁😷🤗Thank you for the love and support 💕💕sorry for being late ❤️

If you liked this chapter than please vote ,comment and read the next one 💕💕💕😘😘❤️😍😍

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